"It's better to be a traitor than a blind follower..."
AppearanceNot unlike her fellow Gerudo clanswomen, Arume is an impressively tall woman standing at 6'6" with muscles that would make the average Hylian guard feel inadequate. She ties her thick firey hair back in a high ponytail, although there are unfortunately pieces of her hair that will never behave, and will instead constantly get in her face, much to her chagrin.
Since moving to Kakariko Village, Aru has taken it upon herself to dress more "modestly" in order to better suit her new surroundings, as well as to assure the Hylian women that she's not
trying to turn their husbands' gaze. Instead of wearing her traditional desert attire, Aru instead wears a spacious and flowy tunic, pinched at the waist with a patterned sash and tucked into simple brown trousers. However, she
is still a proud Gerudo, and so still dons her chunky golden jewelry in full display.
SkillAfter a lifetime of training under fierce Gerudo women, it'd be an understatement to say that Aru was proficient in close range combat, favouring her trusty spear. However, don't ask her to shoot a bow unless you
enjoy watching arrows get wasted by the bundle - It's not her fault that she's short-sighted.
BackgroundArume, or "Aru" as she'd prefer to be called, was born only a few years before the to-be king of her proud race. Being only a few years older than Ganondorf, she was able to watch his transformation from snot-nosed child king to the evil "man" he was now.
At first, she pitied "the Dragmire boy" not allowed to play with the other children, but over time, she began to notice that something was...
off about him. Those feelings amplified tenfold after the death of their previous king, Ganondorf's father: It seemed that suddenly being thrust onto the throne only intensified his tyrannical behaviour - he cared for nothing except his own position, and only wanted to take and take until there was nothing left.
As they all grew older and Ganondorf grew into his desert throne, many of the women flocked to kneel at his feet and obey his every command and whim. But, Aru did not: She couldn't agree with his plans to forcefully expand his kingdom. Sure, the recent Civil War had already hurt the Gerudo's territory harshly by forcing it under the Hylian king's rule, but purposely reigniting a war for the sake of one man's pride felt more like spitting in the face of all the innocents of Hyrule before stabbing them in the back.
So, she left.
Now brandished as a "traitor to her race," Aru moved to Kakariko Village. At first, it was obvious that she was unwelcome, which she completely understood due to the uneasy truce between Greater Hyrule and the Gerudos. Luckily for her, the people of Kakariko warmed up to her over time, and she eventually became an integral part of the community. Due to her naturally maternal nature, and to the gratitude she felt toward the people of Kakariko, she often stationed herself as a town guard and protector: Kakariko took her in when she had nowhere else to go, so Aru would lay her life down to protect them.
That fact was
almost proven on the day of Ganondorf's uprising:
She was alerted to the danger by a retreating band of the army flooding into Kakariko. Ganondorf had usurped the Hylian throne, and was coming to try and force her new home under his thumb. She knew that the day would come eventually, but the impending fight still turned her stomach into the tightest of knots. But she couldn't back down, she
refused to back down. She immediately found the army's captain and demanded to join the fight against her former king's advance.
Aru was forced to fight the very women she grew up with, and it broke her heart as well as hesitated her hand - Unfortunately, this resulted in Aru catching a blade in her side, leaving her severely injured. But she
had to push through the pain, she
had to protect her home. It was only after the Gerudo army retreated she allowed herself to buckle under the pain of her injuries.
For weeks, Aru was forced to be bedridden as her injuries healed, and to say that she was impatient was the understatement of the ages. Every day she tried to return to her post at the village gates, and every day she was forced back home - often kicking and screaming bloody murder.
But at long last, Aru's injuries finally healed and she could return to her duties, and Aru vows to protect her home from the poison that is Ganondorf's new reign.
Likes- Cuccoos
- Terrible jokes
- The desert
Dislikes- Ganondorf and those loyal to him
- Deep water (rather, she's afraid of it)
- Cold weather