Name: Dr. Harry Jackman
Gender: Male, last he checked.
Age: This is where I'm a tad confused. In the RP, when will we begin? 1986? That is what this age will be based off of at least, correct me if I'm wrong.
Dr. Jackman is technically 51, but its all a bit more confusing than that. In the 40 years since the incident in New York, Dr. Jackman has physically only aged about 25 years. 'The Other One' doesn't share aging or injury, so has taken 15 of Jackman's years.
Nationality: He was from the good ol' UK, but when he was exposed to the event in New York and his parents became Black Queens, he really didn't have anywhere to go but Jokertown.
Appearance: Dr. Jackman is a normal man. White, tall, slender. He has rather curly black hair, although it does show signs of greying, due to stress, not age. He has a prominent widows peak, and rather bushy eyebrows. His face is rather rectangular, moulded by stress caused wrinkles. His eyes are rather small, but strikingly green.
'His other half' Is different, but in very minor ways. The wrinkles are gone, his widows peak is even more prominent, and his eyebrows become sleek and pointy. His eyes become a deep shade of red, and his face becomes slightly more triangular, notably his chin. He loses the 5 'o clock shadow Jackman seems to constantly wear.
Wild Card Status: Joker
Power Gain: On a business trip with his parents, he had a front row seat to the Wild Card event in New York.
Alias: Dr. Jackman goes by the name of Hyde when he... Doesn't quite feel like himself.
Abilities/Deformities: Although he gains massive speed and strength as Hyde, Jackman has no control over Hyde. Hyde has a terrible tendency to overreact, to say the least. This is especially bad for Jackman, a pacifistic man. Hyde lacks all common sense and judgment, and although he can take more than his fair share of hits, walking straight into bullets like he tends to isn't very good for his health.
Weaknesses: Dr. Jackman's main weakness is just about anything. Hyde has two weaknesses. The first, his lack of common sense. The second is Jackman. The kind doctor has promised to lock up himself, thus Hyde, until they both rot if Hyde does anything out of line.
Public Presence: He tries to keep Hyde hidden, which doesn't work out too well. Some people around Jokertown know him, mostly because they have been on the wrong end of Hydes rampages.
Personality: Dr. Jackman is a gentle, kindhearted, easily scared man, although a bit of a recluse. Hyde is comparable to a child in a Supermans body. He is sadistic creature, however he has a certain fear of Jackmans authority, and so usually only maims those who are in his way.
History: His scientist of a father had an unfortunate conference to attend to, and he took his son and wife along. The Wild Card event killed Harry's parents, leaving him, an 11 year old, stranded. However, a kind stranger took him in where he was raised in Jokertown. His friend, 'Big Ben', as they called him, thought he was a normal child, who miraculously survived. It wasn't for awhile that he began showing... Symptoms. At the age of 22, Hyde killed Big Ben, and Jackman was forced to find a new place to live, and was barley able to scrape by, let alone understand Hyde. When Hyde took over their body, Jackman had no memories, and the same vise versa. However, eventually they both figured out the situation in good time, and began using a recorder to converse. Jackman hasn't exactly done much with his life otherwise, he has spent most of his time trying to figure out what the hell Hyde is.
As far as Hyde's history goes, he obviously manifested due to the Wild Card event. However, his manifestation was delayed, a lot. Jackman had been raised to be a peaceful child, and successfully as well. However, in that peace was a deep-seated hatred. This hatred wasn't for anyone but himself. He wished he had been able to do something, anything to save his parents, the ones he loved most. He wished he could cut loose from these chains of responsibility and fear. The Wild Card virus granted his wish, but at a price. That price was Mr. Hyde.
Relationships: Jackman unfortunately only has one friend in life, and that is Hyde.
Base of operations: He owns a small apartment in Jokertown. It consists of two rooms. A nicer cozy-ish living room with a fireplace and certain essentials, and a smaller brick room with nothing but a chair in which Dr. Jackman straps himself into to sleep.
Why do want to play this character: I've always enjoyed playing two characters in one body, and I thought that this would make some nice character development. Also, when I read the description of Joker, I screamed Jekyll and Hyde in my head.
I guess I'll just leave this CS here, might as well.
Also, holy sheiza, that was hella long.