Name: Caedes Waewyn
Age: 32

He is handsome, with very defined features, high cheekbones, and a fair complexion. His hair his curly and blond, a little above shoulder length. He wears very fine silky clothing as expected of a noble like himself.
I do have a picture, but I can't post it currently, I'm working from mobile.
Bio: Caedes has had a fairly normal life, nothing extraordinary. He was born into a noble family, and has had a good life. He was trained properly in the arts of swordplay, and given only the best of education, as his family certainly had no lack of money. He inherited his parents legacy when they passed away. His family wasn't exactly the most well respected family, at least not by other nobles; however, they had been rather charitable to those from the outside.
Caedes had always been a bit distant from his family, and as such, didn't know much as far as politics went. All he really knew was hosting parties, getting drunk, and dueling. He has continued to carry on his parents tradition of charity, and has always prided himself in his sense of right and wrong.
However, Caedes was extremely interested in the Draconides when they appeared. He enlisted the help of anyone he could to teach him to train a Draconide for himself. For you see, on his roof there was a large nest that had been established by a large amount of smaller wyverns, called rhamphorynchus by those of us today. Having no luck in shooing away these foreign beasts, so he thought that he may be able to do something in a kinder manner. After many scars, months, and different tamers, it happened. The noble house of Waewyn had a new addition, a winged one, at that.
Other: His draconian is a small flying beastie, named Skar, who is loyal to him, and is treated well by his master.