Shrapnel slowly floated, following the red lantern, and chuckling as the poor Manhunter was ripped apart. As he drifted closer, he slowly clapped.
"Good show. Very nice." He said sarcastically. "I'm sure we won't need to study the corpse of the Manhunter..." Rang out his metallic, almost soothing voice. His ring flashed a warning at him, and he cringed as he saw the blue lantern.
"A blue lantern... of course. Why would there not be a blue lantern..." Shrapnel turned to address the blue-suited freak. "Well, typical of a blue lantern to need to be rescued. What, did you just sit there and HOPE that the Manhunter wouldn't kill you?" He said, a violent tone in his voice, as he kept his distance. Shrapnel knew two things about blue lanterns. They were not good for his health, and that he did not like them.