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    1. DR_TRAPEZOID 11 yrs ago


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So, quick question. You said that I can't just spam off three/five/eight/thirteen, etc. posts to create creatures, which makes total sense. (I hate to post more than once in a row usually, anyways) But does this count for my Rogue Being as well?
EG. I post as Viktor, and have him start creating a minion.
Then, five other posts are put up, including one by me posting as my Rogue Creature, as I can't do anything yet as Viktor. Does this only give me the 4/5 from everyone else, or do I get the full 5/5 needed, because of my rogue being?

Also, yeah. Rogue being. Still need to make up my mind on what I'm doing with that. I need to 1-up Jay.
In Paint 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm still with you!
Is it just me, or has the site been down for a couple of days?
Viktor took a step back, marveling in his masterpiece. Well... even he wouldn't stoop so low as to call it a masterpiece. The beast was a mangled corpse of flesh, the calloused skin stretched tight over a skeleton of stone. One arm was a shriveled stub, the other a massive, meaty thing, club like in appearance. It was clothed in naught more than a simple loincloth in its lower region, just above its stubby legs.

The monsters head was adorned in a steel helmet, one with a rather small visor, giving the beast tunnel vision. Not much laid under the helmet. The brain and eyes were left, misshapen, no skin left to cover them. There was no armor on the ogre, save the helmet, but it boasted a twisted cleaver, recycled from various scrap metal found about the town.

Viktor raised his hand, almost touching the metal forehead of the creature. A spark travelled through the Keepers finger, sending electricity arcing through the monsters body. It jerked around, before coming to a rest, living, but confused. It let out a mighty roar, it's deep, scratchy voice echoing through the halls.

"Now you, my magnificent monster, are a being worth of battle and bloodshed." Viktor said, motioning for it to follow him.

Viktor strode quickly to where his minions had been left to create his summoning room. He was impressed by their work, it hadn't taken them long to shape the five useless rooms into something he could work with. He congratulated them, knowing that humans enjoyed such trivial compliments. He dismissed nine of them, but invited- no, commanded the other 15 stay, to watch him work.

Many lost limbs, and screams of pain later, the rag-tag group of humans had been transformed to abominations, likenesses of their blueprint. Viktor felt much safer with beings such as these to guard him. He ordered them to separate posts around his dungeon, having them work in pairs.

Viktor left the summoning room, ordering two of his nine remaining humans to continue working on it. He would spend a great deal of time there, he would like it to be more than stone walls lined with rubble. He then strode out into the cold, atop one of the many fortress walls that lined his new home. He stared off into the unforgiving cold, his eyes unable to penetrate the pure white that enveloped the sky.

Lightning seethed through his veins as he returned to his dungeon heart, his metal body still retaining the cold. He had his humans gathered before him.
"M-m-master" One sheepishly spoke up. "There is a c-city not far from here- a few days South West. Their army is far larger than ours, sire, and their fortress much stronger. T-they may not be happy to hear of your h-hostile takeover." He said, stuttering out of sheer fear.

"Perfect. Let their puny armies come. We shall destroy them, then build them anew. But not now. They do not know of us yet, and that is to our advantage. We are not ready... Yet." Viktor said, chuckling to himself as a plan came together in his head. "Now go! Build! There is work to be done! We must expand, downwards my acolytes!" He ordered. The seven men quickly scrambled to work.

As they left him, Viktor went back to his Dungeon Heart. In the cozy room, a tall mirror stood in the corner. Viktor stood before it, his tall frame barley fitting into the reflective surface. His metallic skin was scarred, dented, and in a few places, rusting. Hardly a body fitting of an overlord. He leaned down to the mayors decapitated body, and removed the mans red cloak, draping it around his own shoulders.

"It shall do... For now" He said to himself, sitting down, and beginning to plot. He was, at the moment, more than happy with his forces, so begun no new work on minions.

BBeast said
Dr Trapezoid, you gave the coordinates of your dungeon as N50W05, which puts it due east of Altearx and in the northern end of the mountain range. On the other hand, you described its location as being in the tundra north east of Altearx. Which one is it? In terms of terrain the only practical difference is that one is hillier than the other.Jay, you've given latitude, but not longitude. When you decide on longitude, don't forget to tell me.Once everyone has established their dungeons and locations I can then update the map.

With my apologies, I meant to write North 60. I fixed it now, thank you for pointing it out.
In other news, I finally got around to fixing my image.

Also, hello Apokalipse. Small world. Small world.
Shrapnel was still a bit on edge from the battle.
Needless to say, a giant purple dragon didn't help.

Shrapnel wasted no time in constructing a minigun, and opening fire upon the violet abomanation. As he fired, he soon came to his senses, his brain now running on more than instinct alone. He refused to cease fire, shut he rather pointed the stream of bullets at the centre of the beasts mass, not the lantern. He knew that they would need all of the help they could get.

Soon enough, the gun ceased fire, and started clicking. Rather than refill the ammunition, he simply allowed it to deconstruct itself. Shrapnel floated back, allowing a rather primitive spear to appear in his hands. He kept it at the ready, unsure of what the lanterns intentions were.

He hadn't really paid much attention to the other Star Sapphire. He sighed now, seeing the stop sign.

"Nice trick." He said sarcastically, turning to her. "Why didn't you try that with the Manhunters? I'm sure that it would've worked stupendously."
BBeast said
Yes, Dr Trapezoid's first creature would be done now.Overall we have some very good introductions.

About my first creature being done... So, from what I understand, I just successfully created a blueprint, (yay, I didn't get blown up...) where would I go from here? When I have a summoning room and a blueprint, is there a mathematical limit to creating creatures? Or can I just turn a valve, and let them flow forth? (Obviously at some reasonable amount, I wouldn't be spawning an army of 10,000 Uruk Hai at once.) Or do I just have the whole thing wrong?
Alright, I fixed up my post a bit, hopefully it's a bit better now...

I suppose I'm up to plate now... How am I supposed to follow up something like that Jay? (Unless someone else goes, but I should probably post again soon so y'all get your minions faster...)

Either way, I'll post ASAP, after I get a couple of things done.
TBH, I've pretty much lost interest in this. Yay for having the attention of a goldfish.
Yeah, bye.
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