Dodger smiled, watching Clarions descent to the street level. As he waited for Clarion to realize his mistake, he pulled out a can of simple black spray paint, shaking it up a bit. He could tell that he was nearing the place, he could feel it. He had a bit of trouble telling where he was from the rooftops, all of the skylights, vents, and satellite dishes blurring together in the skyline. No, Dodger ran around, using notable sprays as landmarks in his running. He knew a large patch of empty brick next to another artists work, a beatuiful piece showing an elegant tree from which a Northgate Policeman was hanging. The statement was a straightforward one, and it was a miracle that it hadn't been painted over by the police already, it was a rather direct insult.
He had managed to keep track of a bit of what Clarion had said while down below, something about wanting better requests, an interest shared by Dodger. Drug dealers were really a plague upon the streets, almost as bad as the police and their cameras. But, money is money, and money is good. So, Dodger didn't complain, simply brainstormed something in his head for the offhanded request.
Not much came to mind, nothing amazing. Simple designs were popping up, but he didn't exactly have much to work with. He sighed, skidding to a stop as he ran, sliding off of the building, and catching himself on a fire escape below. Yes, this was the place, he thought to himself, ideas sprouting to life as he stared upon the blank canvas of brick staring down at him.
"Hmmm... I think that we need colours. Lots of colours. Maybe something about the police, I'm sure the druggies would like that." Dodger muttered, his hand idly tossing up the can of paint up and down, thinking.