The cruiser ride seemed way too short to Belle. She hadn't really been paying attention to the briefing that Fenrir was giving the team, as she was occupied petting the dog that Juno had appearified into the young girls lap. She had, however, paused to smile at Poltergeist. She found his whole putting his voice in your head thing really really cool.
Once the cruiser landed Belle sat in her seat, patiently waiting for Fenrir to tell her what she would be doing. She watched as each team went off to do the task they were assigned, smiling and waving to each group as they departed. And once only herself and Fenrir remained on the cruiser Belle jumped out of her seat, ready for action.
She walked behind Fenrir with a smile on her face, into the cockpit of the plane. Would the two of them be flying the plane? She nodded vigorously at his instructions, their meaning not yet kicking in.
"You got it Fenrir! I'll wait here...and...wait." Realization kicked in fast. She was being left behind. To baby sit the cruiser. She paused a moment, hearing the door of the cruiser open and then close behind Fenrir. Belle ran as quickly as she could, trying to follow behind him, but alas the doors were locked.
"Wait! Fenrir! You can't leave me behind! We are supposed to be a team! Fenrir!" Belle called desperately through the door, pounding her fists against the metal.