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The cruiser ride seemed way too short to Belle. She hadn't really been paying attention to the briefing that Fenrir was giving the team, as she was occupied petting the dog that Juno had appearified into the young girls lap. She had, however, paused to smile at Poltergeist. She found his whole putting his voice in your head thing really really cool. Once the cruiser landed Belle sat in her seat, patiently waiting for Fenrir to tell her what she would be doing. She watched as each team went off to do the task they were assigned, smiling and waving to each group as they departed. And once only herself and Fenrir remained on the cruiser Belle jumped out of her seat, ready for action. She walked behind Fenrir with a smile on her face, into the cockpit of the plane. Would the two of them be flying the plane? She nodded vigorously at his instructions, their meaning not yet kicking in. "You got it Fenrir! I'll wait here...and...wait." Realization kicked in fast. She was being left behind. To baby sit the cruiser. She paused a moment, hearing the door of the cruiser open and then close behind Fenrir. Belle ran as quickly as she could, trying to follow behind him, but alas the doors were locked. "Wait! Fenrir! You can't leave me behind! We are supposed to be a team! Fenrir!" Belle called desperately through the door, pounding her fists against the metal.
Now I suppose the real question is if I want Belle to hulk out and join the fight, or maybe it would be more fun to have her hulk out and rip up some of the seat cushions in the cruiser
Dang I could take this in so many ways. Currently watching the Super Bowl tho, so I'll post later
It's almost noon here, and I'm getting ready for another blizzard tomorrow
Good morning world and all who inhabit it
Belle looked up at Thorn, who easily towered over her, with a smile. She was glad that the larger member had come to her defense. She took his hand without a moments hesitation, finding the gesture to be extremely comforting. She nodded, agreeing that taking her seat would wise. She found the idea of having the window seat appealing, as she loved to press her face against the glass and watch the world go on underneath them. She walked, hand in hand, to the seat of her choice. She failed to notice Fenrir's overall protectiveness, nor his threatening tone of voice towards Adam. At the moment, finding the best seat seemed like Belle's first priority. She almost chose a seat next to Poltergeist, but decided against it last minute. Not because she knew social interactions might make the man uncomfortable, no Belle wasn't good at reading emotions like that. It was because he had chosen to sit in a row of seats whose view would be blocked by the cruisers wings. Eventually Belle settled on a row of seats, she lead Thorn along by the arm, directing him to what she thought would be the best seats in the cruiser. The young beast looked up at Juno when she spoke, smiling when the older woman suggested they go off flying together sometime. “I love flying! And if you were piloting I'm sure you would go super fast and do cool spins!” She leaned forward, speaking in a hushed voice. “Just don't tell Fenrir!” Now Belle knew a thing or two about high fives, she would go as far to call herself an expert on smacking her hand against someone elses hand. And she knew the trick to the perfect high five was to look at the elbow of the person you are high fiving. She wasn't sure why, but it worked. Unfortunately the glowing hand in front of her was just that, a hand, no elbow. She would have to make due. She was about to go in for what would have been, undoubtedly, the best high five ever when she heard Adam begin to raise his voice at Fenrir. Belle looked down at her lap, leaning back into her seat and away from Juno, suddenly finding her seat belt interesting.
Belle giggled when Juno 'threatened' to tickle her off of Fenrir's back. “Noooo!” Belle whined in an overly dramatic tone. “That would be cheating!” She watched, still clinging to Fenrir, as the rest of the team began to take their seats. She waved and smiled to each of the members who passed. A few of them acknowledged her, others just kept walking to their seats. A true extrovert, Belle didn't mind when the older members took their seats without waving back. Part of her 'preparing' was keeping as happy and level headed as possible. Maybe for them they needed to be serious and quiet. Belle's entire demeanor changed in an instant when Adam tried to pull her off of Fenrir's back. In a moment Belle's eyes darkened, and her grip increased. She was getting mad. She even began to snarl at him, as if he was an opposition and not a teammate. She didn't like being treated like some...animal. If Adam wanted her to get off Fenrir's back he could of asked. She could feel herself slipping, and the last thing she needed was to shift while inside the cruiser. Belle tried to relax, trying to push her anger to the back of her mind. She recalled the advice given to her by a superhero with a similar...anger complex...to hers. List something you can see. Belle's eyes scanned around the area, desperate to find a distraction. Glancing towards the ground she spotted her thing she could see. A tiny little bug, scuttling along the floor. List something you can feel. She could feel Adam trying to pull her off...that wasn't a good thing to focus on. Instead she tried to focus on the rough padding of Fenrir's cool battle armor. Awesome. List something you can hear. Belle's ears, slightly pointed from her delayed transformation, strained to listen to something. She could hear the general rumble of the cruiser, as well as the voices of her teammates. She couldn't tell what they were talking about, but Juno seemed annoyed. List something you can smell. Belle sniffed. She smelt something odd, something very very faded. Blood? Maybe she was mistaken. And while she was pondering if she actually smelt blood or if it was her animalistic side taking over, Belle realized she didn't feel as angry anymore. Belle squirmed out of Adam's grip, hopping to the floor with a soft thump. “Gosh mister Adam, you're no fun!” She said, taking her seat in the cruiser.
Belle was horribly and terribly bored. She sat in the common area, hanging off one of the couches. It seemed like all the older memebrs of the Outsiders were off today, doing adult stuff or being antisocial. Belle sighed, watching the world upside down. For a moment she pondered how odd it would be to walk on the ceiling and have to reach up and jump to feel the floor. Would ceiling lights be on the floor? Would furniture be on the ceiling? Oh the questions that come to the mind of the bored child. She would have to ask Adam later about her hypothesis. And as if by a miracle her communicator went off. The young girl sat up too quickly, feeling dizzy as the blood being to rush back to her brain. She jumped off the couch, smiling at the idea of finally getting some interesting adventure on the way. She figured that she could go get her gear and get in the cruiser, but she was feeling more mischievous. Belle saw Fenrir putting on his gear, looking rather preoccupied. Belle giggled softly, dropping down to 'all fours' as she began to creep behind Fenrir, stalking her friend like predator and prey. Belle wasn't sure if Fenrir could hear Belle coming or not, knowing how well trained he was he most likely knew she was behind him. But if he knew he did a good job pretending the girl wasn't sneaking behind him. All at once Belle leaped onto Fenrir's back with an almost comical battle cry. She clung onto him, laughing at her own initiated, impromptu, piggy-back ride. “Roar!” Belle said, trying to keep up her serious charade through her own laughter. “I got you Big Bad Wolf! I win this battle!”
beware blacksam, I am about to throw cuteness at you
woooo IC!
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