Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Blüdhaven. Widely considered to be one of, if not the, most corrupt cities in the USA. Gotham might be home to thieves, murderers and psychos and Hub City goes through a societal collapse about once a week, but neither can quite compare with Blüdhaven. The city has been the site of several gang wars and riots, suffered a devastating chemical attack and has had the unique distinction of being the site of Darkseid's factory of evil. Any one of those things could have spelled the end for any other place, but not for Blüdhaven. Blüdhaven merely accepted them as bumps in the road. It has managed to pull itself back from the brink of obliteration time and time again. Somehow this pit of a city just refuses to stay down, instead remaining in an almost constant state of decay. Magnus kept his head down as he strode the cities streets, a fierce scowl fixed on his face, hands thrust deep in his jacket pockets to conceal his tightly clenched fists. He hated cities, hated the stink and the noise and the overwhelming press of concrete all around him. And this was only the docks! It near filled him with dread to imagine how bad down town was. Star City had been bad enough, but at least it had some respect for the forests that man so selfishly abused. Here they had no respect for anything save power. He had only come outside to snatch a breath of fresh air after what seemed like hours of work, but it would be a desperate man indeed who referred to the air in Blüdhaven as fresh. The only upside to this place was that it served to keep him focused on the task at hand. He could hardly forget about the corruption he meant to combat when he lived in a place so immersed in it. Still, as silver linings go that one was pretty thin. He stopped in front of the former Dixon brothers whaling and shippingbuilding. Technically it had actually been used for ship building, boasting an impressive internal dry dock, rather than either of its advertised occupations. When the bottom of the whaling industry had fallen through there had been little need for shipbuilding in Blüdhaven , and the Dixon brothers had been forced to close. It had remained empty for almost three decades after that, until finally becoming home to the dishonest citizens taking part in their favorite pastime; organised crime. During this time the Dixon building earned itself a new name, the Hub, due to the popular opinion that there wasn't an ounce of drugs that entered Blüdhaven that didn't eventually pass through the Dixon brothers building's doors. The gang boss Blockbuster even used it as a central base of his operations for a time, though it fell into disuse once more when he was killed by the vigilante Tarantula. It then went on to survive the various calamities suffered by the city, showing a stubborn willingness to keep on standing that made the Hub look nigh on invincible. Magnus had deemed it the perfect place to house his new team. It had taken the knocks and the scrapes, all the accumulated shit that life could throw at it and yet was still looking forward to a better tomorrow, which was a description he felt could also be applied to each and every member of the Outsiders. He hoped the new team would appreciate the symbolism. If not, then who cared? It was still a roof over their heads. It was much more than just a roof though. Fenrir, Hawkman, Batman and a few select others deemed worthy to be let into the secret of the Outsiders had spent the best part of six months readying the Hub for its new purpose. The walls, ceilings and floors had been reinforced to the point that even Superman would struggle to punch his way in. The building itself and the streets surrounding it had been outfitted with the most cutting edge surveillance equipment available to man. If a fly buzzed around an over-filled bin five blocks away then the Outsiders could observe it. This goes hand in hand with the extensive security systems, including motion sensors and silent alarms. Magnus spent a few moments checking he wasn't being watched before entering (Even with all their security it always paid to be careful) He swiped his key card in front of a hidden sensor, posed for a retinal scan, then watched as a key pad folded out from behind a sign next to the door that had read 'to let'. He typed in his eight digit code, then finally spoke his authorization phrase. "Open up, or I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your house down." An automated voice announced that his phrase was accepted while he scowled as the door opened. The phrase had been Carter Hall's bad idea of a joke, and Magnus was yet to figure out how to change it. He pushed his way in, pulling the door closed behind him. He passed the training, common and living areas, skirted the hangar, making his way towards the control room. It was here, bathed in the cold glare of strip lights and unblinking computer monitors, that he found he was spending more and more of his time, whether he liked it or not. Pre-empting supervillains and terror attacks was a much more research heavy job than he had initially thought. The supercomputer in front of him, based on the one found in the League watchtower and connected to an array of satellites around the globe, collected what would equate to tonnes of data snippets every hour, all related to known or suspected super-villain plots and schemes. However it was then down to Fenrir to sift through the disjointed mess, trying to find leads and connections that might give them an edge, to discover the clarity in the chaos. Clarity that he was becoming more and more convinced simply didn't exist. He sat at his desk and spent the next hour vainly searching for something that might be even vaguely useful, but came up empty. A low growl sounded at the back of his throat, his irritation building into something hotter and more tangible. He wasn't suited to this kind of work, of that there was no doubt. He was a hunter and a warrior. He could track the canniest quarry or beat a powerful foes senseless, but this kind of disjointed puzzle solving was a enemy he just could not conquer. Not for the first time he considered calling Hawkman and informing him the League had picked the wrong man for this job. Just as he thought this the main screen beeped several times, indicating an incoming transmission. Magnus looked up in pleased surprise, happy to have any excuse to avoid returning to his research, before opening the call. A grim looking Hawkman came into focus, the background showing that he must be serving monitor duty on the watchtower. It helped calm the Wolfman's mood just to see his former mentor, even if it was through a computer screen and looking like he was ready to drop bad news. "Fenrir, we have a situation." Hawkman began, no preamble. Magnus grunted something non-committal. There was always some sort of situation. "The Royal Flush Gang are on the move." The Thangarian continued. The current Royal Flush Gang was the third to carry the name, though they were quickly proving themselves to be the most dangerous. While the first two RFG's had contented themselves with robbing banks and clashing with the Justice League, this latest incarnation had an entirely different MO. They were actively hunting down, torturing and finally killing infamous super-villains, while somehow managing to avoid the League. So far they'd killed the Mad Hatter, Metallo and, strangely enough, Professor Amos Fortune, the original King. "This time they're really trying their hands. Intelligence suggests their target is none other than Lex Luthor." Magnus arched a brow at that. Seems the Royal Flush Gang were feeling pretty confident in their abilities if they imagined themselves ready to take down Luthor. Compared to Jarvis Tetch or John Corben he was a whole different level, a more dangerous prey altogether. The fact that Lex was the head of a multi-billion dollar company and not serving a jail sentence was testament to that. For years he had served as a unseen antagonist to the Justice League, Superman in particular. He proved himself a master manipulator, maneuvering lesser villains and threats to distract the League from his larger plans and goals, all the while using his company to present the image of a well meaning philanthropist to the American public. Despite having suspicions of his foul play the authorities and the League couldn't move against him due to a complete lack of evidence and the good will he had cultivated with those unaware of his more sinister agendas. He was arguably the most successful villain in history, but his ego eventually became his undoing. It ate away at him, masterminding all these schemes and ploys that the vast majority of the world would never know about, never attribute to him. He felt they should respect him for his genius, even if it was that very intelligence that stopped them ever finding out about his successes. His plans became ever more overt as the self-proclaimed smartest man in the world began to fall for the same pitfalls that befell every two bit crook with a flair for theatrics. He got cocky. He formed the Legion of Doom, a villainous counterpart to the Justice League then placed outrageous bounties upon Superman's head, directly confronting the heroes for the first time. Things finally came to a head when he joined forces with the space conqueror Brainiac in a bid to conquer the earth. The two were thwarted, Brainiac being banished to deep space to lick his wounds and Luthor finally being caught with his hands dirty. He was brought before the world court to face judgement for his crimes, Superman certain that his old foe would finally get what he deserved. Even here though, with the decks stacked against him, Luthor proved himself to be possessed of a fiercer intelligence than any mere man deserved. He played up his earlier humanitarian efforts, while claiming that he had been under Brainiac's control. He then delivered convincing evidence that Superman had been unreasonably persecuting him for the best part of a decade. A world that had recently suffered at the hands of a hostile alien presence was only too willing to take Luthor's side against the Kryptonian. The prosecution began losing popular support as Luthor's sympathizers grew in number. The trial ended on a controversial note when Lex's punishment amounted to little more than a fine. An unbelievably hefty fine, but a fine nonetheless, a penance made all the more laughable when Luthor managed recoup his losses in record time by buying up property made near worthless after Brainiac's attack and selling it on for extortionate profits. Though many were blind to Luthor's faults the hero community, Fenrir among them, knew him for what he truly was. Perhaps it would be better just to let the billionaire battle it out with the Royal Flush Gang. Regardless of the outcome the world would be a safer place for it. Perhaps his savage nature was becoming too predictable as Carter seemed to read his mind. “I know what your thinking, and I can't say I disagree, but Superman insists we intercede.” Said the Leaguer, before dropping into a passable impression of Supe's Midwestern droll. “Its not for us to play judge, jury and executioner.” Magnus's face broke into the slightest of grins. “The thing is the League really shouldn't act on this information. We're on thin ice after that thing with Clara Kendall,” that drew a snort of derision from the Wolfman. That was an understatement if he had ever heard one. “And with Luthor's penchant for manipulating public opinion we just can't take the chance of him managing to turn our attempted rescue into something sinister. He'd probably get them believing we were working with the Flush gang. So, long story short, the Outsiders are up.” Despite his conflicting emotions about the mission the Wolfman could feel a primal excitement building within him. The call of the wild, that's what Carter used to call it. His insatiable hunger for action and adventure rearing its head. "I'm sending the mission co-ordinates to the cruiser. You wont have to do much more than hit go." Continued Hawkman, this statement earning a grimace from his former protege. The cruiser was the Outsiders personal VTOL transport, a super jet combining Thangarian, Kryptonian and Martian technology. Fenrir was the only one on the team officially qualified to fly it, a situation he meant to remedy as soon as possible. He hated flying with a passion unrivaled, and the sooner someone else was responsible for piloting that monstrosity the better in his opinion. "Remember, if you're caught you and the rest of the Outsiders have no ties to the League. You and I haven't spoken since you left Young Justice," Fenrir nodded. Those were the terms decided upon when he was issued the mission of forming the Outsiders. Whatever actions they took couldn't be connected to the League. Public ally he had rescinded his partnership with Hawkman and his membership in Young Justice. He rose from behind his desk, making towards the cabinet where he kept his Nth metal armor and hunting knife. "Don't worry Carter. This team wont fail." he responded as he buckled his chest piece on. Magnus was a man of few words, so when he said something like that the listener could be damn sure that he meant it. "I didn't doubt it." Hawkman said with a smile, before ending the transmission. Fenrir finished gearing up, settling his wolf shaped helm into place, before grabbing his communicator, a thumbnail sized sliver of black metal. Each member of the Outsiders had been given an identical model upon joining the team, along with express instructions to have it on them at all times. He squeezed the sliver tight, a blinking red light indicating it was now transmitting to all of its counterparts. "Outsiders. This is Fenrir. We have a job. Make for the Cruiser. We leave in five." The Wolfman was first on the VTOL, settling himself into the pilot's chair to await his teams arrival. The call of the wild was growing louder and louder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Joshua gets up from his chair, and smiles a big grin "Alright! Party time!" He grabs his mask, which completes his current chosen outfit once he puts it on. The costume was black and had blue lines going through it that led to his head, which had a large O where his face was. The eye areas were snuck away into the O it self. There was a bright orange shield on the chest of the suit as well, representing his current hero name: Stalwart Defender. He grabs a can of an energy drink from the fridge, which was mostly hidden in his huge hands. He rips the top off and pretty much chugs the whole thing before throwing it into a trash cane. He wipes his chin and lips with his now gloved hand, and then proceeds into the cruiser. He sits down in the system's defense and weapons control, pressing a few buttons. He wasn't really supposed to be there, but he didn't mind being seen as a brute most of the time. It was to be expected that people would treat him that like, saying how huge he was. But the buttons he pushed primed the shield, and did a system check on the weapons to make sure they were properly calibrated for optimum accuracy. He leans back and smiles, and says "Stalwart Defender, reporting for duty and ready for a good fight, sir!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cantide
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It wasn't even that cold, but they seemed to be shivering. was it fear? Could it be Misery? The woman hunched against the wall as if it were going to give in at any moment to allow a safe passage. Alas the world does not always work that way and in this situation it was probably a common thing to wish for. The woman stared fear like daggers that would blind the anger in any man. But the men that surrounded her did not feel human, they felt themselves to be gods. The tallest of the three was holding his knife out trying to beckon her closer with it. His hair could probably be invaded by the government for harboring that much oil, it was stringy clinging to his scalp as if a sudden shift of his head would send it sliding to the harsh ground beneath. "You shouldn't have done that you stupid wench" The second guy seemed to squeak, his eyes darting her up and down, only somebody who grew up on the street would know what he was thinking, his coat sagged full of holes. "I'm going to make you pay for that." The squeaky voiced man said pulling his arm closer to his chest, the blood stained more of his clothing. Litheal eyed the situation cautiously, making the wrong move or not making one at all would be a huge disaster, the quiet one was holding a firearm but the other two were close enough to actually do harm if they had any sudden flight of fear. The short man was injured, the woman must have tried to defend herself although this probably added enough fuel to the fire to make this man angry enough to not need a second thought. "Get on with it." The third said quietly as he waved the pistol nonchalantly looking around as if he had another ally to stalk. A heartbeat, that is what it took - in the moment of a heartbeat the knife from the squeaky voiced man was against her throat. The flood of the darkness swallowed Litheal as he appeared between the men reaching his hand out he grasped the blade that was pressed against the woman's throat and the oily haired man's knife and was gone again with both the knives. You would have missed this transaction if you had blinked, in the confusion both men stood staring blankly at the ghost that was now air between them. "Wha-" AUuuugh The silence in the confusion was broken as both men turned to see the man holding the gun, two knives pressed against opposing sides of his neck. "Drop the gun." Litheals voice cracked against the crisp air. The gun hit the ground, as the sound echoed through the alley it left silence in its wake. "Run." Litheal peered over his shoulder at the woman, who in the midst of all the chaos had managed to find the corner of the dead end alley. She took off like a bat out of hell following the echoes. The ringing of gunfire was the only thing racing through Litheal's mind as he felt the warmth spread across his face. The blood simply sprayed, with one good eye he managed to see what happened. The oil haired creep had pulled a gun, Litheal should have known that the honor system goes out the window in any situation like this. They wouldn't have negotiated for the life of one of their own, on the streets its every man for themselves. Thick as thieves Seemed like a fairytale in all its glorified ways, the man did not have to go by one of his own, he didn't have to die at all, they could have walked away from this. The safety in numbers just went out the window as the squeaker pulled his gun as well. Dropping the body Litheal shot forward, shots echoed through the air as he sidestepped blinking zig zags. They shot in disorganized directions and almost shot eachother in the process. Behind the squeaker Litheal slammed his foot down into the back of the mans knee, seeing and blinking were incredibly difficult with one eye. As the man crumbled down his hand holding the gun raised Litheal took hold of it blinking again. Shots fired, directed above the finished man. Litheal tapped the oil haired man's shoulder, looking over Litheal smashed the pistol he had stolen into the side of the man's face. Stepping over all the bodies Litheal made his way toward the mouth of the alley, soon the police would show up and a man covered in blood with a sword swung over his shoulder would probably be pretty suspicious. "I could always say they tried to touch me in my nono places" Litheal sighed trying to appreciate the simple joys in the world. Although behind this composure was the grief that he could not save everybody involved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Belle was horribly and terribly bored. She sat in the common area, hanging off one of the couches. It seemed like all the older memebrs of the Outsiders were off today, doing adult stuff or being antisocial. Belle sighed, watching the world upside down. For a moment she pondered how odd it would be to walk on the ceiling and have to reach up and jump to feel the floor. Would ceiling lights be on the floor? Would furniture be on the ceiling? Oh the questions that come to the mind of the bored child. She would have to ask Adam later about her hypothesis. And as if by a miracle her communicator went off. The young girl sat up too quickly, feeling dizzy as the blood being to rush back to her brain. She jumped off the couch, smiling at the idea of finally getting some interesting adventure on the way. She figured that she could go get her gear and get in the cruiser, but she was feeling more mischievous. Belle saw Fenrir putting on his gear, looking rather preoccupied. Belle giggled softly, dropping down to 'all fours' as she began to creep behind Fenrir, stalking her friend like predator and prey. Belle wasn't sure if Fenrir could hear Belle coming or not, knowing how well trained he was he most likely knew she was behind him. But if he knew he did a good job pretending the girl wasn't sneaking behind him. All at once Belle leaped onto Fenrir's back with an almost comical battle cry. She clung onto him, laughing at her own initiated, impromptu, piggy-back ride. “Roar!” Belle said, trying to keep up her serious charade through her own laughter. “I got you Big Bad Wolf! I win this battle!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tamashi smiles as he hears the announcement. It was about time he got to see some action. He was wondering if he had made mistake joining this team. He thought perhaps he would have had an easier time cleansing the world on his own. Still there is strength in numbers and he didn't have many options after killing the last group he worked with. He hoped this new one wouldn't make the same mistakes that they had. Tamashi attached his sword to his belt with a clip to lock the sheath in place. He wore all black clothing. On his legs were jeans. His torso was covered by a shirt and a leather jacket. He took one final sip from a cup of blood he had been drinking before getting up and heading towards the cruiser. Being a shape shifter he didn't feel the need to wear a mask. After all if one of his faces becomes known he can always switch. Anyone who saw his true face is likley to end up dead. The other members of the Outsiders didn't yet know Tamashi's true form and he hoped to keep it that way. As far as they know he's just a shape shifter with a magic sword. Tamashi crept onto the cruiser and spoke. "Tamashi Akuma reporting and ready for action."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Juno Hoshi was starting to seriously consider joining Justice League Detroit. At least they had some semblance of professional standards. They weren't Young Justice, the society, the Birds of Prey, JLI, and definitely not the League itself. But so far Detroit seemed to be a better deal than the Outsiders, who were pretty much scrapping the barrel of the superhero community. For god's sake one of the team-members just made it to the double digits! Just a year or two back Juno had been on the fast track to the major leagues. Now here so was stuck in America's toilet bowl with a pack of rejects. She didn't belong here. Twilight suppressed a sigh and supposed that until things were smoothed over with the big shots then she had to go where they wanted her. She'd just have to make the most of it. Three quarters of the team were complete morons so it shouldn't be hard to get them all wrapped around her little finger in a few weeks. It would mean talking to them though and Juno was a little afraid that taking the air to do so would shave minutes off her life while the inane conversations might literally drain her brain cells. The prospects for intelligent conversation were especially bad if the top contenders were a semi-psychopathic half-wolf, a nascent proto-sociopath normal, a government stooge, and a telekinetic with mommy issues. Still they would have their uses. Especially if she could use Fenrir to get in good with Hawkman and Batman. She still had no idea why the wolf-boy was the pilot or the one on monitor duty. She couldn't stand sitting in front of the screen for so long but Juno was pretty sure she'd be a better pilot than any of them since she actually knew what it was to fly. The way this team was shaping up, half of them would end up painted across main street within the next few missions. Then again if that happened there'd be more vacant spots in the team hierarchy. There was always a silver lining. Juno did her best to ignore the underage furball by reading Gone Girl. Now there was a woman who knew what she wanted and got things done. Then the call for the job came and Juno brightened up. Finally a mission. Time to show these amateurs how it was done. Juno marked her page and collected her cape off the couch, clasping the black material around her before sliding her black headdress on. Twilight floated in the air wrapped in a field of white light and made her way to the cruiser. She did her best to ignore Defender. At least the big oaf would be a good bullet sponge. Juno floated into the cruiser and saw Belle jumping on Fenrir. Juno covered a giggle and smiled despite herself. The sight of their fearless leader being used as a mount for the little girl was simply precious. Fenrir was one of the few members of the team Juno respected but she still thought she should have been the leader. Best to keep up appearances though. Juno grinned and said, "You wouldn't want some help subduing the bloodthirsty beast would you Fenrir? I find hardlight hands tickle even worse than real ones." She covertly rolled her eyes when Defender and Blood Walker introduced themselves, "One would think that we didn't already know each other's names by now. Doesn't really seem in keeping with the team dynamic does it?" Juno simply detested wannabe soldiers. And flashy sword wielders were even worse. At least Wonder Woman and Katana had style. Juno took a seat and waited to be off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

-sorry posted in wrong place-
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 18 days ago

"I saw what was on your computer while you were at school. You SODOMITE. Go up to your room and pray for forgiveness." "Momma, I did nothing wrong. I can't help what I feel..." "Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman," she began. "I know what the Bible says momma and I don't care. I don't believe it," Jaymi interrupted. In that instant, all Jaymi saw was a hand smack against his face. He huffed, trying to hold his anger back. "How dare you speak that way of God! Now go upstairs and PRAY," she echoed. The scene then switched to Jaymi's mother wielding a kitchen knife on the day she found out what her son was capable of. "You must be cleansed of your evil. Sacrificed. Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." "Momma I'm not a witch....STOP IT!" "No!" Jaymi shot up from his bed drenched in sweat. Although he wasn't exactly in his bed. He hovered over it. After he realized he was up in the air, he lowered himself back down. He took a moment to catch his breath, trying to compose himself after having yet another flashback of that dreadful day. He swallowed a large lump in his throat and cupped his hands over his face trying to get the images from his head. This had been a recurring theme ever since he killed his mother. It seemed even in death she taunted him, never letting him forget. He whipped his legs over his bed and walked into his bathroom to splash some water on his face. Jaymi had resided in a one bedroom apartment just outside of Blüdhaven. He knew most of the team stayed together but liked having space to himself. Years later, he was still that pathetic anti-social mess in high school. Being on a team, he didn't know how he would cope but most of the time he never really spoke to them if it wasn't a mission. Jaymi hadn't been with them that long so he barely even knew some of their names. Despite it, this was the first time he ever felt like he belonged. It gave him somewhat confidence that someone found worth of importance in him to join a team of vigilantes. No matter, it would still take time to adjust to everyone. Funny enough, he didn't think he teammates even knew it was awkward for him. He pretty much stayed quiet and answered in a monotonous tone anytime someone spoke to him. He even laughed when he was supposed to and cracked a dry joke every now and then. He wanted to know everything about them. Seeing new people made him paranoid, but Fenrir made it a point to him to stay out of people's head. Jaymi always respected people's privacy, but respected his wishes. He had just acquired his second ability a few weeks prior to that day anyway. So he wasn't really that confident in it. In the middle of drying his face in a towel and running his fingers through his brunette hair, his communicator went off that sat on his nightstand next to his bed. He walked over to it and heard Fenrir's voice. A mission. This was a perfect time; something to keep his mind off of his nightmares. Jaymi quickly got dressed in his black outfit that had a white P on the front for his code name Poltergeist. He replaced his glasses with contacts and left his apartment. Since Jaymi didn't live that far away from HQ, he flew there instead of taking his car. After finishing University early and getting a decent job outside of his heroism, he could afford being on his own. He landed at the old Industrial building and went through security measures before entering. A few of his teammates had already begun entering the cruiser, including the young girl Belle also known as Princess Beast. Initially, he thought it was rather unsafe for a child to be on the team but once he saw what she could do, he knew she was just fine on her own. Poltergeist stared at his other teammates Fenrir, Tamashi, Defender, and Twilight as he passed them, not saying a word. He sat in his seat, and waited to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Adam was in his room reading Shakespeare as well as Plato's philosophical works to give his mind a literary workout. He had spent hours training his body in preparation for his first mission with the Outsiders, his father always told him to be prepared for action because danger and life-threatening situation never waited to for you to be prepared, Adam had to always be prepared for the possibilities of unexpected hero action. He really loved reading the works of famous philosophers and Warlords, they helped him develop his higher thinking and strategies to use against criminals. Adam was reading the part of Plato's philosophy on the father and son relationship, which made him think about his relationship with his own dad. His father had spent most of Adam's childhood turning him into the perfect government Metahuman agent. His father had told him many times that he was proud of him, but was it the fact that Adam was his son or his achievements as a metahuman agent? He was glad to be able to serve his country and help people, but there were times in which he wondered if there may be more to life than just constant training and fight evil. He then remembered that he was born to be a hero, otherwise he wouldn't have been given these gifts from God. He was a proud American and he was glad to serve his country. He was just getting to the part of Plato's writing on the ideal government when he heard Fenrir's voice come on over the com. He nearly dropped the books he was reading out of excitement, finally a mission. He quickly changed into his costume and made sure that his gadgets were working properly. He then did a back-flip to make sure his acrobatics were at their full strength. Adam hurried out of his room and headed for the hanger with the VTOL, he prayed to God that his teammates were ready for such an adventure. The reason he had went with the Outsiders were so that he could start from the ground up and there wouldn't be as many questions about his affiliation with the government. While he was on his way to the hanger Adam saw Belle, Juno and Jaymi. He had problems with them especially Juno, she was arrogant, rude and cold, which wasn't what an effective team needed. Belle seemed immature and impulsive, which made it worrisome about what she might do in the field of duty. Then there was Jaymi, he seemed odd and wasn't sure of the hero's mental state and Adam's had his fair share of encounters with disturbed heroes. He gave them a wave and went into the hanger. Once in their he saw Fenrir and headed over to him. He saw that he was being playfully attacked by Belle. He went up to the two animal like heroes and grabbed her firmly and attempted to pull her away from their leader. He was using wrestling styles of grappling to try and pry her away from him. "What is the situation Fenrir?" he asked the Wolfman as he was pulling the heroine off of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Belle giggled when Juno 'threatened' to tickle her off of Fenrir's back. “Noooo!” Belle whined in an overly dramatic tone. “That would be cheating!” She watched, still clinging to Fenrir, as the rest of the team began to take their seats. She waved and smiled to each of the members who passed. A few of them acknowledged her, others just kept walking to their seats. A true extrovert, Belle didn't mind when the older members took their seats without waving back. Part of her 'preparing' was keeping as happy and level headed as possible. Maybe for them they needed to be serious and quiet. Belle's entire demeanor changed in an instant when Adam tried to pull her off of Fenrir's back. In a moment Belle's eyes darkened, and her grip increased. She was getting mad. She even began to snarl at him, as if he was an opposition and not a teammate. She didn't like being treated like some...animal. If Adam wanted her to get off Fenrir's back he could of asked. She could feel herself slipping, and the last thing she needed was to shift while inside the cruiser. Belle tried to relax, trying to push her anger to the back of her mind. She recalled the advice given to her by a superhero with a similar...anger complex...to hers. List something you can see. Belle's eyes scanned around the area, desperate to find a distraction. Glancing towards the ground she spotted her thing she could see. A tiny little bug, scuttling along the floor. List something you can feel. She could feel Adam trying to pull her off...that wasn't a good thing to focus on. Instead she tried to focus on the rough padding of Fenrir's cool battle armor. Awesome. List something you can hear. Belle's ears, slightly pointed from her delayed transformation, strained to listen to something. She could hear the general rumble of the cruiser, as well as the voices of her teammates. She couldn't tell what they were talking about, but Juno seemed annoyed. List something you can smell. Belle sniffed. She smelt something odd, something very very faded. Blood? Maybe she was mistaken. And while she was pondering if she actually smelt blood or if it was her animalistic side taking over, Belle realized she didn't feel as angry anymore. Belle squirmed out of Adam's grip, hopping to the floor with a soft thump. “Gosh mister Adam, you're no fun!” She said, taking her seat in the cruiser.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Perspective was such an amusing concept. Everything Val had once known had rapidly changed the day he was betrayed by the Golden Dragons, dumped in the Gotham harbor and then reanimated and brought back to life by the very item he had tried to steal. Legend had called it the Starheart, a mysterious green stone that almost seemed to glow with the force of life itself. Now shards of it lay embedded within him, manipulating his body into a mass of plantae. Where once Val could hear, the Starheart now interpreted vibrations around him into the familiar sounds from his days as a human. Once Val had sight, now he was constantly aware of all that was around him, the Starheart providing a focal point for him to call his line of sight. The remainder of his senses were too drastically different and were it not for the Starheart, Val didn't know how he would ever have comprehended everything that had happened to him. Perhaps the most amusing thing for Val was his new perception of time. No longer did minutes, seconds or even hours matter to him. Time seemed to be irrelevant as Val would be content to spend his entire summer soaking up the rays of what little sun managed to pierce the smog coated Blüdhaven skies. Eating which was once a join for Val was not even part of his life anymore nor was sleep as Val could essentially wander aimlessly for weeks on end provided his was able to perform photosynthesis and gather nutrients from the ground. That's not to say he spent all his time wandering the city. It wasn't exactly a welcome sight for a man made of bark, vine and leaves to enter a building. Standing in the Outsiders' common room, Thorn had arrived days ago and situated himself inside a large pot, morphing into a small tree. Whether his other teammates had realized he was there or not was of no concern to him. Thorn didn't crave adventure or action, he however did want to pay penance for the crimes of his past life. As such, when Fenrir called, Thorn would answer but he wasn't the type to go off galavanting without a lead. Perhaps that's what drew him to the Outsiders in the first place, Fenrir had told him they would taking the fight to the 'supervillains'. No longer would they be a reactive team, someone had finally decided it was time to get proactive. If the GCPD had been more proactive, Val might not be sitting in a pot of soil soaking up sunlight through a dirty window at the moment. From within the trunk of the tree, a faint blinking red light began to emit as the sound of Fenrir's muffled voice reached Thorn's 'ears'. Stepping out of the pot as a tendril of vine extending his communicator from within his trunk, Thorn shifted into a humanoid shape as he acknowledged the message and began to head towards the hanger. His normally soft and leafy body began to slowly develop plates of layered bark while his 'joints' were strengthened by thick twisted vines. Empty wooden eye sockets stared out at the world before Thorn grew bulbous green fruit within them so as not to unnerve his teammates. Whiles his 'eyes' were more or less decoration, Thorn had found that people preferred something akin to eyes to look at than nothing at all. Arriving within the hanger, Thorn looked around at the motely crew that had been assembled. While to his understanding, the entire team had not arrived yet but the sample before him was enough to leave a taste in his mouth. There was Warpath, the team's resident 'Super Soldier'. Bitter and resentful, Warpath was very sure of himself but to Thorn it seemed he wasn't used to working as a team, especially now by the way he eyed most of his teammates, his looks of disdain barely hidden beneath the facade he was emitting. But at least Warpath attempted to hide his true feelings unlike Twilight who was downright rude towards most of the team. Unlike the rest of the crew though, Twilight was descended from an actual Leaguer and as much as Thorn hated to admit it, he could see her point of view. This wasn't the Teen Titans, this wasn't the Young Justice, this wasn't even an official Justice League operation. Twilight no doubt felt shafted and pushed aside by those she had looked up to and strived to be her whole life. He also had to agree on her views towards the Stalwart Defender and the Blood Walker, both seemed over eager to throw themselves in harm's way. The Defender was far too laid back for the sensitive tasks the team was tasked with, and the Blood Walker felt like he was hiding something. He had no idea what the man could be hiding, but Thorn had opted to keep an eye on him just in case. Having already been betrayed by those he thought was his team once, Thorn was about to risk it again. Entering the aircraft, Thorn noted that the Poletergeist was already seated, seemingly patiently waiting for the rest of the team to do so in order for the mission to truly begin. Thorn respected that about the Poletergeist and while he may not have been the most social person it was better than opening your mouth to look like a fool. Then there was Belle, the team's youngest member. Thorn couldn't help but feel protective towards her, but he also didn't agree with her being her. Thankfully her abilities allowed her to hold her own among the team but the others could be downright rude to her at times. Sharp thorns began to protrude from Thorn's back as he saw Adam try to roughly remove Belle from Fenrir. Excusing himself from his seat, Thorn stomped towards Adam, growing in size with each step he took until he towered over the man. "Leave the child be. Her actions are none of your concern." The voice was raspy and echoed as Thorn spoke. Gusts of air, vibrating through hollowed crevices and tuned by various leaves. A complicated procedure to create that had taken Thorn months to learn how to speak again upon emerging from the swamp. Numerous vines began to recede back within Thorn's body as he shrunk back down to a size that would actually fit within the aircraft and he extended a 'hand' towards Belle. "Come with us, lets find a nice window seat so we can at least enjoy the view while we fly." Thorn said, only now remembering his own fear of flying. Hopefully Belle's 'can do' attitude would rub off on him for the next couple hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The team was making good time reaching the cruiser. Stalwart Defender was the first to arrive. Though the Outsiders was technically Fenrir’s team, and he had been given carte blanche to pick the members, he spent weeks listening to his fellow Leaguers advice on who to accept. Defender had an easy attitude to him that seemed to put him at odds with the rest of the team and its mission, but he came to them with the highest of recommendations from Superman himself. Fenrir could hardly dismiss Stalwart, not with a backing like that. The Man of Steel usually made it his business to be aware of promising new heroes, after all his last protoge had been the alien Ditto, and he was now leading Young Justice. Whatever it was, there was something about Defender that had caught Superman's eye. On top of that he seemed too have familiarised himself with the ships weapons systems, quite a feat seeing as the cruiser was a highly experimental craft composed of alien materials and technology. Fenrir couldn't decide if that was impressive or suspicious, but resolved to keep a closer eye on the big man regardless. He smelt the next member coming long before she came aboard, despite her doing her best attempt at a predator stalking its prey. He play acted ignorance, finding some part of the control panel in front of him incredibly interesting as Belle seen her game through to its conclusion. With a roar and a pounce the child attacked, her hunt a success. The Wolfman barely moved, save for the smile tugging at his lips. He was more than willing to let her have her childish fun, knowing all to well there were those out there all to ready to take her childhood away from her. They had done it to him after all. That, more than any other reason, was why he had taken her on with the Outsiders, to keep her out of the reach of those that would seek to use her. She was safer with him than with anyone else, and woe betide anyone who challenged him on that point. “Roar!” I got you Big Bad Wolf! I win this battle!” She giggled, while managing to stick the toe of her shoe up his nose. He half-heartedly tried to remove her, chuckling himself. “The Big Bad Wolf is conserving his energy.” He replied as way of excuse for his humiliating defeat. If only Hellfire could see him now, his brother wouldn't believe his eyes. He was so driven to distraction that he nearly missed the entrance of Bloodwalker, Tamashi Akuma. Tamashi had been one of the members that Fenrir had personally picked after pouring through the Justice Leagues files on heroes from around the globe. The demonic swordsman had even been earmarked for a place on Justice League Dark before he had been recruited into the Outsiders. He wasn’t the first demon that Fenrir had worked with, that honour went to Iga Fumiko, so he didn’t have the small minded prejudices and suspiciouns some might have at working with a hell beast. Despite that Fenrir was wary of him, the Wolf inside him telling him not to let his guard down around the demon, that there was something ancient and uncontrollable about him. That description could also apply to Fenrir himself though, as Granny had found out, so Bloodwalker was getting the benefit of the doubt for now. Next to arrive was Juno Hoshi, Twilight. Batman had insisted Fenrir take her on. At first he had figured it was because Batman believed she would be an asset, but he was becoming more and more certain that the Dark Knight had merely wanted Miss Hoshi out of his, and the Justice Leagues, hair. She had a foul attitude on her, the stink of entitlement following her around like thunder follows the lightning. He had come to find out she had a famous mother who was a leaguer herself at one point, had excelled in her studies and been quite successful in manipulating the media into thinking she was a rising star. That didn’t excuse her arrogance. Had she helped him and the rest of his pack take down Deathstroke when he had been on his superhero killing rampage? No. Had she been tortured at the hands of that madwoman Granny, chained to the wall between himself and Hellfire, just to escape their bounds and save the lives of over three dozen meta children? No. Had she stood against the Tomorrow Womans cyborg armies while the rest of the country cowered in their homes? No. Still, her vendetta against the Intergang was interesting, showing a certain amount of aptitude for the style of work that the Outsiders may be called upon to perform, so perhaps she was more than just hot wind and bluster. Time would tell, though if she imagined herself so much better than the rest of the team then he would watch her with a far more critical eye. She was off to a bad start though, calling Belle a bloodthirsty beast, even in jest, failing to win any affection from him. Too often he had heard that phrase levelled at him in the past, both sneered in insult or screamed in terror. He remained silent, imagining that this was too early a stage in the teams life to threaten to tear her arms off if she said it again. He found being a leader was hard, so many compromises to make. He took his mind of Juno by fixing on the next member to arrive, the telekinetic Poltergeist. Fenrir had found Jaymi living in a homeless shelter after nearly two weeks of searching. He sure knew how to keep a low profile, there was no mistaking that. The Wolfman had put so much effort into finding him for two reasons. Firstly, his powerset would allow greater tactical options and strategic options. Being able to relay orders instantaneously without the use of comms would be a great advantage, and having a powerful telekinetic on the team would always allow them extra dimensions of attack ad defence. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, was that he had the potential to become a level head in the group, and hopeful be able to mediate the more extreme personalities. After all, Fenrir himself was obviously entirely unsuited to that role. To do that though, Jaymi would first need to come out of his shell, to embrace the Outsiders and all they could offer him. Even now he sat apart from the others, insulated in his solitude. Hopefully this first mission, this trial by fire, would forge a bond of camaraderie between the team. He was still wondering on how best to get Jaymi to open up, a prospect made all the more difficult by Fenrir’s general deficiency in the social department, when he felt Belle’s grip strengthen, her small fists grabbing clumps of his hair. His first reaction was annoyance, his patience for her antics starting to wear thin, until he hear her low snarling. He quickly realised that Warpath was trying to yank her off, aid that was completely unasked for. A fierce and terrible anger enveloped him, the Wolf inside wanting little more than for him to burst to his feet and tear Adam’s face off. He managed to keep himself controlled, partly by thinking that he had to set an example for her, to show her that they don’t have to react like the savages that people expect them to be. Mostly though it was the fact that Belle herself was handling it so well, and if a child could keep her calm then he should try harder to remain cool himself. Despite that Belle’s growling seemed to become deeper and more menacing, until he realised that this new growling was coming from him. “Whats the situation Fenrir? asked Warpath, a monumentally stupid query. The situation was about to be his spilled guts and the rest of the team being forced to clean up the cruiser. The desire, the need to tear at Adam was becoming too powerful to resist, his resolve beginning to crumble as the Wolf’s arguments for violence became more and more compelling. Just when it felt like he could restrain himself no longer Belle squirmed out of the Warpath’s grasp. It felt like a pressure being lifted from Fenrir’s chest, the all consuming hunger for blood slowly receding to become a dull ache in his temple. The plant man Thorn approached, admonishing Adam while offering a hand to Belle. Fenrir couldn’t help another low growl at the sight. He felt he liked Thorn, though he wasn’t sure why, perhaps it was the Gothamites natural look spoke to that primal part in the Wolfman that preferred the green woodlands to concrete jungles. Regardless of that, and despite Thorn’s innocent and well meaning intentions, Fenrir just couldn’t help getting his hackles up when someone approached the Belle. It worried him at times, just how protective he had become of her in so short a time. Rationally he knew that Thorn meant her no harm, but at the moment he wasn’t being his rational best. He did his best to calm down once more, tearing his angry eyes from Val to level them upon Warpath, the one deserving his fury, and still a hairs breath away from a torn out throat, with his hardest glare. “If you do that again you will be leaving this team.” He said softly, though not so quiet that the rest of the team couldn't hear if they listened closely. His voice was strained, the unspoken implication that Warpaths parting from the Outsiders would not be peaceful was obvious in Fenrir’s face and demeanour. “Now sit. You will find out the situation soon.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Johnny Kenwood sat in one of the many dive bars in Bludhaven (The only type of bar to be found in Bludhaven). A single empty glass sat in front of the young man as he stared into the reflection for a moment deliberating on whether he should order another drink. Deciding one was enough for now, he reached into his jacket and placed a cigarette between his lips, extending one finger a small jet of flame erupted from the end igniting the cigarette before slowly dying down. The rest of the bar raised their eyebrows at the metahuman in disbelief, rising from his stool Johnny smiled wryly at the men. "I think I'll be calling it a night lads." Stepping out into the smog filled streets Johnny took a deep breath, Bludhaven was a prime example of what happened when corporations were allowed to run amok, the people were constantly subjugated and left to suffer while the industrial districts grew larger and larger, bloated cysts filled with factories where workers slaved away for a pittance. It made Johnny furious. What was even worse was that they lived in a world of 'heroes', people like Superman, The Flash and Zatanna who would happily fight off alien invasions to protect the status quo yet did nothing for social change. Perhaps it was this that lead Johnny to agree to become an 'Outsider' when Fenrir offered him a position, it certainly wasn't the personality of his fellow members. A faint beeping noise emanated from the pocket of Johnny's jeans, with a sigh he reached down into his pockets and pulled out his communicator, it was Fenrir, it was time to go to 'work'. Setting off towards the headquarters Johnny walked past the derelict shopfronts and flickering streetlights. Following the rigmarole of tasks required to gain access to the headquarters Johnny made his way to the hangar whistling to himself. Stepping on-board the cruiser 'Molotov' gazed at his team mates, half of them were messing around like children while the others were acting like soldiers. Rolling his eyes and lighting a cigarette Johnny stood at the back of the cruiser awaiting information on the mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Juno had gotten on Tamashi's nerves since day one and until now he remained silent on the matter but he decided now was a good time to comment. He spoke in a tone similar to how a nobleman might address a peasant. "My dear Juno did your famous parents never deem it fit to teach you manners?" A smile came across his face. "Perhaps later we can have a drink while I educate you." Tamashi found it amusing to say this knowing she would not understand the veiled threat. Tamashi figured that he should probably stop causing contention before Fenrir grew angry with him. Tamashi took a metal flask from his jacket and took a sip to calm his nerves. It was of course full of blood but nobody needed to know that. He then looked around realizing that to everyone else it seemed as if he was intoxicating himself with alcohol. He spoke up before anyone could say anything in response. "Relax it's just medicine. I promise it won't impair my judgement at all. He proceeded to place the flask back in his jacket. He continued to sit patiently as he waited for Fenrir to say what the job was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Truly against the norm, Juno giggled again. The little one was simply adorable. She reminded her a little bit of her younger sister when she had been Belle's age. A pang of regret washed over the young hero, thoughts of things unsaid before and after Hiro's death. The last time she had seen Aria was at the funeral. A wave of unwanted memories and feelings worked her way through Juno's mind before she shook her head and they were gone. Now wasn't the time to think about her sister or mother. When she could hold her head up high, then she would contact them again. For now she needed to focus in and get to work. Juno hid her inner bristling when Warpath walked in. In the short time she'd known him, she found him to be an uncreative, tactless, and pretentious twit. But there was no need to antagonize the stooge anymore than would be fun and instead of brushing him off, Juno simply inclined her head in a nod when he walked over. She did the same to Thorn and Jaymi. The humanoid plant wasn't the strangest thing she had ever seen and he seemed to be smarter than most of the fleshy team members anyway, not to mention he knew when to keep quiet. She wasn't sure what to make of Jaymi yet but he was obviously suffering through something, something about his mother if she could recall. It was not a happy story but time would tell if the telekinetic would hold up under pressure. And he was a bit too quiet for her taste, it made reading him more difficult. Juno was pretty sure Warpath was annoyed by her like she was annoyed by him but these two might prove to be worthwhile allies. Juno only nodded at Johnny and did her best to hid her annoyance at him lighting up in the cruiser. She hated cigarettes, everything about them. As for the man, he seemed to be a typical working class rebel. Not a useless one but he definitely had a chip on his shoulder. Juno wondered how he felt about going to rescue the living embodiment of unbridled capitalism. And by god did she hate that cigarette smell. Putting on a polite tone Juno said to Johnny, "Could you perhaps smoke some other time? This is a confined space and I don't believe your smoking is good for Belle. We wouldn't want her to develop complications at her young age would we?" Tamashi got her attention and Juno rolled her mental eyes at the amateur jab, "My dear Tamashi, my parents taught me many things like the fact that thin-skinned older men are exactly the wrong kind of person to have drinks with. And I'm not sure what I could learn from someone who seems to take most of his cues from anime and manga." Juno chose not to comment on the man's apparent alcoholism, but she was becomingly increasingly worried for the child's well being. Who knew what kind of secret perversions abated among these rejects? Focusing back on Belle and Fenrir, Juno had to inwardly groan at Adam. Of course the military brat would do such a thing. Fenrir seemed to be a tad annoyed at Juno's jab and she filed that away for later use. He was definitely annoyed at Adam and Belle seemed to be struggling not to explode. Juno cringed at the fact that such an unstable personality was made team leader. It was useful knowing what aggravated both of the bestial members of the team however. Fenrir seemed to be protective of the girl, she could use that to her advantage. And she was impressed by Thorn's handling of the situation. Juno was concerned that Fenrir would rip open Adam right there and she decided not to speak up lest she earn Fenrir's rage as well. She was keyed up to intervene but Fenrir visibly calmed down and Juno relaxed. She wouldn't mind that much if Adam was kicked out but Juno decided to be more careful around Fenrir and especially the girl. Juno twisted in her seat to look at Belle and Thorn and said, "Flying in a cruiser is fine enough but it's really fun to fly for yourself. Maybe I can take you on a flyby someday? You'd be like a little furry Superman." Juno smiled and a white light hand manifested in front of the girl, "High Five?" Juno wasn't sure if chocolate was safe but every kid loved a good high five. She could smack it as hard as she wanted and not worry about hurting Juno. Plus once Juno went for the classic down-low, too-slow maneuver she could test Belle's reflexes. That would be useful to know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Adam was furious at the outright idiocy of the team leader and Thorn, were they this overprotective and not seeing that he meant no harm to Belle? When thorn spoke to him and grew in size, Adam almost created a construct, he had been in enough fights to know to stay on his toes. "I was simply trying to keep the team on task, if you want to fool around like children then go right ahead, but if you come on me like that again then you and I are going to have problems" he said to Thorn with absolutely no fear or radiated anger in his eyes. His fury grew even more when Fenrir threatened him and he got up in Fenrir's face to know that he wasn't going to a fucking dictator and threaten him. He saw the hate in his eyes and he met with cold fury and a saber construct appear in his hand. "Don't try and fool me, I see the blood-lust in your eyes. If you want to fight then let's go a few rounds and if you try to kill me then I will blow your brains out, I've fought enough psychopaths to not be afraid you" he snarled at Fenrir with a total iron will. He ignored Fenrir's next words and headed for the VTOL making his construct disappear. He would have to keep his eyes on Thorn and Fenrir, they didn't like him and were possibly a threat to him. He was still really angry at his two teammates that he began to cause electronics to turn off and on as he sucked away some of the energy, that tended to happen when he was angry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cantide
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Litheal sighed, he hadn't slept in days and the alley way cost him very little time in making his way to the cruiser. On the rooftops he could see the city in all its disorganized beauty. Behind him sat an old blanket, a makeshift bed it was his getaway that nobody knew about. It sat directly under the overhanging roof of the building next to it for keeping the rain off during long nights. This was the place he returned when he couldn't find an empty house to stay in. Looking forward over the city he knew he might be a little late, who arrives on time these days? Letting his foot touch the empty space off the building he pushed forward, almost like a crack of thunder he was four buildings over in a dash to the edge, another crack of thunder and he was further along. By the time he got to the hanger he was worn out. He had only been here once, only knowing one or two faces he felt like a true outsider. Inside the hangar Litheal wandered, still fascinated with all of the gadgets and technology. Misery was wrapped from hilt to tip in a fine white silk cloth that slung across the back of his shoulder, he idled momentarily taking in how everybody was reacting to the mission and how to interpret them in a strategy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Belle looked up at Thorn, who easily towered over her, with a smile. She was glad that the larger member had come to her defense. She took his hand without a moments hesitation, finding the gesture to be extremely comforting. She nodded, agreeing that taking her seat would wise. She found the idea of having the window seat appealing, as she loved to press her face against the glass and watch the world go on underneath them. She walked, hand in hand, to the seat of her choice. She failed to notice Fenrir's overall protectiveness, nor his threatening tone of voice towards Adam. At the moment, finding the best seat seemed like Belle's first priority. She almost chose a seat next to Poltergeist, but decided against it last minute. Not because she knew social interactions might make the man uncomfortable, no Belle wasn't good at reading emotions like that. It was because he had chosen to sit in a row of seats whose view would be blocked by the cruisers wings. Eventually Belle settled on a row of seats, she lead Thorn along by the arm, directing him to what she thought would be the best seats in the cruiser. The young beast looked up at Juno when she spoke, smiling when the older woman suggested they go off flying together sometime. “I love flying! And if you were piloting I'm sure you would go super fast and do cool spins!” She leaned forward, speaking in a hushed voice. “Just don't tell Fenrir!” Now Belle knew a thing or two about high fives, she would go as far to call herself an expert on smacking her hand against someone elses hand. And she knew the trick to the perfect high five was to look at the elbow of the person you are high fiving. She wasn't sure why, but it worked. Unfortunately the glowing hand in front of her was just that, a hand, no elbow. She would have to make due. She was about to go in for what would have been, undoubtedly, the best high five ever when she heard Adam begin to raise his voice at Fenrir. Belle looked down at her lap, leaning back into her seat and away from Juno, suddenly finding her seat belt interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 18 days ago

Jaymi continued to sit by himself in the cruiser as more of his teammates began to enter. He could tell his teammates wanted some kind of interaction with him, but it was his own fault. It was always hard for him to start a conversation. He never knew what to talk about and with such strong personalities, he didn't want to step on anyone's toes. You're being ridiculous he thought to himself. They're your teammates and you're gonna have to start forming some kind of bond with them. They're your family now. A part of him didn't even want to get to know them. Look how they acted. They are so quick to kill each other and the mission hasn't even started. Poltergeist just stared out of the cruiser at the scene erupting, ignoring the cigarette smoke created by Johnny. Already Juno was having a disagreement with another teammate. If it isn't one thing, it's another. Although this time it was quite amusing. Jaymi tried his best not to crack a smirk at the bickering. He just turned the other way so others wouldn't see his face. It felt nice not to be so blank looking in the face. Maybe this team is what he needed to open up. It wasn't too long before the scene outside the cruiser took a turn for the worse. Poltergeist turned his head towards the door and noticed it was escalating. His teammate who looked like a tree, Thorn, had gotten in between Warpath, Bell, and Fenrir. This was going to get ugly. Poltergeist gave a slight side smile at Belle as she passed by him to find a seat which went back to normal afterwards. Such a nice girl. Just don't make her mad. It was a good thing she left before anything happened. Jaymi could hear Warpath and Fenrir about to get into it after Thorn tried to mediate. Immediately he started to make use of the psychic link he created with every member of the team. This was something Fenrir instructed him to do upon joining for emergencies when they couldn't contact a member with communicators. When he heard Warpath making threats of fighting the team leader, he began to telepathically speak to all his teammates. Guys. Let's just calm down and relax please. We have somewhere to be... Poltergeist's voice was monotonous, but soothing to hear; like an audiobook. However he immediately felt regret. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything. It wasn't his place to get in the middle of things. His teammates were probably surprised he even said anything at all. Suddenly, his stomach tightened with nervousness as he looked away from his teammates and out the window that viewed the wing of the cruiser.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 8 days ago

Ricki was on her knees atop her bed within her room. She brushed her long shiny black hair back as she wrote upon the wall with a red crayon. The fifteen year old didn't like this room. She didn't like being on this team, and she didn't that the Flash had forced her to leave her home. Ricki didn't much care for the Flash either. Who was he to tell her what to do? Who was he to spoil her fun in Keystone City?
....No, wait... That's not right....
....That was... then....
It was déjà vu all over again. Here she was now in another room, in another 'secret' headquarters, with another team. Ricki hoped that this venture with a new team would go better than her tenure with the last. Over two years ago, Ricki had joined the team dubbed Young Justice, a group made up of young sidekicks and protégés of the Justice League. Ricki hadn't joined the team on her own. Oh no. That was the bright idea of the Human Glowstick, better known as the Flash. The Flash took it upon himself to not only end Ricki's criminal ways and acts of domestic terrorism in Keystone, but to try and help reform. What better way to do that than to uproot the girl from Keystone to Star City to train with a group of youngsters of similar age? It seemed to be a good idea at the time. And for the first week they were together the team did great. During that first week the newly formed Young Justice faced off against Kobra agents, winning the skirmish and saving the day with a fair amount of ease. Days after is when it all fell apart for Ricki. The cold-based villain known as Icicle (Junior) was spotted outside of a school one afternoon. The alarm in the headquarters sounded alerting the gang to the said villain's located. The team quickly leapt to action. But, they left without any organization, without any sort of plan... and they left without Ricki. They left the girl behind alone and forgotten. The fifteen year old watched the battle on the monitors. It was over before it really had begun. Yes, the team had won, but not without one casualty. One young member was injured during the melee, not by an attack by the villain, but from an attack on the villain made by a fellow teammate. Upon their return to base Young Justice received a thorough and sound verbal thrashing from the Batman. Hours later, Ricki packed her things and exited the underground headquarters, leaving Star City and Young Justice behind. Now, here she was again. In another room of another secret base with another young team. Writing random, sometimes disturbing, thoughts and phrases on the wall. "Outsiders. This is Fenrir," said the stern male voice on her tiny communicator that lay upon the nightstand beside her bed. "We have a job. Make for the Cruiser. We leave in five." The eighteen year old casually placed the red crayon back in its box of forty-eight, then returned the box to its place upon the nightstand. After crawling off her bed Ricki stretched, arching her back as she lifted her arms high into the air. The young woman as partially dressed for action already. Her red spandex harlequin costume covered the lower part of her body from her waist to her ankles. while the top half was clumsily tied by the loose sleeves about her waist. She untied said sleeves and proceeded to slip a toned arm in each. She did yet slip up the costume though, leaving a good portion of her upper torso exposed, from her neck down to her diaphragm with showing just a peek of her well defined abs. Obviously, Ricki was not wearing a top underneath her costume, only a black sports bra that fit snuggly around her bosom. Blue gloves soon covered her delicate hands and boots were slipped over her dainty feet, both reminiscent of those worn by swashbucklers or pirateers in days gone by. Ricki then gathered up her jacket from the bedpost, a short blue jacket with yellow trim and puffy sleeves. Next she stepped over to the end of her bed where set a small black duffle bag upon a heavy foot locker of similar color. Satisfied with the bags contents, the youthful vigilante unzipped up throwing the strap over one shoulder. Before she reached to door Ricki removed the white silicone mask with a turquoise wig sewn atop from a foam mannequin's head and picked up her punchline from the dresser. Confident she had all she needed, Ricki opened the door and exited her room.... ....only to return a second later to retrieve her tiny communicator. A moment or two later, Ricki boarded the jet, her mask barely atop her head not yet pulled over her face, the front of her costume still needing to be zipped up, twirling her punchline nonchalantly as she stepped inside. **Guys. Let's just calm down and relax please. We have somewhere to be...** Ricki dropped her weapon/grappling device immediately grabbed her head and shutting her eyes at the sound of the invading voice. The voice was neither loud nor threatening, but it upset her just the same. "Nononono!" the girl muttered to herself. She stood there a few seconds more until she was sure the talking had stopped. Satisfied that it indeed had, Ricki picked up her favorite toy and proceeded on her way inside the jet. Now, apart of her new that Poltergeist was a telepath and that it had obviously been his voice in her head. At the same time, Ricki sometimes heard voices when there were no telepaths around. Either way, never did she enjoy the experience. Finding an empty seat beside the telepath Ricki sat herself beside the young man. Placing her duffle bag in her lap and setting her punchline atop of it she sat quietly while crossing her ankles awaiting for the supersonic vehicle to take off. "You know, the last time I was on a plane it exploded," she said to Jaymi matter-of-factly, leaning towards him a bit and making the hand gesture of something being blown up. Then she added with a smirk, "'Course, I'm the one who blew it up. Blew it up with my balls. Have you seen my balls? They're quite lovely." Then, Ricki went silent again, looking around the cabin of the jet wondering why they hadn't taken off yet.
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