Avatar of Heathen
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 646 (0.16 / day)
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    1. Heathen 11 yrs ago
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<Snipped quote by Burning Kitty>

If recruiting keeps going up there's no need for two characters per player. Right now we're at 16 or 17 accepted players with another 4 players submitting CS's. I had originally only planned for the game to be half the size with around 10 players with 2 characters each tops by Ep 5. We're coming up on 20 players now before I make any cuts and we're not even on Episode 5 yet.


@NecroKnight the @ tag didn't work earlier. You're in Ep 5.

@Stein - Khione
@Blue Demon - Clayface
@ineffable - Apollex
@Heathen - Went back to search for the CS but I didn't see it, you still joining?

^^^^ Im gonna go over these shortly. Just gotta plug up my laptop.


I'm still here. Still working on it. Other things had came up.
I got started on a regular metahuman superhero. He'll be finished soon.

I do plan on putting up a sheet. Just taking longer than expected.
I live in Houston so it rains here constantly.
Btw, I'm still here. I just wanted the story to progress just a tiny bit forward before I post. :)
Danny Green

Danny's eyes opened as his alarm from his phone awoke him from his peaceful slumber. His sight was a bit blurry before his pupils adjusted to the dark room. He reached over to his nightstand and picked up his phone, turning the alarm off and reading the time. 6:15. The red haired boy rubbed his eyes as he opened his phone to see if he had any missed messages from his friends or family. Not that there would be seeing as he stayed up all night talking to them on FaceTime. He would normally be up at around 5 in the morning for his daily walk to appreciate his love for nature, but with him being away from his loved ones he decided to put that on hold for just one day. The boy had been homeschooled most of his life and thought his first day of high school was weird. However, being away from his family all together living in a huge mansion was way out of his comfort zone and something that would take getting used to. Danny knew this would be best for him and his abilities if he didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone again. Which was odd to think about given his power seemed quite passive. He never thought in a million years he would be living in a place that would train you on how to use your superpowers. Stuff like that only happened in comic books. But alas, here he was laying in his bed, pinching himself to reassure himself that this was very real. He turned over on his side and noticed his roommate was already awake and ready for the day.

"Oh," he said a little startled. "Good morning." Danny cleared his throat and reached for his water he kept beside his phone. He caught a glimpse of his arm which was green as a plant like the rest of his body at the moment. Being asleep for 8 plus hours indoors with no water caused the side affect of his ability to kick in. As the water started to swirl down his throat, his natural color immediately came back to his skin which he hoped didn't freak out his roommate. "Sorry," he said quietly. "Being indoors with no sun or water for a long time will do this to me."

He proceeded to slide his feet into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He had taken a shower the night before fearing he would be late for their little meeting at 7 if he had taken it in the morning. After getting refreshed, he headed back into the bedroom to get out of his sleeping clothes and get into something more day appropriate. Something comfortable and casual was what he was aiming for. Danny decided to throw on a plain green v-neck and some skinny jeans. He always had to wear something green, ironically. He slipped into some black vans and went back to the bathroom to fix his red mop bed head he had for hair at the moment. And it wasn't just red. It was a bright phoenix red. The type of red that looked unnatural and dyed which people still questioned him about whether it was real or not. After a few minutes of wetting, blow drying, and styling he went into the room to collect a few of his belongings.

"I'm gonna go ahead and start heading out," he said to his roommate in his usual soft spoken voice. Quietly, he exited the room and proceeded to make his way to the conference room. He breathed deeply, inhaling the cool crisp morning air into his lungs. He tried to tell himself it wouldn't be so bad being here. As Danny walked by a dying shrub, his powers unconsciously kicked in causing the plant to sprout back to life looking healthy and green. A few flowers even emerged from it. This happened from time to time when he was in a good mood. After checking in at the automated box, he joined the others who had already arrived. He sat himself down at one of that chairs, quietly saying "good morning" to everyone.
Gonna throw up a post when I get home from work. :)
When are we getting started

Interesting set of characters so far. :)
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