The pink gem had been placed in charge of the engine room, being previously allied with Homeworld she knew quite a few things about technologies and how to keep a ship in order. And this ship was not in order. Thulite wasn't sure what had happened, but the ship was going down in a rain of explosions and fire. Most of her engine room crew had abandoned her, desperate to try and find a way off the doomed ship. Thulite silently wondered if this was some form of karma. This was the fate of the universe, getting payback for all the problems she had caused it. She looked up, through a gaping hole in the ceiling of the engine room, likely caused by an explosion. She felt the need to cry out, or beg, to whoever could hear her. But she knew this would all be in vain. She was going to die, all alone, unable to save those who had no need to trust her. Thulite grimaced, shielding her face with an outstretched arm from another burst.
It felt like forever, or maybe it was only an instant. Thulite felt heavy, and yet so light. For a few moments Thulite could not see, blinded in the sudden sun, and she assumed she was dead. And yet the pleasant smell of grass and berries filled her head. "Rose?" Thulite asked aloud, her voice weak and yet so full of hope. "Am I dead? Have I been...forgiven?" Another eternity seemed to past by Thulite, although this eternity lasted only a few moments. She received no answer from her savior, but her eyes soon adjusted to the harsh sunlight. She was alive, and she was not sure she deserved to be.
The soft pink gem sat up, short hair riddled with grass and dirt. Her head was spinning and her ears were ringing, what had happened to the drowning explosions? Thulite felt disoriented, like she wasn't in control of her body. She took a few deep breaths, the fresh air making her feel...calm and safe. She shakily stood to her feet, brushing the dirt off her back and legs. She felt the overwhelming urge to explore, and she wasn't quite sure why. Looking out in the distance, well not even that far, she could see gems beginning to stir. She could even hear the voice of one of them, a voice that for whatever reason made her feel uneasy.