Alex was totally and completely lost. She was lost in more then one definition of the word. She had no idea where she was, or if she was even close to her end location. The girl had never read a map or even held one, so her geographical location was a complete mystery to her. But she also felt lost in the psychological sense, although she would never admit it. She wasn't sure how to act without a set leader, she had never been a leader herself.
And little did she know, she was going the wrong way entirely.
The young girl paused a moment, trying to recover breath and strength she couldn't remember ever having. She bent over at the waist, hands bracing on her knees. She shivered involuntarily even as the sun bore down on her exposed skin. It had rained that part night, and Alex had made the mistake of falling asleep out in the open. She could have been eaten, but instead woke up soaked to the bone and ill feeling. Her backpack and supplies had become completely waterlogged as well, feeling heavy on her back.
A far off sound caught Alex's attention. It sounded like voices talking, or more like arguing, in the distance. Alex tried to push back her fear, she would have to do the only thing she knew how to do. Steal. Alex crept close to the ground, her light steps coming in handy now, as she approached the camp. She kept to the shadows, completely hidden to anyone who wasn't looking close enough. There were three people, a man and two women. Maybe a group? They seemed to be all arguing with each other, the red head had a weird weapon, the girl with the cool Mohawk was jumping on the man.
And watching that squirrel fall into the fire broke Alex's heart. She clamped an arm around her empty stomach, trying to smother the biting hunger. Well the option of stealing their food was out, but she remained watching. Maybe they would all kill each other and there would be things to loot. She shivered again, wishing the heat of the fire would reach a little farther.