Name: Alex "Rocket" Jones
Age: Fourteen
Perceptive: Being born and raised in a time where anything can and will kill you, she has a pretty good sense of sight and hearing.
Youthful: No fear of achey backs or tired legs here!
Adaptive: Alex is good at changing plans at the drop of a dime, and she is pretty good at hiding in small spaces.
Cooperative: Once she trusts you, she has no problem working with others or even taking orders from others.
Friendly: Most of the time, Alex seems to lack any mean bones in her body.
Uneducated: In a traditional sense. Alex's ability to count, spell and read are extremely limited.
Small: Alex is petite, meaning it's easier to pick her up and push her over.
Untrusting: She has no need to trust strangers, or even people she has known for a short amount of time. She will always assume these people are out to hurt her.
Thievish: Alex has a tendency to steal and horde. This could be anything from food and supplies to rocks. Having piles of stuff makes her feel secure.
Timid: Alex is a hard nut to crack when it comes to social interaction. She would rather keep quiet and hide then cling to people.
Biography: Alex's upbringing was anything but nurturing. She was born of an unfortunate woman and some unfortunate experiences with a man. It would have made sense for her to die before she was born, or maybe shortly after, but the pack of scavengers couldn't help but see the value in a newborn. It was easy, set down the crying child and let some good samaritans run over and try to save her. And then they get robbed, murdered and scattered and the cycle continues. And when Alex was old enough to walk and talk it was even easier. She would hobble over to a group of survivors, eyes all wide and sad, and beg for food. And then her much larger and more violent caretakers would seal the deal.
Alex's birth mother was allowed to do the feeding and cleaning of Alex while she was an infant, but as soon as Alex was old enough and capable enough to walk on her own the scavengers killed her mother. Right in front of Alex. As a way to show the difference between weakness and strength. A lesson, the first of many. Alex figured this was all there was to life, but it didn't seem all that bad. Any time she questioned her groups leader she would be given food or a shiny object to keep her mouth shut. And with this her hoarding problem began. While Alex struggled to learn the value of mercy, instead learning the value of 'What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine', she also learned skills vital to her survival. The world was a cruel place, and it was particularly cruel to a young girl, and her survival wouldn't be handed to her on a silver platter.
Once she was ten years old she really began her career as a scavenger. Having small hands and body was useful when it came to digging through piles of rubble. What she didn't like was the killing, at this point she was starting to understand what her group was doing, but questioned nothing. This was just the way life was meant to be lived. But nothing lasted forever, especially human life. One day, while scavenging through an old trailer park, a Langue got the jump on her group, snapping up and killing everyone, except for Alex who was able to wedge herself into a cupboard.
Alex stayed in that cupboard long after she knew the coast was clear. She wasn't sure what to do or how to feel. Her entire group was gone, killed. And while they were never gentle with each other it was the closest Alex had to a family. This was also the first time Alex was ever without a leader. Sure people had died in the past, but this was Alex's first time being completely alone. She had been left to make her own choices from now on. All of this new found freedom scared Alex, but she decided to continue in what her old group was doing. Traveling to Maine.
Iris Barret: Cool hair.
Len Sclera: Total Badass.
Kara Roberts Can't even hold a crossbow.