Alula watched with strange interest as Carver tossed the rock out of his bag. She watched it roll and skid away from the group, until it finally settled into a grassy patch several yards away from them. It would have been impossible for anyone to just see the rock if they were walking past, and yet Alula knew it was there, so she could see it. She shivered despite the heat. She turned her blurred attention back to the group.
She allowed the punching man who look through her bag, which she had hidden within her robes. She didn't really have anything of importance on her. Her bag was actually a blanket all bundled together with twine. In her bundle was nothing but a few torn up pieces of canvas, likely at one point a tent, and some random odds and ends. Nothing of value, more like junk you would find laying around. She wondered where they came from.
And then there was another girl. Alula pulled down the rim of her hat, muttering softly. "A life is cut short so another can begin. Lives are lost in the forest of life to allow the young to grow." She felt horribly dizzy and a bitter cold spreading though her veins. She leaned forward for a moment, resting her weight against Carver until the cold was replaced with the burn. At this point she was hoping no one else would approached the group.