Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Smiling, satisfied with the answer he got Furnace let the light flicker out.
He returned to the friend collector, who was now walking towards his kind metal companion.
Furnace caught up and joined him, as they stood near Carver and the others Furnace asked Separ the question that was burning on his mind.
"What are you gathering friends for? What do you plan to do?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gammaflux
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Separ couldn't help but smile at the little gnome's question. "I wish to go on a journey and help those in need, as well as defeat people who abuse their power. To become the hero of the people and such, though uh, apparently I can't even handle a simple bartender yet." Giving both Carver and the gnome a small bow each individually he continued on. "I also want to apologize to you both for acting so rash back there. I probably should not have started a fight. It's just he was trying to throw out that man, and he was a jerk overall. Neverthless, I almost put you all in danger, so I'm sorry. And Carver, if you want you don't have to journey with me after what you just witnessed me do. You don't have to feel any obligation or anything of the sort."

Separ quickly turned towards the Gnome as well. "You asked how I was doing earlier right? Well truth be told the lady may have healed my wounds, but I still feel a little tired and weakened. Punching the sharp end of a sword is no joke after all, though I'll bet my mentor could actually punch the sword and break it. He's the most skilled fighter I've ever known, and I'm sure he could do it if he just added in a little magic."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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"I see. Bartenders are simple, but hard to handle."
Furnace listened to Separ apologise and wondered what he meant.
Had they made a pact before saying he wouldn't fight bartenders?

Breaking a sword with bare hands sounded strange.
"Wouldn't you just use a hammer or heavy blade for something like that?"

Furnace put his hands together again and reignited the white golden coil of lightning between his palms.
"Relax the muscles in your hand."

He held his hands around the cuts on Separ's knuckles.
Bright sparks jumped from his left hand onto the cuts and ran along the edges of wounded flesh until they reached his other hand.
The current of positive energy tingled pleasantly, and Separ could feel a comfortable warmth flow from his hand through his body.
Surging trough his muscles he felt an energising boost.
The wounds closed further, fading the scars further. Showing only thin white lines.
"The scars fade with more healing."
Furnace explained while he healed the other hand.

When he was done Furnace stepped back and the lights flickered out.
"How do you feel now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Carver put his hand over his breast. "Your humility does you credit, friend Separ, but you need feel no shame for your actions. You did what you thought was best, and put yourself in harm's way for the sake of another. I think you are very noble - it would be my privilege to journey with one of such spirit."

The paladin smiled fondly down at the gnome as set his energy to the man's injuries. "Aha! Our diminutive friend shows talent. Fear not, I will speak to the girl - see if I'm unable to convince her."

He approached her, still standing where she had been speaking to the half-elf. "I understand that you are afraid. It's a very sudden offer, to go off journeying with strangers. I don't know much about you save that you have some power, and it frightens you." He smiled. "But you don't have to be frightened anymore."

The gnome's childlike curiousity and bizarre manner. The half-elf's bitterness, surliness, and surprising gentleness. Separ's spirit, his temper, his headstrong approach to his problems. The girl's shyness, her fear, the strange power she clearly possessed. These people were innocents, trying to make their way in the world. And innocents needed to be protected. That's what Carver could do, he realized. He could protect them.

In a daze, he drew his sword and planted in the ground at the girl's feet. He dropped to one knee, places his hands upon his hilt, closed his eyes. "In terror of the night, the sun is our greatest deliverance. If we should journey together, my lady, I swear on my honor that no harm will come to you. As long as I draw breath, I will keep you safe. All of you."

He rose, and sheathed his sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Alula had decided not to press matters into the half-elf. If he wanted his space she would grant it to him. And keeping the scarf was a nice addition, she would have to find a nice place to keep it. Or maybe she would find a way to attach it to her robes. She was quite happy to know that her keeping his scarf was not the source of his sorrow, but if not that then why was he upset? She stood up, turning around right as the paladin began speaking to her.

She pulled the brim of her hat down over her eyes, although she tried to resist. The paladin could read her pretty well. She didn't like the unknown, and a lot of things were unknown and confusing to her. Going on a random adventure with a bunch of strangers seemed to be a horrible choice. What the man said next about her powers baffled her. She did indeed have 'some power' but did it scare her? Well maybe a little. She wasn't sure why, but it did indeed scare her knowing what she could do and become.

She muttered softly. “Control and restraint are the byproducts of fear. But survival is as well.”

And in a strange change of events the paladin dropped to one knee, his sword planted in the ground by her feet. He was making a vow, to protect them. Sarcastic voices filled her head, saying that the moon was far superior to the sun and that there are more terrors in the day then the night, but she kept these quiet. The man was clearly doing something important. These vows were obviously serious things. From his lower position, if Carver was paying attention to her face, he would be able to see that her eyes looked strangely clear. Nothing like normal eyes should, but it showed that she might actually be understanding.

Perhaps an adventure would be good for her.

And as Carver rose she again covered her eyes, but her smile was visible. Her voice was slurred. “Well...how could I...resist such an...offer...” Yep, she was on board. She just hoped this would be the right choice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

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He could only sigh as their fearless leader resisted him and Carver, going for another punch. Again, the bartender’s reflexes bested fist with blade. That was going to need some stitches. Slowly though, their group filtered out. The madness was ending. Kelvin took the time to toss his pack up onto their table, stowing the dynamite back inside, tightening straps before slinging it back onto his back. He paused and straightened the chairs before returning to face the barkeeper.

”I apologize for my companions rash actions.” Kelvin grimaced, but forced himself to bow to the other man.”I have known them less than an hour, but I already know this will be a long journey.” He straightened, and then turned to leave before noticing the girl, her cloak draped over her again. He sighed. Kelvin still didn’t agree with her presence, unanswered questions. She had tried to help though.

”Hey,” He gently tapped her head and jerked a thumb over his shoulder. ”You are still welcome to join us, if you are brave enough.” That said, he turned and strode out, joining their party outside the building. He didn’t mix though, instead choosing to stay back a bit and wait for them to talk it out. There were other productive things to do though. Kelvin sat down off to the side of the road and pulled his pack down next to him, removing the components for his crossbow. He was meticulous, carefully adjusting the metal arms, keeping them balanced as he strung it- piecing together the clip and screwing it together before assembling the trigger system. Done, he finally stood, hiking up his pack and braided the cord into a sling for the crossbow. This way it could hang out of the way at his side until he needed it. He was ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gammaflux
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Separ could feel warmth slowly seeping into his hands and his entire body, slowly replenishing his strength. When the gnome was done healing him Separ felt energized, yet at the same time tired, and a bit sore. "I...I feel a lot better actually. Though I still feel quite exhausted." Separ clenched his fist. [i]It's numb, I probably just need some rest though.[i] "Thank you for your help. Oh, and would you be interested in joining our group? We're going to go explore and go on adventures and stuff, though I'll understand if you say no after that embarassing moment in the bar." Separ shook his head trying to forget it before watching Kelvin step out of the building. "Please think about it, but for now I have some business to attend to. If you'll excuse me"

And with that Separ strode towards Kelvin, and facing him gave him a small bow. "I'm sorry for my actions in there Kelvin, I should have thought more calmly about the situation, it's just, no, no excuses. I should not have caused a scene like that, and truthfully I am sorry. Do you still want to be a part of my group? I honestly won't blame you if you say no, as I acted like an idiot back there. Sorry!" Separ ended his bow and looked back at Kelvin, a look of regret on his face. Sure he was happy so many people had agreed to stay, yet he still felt terrible about losing control and possibly endangering others as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Carver nodded at the girl's acceptance and broke into a broad, warm grin. "Excellent! You shall not regret this decision!"

He turned, and called over to Separ, "She'll be joining us, friend!" He turned back and suddenly clapped his hand over his forehead. "By the sun, forgive my rudeness, I still haven't asked your name. I am Sir Carver, Paladin of the Sun. In case you didn't hear when I... um... lost my temper, in there, a moment ago."

A very merry company of adventurers they were turning out to be. Carver hoped that the gnome and the half-elf would agree to join them, as well - both seemed like people in need of some looking out for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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All he'd ever wanted was to see the world for himself.
"I'll come with you too.
I am Furnace and I'm sorry for uhm.."
He looked at Separ and Carver, looking for a clue.
When he couldn't think of anything he just shyly shrugged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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Having cried the last of his tears, Vis rose from the floor, using the wall as support. He looked around through tires eyes to see where everyone hade gone, the man who had punched the sword was some ways away with the gnome and the paladin and girl with white hair were but a few feet away and he could hear snippets of their conversation through his deaf ear, they were on his left side. He looked to them and slowly the flickering green light of his eye stabilized into a a dull muted green, having rid himself of his obvious emotions. He approached them, feeling a terribly uncomfortable without a scarf around his face, showing his gnarled cheek in broad day light, he approached them. "If'n thare ith adfenture infolfed, you can counth me in." Though the past 10 minutes had shaken Vis, it would dissuade him from adventuring, if he were to give up so easily, he would have turned home after his eye had been cursed and avoided having his face and ear wrecked. Vis rested his hand on the pommel of his rapier, he was nervous they wouldn't have him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Alula watched as the paladin called over to the punching man. Was he the leader of the party? Alula wouldn't have been surprised, he seemed enthusiastic enough to be a leader but maybe a bit too enthusiastic. He had attacked the barkeep rather quickly, it only took a handful of insults to set the man off. Not only that but he also was defeated in the fight between them, not really thinking before punching a man proficient with a sword. Alula shook her head, she shouldn't be so hard on the man. If they were willing to take her along then she should at least wait before casting judgment.

And then the Paladin turned back to her, introducing herself. Alula tried to not show the frown on her face. She was really bad at remembering names. She hoped she would at least be able to remember the paladins name, but more likely then not he would be receiving a nickname soon. Had he really lost his temper? She couldn't remember. What really amused her was that he called himself a paladin of the sun. Yep. They were going to have fun with this.

“Three things shine before the world and cannot be hidden. They are the moon, the sun, and the truth.” The voice sounded sarcastic and Alula couldn't help but giggle out loud, briefly forgetting that no one but herself could hear them.

She watched as the half-elf came over, perhaps finished with his crying, and the gnome introduced himself. What an odd group she had begun to associate with. She was glad to see the half-elf would be coming along as well, and the gnome seemed like good company as well. She pulled the brim of her hat down over her eyes.

“I am Alula...at your service...”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Carver grinned at the girl's cryptic words. "Four things. You forgot about good cheer." He laughed as though to illustrate, and bowed deeply. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Alula. I am at your service."

The paladin then turned to clap the half-elf on the back. He was greatly pleased to hear of the man's acceptance - surly and ill-tempered as he seemed, his actions had proven to Carver that the man was possessed of a gentle soul. "Good man! You've made an excellent choice, friend. It is ever a great privilege to journey alongside those so fair of spirit." He looked over to the gnome. "That goes for you as well, friend."

The company was coming together. There just seemed to Carver to be one thing missing - the black-haired woman with evil in the air around her. Truth be told, Carver wouldn't have minded if the party left without her, save for the fact that he wasn't sure that he could leave this town in her hands. At least if she accompanied them, he could keep an eye on her. "Separ," he called out. "What of that woman who was speaking to you in the bar? Will she be joining us?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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whoops wrong place
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gammaflux
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Before Separ could get an answer out of Kelvin, he heard Carver call out to him, asking about the girl from earlier. "Oh, she said yes earlier, but I don't know what she'll think now after seeing what just happened. In fact I'll go talk to her right now." Said Separ as he made his way over to the tavern entrance just as she was coming out of the building.

Separ bowed his head to her just like he had done so to all the others prepared to apologize to her. "I'm sorry about all the trouble I caused in there. I was out of control in there, and I should not have acted so rash or made a scene like that. Anyways, if you want you don't have to travel with us after seeing all of that. Though it would make me happy if you did stay." Separ raised his head and flashed a weak smile. "After all, I'm sure you'd make a great asset to the team. Take as much time as you need to think about it, alright?" And with that Separ started to turn around and head back to the group. It would probably be a good time to discuss provisions and supplies, as well as where to explore. Although truth be told, Separ himself didn't even know where to begin, surely they could all come to an agreement at some point right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

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Suki sighed as the She quickly clasped the cloak around herself. Looking at the barkeeper, she couldn't help but to give him a smile, visible to the barkeeper alone. "Although such events have transpired, my offer is still up for the taking~" Whispering these words, she turned around and walked out of the tavern.

However, the moment she exited the building, she found the man named Separ, the one who had injured his fist trying to attack the barkeeper. "No need to be so worried. If even the paladin himself wanted to give the barkeeper a good scolding, you are not in the wrong." Smiling back as she said these words, she gestured at his hands, asking, "Are your hands alright now?".

Although, to the question of whether she was coming along or not, Suki was slightly more hesitant than she was when she first answered the man before. "I...will come along, yes." Answering Separ, she couldn't help but to have her gaze drift slightly to the side, as if staring at the paladin behind Separ. However, in a blink of an eye, she wasn't looking at the paladin, but back at Separ.

"So, it looks like you have rounded up your party."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gammaflux
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Separ quickly turned around to face the girl again. "Even so, it wasn't exactly such a good idea to cause a scene like that." Separ said while rubbing the back of his neck. "And yes, my hands are all better now. See?" Separ extended both of his hands for her to see that they were now completely healed. "I do feel a bit tired after all of that now though, but I should be fine, and I'm happy you decided to come along, and uh, I don't really consider it my party. I'm not really trying to be the leader or anything, and I'd kind of prefer things that way. This group is yours just as much as it is mine, and the same goes for everyone else." Separ said smiling at the girl, before turning towards the group he would be adventuring with soon.

He started walking over to the group happily, content that he could get the girl to join. "Carver, She'll be joining us after all. though I'm still concerned about Kelvin, as he has not made up his mind yet. Either way though, what kind of supplies do you all have, after all we should probably prepare for our journey, and also where would you like to head out to?"" Separ looked at all the members in his group, studying them. So these are my new comrades, huh? They seem like a pretty fine bunch. Yes, I do believe this is going to be the start of something great.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Alula kept quiet, looking over at the group from behind Carver. Yes. She had found herself in quite a strange situation. Why had she agreed to go on some adventure with a bunch of strangers? She pulled the brim of her hat over her eyes, trying to concentrate. She could hear the punching man agreeing to let the other girl into the group. She was a strange one as well, but she radiated a compelling strength like no other. She took a step further behind Carver as the punching man approached her, as if taking cover behind the man.

She muttered softly, her voice slurring and eyes glowing from beneath her hat. "Only a life lived for others is a life worth while."

She felt a bit worried when the punching man came over and asked if anyone had any supplies or a destination in mind. The man was gathering people for some sort of adventure and didn't have a plan? She held back a sigh, knowing she would have to learn to trust the others around her. This would truly be a group effort, and as someone who survived on her own for so long she was afraid.

Alula had a puzzled look on her face under her hat. Supplies? Why was she thinking of supplies? Did she have supplies? Does she even need to eat? A voice confirmed for her, yes you do eat occasionally. She blinked hazily, holding up her heavy coin purse.

"I have...uh...supplies..." She sounded confused.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Carver caught the woman's gaze and held it as she joined the group. Then she knew. He knew, she knew, he knew she knew, she knew he knew, and she had better know he knew she knew. Of course, that still left the matter of what exactly he knew, but that could come later. If the woman was aware that the Paladin knew what she was, perhaps she'd be on her best behavior. That'd be enough for now.

Alula stepped behind him, as though concealing herself from the rest of the group. That fear wasn't ideal, but it was to be expected. The girl would be joining them - Carver was sure she'd come around to them later.

"Ah. Supplies. Let's see!" Carver took his pack and began rooting around inside it. "I have... ten gold coins, not bad... this looks like a crust of bread... and, um, a rock." Carver tossed the stone out of his bag and slung it back over his shoulder, smiling sheepishly. "Uh... sorry, I won't be much help on that front. Sounds like Alula might, though. And I imagine that the traditional method of 'asking the barkeeper for rumours' has been ruled out?"

The paladin grinned at his own jest and looked to his party for direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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Vis raised his voice, "I belief thath we should pool thome coin to buy thupplies for all uf uth." they shouldn't be depending on individual supplies, some most likely didn't have any, Vis supposed, him only having 60 coins, a set of stag antlers and a child's enyclopedia. He took a long hard look at his group, casting green light on every member to scrutinize them, they had a paladin, a sword puncher, a gnome, a rather curvaceous woman and another woman who looked a bit out of it; he could tell that the adventure was going to be something. "Leth all chip in thome coin and buy rathions, things thath will latht a while. Green appleth, hard loafths of bread, dried meath." he had been on the road for a long time and understood what to bring and what not to bring, from personal experience of finding that all the food had rotted in his bag. "And wather thacks."

Vis whinced internally, every time he lisped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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Rose had paid the barkeeper a nice sum of coin for her cooking set. She had not needed it but she really had not reason not to by it. She had no need for the wealth that came from her wanderer adventurer occupation. Also, She was travelling alone. She had no one other than herself to cook for. She had been alone for a while and even if she wanted. She had entered the tavern with the hopes of spending the night and maybe get some work. She had been upstairs in a room she had rented for the night preparing her things for tomorrow when a commotion occurred downstairs. She walked downstairs armed and ready to defend herself. When she got downstairs it looked like she missed everything. A little annoyed she did not get any action, she wandered outside. Outside she overheard a group talk about getting together for an andventure. Rose wasted no time taking up the opportunity.

Rose walks up to the group of adventurers and loudly introduces herself, "Greetings, everyone. I am Rose Anew. Also known simply as Phoenix. I could not help but overhear that all y'all are going on a journey together. I would humbly like to join your group. I am an exceptional front line fighter. Sword and magic are my specialty. I am also a good cook. That should be a plus." Rose was worried she appeared to formal but she did not want to let it show. It would make her look nervous and insecure.
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