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I'm interested in joining and will likely make a character. I'm going to try and make a druidic (sorta) swordsman hybrid. It should hopefully be an interesting character, but I don't know how practical it would actually be.
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In Deify 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
So what is the ETA of this?

It seems this needs a few more CS's and then it's a go go! Am i right?

Yes we pretty much just need more Character sheets before we can begin.
In Deify 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Add Gender and Age (2,000 - 12,000 years old) fields.

Just for clarification you have no other appearances right?

Personality: How does your character feel about other Mortals and Deities? What about Jeno's banishment?

Preferred Field of Magic: Just for clarification, is "mind magic" like causing confusion and illusions, or is it like mind control and rewriting memories and things of that nature?

Pocket Dimensions And Home: Is this pocket dimension her home? What is in this pocket dimension?

Fighting Style: What would happen if she was in close combat?


Does the sentence, "Since the creations of first dreams (around 4,000 years ago) Islena knew that she always tried to provide something special, something that would present alternative to the standard 'cruel' world." indicate that Islena is 4,000 years old? Also dreams should have been present before Islena (or any god) was born.

"She also decided that control over category like hope also helped to support her main goal" You can't choose your own categories, but you may work towards them and "evolve" in that way. This would take a long time to do though.

"Clearly happy with her choices she also realized that exist certain type of magic called illusions. Intrigued she grasped the main objective" Is this implying that you did not know about illusion magic and worked your way up to it? (clarification)

What species tends to worship your deity? Are any views the worshipers hold incorrect? (clarification)
In Deify 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I was really busy yesterday and I need to get going in a minute. I'll review your character when I get back from work if possible. (roughly 6.5 hours by the time of this post.)
Noted. No solid reservations, but I'll tag you if the OOC gets published!

Sounds good. I'll probably play as a male character, but if needed I can also play as a female.
This seems rather interesting. I might join for the heck of it.
In Deify 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Kejmur@Klomster Roleplayerguild was acting up almost the entire day for me yesterday. Luckily it seems to be a lot better this morning.
In Deify 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Sounds good. If you have any other questions, concerns, or just need general help feel free to ask or PM me.

Edit: One thing you could do as a grim reaper-esque character is show up near dying mortals and reap them of their life to spare them from their pain. That would work pretty well I think.
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