Goddess Name: Islena, Goddess of dreams, hope, illusions
Base Appearence:

Islena is a women of pure, unreal type of beauty. Not the type of beauty you expect from a goddess of love - full of animalistic lust and pleasure, the type which bait in men and women like bees towards flowers, but the most archaic and simple one, with angelic like face and innocence which even most pure beings can't compare with. She always wear all kinds of white as snow dresses, mostly with different decorations - pearls, freckles, etc. She always keep her eyes closed - as a goddess of dreams and imagination she's always in her imaginary type of world, so she never open her eyes as she believes it would ruin her visions and limit her creativity. Plus she considers real world truly cruel and simplistic, which a being of her status always disliked. She NEVER open her eyes, although she is perfectly capable of fight and use both magic and other extremely sharp senses to notice things around her.
Personality: In overall Islena is a goddess full of happiness, kindness and benevolence. She always try to find a way to fix problems, but not directly, but in a way that allow her favorite believers and truly kind people avoid pain and suffering. She believes, that creating illusionary realities is the best way to do it, because there is something wrong with true reality which only wait to strike and ruin everything. Although she also has a playful, childish and a bit naive side as creativity and imagination is something that children are most famous for - she loves and adore them as unlike adults they create and believe in what they want and aren't limited in anything. Islena pretty much always smiles, mostly with that gentle motherly smile, although she can also show certain amused smirks or straight up giggle. In other words she creates a certain combination of gentle mother and young child. Although it's important that this combination bring something else - anger and cruelty which both sides may be famous for if they protect their loved ones, their friends or people which clearly anger her. In such moments she show extremely vicious side, which shock sentient beings which don't know her really well.
Preferred Field of Magic: Illusions, Magic Affecting Senses, Mind Magic
Artifacts: None
Pocket Dimensions and Home: She has access towards small pocket dimension called after her own name, where she mostly spend her time to meditate, relax or contemplate. It allows her to escape 'harsh reality' as she likes to call it.
Spells/Abilities: Islena is mostly illusionist, someone who specializes in affecting opponents senses and using misdirection as main way of defeating opponents (she only fights when truly necessary). She may also apply magic which directly affects opponents body (like put him to sleep or make him confused).
Fighting Style: Long/Mid range distance specialist and hides behind her illusion magic. She avoid close combat no matter what.
Biography: Since the creations of first dreams (around 4,000 years ago) Islena knew that she always tried to provide something special, something that would present alternative to the standard 'cruel' world. People were desperate and struggled to survive in harsh reality, hoping for a change. Those desires bringed her into existance and she quickly realized how she could provide them with what they wanted - if she could take over domains which provide as much freedom in creating as fairy-tail-like realities, she would gain most close access to desires of potential believers, while make sure that she can avoid all cruel, disgusting and disturbing things she knows about real world and at least help some mortals at least limit the suffering that harsh reality bringed. What's the better way then full control over dreams - dreams are something that allow you unlimited creation in environment which has incredible creativity potential. Also it's a good system to warn someone about some dangers in prophetic type of dreams or even punish someone with nasty nightmares or send more clear warning (she always hated doing this, but sometimes you need more harsh approach). She also decided that control over category like hope also helped to support her main goal - to bring such strong feelings that they allow to break your limits and even manage to do something impossible! In other words something that something as limited as reality would never allow ! Clearly happy with her choices she also realized that exist certain type of magic called illusions. Intrigued she grasped the main objective - not only they show the world it doesn't exist, but promote that creativity she always looked for! She is also a goddess which avoid direct conflict no matter what and use misdirection to reach her goals, so she always tried to act 'behind the scenes'. She's perfectly neutral and never went into conflict with any other deity or entered any proposed alliance.
Islena may provide blessings in different forms and shapes. Most popular are:
A) Through dreams obviously. She show up there and provide some sort of bonus for her chosen ones.
B) Live visions - they may be provide by smoking substances, meditation or anything that allow to escape reality.
C) Provide morale or body boost in most impossible situations - adrenaline rush in fact in many occastions is her blessing.