Alula looked over the chaotic destruction of the town. She seemed rather pleased, Carver was being tended by the gnome and the horde in front of them had seemed to thinned out considerably due to the fires. Yes, this was fine.
But something was wrong. The girl was panicking again.
"Please! Another is hurt. He is dying. He is far and needs us."
It took a lot of effort but Alula was finally able to convince herself to move. Despite the anxious and urgent tone of Alula's voice, she moved at a slow and lazy hover over the battle. It wasn't difficult to find Vis, and yet she hesitated as she hovered down next to him, glowing eyes looking cross.
"This man is a raider he doesn't need to be healed, he needs to be killed. no wait please he isn't a raider. Ah we recognize him. The man who tired to hurt you in the tavern. he didn't try to hurt me it was an accident. And now here he is on the ground, just like back in the tavern."
And as it seemed like Vis was soon to be blasted to death, another voice spoke. The same calming one that often kept Alula in line.
"The girl speaks the truth. This man is kind and has protected her. We will not harm him."
The staff was lowered, and Alula hovered even closer to Vis and carefully turned him, removing the arrow with gentle movements. Despite this care Alula still sounded anxious.
"please be gentle with him. You heard as the other said, you cannot harm him. Please let us heal him."
Alula's begging finally gave way. The girl first made sure Vis was not watching as she pulled back her sleeves and began to chant.
"petranas letoclo ve irisv sia thurirl"
This heal was far more energy consuming then healing Separs hands. This was a lot of internal damage and bleeding, but he would live. Alula again hovered over him, glowing eyes devoid of emotion. But she was relieved. She was glowing with far less intensity now, using all of this energy was exhausting her. She wished it was night.