Alula could tell that Vis was approaching far before he entered the clearing. And yet she was confused. He carried an extra burden with him, of which she did not know. Alula growled. Her staff keeping her propped above the ground. She rubbed her forehead weakly. Her powers were already in a weakened state. If she tried to find out what was happening with the half elf before she was given a chance to rest she would be putting Alula in danger.
"The half elf returns."
She spoke clearly, over her shoulder at Kelvin.
And when Vis broke through the trees to the clearing Alula's expression changed, rather rapidly. Her eyes flashed like strobes. Her face changed from rage, to horror, to joy and then back to expressionless. The half elf had a child. She couldn't tell if his actions were selfish or selfless. To save a child and then bring her into the danger. The oracle remained still, letting Vis approach the group.
"This miserable world is full of wonders and tragedy, and to none is it more apparent then the children it holds."
She looked up and down Vis, his injuries seemed to be contained and fine. Her healing would be able to hold him over for awhile. What she was really worried about was the girl. Her physical injuries were few, she would be able to heal them easily. But the worst was her emotional damage. Alula could feel every grip of sadness, every anxious shake. She felt them and they felt like her own.
She felt a loss for words.
"The others are resting over there. You should join them."