Alula had noticed as Vis tried to sneak away. The half elf wasn't exactly graceful, crashing through the forest on weak legs. Her magic really only worked its best when the injured person stayed still, like she had requested of Vis. She wasn't sure why Vis wanted to return to the destroyed town, and yet she didn't seem to care. At least, most of Alula didn't care. There was the gentle, frantic, voice in the back of her mind. Begging herself to pursue the man before he got himself hurt again.
“We have healed him once. It is his own fault if he returns to the fighting. We can no longer afford to endanger the girl.”
And then an explosion shook the ground. The force of it, even from so far away, shook Alula. She lost focus for a moment, almost loosing her trance. It took considerable effort to keep herself hovering above the ground, and the light in her eyes continually flickered out.
“We are loosing energy. We should not have healed the half-elf. We leave ourselves vulnerable. We should leave before anything dangerous continues.”
But before the girl could float herself away from the burning town, as well as the new companions she had acquired, something stopped her. A voice. And it said a name. Her name. Her real name. Her eyes flickered for a few moments, like a strobe light, before illuminating again. The paladin was in distress, and he was holding someone of equal distress. She hovered her way over to him, appearing between trees like a ghost.
“The girl is unharmed and she is glad to see you are alive.”
Alula looked around, back towards the town.
“The half-elf ran back in, if you are wise you will not follow him. You should sit down, and wait for the commotion in the town to die down.”
“We have healed him once. It is his own fault if he returns to the fighting. We can no longer afford to endanger the girl.”
And then an explosion shook the ground. The force of it, even from so far away, shook Alula. She lost focus for a moment, almost loosing her trance. It took considerable effort to keep herself hovering above the ground, and the light in her eyes continually flickered out.
“We are loosing energy. We should not have healed the half-elf. We leave ourselves vulnerable. We should leave before anything dangerous continues.”
But before the girl could float herself away from the burning town, as well as the new companions she had acquired, something stopped her. A voice. And it said a name. Her name. Her real name. Her eyes flickered for a few moments, like a strobe light, before illuminating again. The paladin was in distress, and he was holding someone of equal distress. She hovered her way over to him, appearing between trees like a ghost.
“The girl is unharmed and she is glad to see you are alive.”
Alula looked around, back towards the town.
“The half-elf ran back in, if you are wise you will not follow him. You should sit down, and wait for the commotion in the town to die down.”