Alula looked over at the child, still hiding behind Vis as she spouted some strange nonsense. Well. At least the kid was curious. And yet the oracle knew that an illiterate child from a poor village wouldn't be able to understand a higher standard of magic, and she didn't really have the patience left to talk to the child.
"The girl is here, and yet not. She does not need to concern herself in problems that might cause her harm."
Alula looked down upon Carver, her flashing eyes displaying anger.
"Yes, but all Knights of the sun are rather unbecoming."
Her face contorted again, from anger to defiance and back to anger. An internal struggle, and argument with herself.
"do not be so cruel to him. All Paladins are dangerous. he protects us. Yes but for how long. His love of the sun will soon overshadow his protection. the incident was not his fault. It should not take an entire squadron of Paladins to 'guard' a village."
Alula shuttered, repressing voices. She put a hand to her forehead, her light fading for a moment.
She watched as Vis put the child up the in tree, finding it odd that he would choose that as a place to put her to bed. She only hoped that someone bought tents before the town burned. And she only hoped no one would insist on sleeping with her.