Einstein was initially confused by the ghost that had floated by, talking about steering the ship. Through the comm on Cecelia's suit, he remarked "Um... I'd prefer to not navigate a ship, like I always do when we're jumping around." Cecelia smiled a little and rolled her eyes. Hearing another guardian introduce herself, Cecelia figured names of sorts would be a little important. "Hey. I'm Cecelia. My ghost, Einstein, can- and always does- call me princess. Just a nickname. My tactic is up close and in-your-face as much as I can. If there's a large baddie, I'll pull out my sniper. I guess I'm a heavy-impact sort of shooter. Though, with enough Light, I can whip out me a golden gun. I knew I wouldn't need to go to the Vault cause I've been using the same sniper and handcannon since I found them on Mars. Too good to pass up, and nothing that's surpassed them while I've been out in the field or at the Tower's gunsmith. Just works for me. My armor probably isn't optimized, but it's comfy and guards me well enough. What sort of fighting style do you use, Miss Lokh?"
Fighting styles and tactics were a primary concern for Cecelia, since hers was pretty versatile. It'd be unwise to have six guardians going up-close-and-personal with no sniper backup in case of a few Hobgoblins or that annoying Vandal with the sniper beam-gun. Always hate those, because they threw the biggest wrenches in Cecelia's tactics execution. Too much evasion while trying to approach. Occasionally, she can hit them with a throwing knife right in the face, but that's a really hard shot to make. No matter what, Cecelia would fill the role most needed. If most of them preferred to rush in, she'd stay back. If a lot of them preferred to use distance, she'd be best to rush in. This looked like a jumpship base more than a ship of its own. It'd be big enough to launch smaller jumpships from it, which would be awesome. Like a mobile hanger. Typing it into a holo-note, Cecelia transmitted it to Einstein to work on some rough draft blueprints. Maybe they could make something after this mission. Or at least start. Either way, this mission takes precedence.