Spreading the word of our Lord, while womanising and boozing along the way.

Speech Color:
Father Lucas Algernon McNulty
A bald, bespectacled, middle-aged man with a slight gut, Father McNulty would never be anyone's first choice to aid them in a crisis, something he's more than happy about. His twisted features and weak frame speak volumes of his true nature, yet his charismatic nature as well as the position of authority his role as the local pastor grants him, often has others turning to him for advice. Normally seen dressed in well tailored suits with his golden crucifix hanging around his neck, Father McNulty enjoys all the comforts his rural setting can offer, and does everything he can to ensure those around him will always seek out his favour.

On the surface Father McNulty is a wise, honourable man of God who is always more than willing to help out his fellow townsfolk in times of trouble. Behind the mask though, Lucas is a backstabbing bastard more than willing to use his charismatic silver tongue to talk others into placing themselves in the line of fire to keep himself safe. Always willing to rouse a rabble into a frenzy to further his own agenda, Lucas is far less willing to place himself in danger even when lives are on the line.
While he has little hatred for anyone, Lucas often uses easy scapegoats such as blacks and homosexuals to distract others from his own failings, often turning the blame for mishaps and problems on the easy targets rather than taking any personal responsibility. Any problems which may occur are obviously down to the incompetence of those around him rather than any failing on his part.
While he has little hatred for anyone, Lucas often uses easy scapegoats such as blacks and homosexuals to distract others from his own failings, often turning the blame for mishaps and problems on the easy targets rather than taking any personal responsibility. Any problems which may occur are obviously down to the incompetence of those around him rather than any failing on his part.
Father McNulty has always had the knack of never being in the wrong place at the wrong time, somehow always sidestepping dangers and troubles even if that meant pushing someone else into harm's way. From a young age he's fought to keep himself in the best of circumstances, and seminary school offered him the chance live in well insulated, comfortable surroundings and to avoid any heavy lifting, whioch seemed like a perfect combination for the lazy young man.
Picking up his studies quickly, Lucas learnt he had a gift for reading, and quickly used that ability to cheat and lie his way through his theological exams, selling copied test papers to the other students before ratting them out to their teachers. Once the competition had been thinned out, Lucas managed to get though the tests with the absolute minimum of effort required.
After being placed into the Cypress Grove ministry, Lucas quickly settled in to a quiet, peaceful rural life, which for many years left him bored and restless. Getting involved with local bootleggers, the respectable minister found solace in booze, and quickly settled once more into the role as a middleman for local bootleggers. In recent years this role has flourished, with the legalisation of gambling and other side ventures helping to line the pastor's pockets comfortably, all while he maintained the facade of the respectable man of the cloth in front of his parishioners.
Picking up his studies quickly, Lucas learnt he had a gift for reading, and quickly used that ability to cheat and lie his way through his theological exams, selling copied test papers to the other students before ratting them out to their teachers. Once the competition had been thinned out, Lucas managed to get though the tests with the absolute minimum of effort required.
After being placed into the Cypress Grove ministry, Lucas quickly settled in to a quiet, peaceful rural life, which for many years left him bored and restless. Getting involved with local bootleggers, the respectable minister found solace in booze, and quickly settled once more into the role as a middleman for local bootleggers. In recent years this role has flourished, with the legalisation of gambling and other side ventures helping to line the pastor's pockets comfortably, all while he maintained the facade of the respectable man of the cloth in front of his parishioners.
Speech Color:
Charismatic (+2), Scholar:Theologian (+3), Local (+1), Reputable (+2), Learned (+3), Lucky (+2), Quiet (+2)
Churchgoing (-2), Myopic (-1), Proud (-2), Abrasive (-1), Drunkard (-2), Weak (-1), Ugly (-1), Heavy Eater (-1)
Churchgoing (-2), Myopic (-1), Proud (-2), Abrasive (-1), Drunkard (-2), Weak (-1), Ugly (-1), Heavy Eater (-1)
Spectacles, Holy Bible, Crucifix, Hip Flask