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    1. Dragonite777 11 yrs ago


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Cecelia looked over at the freshly awoken Guardian and felt sympathy, but didn't want to make her feel pitied. "Hey, don't worry about what you think of your skill, Asia. First of all, everyone here was a fresh Guardian at some point, and two: this is no Guardian's first time in life. Ghosts have... awakened our bodies from basically a hibernation. You have talent in you, you just need to... remember what it is. We can tell by that bond on you that you're a Warlock. You don't have anything to live up to. You're a blank slate. Each of us has some standard that either we ourselves have set on us or some entity has forced upon us. You got nothin. You can be whatever you want. Except an agent of Darkness. Then we'd have to kill ya, and nobody wants to do that." With a joking smirk at her last two statements, she completes the smile and nods at the young Warlock.
"Also," Cecelia adds, "if you need another weapon, I can help procure one from an enemy, if you need. I know they have a tendency to go 'POOF' into the darkness after they're killed, but I have taken some weapons from live ones and used them. They don't go 'poof' like the enemies do. Except Vex arms. At any rate, I know this cause Einstein's used that as a challenge of some sort. Each one that I succeeded, I might add." Putting emphasis and a sideways glance at Einstein during the last sentence, Einsteing does the ghost equivalent of rolling his eyes and flashes away. Probably to check out the systems, in case he does have to fly it at some point. "So, What style of fighting do the rest of you do? Cause I can be front-line, in-their-face with my pistol, or I can be ranged support with my sniper. Just tell me which I need to be and I'll be it. Though, if I'm going to be ranged support, I'd prefer to have someone with an auto, scout or pulse rifle with them in case we get rushed. Don't wanna waste sniper rounds on running enemies. Harder for headshots. And my pistol isn't very effective much farther than point-blank-headshot-range. Just sayin."
@RomanAria Ok. I just wanted it to be a realistic medium-intensity time. And I played trumpet. All 5 years I marched (also marched 8th grade cause my 8th grade band teacher also worked at a high school)
@RomanAria Well, damn. I'm in the lower percentile of swimmers my age (20-30), but I improve my times a lot, so I got that going for me. The most I swam was when one of the 4x50 freesylers was out cause of something sprained and I'd swam all the individual events that day except 50 brest. So, the most I've swam in a meet at once is 350 yards :/ again, it is just a summer team (and 70% of the team is also on a school or year-round swim team), so I feel fat and slow, but I was in marching band all throughout high school, which is why I couldn't have been on a school or year-round team if I wanted to. But yeah, I was a mediocre swimmer.

Thinking of an earlier post, is the time I put in for Birdseed's swimming decent for a medium-intensity swim? I haven't been at a swim practice in 2 years and haven't swam anything longer than a 100 IM at a meet, so I'm not sure how realistic that is (I doubled the time of the top-percentile swimmers for whatever length I put).
@DJAtomika I think @Prisk needs to make an intro for your character, though
@RomanAria Well, damn O_O
We only had 50s and the 100IM, but my favorite was Fly. My best was Backstroke. Though, due to small team size, I'd have to swim all but 1 event (50 fly back brest free and 100IM) and usually got dragged into one or both relays (200 medley and/or 200 free relays)
@RomanAria Not in the past two years, but I used to swim for a local community team that only did summer swimming. I stopped cause of college. Haven't had much time to swim since.
@RomanAria Swim camp? You swim? For what type of team: summer league, school, private team?
@RomanAria sorry, I didn't think about first-aid stuff, and Archangel's sensors and stuff only detects humans, not first-aid kits :P
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