So how close are we to moving on towards boarding the Karazima? Don't we have a an almost finished story or two that need fight scenes?
m'name jeff
Y'all giving your actual names and I'm just over here going, "Uh, I'm Shy, yup. Not actually shy, but that's what I'm called."
@Draken I think Lovejoy said we had something like a month of free time.
@Draken I don't think each character is necessarily on the same day timeline wise, but I think Hassan, Ragnar, Stina and Ilya are on their last night before they need to travel to T'sarae to board the Karamzina. I'm not sure how long Ilya's visit took place, but I think if you wanted to join the rest of the group we can make it so that he was at his parent's estate earlier in the evening.
@Draken you haven't responded to let me know if you want me to include an in for Ilya to join us or not. I want to have an update for Ragnar in the next reply and I'd like for them to meet up, but if you're not into this idea let me know.
<Snipped quote by shylarah>
Madrys has two ether circuits:
1) her core, which never loses any energy and is thus a perpetual motion machine
2) her body, or frame, which does use up energy. However, this energy comes from a separate tank of fuel, not her core.
Also, as for violating thermodynamics, we can always say that the Generator works by forcibly drawing power out of Omestris through the ether of his people, however no one has realized this as of yet.
Well, even though I'm still trying to figure out a better way for Oren's relationship with Ilya, since I misinterpreted and all, I would still think that Oren would put Ilya up for leader.