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    1. DrakeRaids 10 yrs ago


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While an interesting idea Drake I'm afraid it is not suitable for this specific roleplay. As I prefer to keep things as stream lined as I can for the sake of simplicity, and fairness I try to keep things in their cannon classes.

Perfectly reasonable. I'm afraid the servant I had planned doesn't fit any of the established classes in that case though, so I'll withdraw interest for now.
Are you open to the concept of a new, non-canon class? Let me explain. I've worked in this a little, recently.

If you find the concept interesting I'd like to take this for a spin, with a servant from this class, alongside a master I have in mind. If you're not interested in this or find it to out there for how you envision your game progressing, I'm capable of respecting that, but nothing ventured nothing gained as they say. Asking never hurt ^^
Is this still open? And if so, how open are you to... Weird things. Not overpowered or particularly strong at all but... weird.
Hello, DrakeRaids is the name, and I tend to just go by 'Drake.' I used to be decently active over here a while back, before the big data loss it looks like, and am looking to dip my toes in the water. I'm a pretty easygoing guy all and all, with a decent number of hobbies. I read a decent amount but I don't care much for TV or most Anime unfortunately. I tend to not have the attention span for it- I watch a few episodes of something, get distracted, and wander off to do something else. Miniature wargaming is something that I really enjoy, and am a pretty avid Warmachine and Hordes play, along with Relic Knights and X-Wing. I likewise enjoy video games, particularly one with heavy tactical focus. Dawn of War 2, League of Legends, and Xcom. I also have a fun time with procedural loot generators, aka Diablo and its ilk. Thats one skinner box I'm firmly stuck in.

I'm a college student and work part time. I typically have a large among of free time for various rps. I have a very strong tendency towards more fantastical and strange situations and settings though. Slice of life has never really appealed for me much, nor historical fiction. I also am not really comfortable playing canon characters, though I am hardly beyond fandom rps. I tend to like to be able to develop my own characterization and playing an existing character can be both constraining and stressful- I always feel like I have to push a little bit to do the character justice, you know? Its one thing if I butcher my own creations, its something else entirely to disrespect someone elses. I do enjoy the occasional romance but the existence of lack thereof is rarely a dealbreaker.

Writing wise I am pretty comfortable at casual. I can do advanced I suppose, but I'm not a terribly amazing writer, and my grammar is occasionally lacking. I RP largely 'for fun' and that tends to limit the time I'm willing to devote to a post. I don't do one liners or anything but I don't usually have the patience to work out several paragraphs, most of my posts sit around 2-3 in that regard. I like to be able to contact someone outside the forum if I'm partnered with them for a game, ideally though some form of instant messaging. AIM, Steam, Skype, Yahoo, I'm not picky. I prefer seamless conversation on the whole, though I prefer to do most games PBP. Just a quirk of mine.

I'm in the eastern time zone if that information is relevant to anyone, and I hope to get to know some of you soon. I'll be kicking around for a bit to see if anything catches my fancy. See ya'll about.
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