A very boring college day had luckily come to an end and Katherina was looking forward to the party at the Anderson Estate. She sat at the vanity table, lining her eyes with practiced precision, her lips slightly parted in concentration. As much as she wanted to look all seductive and well like her usual self she kept her make up subtle and soft. No dramatic eyes or dark lips. It would be too far a departure from the guise she´d created for herself, that of the slightly dumb but sweet foreign girl. The best actors knew the costume made the character and if Katherina hadn´t been making a living as a backstabbing witch she would have been an actress for sure. It was still her plan b if things didn´t pan out. The magic community in this place was a tricky one. Breaking free of any community wasn´t easy in fact it was very tedious, but not impossible. She had done it before leaving Bulgaria. Though she wasn´t planning on leaving America, not yet at least. There was no reason to. Tonight would be perfect to seize up the competition. She was a Petrov and no matter her residence she had a duty to represent her family.
"I still don't know why Dimitri's not taking you" "You know I hate these fancy pants parties"
Her brother Deyan complained struggling to tie his tie properly, his brows were furrowed in confusion. He'd given up trying to use the mirror to help him out, his vain sister was taking up all of the space, expertly pinning up her hair into a half up half down updo.
"Because...." Katherine mumbled opening a bobby pin with her teeth which she used to secure her bun.
"Unlike you I'm not in love with my....."significant other"
Deyan opened his mouth to reply but was quickly cut off by his witty sister, some things never changed.
"I know you've been living in fairytale land with your girlfriend" She couldn't keep the disdain from her voice at the word girlfriend, she didn't even use the name of the girl.
"But maintaining two love spells for years isn't easy"
"Mine is wearing thin and we had a slight argument." She said, her tone did not even hold a hint of regret. Katherine didn't seem bothered by it at all. It was like she knew it had been coming and she wouldn't be her proper self if she hadn't planned ahead.
She turned to him, half of her curls flowing fetchingly down her shoulders.
"It's not like I won't let you take Mia with you, she's just not going to be your date"
"I am."
Katherine rose from the vanity table holding the edge of her cobalt blue silk dress. She walked up to her brother to fix his tie, which was done in seconds as opposed to the minutes he spent of messing it up. The siblings were close, Deyan had always felt the need to protect his sister even though he kind of knew she didn't need it. Sometimes it was the other way around even. The way they looked out for each other was something that remained from their childhood in Bulgaria. Even now as they both lived in houses with at least four bedrooms they often found themselves in the same room. Partly because Katherine was always scheming and he wanted to be in on it and partly because well that was what they were used to. They had lived in a one bedroom apartment with the entire family. Yeah family...... they had left them all behind. Here in America she was pretty much the only family he had. He'd liked to think that fact made them dependent on each other but he knew better. Katherine would be fine on her own, she'd miss him probably but she could take care of herself. He couldn't say the same for himself. He was no witch and without his love struck rich girlfriend well you get the idea.
"You're not going to wear that look to the party are you?" Katherine said with a mischievous smirk referring to the worried frown he didn't know was showing.
"Don't worry Deyan, I got a plan" She gave her brother a knowing look.
"Yeah.....you always do" He said chuckling.
"Now let's get going, I want to be fashionably late, not late"
They Petrov siblings arrived at the Anderson estate in a sleek black car. Katherine pretended to be impressed by the lavish mansion and luxuriously furnished interior. She was all smiles and big eyed wonder. Deyan quickly made his way to the bar, downing a glass of champagne in seconds to ease his nerves. Katherina was standing by herself close enough to the bar to keep an eye on her brother. She looked contemplative, her deep brown eyes hiding endless secrets.