Full Name】
Floure Camlo, in her native language Camlo means, one who kisses well.
Madame Floure, Laura Lovell.
The Faith she adheres to is incredibly old, nearly lost in time. It existed before the Monarchistic religion and the remnants of it are found in the Monarch's Law. All that remains today are ancient customs held by the Traveler people who call to Gods long forgotten. For all intents and purposes she is a Monarchist. She knows enough about the faith to safely step inside a church and she prays to the Monarch and his wife by the names she was taught as a child as they are essentially the same only in a different garb.
In her community everyone in the caravan is considered family so Floure has multiple brothers, sisters, half brothers and sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews. While she loves them all there are a few close relatives she shares a deeper bond with, her grandmother and youngest brother Kyed in particular. As far as she knows they are all alive and well. She still meets new family members regularly during festivals and gatherings and while many arent blood relatives in the traditional sense they are still family.
An unnamed road leading from the Redsand to Coedwin castle.
Societal standing】
An illegitimate daughter of a Hoffburgt nobleman. As she is not recognized by her father as his child she is simply a low born Traveler girl of no name.
Former employment】
Carnival fortune teller and dancer.
Rank and role】
A lady of pleasure.
Floure is a compassionate and kind young woman. She is quick to take a liking to someone because she believes there is good to be found in everyone. Having grown up in large and above all a very loving family she knows the importance of the individual comes second to that of the community. Blood ties are very important and she would walk through fire for any one of her relatives be it her closest brother or her most distant cousin. She has a strong maternal instinct and children often flock to her because they feel her warmth and caring soul.
Had she been raised in the environment of her father she might have turned out to be a soft spoken demure young lady, as it stands she is far from that. Floure has a way of wrapping people around her little finger, especially young men. Sweet words and flattery are her forte and she is not above using her beauty and silver tongue to get her way. Apart from her mischievous streak she is just a sweet girl who bears no ill will to most, her manipulations and schemes are just innocent play. She is not afraid to stand up to men and manages to get away with more than most, some say it's because they find her desirable while others blame her way with words. Floure is accustomed to getting her way and has a hard time dealing with rejection, which she does not understand.
Having met people from all walks of life Floure is tolerant of others but there is still a clear distinction between Travelers and the Goriken rat, the common people. She is wary of common folk especially the religious kind. Despite this she has broken nearly every rule of her community by seeing more than a few common boys every time they traveled the roads from Grosswick to the Redsands. Coin has its way of disappearing around her be it her own or that of others. Her people are known to perform a trick they refer to as the Huckeny Boro or the Great trick in which all money mysteriously disappears from a house. The victims are usually people of great wealth. Floure knows this trick very well and has performed it on regular occasion, so her pouch is rarely empty. Which is good considering she likes all things beautiful and expensive.
There is a familial kind of feeling to her, like she is the sister or daughter you never had or the lover you wished to be with. If she becomes your friend she will consider you family and treat you in the same way she does her brothers and sisters.
Despite her mixed heritage Floure is a true Traveler and Traveler blood runs through her veins. She was born inside a wagon, to a mother who had already had too many children, and a father who had made the mistake of falling for the exotic beauty of a Traveler woman. The result of a night of passion, unwanted by her father and in a way also an inconvenience to her mother. You would think this a recipe for disaster. Luckily her grandmother took pity on her, raising her as her own. Floure was a mischievous little girl even in her early years. She didn't care for learning to sew and cook and preferred to watch her grandmother amuse the common folk with images she'd see in the fire, the palms of their hand or even a bowl of water. The little girl was fascinated by the art and it was something that managed to catch her attention every time. Like dancing fortune telling was passed down from mother to daughter and none of her siblings had shown the same natural talent Floure had for the art of divining.
At the age of seven Floure's grandmother began training Floure in the ways of the Travelers, their customs, traditions and beliefs. In their many hours spent together Floure found a true mother in her grandmother, often pretending to misread the markings in her hand just so she could spend more time with the old woman. She learned about the medicinal properties of plants. Her people rarely stopped anywhere and they used what they found on the sides of the roads, in the forests and fields to cure the sick and mend the wounded. The talent of fortune telling was instilled in her from a young age and it was soon followed by a passion for dancing.
Over the years she spent on the Broacien roads their caravan traveled often to and from Redsand carrying supplies for the Coedwick castle. Floure watched each of her siblings come into their own, her sisters became seamstresses, cooks and mothers and her brothers became, warriors, merchants and peddlers.
She became well known as an entertainer who told fanciful stories by looking at the palm of your hand, stories which often held an eerily accurate truth. Eventually the Servants caught wind of her reputation. The caravan had set up camp outside of Coedwin castle when a priest came to visit the carnival they were hosting. He was sent to investigate the rumors about a young girl telling fortunes by hand. It could just as well be a fancy but such claims had to be looked into regardless. Floure told the priest things he did not want or was prepared to hear. She knew a sinner like the back of her hand and the priest had committed every foul act imaginable against his God.
As a consequence of her honesty she was charged with heresy and the act of witchcraft. Not planning to wait around for her death sentence Floure disappeared into the dark of night, with no time to part with her loved ones. She joined the Black Shields hoping to appeal for protection, in the mean time she keeps a low profile hoping the Servants will forget about her minor transgression and move on to someone else.
Dreams, short term goals, and fears.】
Floure's dream is to reunite with her brothers and sisters, eventually when her life is not at risk she wants to find someone to start a family with.
As of right now and after joining the Black Shields her number one priority is survival. She wants to find people she can trust and rely on, being separated from her family for the first time in her life.
She fears the Servants will find her and that she will never be able to say goodbye before being taken. Aside from that she is scared being on her own without having someone to rely on.
From her years spent as an apprentice of her grandmother Floure can tell from experience which plants are poisonous, edible or possess medicinal properties. Often it is a combination of these three and only an experienced herbalist can create an ointment for healing instead of a poison for killing. Floure is capable of both. Her methods of healing are very unconventional and draw on superstition as well as more proven cures and medicine.
Floure is clever and very good at reading body language, seeing through people who are unaware of what their body is giving away. It is part of the secret behind the accuracy of her fortune telling.
Martial prowess】
If forced to fight she will do anything to survive but she is not a warrior. She has the average strength of a girl her age and will be easily overpowered by a someone taller and stronger.
Combat style】
She has rarely gotten into a fight but she likes the element of surprise, feigning weakness or seducing her opponent before striking unexpectedly.
A surprisingly sharp knife attached to a garter strapped on her thigh. It is usually hidden beneath the folds of her skirts.
She wears no armor, she is a lover not a fighter