Immediately after her first battle she took Budew to the healing station inside the gym as Brock had advised her to do. She kneeled down to pick up her pokemon when the tiny bud suddenly began to glow intensly, a bright white light surrounding her small body until that was the only thing Rose could see. It startled her and she took her hands away from Budew right away. The young trainer began to panick and didn't know what to do. She hadn't told Budew to use any moves and Rose was pretty sure Budew couldn't use a move that did that kind of thing. Her pokemon kept glowing and as Rose watched in amazement Budew slowly started to change shape, growing in size and took on a completely different form. Suddenly it hit her......
Budew was evolving!
The evolution process felt much longer to her but in reality it took a mere couple of seconds for Budew to evolve into a beautiful Roselia. Fully evolved Roselia stood on two small feet, a long leaf covering her body with three very sharp looking thorns on her head. She had similar shaped eyes to her previous form only now with longer lashes. In her dainty hands she carried two beautiful roses, one colored red, the other blue. It was the moment Rose had been waiting for ever since she knew she needed to step up her game in battles. Budew and her had earned this together and now she finally evolved. Rose was barely able to contain her excitement at what felt like a new pokemon entirely, but deep down she knew it was still the same pokemon she grew up with. It just looked different now, prettier in a way.
Roselia smiled at her trainer and twirled around proudly, displaying her newly earned beauty. They made their way over to the healing station together and quickly got back to the arena to watch Matthew go up against Brock.
The first battle with Geodude was intense and Rose got very excited when Matthew decided to use the Hoppip who never seemed to stop floating around his head. She didn’t know if it was actually his pokemon but he seemed to listen well enough. Despite the type advantage it wasn’t easy for Hoppip to win the fight. It made Rose doubt if having the type advantage would help her at all. It didn’t seem to do much for Matthew and Hoppip, yet in the end they won.
The second battle with Onix was intense and had Rose on the edge of her seat, in a matter of speaking, considering she was standing. She watched and held in her breath as a charged up force palm took out the huge snake like pokemon. Rose was incredibly proud of Matthew, even more so because this battle had earned him a badge.
She smiled when Matthew walked up to her and showed him his newly earned badge. His excitement and happiness were contagious and Rose felt just as happy as he did even though she still needed to win the badge for herself.
“Way to go you two, that was so awesome!”
Completely out of nowhere Rose felt the urge to give Matthew a hug, so she did and squeezed his shoulders.
“I’m so proud of you, you should have seen yourself.” Rose said happily. Now it would be her turn to face Brock and with Rosella at her side she felt like she actually stood a chance. Maybe she could win this badge.
Brock the gym leader was ready to start the second battle and after Brandon finished the announcements Rose was standing in the arena once again, full of nervous excitement. The stern looking man took of one of the poke balls he carried on his belt and released his geodude onto the field. It looked he was going to use the same pokemon he'd used in his battle with Matthew.
That's good. Rose thought, at least she would partially know what was coming. She'd handled a Geodude in her previous battle and it went well for her. Though this was obviously a different trainer, a gym leader. Something told her this Geodude wasn't all that easy to beat. It had put up a pretty good fight before. Rose wanted to save Roselia for the battle with Onix but she didn't have any other pokemon......or did she?
There was the Machop she borrowed from her brother, but she'd only used him once, using in the sense that he got out of his poke ball by himself and attacked Ashley. Maybe he wouldn't even listen to her. Maybe he would only act if she was in danger or in some other kind of trouble. Those were a lot of maybes but she didn't really have another option. Rose had to trust in her brother and the pokemon he gave to her. Still slightly hesitant she carefully got out Machop's poke ball and it immediately started to move opening on its own with a bright flash, causing Rose to drop the poke ball on the stone ground. Machop jumped into the arena, looking ready for action.
Brock watched the entire scene unfold and he only raised his brows. The way Rose was handeling this battle was nowhere near the confidence she'd shown with Budew.
"Is that pokemon yours?" Brock called out, raising his voice in a questioning manner.
Rose immediately felt her cheeks heat up in embarassment. Practically she hadn't caught Machop but he was hers to use for as long as she needed it, as per her brothers instructions. She struggled to find her voice and calm herself. She took a deep breath to settle herself down before answering.
"My brother lend it to me, but he's......part of my team now" Rose said not completely sure Machop felt the same way and when she glanced over to him he gave her a thumbs up, like he'd done when he beat back Ashley. It made her feel relieved and happy at the same time. Machop most likely felt the same way, even if he may just be with her temporarily.
"Alright then let's begin!"
"Geodude use rock throw on Machop" Brock immediately got into the offensive, he probably knew he was at a disadvantage with Machop being a fighting type. He planned to take it out before it could take it his Geodude. Rose hesitated and realized she didn't know most of the moves Machop could use. She'd seen him use karate chop before but that was it. She opened her mouth to say something but Machop knew what to do. He punched through the rock using karate chop and went into battle leering at Geodude to lower its defenses. When Brock realized what Machop was doing he ordered Geodude to up its defense using defense curl.
Rose struggled to maintain a clear head and think of some kind of strategy. Maybe a full on offensive would work best, even with an increased defense Geodude was still weak to fighting type moves.
"Machop, go in with a low sweep!" Rose called out to her pokemon who was beating through multiple rock throws of Brock's Geodude. As soon as it saw the opportunity it went it sweeping Geodude of its feet with surprising speed and power. It landed on its head and couldn't get back up no matter how much he struggled. Brock called his pokemon back looking somewhat dissapointed but Rose couldn't tell if he was dissapointed with his pokemons performance or hers.
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, knowing the most difficult battle was about to come. Machop retreated into his poke ball and she sent out Roselia, who wasn't all that imposing or tall to begin with but next to Onix she was the size of a weed. The battle commenced before she had time to think and Roselia was nearly swepped up into a constrict attack, she barely dodged Onix's huge tail. Alright Rose time to focus.
"Onix go in with a tackle attack!" Onix charged at Roselia with its huge body and Rose couldn't bear to look, let alone tell her pokemon what to do. Luckily Roselia countered with an attack of her own stopping Onix mid way in its charge with a scattering of glowing light green leaves coming out of the roses in her hands. The crescent shaped leaves spun around with amazing speed cutting away at the stone snake and it crashed into of the replaced boulders in the arena. It recovered quite fast and with a sweep of its tail it sent Roselia flying through the arena, nearly crashing into a boulder but ultimately she rolled over the ground, to the far end. Roselia was equally fast at recovering which both surprised and amazed Rose. She was relieved to see Roselia had a bit more endurance now that she was evolved.
They charged at each other again, a combinating of a tackle attack and magical leaf. In the end it was Roselia who was barely standing on her tiny feet, keeping herself standing by supporting herself on a fall rock.
"Alright that is enough" Brock stated, calling back his defeated Onix.
Brock present her with the same badge he had Matthew and Rose carefully accepted it, stunned again to have won another pokemon battle. He patted her Roselia on its head which she seemed to enjoy.
"Your Roselia is tougher than she looks, size isn't everything and that's a valuable lesson in becoming a pokemon trainer" Brock said, offering them his sage advice.
"Both of you were quite something, I haven't had such thrilling pokemon battles in a long while"
"My guess is you two are going to get really far, I see a lot of potential"
He hesitated for a moment going from Rose to Matthew and back.
"I'd say you two would do well to stick together, if that's not the case already"