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I was in a gloomy mood myself and I think it somehow translated to my post XD


The young woman sat at the edge of the stage with her feet dangling back and forth. The performance had ended and the stage was being prepared for the next performer. The entertainers worked at a leisurely pace since the feast would undoubtedly go on into the early hours they were in no rush to send out the next act, lest they would run out of entertainment. The entertainment would be the only thing to keep the guests awake, that and a good drink. Floure was fanning herself furiously trying to chase away the heat that was tormenting her. The fan was made of black lace to match her gown and while it was equally beautiful it did nothing to cool her down, most of the air passed through the lace. After a while of fervent waving back and forth the young woman concluded that the act of fanning made her feel more hot. She would sprain a wrist if she carried on like this. Letting out an irritated sigh she flicked the fan over her shoulder not really caring where it landed.

It wasn't like she could keep any of the things they'd given her anyway. At the end of the night they would give her the coin she'd earned and they'd rather be rid of her sooner than later. Floure knew a thing or two about nobles and she knew exactly what they thought of her.
A common whore that's what she was to them, this wasn't her world. She belonged on the roads with her family. This was just.....a means to an end. Once it was safe to return she would be gone in the blink of an eye, leaving behind everything and everyone. She'd done it before. But she was on a royal feast for the sake of the Gods and she didn't want to ruin her mood by being all gloom and doom. It was high time to mingle and have a fun evening, maybe even earn some extra coin while she was at it.

Floure jumped of the stage landing neatly on the ground with a soft accompaniment of ringing bells. She realized she was still wearing her anklets. A smile appeared on her face being very amused with herself for some reason. The young woman shook her head and bent down to change back into her slippers. Once she was finished she wandered the floors, trying to see if she could spot someone familiar. The chance she would recognize someone was very slim for two reasons. She wasn't a noble and she hadn't been here that long. If she'd been around longer she'd usually recognize some of her clients from either one of her trades. As she walked she saw multiple groups of people taking amongst themselves, when she passed them they lowered their voices to a whisper. Gossiping about her no doubt, the shameless stares of many a man confirmed her suspicions.

Usually she was oblivious to it, used to the incessant attention but now it began to affect her. The way they looked, their eyes seeming to stare through her gown. As a woman who traded pleasure for coin it was strange she felt this way. But maybe it wasn't the fact they stared at her with hungry eyes, it was her loneliness that allowed her to feel violated. It was a gaping hole which opened and closed unsuspectingly. When it was closed, she was happy in the company of joyous folk but when it was open she felt it eat away at her. Without her family she didn't know who to turn to or who she was. Even in a room full of people she could feel lonely, like she did not belong. She subconsciously wrapped her arms around her body in an effort to comfort herself.

Floure walked aimlessly through the crowds, her eyes glazed over in deep thoughts of misery, her shoulders slumped. She'd turned from a joyful dancer into a sad excuse of an entertainer. Nothing could seemingly be done to lift her spirits, perhaps only the arrival of a Traveler brother or sister. Yet the chance of that happening was near non existent. She didn't pay any attention to where she was going and she found herself looking at the table where the princess was seated. It was the same princess who'd come to visit her earlier to have her fortune told. Only too late did Floure realize who else was standing with her, the commander of the Black Shields. The man she'd been evading ever since she'd arrived at Rot Donor. She wanted to move but she couldn't, somehow her body was frozen in place as if caught by a sudden frost.
What was she going to do now?

I'll have her bump into Terryn and she'll also meet Saewine if they're still in the same place. That should be fun since she wanted to avoid Terryn.
Mmmh I'm not sure where to go with Floure. Anyone have any suggestions?
Im trying to cook up a post.
You would have to point that out for me because that obviously was not intentional.
Another disney fan awesome :)
Beautiful dress!! I would wear that definately! :)
I had to include it in my post, even if it's a tiny mention. Too fab to pass up XD


"Come one, come all!"
"Hurry hurry here's your chance, see the mystery and romance"
The excited voice of the announcer sounded through the feasting hall. He was standing on a raised platform in the middle of the hall, ensuring the royal couple had the best view. The man was dressed in a fine suit of green velvet with gold trimmings. On his face he wore an elaborate mask of gold lace and flowing peacock feathers. The crowd was beginning to gather around the stage whispering excitedly as they pointed towards the stage and the announcer. The man praised his first act very highly but there was no one to be seen anywhere on or near the stage. The announcer was the only one there and some of the guests glanced around, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of this elusive dancer yet to no avail. It was indeed strange and the crowd had no choice but to patiently await the start of the act.

"Come one, come all!"
"See the finest girl in dance, make an entrance to entrance"
Floure was waiting in the wings underneath the stage, in a small hidden compartment listening to the words of the announcer. He had her change into a different dress, a gown more suited for the noble audience for whom she would be performing. The garments she'd been wearing were deemed inappropriate. She didn't like them calling her most beautiful garments unsuited, which just meant they were ugly. The announcer Frederick had told her the way she dressed was much too revealing and would draw the wrong kind of attention. Strange considering the gown she was wearing now covered not an inch of her arms. It was beautiful there was no denying that. It was probably the most expensive piece of clothing she'd ever touched or worn in her entire life. There feel of the fabric on her skin was velvety soft. It wrapped around her left shoulder in elegant folds of sparkling midnight blue fabric. Around her waist was a corset not made of leather but a sheer silver fabric, much stronger than it appeared cinching in her waist nicely. The same sparkling fabric was tied around her waist in a voluminous bow, the ends trailing down over the bottom of the dress. A wide skirt of silver folds, covered in countless hand sown black lace butterflies.

He had her wear a very clumsy pair of slippers in which she could barely move, due to the high heels. Floure wasn't quite sure what kind of dance he was expecting from her, but these shoes had to go. Frederick continued to excite the crowd which gave Floure some time to make the necessary adjustments. She took off the priceless pair of slippers and instead put on her jeweled anklets which had bells on them. These were the anklets she'd worn every day when she was taught to dance. They were her lucky charms and made every performance one to remember. She adjusted the tambourine at her waist to make sure the knot wouldn't come loose just yet. She took a deep breath and relaxed her mind, not entirely different to her preparation before fortune telling. After that the young woman stepped on the wooden lift which would carry her up to the platform to make her grand entrance.
"Wish me luck grandmother" She whispered under her breath as her fingers passed a small silver ring on her little finger.

"Dance my desert rose! now.....DANCE!" Frederick cried out in blissful excitement which was followed by him throwing something onto the floor creating a flash of light and colored smoke. When the smoke cleared the announcer and the dancer had switched places as if by magic, as Frederick had now disappeared, yet nobody had seen him walk away. The fiddler began his tune and Floure followed his every play.

She felt alive and free, with only the fiddle as her company. Floure tapped the tambourine against her hip and played along with the fiddler, urging him to up his tempo. Her feet fell into the familiar steps of the Traveler dance, the way she moved was both elegant and seductive, a strangely alluring combination. She took out the red ribbon adorning her hair, which was meant to keep it tied up neatly. Floure hated the constricted feeling of having her hair tied in that way, especially when she was dancing. Frederick who was standing at the edge of the stage did not seem amused by what she was doing. He tapped his foot on the ground in an irritated fashion, his expression heavily annoyed.

Her dance was at times fast and exciting before melting into a slower more enthralling performance, in which she aimed more for seduction, drawing the eye to where she wanted it. The young woman lowered herself to the floor laying down on the stage, the gown fanning about her like a flower. She playfully winked at the audience, smiling mischievously at the people who were watching her with wide eyes.
Oh how she loved to dance.

I changed the start of my post so many times that it's still not finished. I think I ran out of writing juice for today XD
Tomorrow evening I'll have plenty of time to continue writing and finish the scene ;)

I'll post tomorrow if that's okay ;)
Since I'm the life of the party sort to speak. XD
Going to have to think of a way to set up the dance scene though. I want it to be good ^.^
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