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I'm actually booked up on roleplays but I can't pass up on this, it's right up my street. ^.^
I loved your post Lillian, it was amazing. I actually gasped out loud in shock, I was expecting Siya to go down a different route. Though I can understand why she made the choice she has.
I'm still on a chocolate high so I'm awsome. (I ate like half a box of sea food shaped Belgian chocolates) I couldn't help it I just had this urge Is gravity the one with Sandra Bullock. I think so yes? I love her, so I might get to watch it sometime next week. *hands out the remaining half of sea shell chocolates reluctantly* Please take them before I eat the rest tomorrow
Well I finally decided, so there is no going back for me. I mean I've always wanted to see the pyramids so there's that ^.^
Great new character, the duality is awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing a female character in the Allegiance so it's evened out a bit more.

Mila always enjoyed the little banter she and Henry shared. Maybe it had something to do with them being water spirits. Though it would be wrong to think all water beings to be related. Very wrong indeed. One scene in particular came to mind when a rather ignorant employee of Bain & Hoyle expressed his opinion of water spirits and their reputation as deadly seductors. Both Henry and her had immediately jumped to the defense of their brethren. They made quite the scene actually, resulting in that very employee leaving Bain & Hoyle shortly after. She didn't know if he got fired or scared, she guessed the latter. As far as she was concerned her asked for it. I mean how stupid can you be? Insulting water spirits in the company of a Siren and a Rusalka. Yes fun times. She reminisced with an amused smile.

So Henry had been in Brazil? That was a surprise. He hadn't told her anything about that. Aside from the friendly banter and occasional teasing, their friendship was still a bit up in the air. At least that's what she felt it was. They were friends of course, she didn't doubt that. But what kind of friendship did they have? Obviously they hadn't reached the phase of telling each other of their whereabouts. Mina wasn't used to starting a new friendship anymore. The only friends she had were the other Rusalki. She'd given up on friendship with mortals, saying goodbye hurt too much. She had tried to make it work but after a century realized she was only hurting herself. The friendship couldn't carry the loss that came afterwards. She didn't want to turn into someone who lived for their memories, because that would happen to her. She could wallow in grief for years. Years that were wasted. Immortality was cruel.

Wow can I be any more gloomy?
It was the atmosphere that did it. Some of the people gathered here shared history together. It felt like she should know something. But she didn't which made the whole gathering a bit uneasy. Mila got the sense everyone was walking on egg shells. Henry was too as as he introduced her to the woman he'd spoken with. Mila tried to shake the gloom best she could and put on a friendly smile. Henry introduced her as Veti and after a quick embrace with Henry which made Mina laugh the red headed woman turned her attention to her. Much to her shame the first thing that came to mind was if Veti's hair color was real. It was intensely red, very vivid but beautiful none the less. It suited her nicely. "It's nice to meet you too Veti, I see we already have one thing in common" She said pointing out their hair color, though different in shade, red was still red. When Veti bowed in respect Mila was surprised. Granted she might be a century old, her presence wasn't exactly commanding more so than charming. The Rusalka returned the bow with a slightly awkward one of her own.

A whistle drew her attention back to the purpose of their meeting, or so she thought. From the letter she'd understood this was about a personal matter of Mr Hoyle. As Atticus continued his speech he divulged the real reason. It was the explanation she'd been waiting for. She was stunned by the story and unlike the rumors this was painfully detailed. The fact he was asking them to join him on a mission outside of Bain & Hoyle wasn't what bothered her. Mila didn't care much for rules, they were guidelines at best, since they were just asking to be broken. What worried her was being found out. If Bain & Hoyle got wind of their secret agenda she didn't know what would happen. There would be consequences for the ones involved that was one thing she didn't doubt. Getting fired which equaled losing access to the library. But wasn't she being a complete hypocrite? She of all people who joined Bain & Hoyle with a personal agenda. It would have been a different scenario had she been with the company for many years, but she had only been working for Bain & Hoyle for two months. So all in all losing her job wasn't what worried her.

It was the Ankh that worried her and the possibility to bring someone back to life. Mila had her doubts. The opportunity to bring someone back from the dead? Who wouldn't want that? Many of them herself included had lived lives longer than humanly possible. She had lost and loved and she suspected they had too. What would keep anyone from taking that opportunity for themselves? Betray a group of strangers? The reaction was divided. Some agreed, some disagreed but they were just going to have to agree to disagree. Mila hadn't been there the first time around and neither did she fully understand the depth of this mission. She admired the loyalty these people showed to their friend, a friend who had saved both worlds.

Veti's reaction was remarkable and Mina could tell Max and her had shared something. Friends maybe, or lovers perhaps. She didn't know which side to choose. Atticus came to mingle in the group and speak to each of them. Mila turned to Veti, trying for a smile but wholly careful in her approach. The woman was struggling against feelings, Mila felt she could relate to in her own way. "May I see that" She spoke softly taking the map from her in a quick gesture. Mila couldn't help but feel like she had just escaped a bear trap. Well that may have been an exaggeration but Veti had quite the fiery temper.

She furrowed her brows, a thoughtful look on her face as she studied the map. The markings were vague but readable, probably even recognizable for someone from the land of the Nile. There wasn't really a reason why she could go to Egypt to find the Ankh. No payment, no benefit to her whatsoever. The desert wouldn't kill her outright since that wasn't really possible but it wasn't the best environment for a fresh water spirit. The heat and drought could eventually lead to a comatose state, something which had only happened once before in her entire 122 years of life. A scary scenario which should have made her steer clear of this mission. But for some reason even she couldn't explain, she did the exact opposite. Maybe it was her gut that convinced her, if anything Mila was a sucker for love.

She moved through the crowd as if gliding through water, effortlessly and gracefully, until she reached Atticus's side. Up close Mila couldn't help but let her eyes appreciate the guise the desire demon had chosen for himself. He was handsome as only a demon could be, sinfully so. A full beard which hid his undoubtedly chiseled jaw and deep burning eyes. As a human Mila by today's standards could have been considered chaste, the child she had out of wedlock being her only mistake. As a Rusalka however things had......changed. Innocent as they might appear, they were not beyond using their feminine wiles to lure men in. It seemed to be an ever present contradiction as there was really no such thing as in innocent seductress.

"I will help you find this Ankh, as it is like you say, your only chance of getting your friend back" Mila spoke for only Atticus to hear. She didn't really think it concerned anyone else where she would be going and why.
I'm going to post tomorrow, the amazingness of the IC has me a bit overwhelmed.
Ughhhh, I'm torn where do I go! So many great posts. I have to say I'm intimidated quite a bit.
I was waiting for others to write their arrival but I guess we'll split up soon enough anyway. I'll post tomorrow morning first thing ^.^
Yes post here, that way we can see your sheet too! ^.^
Yes undeniably
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