"Malena....sweetheart...."The voice did not manage to stir the young woman. She by some miracle had survived the terrible train crash. It almost looked like she was sleeping, were it not for the nasty purple bruise on her left cheek and the odd angle of her sprawled out limbs. At a dangerous proximity to her, were multiple burning cabins and whatever else had remained after the crash. The voice attempted again, if the girl didn´t move soon she wouldn´t live after all.
"Come on dear, wake up"Still nothing. The wind played with her hair, moving a strand across her face. It felt as if someone was caressing her cheek. The warm sun was shining down on her, something she hadn't felt for days. Where was she.....? Eyes still closed she was slowly regaining consciousness. It wasn't happening fast enough, the wreckage hissed and stirred dangerously. All it needed was a spark and the whole thing would go up in a sea of flames.
"MALENA!"Her eyes shot wide open, only to be blinded by the bright light of the sun. She squinted and shielded her eyes. Her heart was beating a million miles an hour. That voice, it was so clear, the familiarity startled her. Now fully conscious she became aware of her aching body. Every inch of her hurt, like someone had kicked her down the stairs, pulled her back up and pushed her down again. She tried to prop herself upright with her hands but a sharp stinging pain in her left wrist forced her to sit up without using her left hand. It took a worrisome amount of effort to do so. She brushed away the gravel that dug painfully into her skin. The smell of something burning was overwhelming. She had to get out of here.
Malena slowly tried to stand up, winching whenever she moved in the wrong way, her body still adjusting to the trauma of the crash. It didn't make much of a difference if she was conscious of her movements, because there really wasn't any part of her body that didn't hurt. Her head won out though, with a dark purple bruise on her cheek, she suspected she hit her head the hardest. After she managed to get up she took a few deep breaths. She was starting to feel dizzy and slightly nauseous.
The young woman began to move away from the crash site, not really paying attention to where she was going. The identity of the people who had kidnapped her and the danger of the situation should have been the subject of her thoughts, instead was this hauntingly familiar voice, one Malena believed had woken her up. At a safe distance from the site Malena turned around, her eyes searching the wreckage, and in particular the place where she had ended up afterwards. A look of disappointment crossed her face and she smiled sadly, what was she expecting anyway?
She wrapped her arms around her battered body, hugging herself, feeling tears well up in her eyes. For a few moments Malena pretended to see what she had thought, she had wanted to see.
"Thanks Mom..." She whispered under her breath, chills running down her arms.
Malena walked farther away from the burning train wreck towards a small stream. Her heart made a small jump for joy finding there were more survivors gathering down there. If she had been in better shape she would have checked to see if anyone needed help but the dizziness wasn't going away so she began to worry if she might have suffered a concussion. With considerable effort she managed to reach the stream. Even though the situation was pretty bad, the natural beauty of the environment managed to contain the lurking feelings of panic at the back of her mind.
She held up the skirt of her embroidered maxi dress, so she wouldn't trip and fall into the stream. When she was close enough to the water she took of her gloves and rolled up the sleeves of her denim jacket, not realizing she might be exposing her non existent dermatitis. Leaning forward she suddenly felt something wet and warm trickling down her nose. Little flecks of red stained the running water below her and her hand shot up to her nose in an automatic reflex. Her mind was racing trying to remember the causes of nosebleeds, because she feared it had something to do with her bumping her head. She sat back and held her nose, trying to stay calm. From what she could remember hed trauma didn't cause nosebleeds.
After it subsided Malena washed away the blood on her hands, a still slightly worried look on her face. She sat on her knees, lost on what to do next. If any of the people who had abducted her and the others survived they might come looking for more survivors. Malena had no idea what they wanted from her, or even who they were. She had deducted it was connected to her ability and that they were taking her someplace far away, but somehow she doubted it was to help her. All she really wanted was to call her family, they were all she had been thinking about for the past two days. They were probably worried sick, she knew they were, knowing her brothers they would be interrogating her friends right about now, which in spite of everything that had just transpired brought a small smile to her face.
Malena could hear two people talking within earshot and she turned to see who they were. They sounded like two guys, but as they were both laying flat on the ground she wasn't one hundred percent sure. One of them seemed to be doing most of the talking and she instinctively wondered why the other guy wasn't talking back. Maybe he was badly injured? She'd made it out pretty well, considering what had happened, maybe not all of them were so lucky. As a nurse in training it was near impossible for her to stay away and frankly she didn't want to. Obviously it could be dangerous but her inner drive to help won out. She carefully made her way over to the pair, her sandals making a crunching sound on the pebbles that covered most of the ground near the stream.
"Hey are you guys okay?" She asked, concern evident in her voice.
One of the guys lay on his stomach. He was the smaller one of the two, dressed in red hoodie, she couldn't tell if he had any serious injuries to his upper body, it being covered and all. The other guy looked way worse for wear. She took in his condition. He was definitely in pain, anyone could tell that by looking at his face. There was a nasty gash on the side of his head, that was bleeding badly. If he was as hurt as he looked, losing blood would only make it worse. They needed to put pressure on that wound right away. Malena kneeled down beside the two men, while at the same time trying to come up with some kind of makeshift bandage, or at least something to put on that cut.
She bit her lip, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, her glove touching the side of her face. It was really the only fabric she had on hand, or at least one she could use right away. It was cleaner than ripping up her dress, which had seen better days.
"We should put some pressure on that" She offered gently.
@Grim fandango@Treue