Avatar of Duck
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 252 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Duck 9 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current When Donald Duck traded his wings for arms, was he trading up or trading down?
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5 yrs ago
Be like a duck; calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.
5 yrs ago
If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it could be a really ugly swan
5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Today is my birthday! For present, I wish for each and every one of you to have a great day!


I'm a goddamn quacker, I am. Quack!

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This isn't gonna happen. Class dismissed.
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

IF we're talking The 13th Warrior with Antonio Banderas, that's from 1999...

I was thinking the same thing. Is @Dark Cloud perhaps misremembering the name of "Hidden Fortress" by Kurosawa?
Cool! Just a few more people and we can get going! :)
Hey hey, people!

I recently watched the old classic flick The Thirteenth Warrior and got inspired. I love the way they make the world feel like such a big and mysterious place, shrouded in uncertainty and superstition. Is there magic? Are there monsters? What lies beyond the horizon? Who can say?

What I want for this game is a tale of high adventure, where we create the world as the story progresses. I will supply a basic outline for the setting and the start of a plot, and then we'll build from there. Think of it as a "yes, and" improv, where we help each other expand the story in a way that's creative and fun.

If you feel like this game is for you, let me know below. I'll post the OOC once we've got a good gang going.

Looking forward to playing with you!
In Dwarves! 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I've got to say I'm a little disheartened by the lack of activity during my absence. I'm not blaming anyone, I understand that people are busy and my going away for a while at the start of the game can be a little off-putting. To be frank I've kind of lost inspiration for the game anyway, so I'm pulling the plug. You're free to keep playing if you feel like it, though. Thank you and goodbye!
In Dwarves! 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Good going! A little update:

I'm going abroad for a week and will have very restricted access to the internet. You're free to keep playing during my absence, though! Have a fun time at the feast and do whatever you feel like, barring anything that breaks the story of course. The point of the feast is a light hearted start before the hardships begin.

See you in a while!
In Dwarves! 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
On the Eve of Adventure

The mines of Thrillem tremble with the voices of a thousand dwarves...



-igh! Du-ba-du-ba-dum,
Ho! Du-ba-du-ba-dum
Heigh! Du-ba-dum
Ho! Du-ba-dum
Heigh! Du-ba-du-ba-Ho!

This is the night, brethren, the eve of adventure!
Heigh! Of adventure! Ho! This is the night! The eve of adventure!

Heigh! Du-ba-du-ba-dum, Ho! Du-ba-du-ba-dum
Heigh! Du-ba-Ho! Du-ba-Heigh! Du-ba-du-ba-Ho!

Forward you go, brethren, to claim stolen treasure!
Heigh! Stolen treasure! Ho! Forward you go! To claim stolen treasure!

Aye, you feel it in your Bone,
Pride, and longing, for your Home,
Strength and honor, kin of Stone!

The night is young, but you can barely stand. There's a feast in Thrillem tonight and the dwarves mean business. Not just any feast, no. Your feast. You're being celebrated as heroes for undertaking the Great Quest. You're going to the surface, to travel untold miles through uncharted lands, to slay a dragon and steal its hoard. A dragon. And you're going to slay it. You've already said it what feels like a hundred times, and heard others say it more than a thousand, but that somehow still can't seem dispel that gnawing in your gut. The one that's there to remind you that Hey, guess what! The dragon ain't dead yet! And tonight might be The Night, but tomorrow is certainly The Day. The day when it begins for real, this adventure of yours...

But leave the worrying for the greybeards! You're still young, and tonight is for you! There's a feast going on, and what a feast it is! Delicious delicacies and beverages by the barrel from all across the land, booming drums and roaring brass, thousands upon thousands of torches and candles and all eyes and all smiles upon you, no expense is spared.

You're sitting with the rest of your comrades at the table of honor in the middle of the great hall. You're surrounded on all sides by throngs of your brethren, sitting at tables of their own. On the dais at the head of the hall sits the greybeards, the elders of each clan, looking down on their people with watchful eyes. They're counting on you, and you mean to honor that trust. Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted as Beorthric barges into the table with two fists full of pints. "Refreshments!" he bellows as he smashes them down on the top, and proceeds to lean in towards you with a funny frown on his face. "And good thing, too" he says, nodding over to a neighboring table "'cause them Orebreakers over yonder was bad-mouthing the lot of us, saying they'd stomp us no sweat in arm wrestling, and I figured we'd need a drop 'o strength seeing as we're going to take 'em up on that challenge! Who's with me?"
In Dwarves! 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
...aaand there we are!

The first chapter of our story takes place on the eve of adventure. There's a big feast in the great hall of Thrillem, and you're the guests of honor! We'll stay here for a couple of posts each, nothing too long, and then we'll get started on the real deal. Have fun!
In Dwarves! 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Dwarves! 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Timemaster Certainly! Go ahead and apply!

Hello everyone, and sorry for the wait. Work has been a bit more busy than anticipated this week, but I should be able to get us started within a day. Looking forward to a good game!
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