Avatar of EchoicChamber


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2 yrs ago
Current Much to the surprise of everyone, I am not dead.


I'm EchoicChamber, though I mostly go by Echo.
I'm in my twenties, and returned here on a whim.
I have no idea what's happening at any given moment.

Most Recent Posts

@Utrax They end up having to coax him with a can of tuna to get him to let go.

But yeah, I'm down to say that Gael got help from Itimpu if you are! Mostly because, again, that idea is absolutely hilarious to me.
@Utrax I love that visual, ngl.
Gael dangling from the jaws of this giant panther man and going "this is fine".
@Utrax Itimpu just rolls up with a very small child tossed over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Very important question.
Could Gael have convinced anyone hypothetically to carry him up the last miles to Dracula's Castle.
Because he is very smol and the path is very long and he would not have been too pleased to have to make it all the way there on his little toddler legs.

I'm also down to start whenever!
@Akayaofthemoon Hello again, Akay! It’s been a while!

@Loony It’s cool, but thank you for the offer! Don’t Starve has always been a blast to play, but I’ll admit I prefer the multiplayer version over single.
@Loony I've always wanted to do an Epithet Erased/Anime Campaign thing, but every time I try to find a group it just falls apart for some reason.
Also, I love your Rando icon, by the by!
@Loony I would be heavily interested in joining a campaign, either text based or otherwise, although since I've never played tabletop before I might need a little guidance if it goes that route, haha.

@Polyphemus Yeah, there was a bit of Rosemary's Baby thrown in there, good eye! When making the whole backstory with Gael's mom my thought was essentially "well I doubt that the actual devil of all people is going to be straightforward about wishes", so I went with more of a Monkey's Paw feel.
I'm glad you like him! I look forward to using him.
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