Avatar of EchoWolff


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current "The echo of one's heart need not follow worldly principles. By the heat of passion, cold of apathy, light of cheer, and dark of grief. By Time and Space, be true."
6 mos ago
For those waiting on me to respond, I will be writing things up over the weekend. Hang tight!
7 mos ago
Doing well, writing responses and such
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7 mos ago
Hello quite bored, I'm Echo!
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8 mos ago
Apologies for those waiting on replies from me, life has been hell this weekend. I will attempt to get things out by tomorrow night!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

If you are reading this, then for some reason you want to learn a little bit about the absolute anomaly that is me.

A few important things to note are:

- I am sometimes a bit slow for posting, though sometimes I will almost immediately respond.

- I have absolutely no interest in Romance. This has changed, but only for certain circumstances. It depends!

- I enjoy making very overcomplicated worlds to share with people, like you!

- I enjoy really heavy and psychological themes, but I will do lighter ones as well.

That's pretty much all I think you need to know, but if you want to you can send me a PM! I don't bite...

Most Recent Posts

~The Fall~

Once, the world was a mesmerizing realm, adorned with lush, vibrant green fields and verdant forests that stretched as far as the eye could see. This idyllic vision was, however, transformed into an eerie tableau of desolation, where all the natural beauty had been stripped away, leaving nothing but an ashen, lifeless landscape. This tragic metamorphosis was the consequence of humanity's relentless pursuit of the unknown, a pursuit that ultimately led to its own undoing.

The catalyst for this dramatic shift was the remarkable discovery of Ether, a mystical substance that emanated from enigmatic vents scattered across the land. Ether was more than just a scientific breakthrough; it was akin to unearthing a wellspring of pure magic. The advent of Ether heralded an era of technological advancement hitherto deemed inconceivable. Yet, with progress came peril, as humanity's insatiable hunger for power and knowledge led to the reckless exploitation of this newfound wonder.

The cycle of Ether harvesting continued unabated, as the sources of this mystical essence began to wither, driven to the brink of depletion by relentless extraction. Human greed, forever unquenchable, spurred on by corporate interests, drove these entities to embark on perilous experiments aimed at creating artificial Ether. This reckless endeavor would prove catastrophic, unleashing the malevolent force known as Black Ether—a monstrous offspring of human ambition gone awry.

Black Ether, once unleashed, became a relentless scourge, giving rise to a sinister plague that ravaged all in its path. This affliction, aptly named "Black Ether," not only infected the physical bodies of those unfortunate enough to encounter it but also corrupted the very earth itself. The once-thriving landscapes and cities fell victim to its malevolence, morphing into nightmarish wastelands of despair.

As the world crumbled around them, humanity found itself on the precipice of annihilation. Panic swept through the remnants of civilization as they grappled with the enormity of the catastrophe they had wrought. In their desperation, they sought refuge from their own creation, and a colossal, labyrinthine cityscape began to take shape.

This sprawling metropolis, built over the last known Ether vent, became a sanctuary and a testament to both humanity's resilience and its folly. The entire city's survival hinged on the precarious balance maintained by the dwindling supply of Ether that powered its infrastructure—a cruel irony that underscored the cost of their relentless ambition.

For decades, a fragile semblance of peace endured within the confines of the labyrinthine city. Yet, this respite proved fleeting, for the insidious Black Ether had not forgotten its insatiable hunger. It infiltrated the human populace, driving them to madness and grotesque transformations that defied imagination. These afflicted beings, known as the Teras, became harbingers of terror, relentlessly stalking the ever-shifting streets of the city now dubbed "Labyrinth."

Amidst this chaos and devastation, a resilient few emerged—survivors who refused to succumb to the horrors of Black Ether. They were the Runners, constantly on the move, navigating the treacherous terrain of Labyrinth in a desperate bid for survival. Their existence was a testament to human endurance and the unyielding will to live.

In this bleak and twisted world, there existed a single sanctuary—a towering edifice at the heart of Labyrinth, affectionately known as Archon. Here, the remnants of humanity clung to the last flicker of hope, their final refuge against the encroaching darkness, and the one place they deemed safe.
A City called Labyrinth

The city is alive, always shifting its streets and alleyways, no path leads to where it did the day before, a death trap. 7 people wake up here, with no memory, and only one goal, to get out of this hell of a city, however, that proves to be an exceptionally difficult task. There are twisted monsters that reside inside the ever-shifting paths and walls of buildings, the remnants of what used to be humanity, trapped inside what was supposed to be their sanctuary. A single tower rests in the center of Labyrinth, a beacon to the rest of the city, manned by what people are left, known only as The Runners.

This plot is a WIP but I am striving for something similar, though before I start making more on it, I wanted to see if anyone was interested.

The general genre of the world is a horror post-apocalyptic fantasy with a bit of a steampunk flair, more lore about it is on the way!

7 people maximum, I don't think I can handle any more than that.

Feel free to post here if you are interested!

@TheDemonHound Thank you! Hopefully, he will be more fleshed out by tomorrow...
Here is my current WIP character, I'm going to end up finishing him up tomorrow. Let me know of anything to change!

Synopsis:Reality has two sides to it, the normal 'real' world, and the Alter world. Just like everyone has dark sides, the worlds are the same, yet fundamentally different. The Alter World houses mirror images of people and structures of the real world, but as negative emotion and fear incarnated into monstrous creatures... This place has always existed, hidden behind the veil of ignorance in which humanity places itself. 4 young people are drawn into this world, bound by a mysterious contract signed in a dream that felt too real. Led by their other selves, their Afterimages, the lines between what is hidden and what is true reality are blurred, in a mission to save reality from itself.

Neo Tokyo is a sprawling Japanese city and a hotspot of negative thoughts and emotions. Suicide rates have been on the rise recently for unknown reasons with almost no pattern or apparent reason why. Close friends of the most recent victims had said that they had gone crazy, babbling about an alternate reality and a figure called The Masked Man or some similar moniker. All the victims were alumni or current students of シルバーシェード (Shirubashedo) Academy, a community college near the Shinjuku District.

This includes themes of suicide, self-harm, brutal deaths, and a grimdark alternate reality.
Hey there! I'm EchoWolf, but you can call me any nickname you can come up with. I started my RP journey by creating D&D campaigns for my group, which led me to make my own experimental TTRPG systems and many, many different worlds. I enjoy fantasy and sci-fi stuff and creating entire worlds to share with people. I am usually a semi-literate roleplayer, and often GM various things, but I am sort of slow when it comes to responses. I enjoy playing a possibly unhealthy amount of video games and I am a Moral Psychology major.

I have a feeling that I'm going to like it here!
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