Avatar of EchoWolff


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6 mos ago
Current "The echo of one's heart need not follow worldly principles. By the heat of passion, cold of apathy, light of cheer, and dark of grief. By Time and Space, be true."
6 mos ago
For those waiting on me to respond, I will be writing things up over the weekend. Hang tight!
7 mos ago
Doing well, writing responses and such
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7 mos ago
Hello quite bored, I'm Echo!
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8 mos ago
Apologies for those waiting on replies from me, life has been hell this weekend. I will attempt to get things out by tomorrow night!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

If you are reading this, then for some reason you want to learn a little bit about the absolute anomaly that is me.

A few important things to note are:

- I am sometimes a bit slow for posting, though sometimes I will almost immediately respond.

- I have absolutely no interest in Romance. This has changed, but only for certain circumstances. It depends!

- I enjoy making very overcomplicated worlds to share with people, like you!

- I enjoy really heavy and psychological themes, but I will do lighter ones as well.

That's pretty much all I think you need to know, but if you want to you can send me a PM! I don't bite...

Most Recent Posts

Bumping this rq...

Cave Entrance, Unknown

Carefully, he set down the small girl in his arms, giving a somewhat worried look toward Anne. ... He sat down on the floor next to the unconcious girl, subconciously fixing his gloves.

"Still not stirring... not sure which side of the scale that leans."
He let out a sigh, looking from Millie to Alvin, a kind look behind his eyes, as if trying to console the boy.

"I'm sure she will be fine though. Call it a gut feeling."
Wether or not he was saying that just to improve morale, was unclear to him, the words spilled from his mouth as quickly as he had thought them.

Sometimes to be a Trickster, you had to trick yourself after all.

TRIGGER WARNING: This roleplay will contain Body Horror, Suicide, Self-Harm, and General Death. Chances are very high that your character will die, sometimes at the hands of other players.

The Alterance Event occurred on June 13th, 2019. The event consisted of the Earth's core releasing an unknown type of radiation in hotspots around the world. Most of these hotspots are located in large cities, small towns, and a few wild areas.

The radiation released in these hotspots mutated plants, animals, and even humans dramatically. Animals grew to more than twice their size, the radiation caused exponential plant growth, and the victims' DNA seemed to have fused with whatever animal they had last come into contact with, causing them to gain animalistic features.

People who have fallen victim to radiation have come to be known as 'Alternates' and are doomed to be trapped in the Exclusion Zones or to be taken by various factions for study or other motives...

The current year is 2028, nine years after the event occurred, and the United Nations (UN) has created barricades and perimeters around most of the hotspots called Exclusion Zones, or EZs. The EZs were created to contain the radiation (now called Kepler Radiation), creatures, and Alternates, so as to not pose an immediate danger to the rest of the world.

Those who enter the Exclusion Zones are known as Outsiders, their loyalty pledged to a faction, or running unchained by ideals or quotas as freelancers. One rule lies among their ranks, however…

Don’t stay too long, Don’t get too attached, and never become one of them.


Cave Entrance, Unknown

"Are you simply going to stand here and do nothing? You have those you must protect."

The voice of his rebellion echoed throughout the recesses of his mind, as his grip tightened slightly on the girl in his arms. His eyes glanced to Alvin, before motioning for the boy to get behind him, or at the very least closer to him. No one was going to die on his watch, he would make damn sure of that.

He was running through battle plans in his head, trying to make effective estimates of what energy he had left and use of his own physical ingegrity, his gaze back on the Raven Herald, his grey gaze peircing through the bird-like mask.

"Alvin. I need you close."

His voice was low and quiet, just loud enough for the boy to hear. Should things escalate, he needed Alvin close to be able to protect the two siblings.

Forest, Unknown

His eyes drifted to the treeline as he accepted the young girl, she was heavier than he had originally thought... or maybe Anne just made it look easy. He looked at Anne, a bit of uncertanty blended with a burning need to do something in his situation.

"Okay. Are you sure you won't need any help? I can provide you with some kind of support."

His hands now occupied, using weapons was out of the question. If he were to provide support, he would need to rely mainly on Arsene, which wasnt really a problem unless he got too worn out.

As for the matter of getting to the cave unnoticed, that would be a rather simple task, just like in the Palaces that he was used to. Or so he hoped.

Forest, Unknown

Strong huh? That was the goal, or what he told himself it was, but he had a long way to go.

He had been silent for a little while, watching the events unfold before him, yet slow in terms of reaction. He decided to stay with the children, along with the lady that looked to have walked straight out of a science fiction movie.

He followed them into the forest, his gloved hands placed into his pockets as his tailcoat flowed behind him.

"I would like to think I'm strong, but that was with my... team of sorts. Not that impressive on my own.

His head lifted to the dense leaves the pinpoints of light shining like a starry night across the forest floor... as the light briefly blinds the boy as he looked up, before quickly bringing his eyes back toward the ground.

"Oh- um... I forgot to introduce myself. Call me Joker. Nice to meet you..."

He glanced behind him, the church only becoming more and more obscured by the brush and foliage the further they walked, before turning back to the paths before them, destiny laid bare before the hands of those that walk it.
@Dr Acula

If you need any help with character creation, or any questions in general, please do not hesitate to ask!

Of course, if you are not able to participate anymore, that is completely fine as well.


Squalid Church, Unknown

The mask reformed onto his face as the Raven Heralds fled, Arsene's form dissipating. He didn't really do anything, and thus he felt at least a little useless. He knelt down to one of the corpses that lie closer to the decrepit chapel's fallen door, flinching at the sight. Shadows were way different from what this was, these were real people, not the muddied versions of the psyche left repressed by human emotion. He sighed, before checking the body for anything useful. These were technically his current enemy so far.

"Does anyone really know what's going on here? I know full well that I am not the only one asking questions, but until I can be convinced otherwise, I can't really trust any of you..."

Akira said this with less conviction and more uncertainty, as he stood again, trying to act more calm than he actually was. He was already tired from before he was taken, this was just taking more out of him than what he was entirely sure he could withstand, running on adrenaline. He fixed his gloves, an impulse if anything, and walked back inside.

"Though we don't want to stay here like ducks in a little row at the butcher shop, should those... Raven Heralds? Whatever they are called, come back."

As much as he wanted answers, he would much rather stay alive than stay put and potentially get killed, even if what sounded like they were being... reprimanded by one, the witch was interrogating the young boy, and a whole lot of other stuff, he felt like his meager voice was lost in the cacophony of confusion...
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