Avatar of EchoWolff


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current "The echo of one's heart need not follow worldly principles. By the heat of passion, cold of apathy, light of cheer, and dark of grief. By Time and Space, be true."
6 mos ago
For those waiting on me to respond, I will be writing things up over the weekend. Hang tight!
7 mos ago
Doing well, writing responses and such
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7 mos ago
Hello quite bored, I'm Echo!
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8 mos ago
Apologies for those waiting on replies from me, life has been hell this weekend. I will attempt to get things out by tomorrow night!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

If you are reading this, then for some reason you want to learn a little bit about the absolute anomaly that is me.

A few important things to note are:

- I am sometimes a bit slow for posting, though sometimes I will almost immediately respond.

- I have absolutely no interest in Romance. This has changed, but only for certain circumstances. It depends!

- I enjoy making very overcomplicated worlds to share with people, like you!

- I enjoy really heavy and psychological themes, but I will do lighter ones as well.

That's pretty much all I think you need to know, but if you want to you can send me a PM! I don't bite...

Most Recent Posts

I would advise renaming it to Phobia or something similar so it appeals to both aspects
Interesting spread... I would say combine Madness and Horror, and that is a no to Power. Otherwise it's a pretty solid list.
Anything within reason, as long as you run it by me first. Because you are thinking of Supernatural, the Stigma will also help me create a starter set of Paradigms for you.
Count me in.

If you would like to talk to me about character ideas, please don't hesitate to hit me up, I am happy to help out!

Forested Outskirts, Aventon

Damn, he missed a lot.

A new group member, a rotting corpse, which he felt like he would throw up if he looked at it so his gaze drifted away from it, and now a swarm of centipedes. The bugs he wasn't quite enthusiastic about, but one question kept burning in his mind; Why did the flying people always know each other? Did this world have some kind of bias? He shook it off, there were much more pressing matters at hand. He finally got to fight at least.

"Arsene! Eiha!"

Arsene's spectral form flew upward, chains clanking as wings spread, and a ball of black and crimson energy was expelled at the snap of his fingers, rocketing toward the insect horde, creating a small explosion of dark energy and dispatching a few of the bugs.

Joker then dashed toward a stray bug, knife drawn, and slashed at the creature, the blade plunging deep into the creature. There wasn't really much he could do with a knife here, Youske's katana would have worked much better, but alas, this is what he had to work with.
I don't think that's too much, but i guess that's more for Poleski to decide
Who are we waiting on?

2:40 PM...?

An apparition, a specter, roams through one of the many infinite halls of the school... No, this wasn't the school anymore. This was something else.

The sound of footsteps; loud, fast, and panicked. A girl with flowing multicolored braids flew through the space, her sneakers squeaking against the smooth tile, turn after turn before she stopped. Another crossroad, what was she supposed to do now?

"It's a dream, It's a dream... it has to be... So why can't I wake up!?

A hand floated to her head, nails digging into her scalp... It hurt... Why did her head hurt...? So many unanswered questions when the smell of burning, of sulfur reached her nose... The incessant unintelligible whispers that seemed to encompass the space got louder, and clearer.

One voice reached out. One after the other, they followed. Prismatic hands reached up from the tile, she sound of glass bending and breaking as the grabbed at her, their claws burying deep into her calves.

She screamed.

The shrill sound died in her throat after a second, a burning sensation on her neck... the glass hands bringing her to her knees. She couldn't move... couldn't breathe... couldn't think.

A being of pure light stood in front of her, a burning and sparking apparition of chaos incarnate. It seemed familiar to her, but she was terrified of it. It's claws wrapped around her neck, blood dripping from the points of contact.

"I'm... Sorry..."

With a fluid motion, a chilling snap, it was over. Her body fell, blood staining the tile beneath her as the apparition faded, the hands of glass ripping, tearing at their prey... dragging her corpse deeper into their domain.

Kiana Lowry...

Is gone.

One light has been snuffed out... Looks like another candle must be lit.

As Kousuke yells into the void, the whispers dull slightly, a feeling of weight on his shoulder...

A hand. A warmth. A whisper in his ear...

"If you want it to stop... why don't you tell them...?" A soft yet imposing voice chides in his ear. Nothing, no one that he recognized... yet it still felt familiar.

A small, spectral white rabbit jumped down from his shoulder onto the floor in front of him, its form wispy and undefined... Its eyes piercing and commanding. For such a small animal, it gave quite an influential aura.

"Your voice is a very powerful thing, though I have something you desperately need. Control. You won't get anywhere if you let yourself be a passenger in your own life." It gently raises its paw toward Kousuke, as if pointing at him. "With my help, you will be able to do things you might not have thought possible... Through connecting with the side you might not want to look at."

The rabbit then looked away, down one of the twisting and shifting halls... "There are others here, and I can lead you to them, but you have to promise me something." The ephemeral creature looking back to its originator. "Don't be afraid. A man who falls prey to his fear is not his own master after all. The whispers won't hurt you, not when I'm here."

As Fubuki laid on the ground, the cold chill stayed. The deer was still there... wandering. A gruff voice whistled through his hearing, less of a whisper and more of a growl.

"You... You are afraid, yes? Little stag, I won't hurt you... you never wanted the hand you were given... but others don't know that do they?" The deer appeared again, standing over him, staring into his eyes... There was something in those eyes that was familiar...

"The only way to change the way things are, is to break through the veil. You fear my because you know deep down what I am. I am you, the side you try to hide but comes out anyway. You stand stalwart, triumphant. So why do you run?"

The whispers ebbed and flowed as Chihiro ran through the twisting and distorting halls, that feeling of being followed... it was everywhere now. She could swear she heard the sound of paws clacking against the tile behind them, but whenever she turned around all she saw was the all-encompassing darkness...

She kept running, trying to parse any recognizable pieces into a path... only leading her to more crossroads, and finally a dead end. She felt for sure whatever was following her was real... and as she turned, a large wolf stood there, clear as day, staring into her soul with those amethyst eyes... She backed up to the wall, is this where it ended? Here and now?

"No, pup." A whisper in her ear, she couldn't tell if it was male or female, it was just... a voice. Distinguished from the whispers that had all but become background noise. The wolf raised its head to Chihiro, drawing closer.

"You know as well as I that we don't mean harm." The lupine stood a foot away from them, the creature somehow familiar...

Familiar yet still a stranger...

"I- Animals can... talk?" She blurted out, unsure of how to process what was going on...

The wolf shook its head, leveling it's gaze. "No, they cant. I am not an animal, but rather the embodiment of... the subconscious. I can guide you through this place, lead you to the others, but there is something you must do for me, okay? Stop hiding your true self. You act as if you don't care is if that will help anything you go through, but masking it will only set you up for more disasters...

Chihiro looks down at the wolf... it was solid, yet also looked like it was shifting, flowing... like it was made of some kind of ink... She closed her eyes, letting out a sigh.

"Fine." She states, kneeling down and stroking the creature on the head. "Lead the way I guess..."
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