Avatar of Emberdawn2


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Looking to do War Of The Worlds 2005 RP. I have tons of ocs.
12 days ago
I’m in mood for spec Evo roleplay
1 mo ago
I’m up for Detroit Become Human roleplay
1 like
1 mo ago
Looking for rp to do “Don’t Look up”. I’m interested in the alien planet from the post credits.
1 mo ago
Huh? What going on?


Name: Ember

Age: +18

Gender: F

Roleplay styles: Sci fi, adventures, fantasy, fandoms

Most Recent Posts

I’m fine with it
Can charachters have powers/abilities?

This roleplay is about finding the sea creature called “The Bloop”. Scientists in the year 1997 heard a strange bloop sound coming from the southern ocean.

I’m looking for a rp partner who is interested to do this with me. Ocs are allowed with me as long as there is no Mary Sue or God modding. Violence is alright but nsfw stuff is not allowed. I’ll play my ocs and one of them isn’t a scientist but an explorer who is interested to help out and see the big creature. I would like someone to play as Bloop or we could play back to back (like taking turns to help out). My DMs are open to start the roleplay. This is what the Bloop looks like. alpheapedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Bloop

Thank you for reading this post!
For Bloop one, I would go out to the ocean to find the creature like this. I like adventures. https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Bloop
Welcome to Guild!
In Yo! 2 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to Guild! :)
<Snipped quote by Mole>

I had a very serious serizure where according to several doctors. I basically crashed my hip bone and they had to put it back together like it was a puzzle

Ooooh :( that’s gotta hurt
In 3 Word Story 2 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
Which is gross
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