Personal Information
Name: Frederica Eliana Simonova
Nickname: Rika
Alias: The Blue Bombardier
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birthday: April 20, 2351
Blood Type: B+
Species: Human
Job Class: Juggernaut, First Class
Hometown: Agartha
Theme: Vector to the Heavens Body Information

Ethnicity: Russian
Height: 5'7'' / 170 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Color: Cyan
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Senses: High pain tolerance.
Scent: Sweat! Don't like it? Then get lost!
Voice: Kari Wahlgren (
Lady, Devil May Cry 3)
Usual: A heart as big as her presence, and smiles as wide as her sphere of influence. Rika loves the spotlight, and relishes in the praise of her peers and the people. Breaks the ice with extreme prejudice, and lives to spite the concept of personal space. Though, as a straight shooter, she lacks some sensitivity.
In Battle: Puts her enemies down before putting them under. Sassiness 100. Has zero tolerance for enemies targeting her friends with prejudice, which she will heartily return to sender with a knuckle sandwich and a side order of meteorites. Believes that she has to be the strongest and never surrender.
Speech: Loud and raucous. Would make a great motivational speaker, if she deferred to friends for agreement a bit less often. Not always comfortable being a "forceful leader," unless she believes that some higher moral principle is on the line—in which case she could very easily butt heads with the pope.
Habits: Paranoid about forgetting things, Rika has a whole host of assembly rituals to make sure she has all of the ingredients necessary before making a dish, has all her garments and armor accounted for before leaving her home, has all of her belongings accounted for every time she enters and leaves a new place—everyone knows where she keeps things, because she checks them at least 10 times a day. A classic pickpocketing victim.
Making Friends: Firmly believes the old proverb that the fastest way to a person's heart is through the stomach. Loves giving food and receiving food, or better yet, recipes. Has a deep respect for anyone who isn't afraid to work up a sweat training in the field instead of using Daemon Program simulations.
Sexuality: Demisexual. Once earned the nickname "Blue Baller" and thought it was a compliment.
Likes: Sharing food with friends, being appreciated, rabbit trails, unsolved mysteries, secret places.
Dislikes: Injustice, backhanded compliments, unreturned favors, cilantro, guys who like butts.
Hobbies: Doesn't have time for much besides missions, training, and cooking.
Issues: A bit insecure about her role—thinks her friends will abandon her if she isn't strong. Has difficulty relating to people with lots of tragedy in their lives.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Childhood: Rika's mother Amalie arrived in Agartha after being rescued from a slave caravan, and gave birth to Rika shortly after her husband Kliment had died of his injuries. Once it was known that Rika was to become a Medium, Amalie became eligible for all kinds of government assistance. She and Rika could be moved to a better and larger house, and servants would take care of Amalie's needs while Rika would stay at the Academy during the week for training, and visit on the weekends. Amalie, however, did not like this idea one bit. Having lived as a slave herself, the idea of living in a noblewoman's house and being cared for by servants made her nauseous, and she dared not to think of the kind of rift that could be created between her and her newborn daughter. Using Rika as a ticket to the upper class was not happening, and seeing her only two days a week was unacceptable. A compromise was reached; Rika would be allowed to stay at home with Amalie, as long as they at least moved out of the slums and into a normal apartment in a stable, working-class neighborhood. Arrangements were made accordingly.
Amalie was afraid that the Academy would teach Rika precious little aside from how to deal with monsters, and for the most part her assumption was accurate, leaving Amalie with the responsibility of teaching Rika everything she was missing at Brionac: to take care of herself and others, and to use her strength "for good" and not merely "for humanity," since humans could be evil too. She told stories to Rika about how the demons treated their human slaves, and how Agartha's treatment of non-Mediums was not much better, even though the living conditions were much preferable. It was these stories, told by her wheelchair-confined mother that motivated Rika to train hard and become a "real hero."
Rika's intense focus on training to do exactly what the Academy wanted her to do, while at the same time disagreeing with their position on the non-Mediums' roles as "worker bees," made Rika an oddball girl that few wanted to be friends with. As much as she wanted to make her mother proud and become a real hero, struggling toward her goal alone was painful. She found a stronger wish forming in her heart: the desire to be surrounded by friends and admirers, to push her forward. On the day that she ventured into the "Void," a cavern where Agartha's Mediums go to contact and invoke a Jinn, she thought she had the resolve to wish for the strength of a hero—but the oppressive, unearthly cavern reminded her of how alone she was, even outside of the Void's pitch-black darkness. Ultimately, her resolve broke, and she revealed her true wish to a Jinn named Sirius, who embodied the power of the stars. It promised her a heart so big, it would pull people into her orbit, until the number and beauty of her friendships rivaled the stars of a galaxy. This wish resonated in her heart, and Sirius became hers.
Adulthood: When Rika emerged from the Void holding the Rising Star, she felt like a new woman. Acted like one, too. Her image quickly changed from "quiet and bitter" to "wild and friendly," and her classmates and squadmates took notice. It wasn't long before she was like a beacon of light in Agartha. Going on mission after mission, Rika slew enough monsters to go from Second to First Class, and also changed the focus of her training from Vanguard to Juggernaut, at the recommendation of Elpidio, the father of the Daemon simulation program, and one of Rika's few friends from before her transformation. Now, there's hardly a place in Agartha where her name is not known, and the people whisper about her future in the Brionac Program. Will she stay and protect Agartha, or does she seek the Demon Mother?
Family: Rika lives with her disabled mother, Amalie. Her father, Kliment, is deceased.
Religion: Believes that if evil exists, and has a "name" by the Demon Mother, then good must also exist by another name. If the Father exists, and is good, then perhaps he is waiting for humans to stand up for what is good. If people stop jockeying for power and treat each other well, perhaps he'll return.
Combat Information
Rising Star: A shield worn on the right arm, which bears a rough resemblance to the shape of a comet flying through space. Its attacks can be rocket-propelled by small jets of blue flame that appear in the divots along the edge, mimicking the appearance and function of vernier thrusters. Because of this propulsion function, the larger front spear head can be used in a manner similar to a pile bunker. The arrowhead-like tail end can be used for thrusting elbow attacks, and the bladed edge along the forearm can be used for sword-like cuts, though this exposes the wearer and can be deadly if used improperly.
Barrier Jacket: A military-grade jacket with an inner layer comprised of a flexible network of small shield generators which protect the wearer's vitals, including the head. Some more intelligent monsters will recognize these or the infrasonic frequency they emit and will aim for the limbs, so Rika has covered her exposed flank in a more traditional kind of armor. The jacket is soft to the touch and regulates the wearer's internal temperature well, but it's a bit on the heavy side, so not all Mediums like to use one. The inner layers of Rika's leggings also offer another layer of protection, similar to that of a K9 "bite suit." She also wears a pair of tough steel-toed boots at all times, even in inappropriate settings.
Items: Rika carries 3 "shots" of elixir in a set of 3 vials kept in a pouch, tucked inside her jacket.
Resonance: ☆☆☆☆☆☆+☆☆☆☆
Reaction: ☆☆☆☆☆☆+☆☆☆☆
Wish: "I don't want to be alone anymore; I want to be a hero who protects her friends."
Curse: "You may protect your friends, but your friends cannot protect you."
Aura Color: Bright Cyan
Fighting Style: With crushing blows and iron defense, Rika gets between her more vulnerable friends and any evil beings wishing to do them harm, repelling almost any attack. While protecting her friends is its own reward, she also accumulates RP quickly by doing so. However, she loses it rapidly if she relies on her allies to return the favor.
Attack Skills
Crossfire: The Rising Star is let loose to fly wildly in random orbits around Rika for a short time, before returning to Rika's arm. Used as a quick "get off me" attack when being challenged by multiple assailants, Crossfire can Parry attacks from multiple directions at once (excluding consecutive attacks). No matter how many opponents are Parried, she will still only get the standard +1 RP bonus for Parrying.
2nd Ignition: Rika requires a free action to attempt this attack without fear. She takes a moment to lower her profile and curl her right arm back in preparation for this devastating uppercut. She'll hold the attack back during the first stage, then when the second pair of thrusters ignites, she lets loose a pair of uppercut punches that cannot be stopped by a Guard or Parry—the second of which will send her and her target (if it hits) flying into the air before Rika punches her enemy downward. This skill hits three times, doing triple the total damage of a regular skill, but requires two actions to prepare and use it properly.
3rd Advance: Three of the four thrusters ignite, sending Rika flying forward into a devastating spin attack. During the rotation, the Rising Star will parry projectiles and punch through some Tier 1 magic (she will still take half damage—she is treated as "Guarding" for damage calculation purposes). A sufficiently powerful melee attack will knock her down with a parry, leaving her vulnerable to follow-up attacks.
Alter Code - F: Rika uses the Rising Star's thrusters to launch into the air. When used as an attack, it can hit airborne targets. After using this skill, Rika can follow up with 4th Detonator. This skill cannot be used as a Reaction to dodge incoming attacks, however it can be used in place of Struggle to escape from grabs with guaranteed success, leaving the opponent that had her in a grab with the Burn status.
4th Detonator: To use this skill, Rika must have a free action to launch herself into the air before using it, or she can use it immediately if she is already in the air after using 2nd Ignition. For this attack, Rika dives fist-first into the ground at full velocity, sending out a shockwave that launches foes away for two stars of damage if they fail to flee its radius. The shockwave emitted by 4th Detonator will break any guard, similar to the effect of a Tier 2 Field spell, and cannot be Parried. A direct hit will cause the Stun status.
5th Vanguard: A slow advance towards the foe with all of Rika's energy focused into her guard. When used, this skill gives her 1.5x Defense, and allows her to block Basic tier magic without taking half damage as she usually would during a normal guard or during 3rd Advance. Using 5th Vanguard multiple turns in a row will cause the Rising Star to overheat, draining 5% HP every consecutive use, and causing consecutive attacks to reduce her Guard's Defense by 2 stars per hit instead of 1.
Finest Arts - Berserk Charge: Channeling the rage of the weak and helpless, Rika pursues her foe and attacks them mercilessly and with absolute abandon. She will mix up her approach in several ways, but will always follow up her first two attacks with 2nd Ignition and a midair Crossfire, or 4th Detonator.
Resonant Power
'Roid Up!: Creates an "asteroid belt" consisting of 4 meteoroids that will orbit around the caster at Tier 1, or around each member of a group of target allies at Tier 3. At these tiers, the meteoroids will track with the caster and/or their allies and attempt to deflect enemy attacks, effectively giving them 4 freebies when failing dodge checks or guarding. The odds of success decrease by 25% for each meteor that is destroyed. Since the initial summoning is not a damaging attack, trying to cast it without a free action is a risk. When used as a Tier 2 Field spell, a much greater number of smaller meteoroids form a circle around a specified area. It can be used to protect a group of allies or innocents huddled into one space, to surround an enemy or two to pin them down, or to trap an enemy into a small space with the caster or an ally, preventing them from fleeing the confrontation.
Planet Breaker: A surge of aberrant gravitational forces is poured into the ground, causing it to break apart, with jagged chunks of earth jutting out and loose rocks flying unpredictably. If an opponent tries to trade damage with this spell during a Reaction, Planet Breaker will block the attack instead. Rika will often begin this attack by punching the ground, but it's just for show—not that anyone would know that. A simple yet effective spell, the area of effect increases at Tier 2, and snakes out seeking enemies at Tier 3.
Gravity Trigger: Chains of violet light arc from this magic circle like lightning, attempting to shackle its target with the forces of gravity. If the target is airborne, they will be forced to the ground and take damage, after which they will break free of the shackles; if they are already grounded, they will take no damage and instead be dragged slowly toward the caster at Tier 1, and bound in place at Tiers 2 or 3. The latter tiers can prevent opponents from dodging follow-up attacks, while the former only forces a confrontation.
Astral Storm: A surge of cosmic rays and visible space dust pours out of this magic circle, hitting its targets with hot and heavy force, like a vibrantly colorful hydrothermal vent. Being hit with this feels like being beaten repeatedly with a sledgehammer while standing in a sauna hot enough to burn your skin. This spell rolls 1, 2, or 3 D6s depending on Tier, and if a 6 is rolled, it causes the Radio Silence status on all applicable targets.
Calamity - Zero-G Bolero: Massive violet chains plunge down from this Calamity-tier magic circle and into the earth. Then, the chain links shatter into colorful space-dust particles, signaling the spell's activation. Physical parries will send two opponents flying away from each other, making any follow-up attacks impossible without some means of generating thrust. Rika's Rising Star weapon gives her a huge advantage during physical confrontations while in this state, and she will be easily able to rescue her friends from the now-helpless enemies. The spell will last until the end of Rika's second turn after casting (two rounds).
Unique Spell - Intrude: If Rika has a free action, she can break Reaction turn order and "teleport" to Rescue an ally who's under attack to engage their opponents instead. After the spell's activation, Rika's body dissolves into space dust and moves swiftly through the air before reforming in front of her friend. The dust cannot pass through solid objects, but can pass through any permeable barrier. If Rika has no friend in crisis, the spell cannot be used at all, as the "teleport" function has no valid destination. Using this spell does not grant a +1 RP bonus for casting, nor does it grant a +1 RP bonus for Rescuing to stack with Big Heart.
Personal Skills
Unstoppable: Rika resists the enemy's Time and Space magic, if her RP matches or exceeds the cost of their spell.
Uncanny Defense: During a Guard break, Rika will lose the rest of her current Turn as normal, but will take no damage and will not enter hitstun, allowing her to attempt to retaliate or defend against follow-up attacks on her next Turn, unless she also took damage from another attack after the Guard break, during the same Turn.
Big Heart: When Rescuing an ally from an enemy attack, Rika gains +2 RP instead of the usual +1 RP gained by other characters. The ally Rika is Rescuing also gains +1 RP, giving them what they might have gained from a successful dodge, had Rika not intervened at all. If the ally in question was currently taking damage in a combo, Rika also gains that additional +1 RP instead, gaining a total +3 RP Rescue bonus.
Fragile Ego: Using an elixir decreases Rika's RP by 1 point for every elixir she's used in the same battle up to that point. Receiving healing magic from an ally decreases her RP by 3 points at Tier 1, 2 points at Tier 2, and just 1 point at Tier 3, when everyone is sharing the benefit. Tier 4 healing or passive healing from close proximity to a transformed Medium or summoned Jinn, as well as any other helpful blessing magic unrelated to healing will not cause Rika's curse to take effect. Other cowardly or "weak" actions may also have consequences.