Avatar of Emeth


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current The last time I sent my picture to someone... oh wait, I've never done that.
11 mos ago
I will never emotionally recover from the knowledge that Fire Emblem Awakening could have been a Pokemon crossover instead of a waifu simulator.
11 mos ago
I can't find the brain anywhere inside this fog, chief. I think the brain has evaporated. It has become the fog itself.
11 mos ago
Psst. uBlock Origin doesn't have this "we've detected an ad blocker" problem. They also don't literally let companies pay them off to allow their ads through, like some other ad "blockers" out there.
11 mos ago
The ideal number of RPs depends entirely on how active you expect your partners to be, and your own mental bandwidth for keeping track of characters and story threads.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for. Time Zone: +9, Korea/Japan/Australia. Hello American night shifters.

Most Recent Posts

Banned for recognizing the opening theme of Shadow the Hedgehog from just 4 lyrics
Rika was momentarily distracted by the voice inside her head, but she quickly recognized that monotone as belonging to Shiro. "Technology is incredible," she said to no one in particular, shortly before some unearthly dog-like noises echoed from deeper within the construction site. Even with the echo, Rika would recognize that reverb anywhere—before she even laid eyes on the massive creatures, she knew the sounds belonged to beast-class demons. She stopped suddenly, motioning with her hand for her allies to do the same. It would later seem a bit strange to her, leading the group of more experienced demon hunters, but her current state of mind left no space for her usual doubts or regularly scheduled episodes of impostor syndrome. She watched calmly as the beasts approached, waiting for an opportunity where they might line up so she could smash several of them in one punch. It was then that Andrea reemerged, dismantling two of them like it was nothing. Truthfully, Rika told herself—it was.

One of the four remaining beasts charged Rika, taking her for easy prey—but suddenly a massive, pitch-black forearm bound in chains appeared to grab the demon by its head, thrashing it around like a rag doll as the beast had clearly intended to do to her. It smashed the beast into its kin as they tried to pass by it in the hallway, Rika remaining completely still except for her eyes tracking the creature as it flew through the air. Eventually, one of the other beasts made it through, charging at Akira, but Rika leapt in the way and held her arm out confidently, as if she were a professional dog trainer wearing a bite suit. Though it took her arm with its mouth and thrashed its head around, attempting to tear her to pieces, Rika remained rooted to the spot as if she weighed several tons. As it gnawed on her repeatedly, a second beast that the disembodied arm had managed to grab yiped and yowled in pain as its body was slowly crushed like an aluminum can, seemingly by some invisible force that was striking it repeatedly. Perhaps it wasn't apparent at first, but it was happening at roughly the same rhythm that Rika herself was being bitten.

"I wonder why it is they can't resist me," Rika remarked absentmindedly, as the beast continued its seemingly futile assault. Rika was clearly not in any hurry to kill it, as long as it was attacking her rather than anyone else. "Exotic meat, perhaps? Maybe a teething instinct..? Say, does the DDF charge their employees for replacement uniforms, by any chance?" she asked sincerely, turning her head to face the others. There was a bit of blood splattered on her face, but seemingly no injury that it could have come from.
Banned because a ship is a she
Banned because

Banned for using the coffee emoji
Banned for having a dirty mind. Actually, ban the whole 1x1 section for that too
Rika watched in barely-perceptible wonder as the Demon Denial Field was deployed, the nerves once again causing her to slip away into her possession mode. She wasn't afraid of the demons; rather, she was consumed with thoughts of every way she might screw up her first real mission, and the subsequent first impressions. Dulling her emotions would help. She nodded to Akira, her eyes suddenly looking a bit flat and empty. "Yeah. I got, like, the cram school version though... So I'll stay close by, and scout ahead..." she said, her voice just a bit morose as she jumped out the back of the transport.

Just as the others might be wondering how those two things might be achieved at the same time, barely-visible, faintly red magic circles appeared on the ground in a hexagon shape all around Rika. One by one, they rose to slightly above the level of her height, summoning life-size copies of herself—or at least, at first they appeared so. As more were summoned, their eyes too became lifeless and glassy, their joints became more obviously doll-like, their skin like fine finished ivory wood, their hair falling more loosely around the face—even faintly visible red strings started to appear. They were still life-like enough to be mistaken for the real thing from a distance, but their false features would give them away on closer inspection.

"There... Some chew toys for the beasts should keep them away from any stranded innocents..." she said with a slightly creepy but satisfied smile. With a dismissing wave of her limp hand, the six dolls she'd summoned shambled off in every direction, running with a limp as though they were injured and dutifully acting as tempting bait for any demons that might be lurking. Rika then stowed away her hand inside her pocket and faced the others, but didn't look at them directly. "If anyone gets injured, bring 'em to me. Uh, but don't fuss over 'protecting the healer' or anything. I'm not made of papier mâché..." Figuring she'd stood around the transport van long enough to provoke the boss, she took off straight ahead, towards the center of the hastily evacuated construction site. If nobody else was going to take point, she might as well show the others that she wasn't afraid.
Banned for being scarier than the Majora's Mask moon, which is something I never thought I'd say
I kinda want to say "challenge accepted" and try to make a spicy food arc really interesting now
Banned for expecting better than early 2000s internet humor in an old school forum game :p
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