Cynthia Schovajsa
Cynthia, in fact, did not know why they were here, she realized, listening to Amaterasu speak. Dominus bade her come, and thus she did. He demanded their entrance be grand, and so she had enlisted the assistance of the orc king to make it so. She never did well with royal pomp, herself. What she did know was that Nirvana was the plane of existence upon which the gods had their dwelling, unbound by time and death—and allegedly, worldly desires—though she had her doubts about the latter claim.
She listened in wonder as Mitsuko spoke. An island nation with a population of 20 million? Had she heard that quite right? It was doubtful the humans numbered that many in total in her own world. It seemed as though this girl led an eventful life, with many twists and turns. Wait, did she just say that she dueled a deity and won? Cynthia glanced at Amaterasu for some kind of sign that she'd exaggerated somehow, and finding none, was even further amazed. She barely even heard the comment about the rollercoaster, with her mind spinning as to just how strong she must be. Did she dare ask the young lady for a spar, later? ...No. She'd rather chew gravel than suffer defeat by the hands of one Dominus had deemed "a child."
Then, the alien spoke. The manner of its speech put Cynthia off somehow, despite being perfectly fluent. She couldn't quite put her finger on why, until she glanced over at Dominus, pinching his nose in frustration and impatience, and realized that she was barely paying attention to what was being said herself. Ah, that was it. Zero's manner of speech reminded Cynthia of a politician. It was a bit too refined, and the vague and repeated use of the word 'love' didn't actually tell her much about Genesis as much as what was not being said. Immediately, Genesis struck her as a being with secrets, and its being absent from this meeting only solidified that in her mind. As for Zero, she wasn't sure if she could hold that against him. He was a bit of a mystery, and she couldn't be sure yet if he had free will.
Finally, there was the elf. Elves were isolationists on Cynthia's home planet, making war against those who encroached on their own territory with no respect of race or creed. She supposed they could be considered neutral—apathetic towards the war, even. Cynthia found her remark about her life as a queen not being noteworthy or eventful unconvincing, however. Certainly, it was her personal belief that long life was the enemy of a life well-lived. Her own siblings' lack of noteworthy accomplishments when compared to her own was the proof. Why do anything today when you have nigh-unlimited tomorrows, after all? This, however, was not from lack of opportunity, but lack of effort. The elf that stood before her now was either lying to keep her secrets, or lazy just like them, she concluded. The grizzled War Queen could not conceive of a world in which war was a seemingly bygone concept.
Dominus glanced at Cynthia, and made a motion with his head that usually meant something along the lines of 'put a stop to this nonsense, will you?' He couldn't mean for her to give a speech, could he..? Cynthia remained frigid for a moment before choosing to speak. "My people have hardly known aught but war from our birth. You may rely on me," she said simply. Dominus scoffed. "What this ice queen is trying to say is, try not to slow her down," he offered with a haughty smirk. "That..." Cynthia paused. "The word of my god... may contradict mine own opinion from time to time," she managed, returning his smirk with one of her own. The two seemed to be playing a game of wits of some kind, with rules only they knew at the moment.