Avatar of Emeth


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current The last time I sent my picture to someone... oh wait, I've never done that.
11 mos ago
I will never emotionally recover from the knowledge that Fire Emblem Awakening could have been a Pokemon crossover instead of a waifu simulator.
11 mos ago
I can't find the brain anywhere inside this fog, chief. I think the brain has evaporated. It has become the fog itself.
11 mos ago
Psst. uBlock Origin doesn't have this "we've detected an ad blocker" problem. They also don't literally let companies pay them off to allow their ads through, like some other ad "blockers" out there.
11 mos ago
The ideal number of RPs depends entirely on how active you expect your partners to be, and your own mental bandwidth for keeping track of characters and story threads.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for. Time Zone: +9, Korea/Japan/Australia. Hello American night shifters.

Most Recent Posts

@Mirandae I'm totally down to replace the generic counselor NPC in Raffaella's backstory with Tessa if that's okay with you!
Rika watched as the beast that had been chewing on her arm grew tired of her and turned its attention to Andrea, a mistake that was immediately and horribly punished as two beasts were killed with one punch, their bodies becoming a tangled mess. "Oh. Thanks, I guess," Rika said vaguely, inspecting the damage to her arm. Her sleeve was completely gone, but her arm itself bore no serious injury, only a few bruises where the beast's teeth had been prior to her release. These bruises, too, quickly healed.

Turning her attention to the voice that had spoken from down the corridor, she locked eyes with the thing. The vaguely humanoid shape made him a candidate, until Shiro confirmed that it was a mere monster, though a higher-level one. "Monster-class. You're not the one," she remarked under her breath. She briefly considered taunting it to draw its ire toward her as she had done before many times, but thought better of it as she craned her neck back to see that Akira was still close behind her. She gave Akira what she'd clearly hoped would be a reassuring, ear-to-ear smile, but her eyes weren't quite up to the task of matching that enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, the shadow arm was wiping the floor with the beast it had caught, quite literally as it ground the helpless creature into a bloody mess while using it to punch at several other beasts, knocking them around like pinballs in the tight space. Truthfully, there was really not much else Rika could do in an enclosed space without serious risk of bringing the unfinished building down. Her previous failure that had resulted in major infrastructure damage remained close to the front of her mind as she fought—or perhaps the summoned arm was semi-sentient? In either case, she remained close to Akira, her body barely moving an inch as her attack continued.

Having finished their sweep of the outside of the building, the dolls Rika had summoned earlier gathered back at the armored vehicle before starting to encircle the site. It was impossible to tell what they were thinking as they had no minds of their own, but a quick probe of Rika's inner thoughts would reveal that they were to block the entrances being used by the DDF crew, to prevent them from being flanked and caught unaware. If attacked, they would explode outside the building, dealing minimal structural damage, thinning enemy numbers and drawing the attention of everyone inside. Shiro's communications would make this redundant, but redundancy seemed to be Rika's intent. Her thoughts were fixed on how she just couldn't mess this up. She needed to prove herself reliable, and a smart team player, if she wanted to keep fighting demons—to find that devil.
Either option is ridiculous amounts of awesome. Raffaella eventually learning to puppeteer a Seraphim with Ephemera sounds like a good time, if such a thing is allowed. Putting her in charge of one would be pretty effective too, if nobody can see the puppeteer or her strings.
Cynthia stared blankly as Amaterasu spoke, trying not to look confused. Nirvana anomaly was something she'd heard a few times, but the casual mention of a pocket dimension and unbelievable technology being put on display left her in silent wonder. Gaps between dimensions, she could only faintly comprehend. She'd stepped through a portal to get here. So the anomaly was inside the walls? She struggled to think of a good analogy to wrap her brain around it. What she did understand was that there would be four locations where battles would take place. This was something she could work with, though she failed to understand how "corruption" could be stopped through battle. Was it evil magic, or an evil spirit? Some kind of virus?

Then, the deity moved on, explaining their first location. It seemed they'd be going to Mitsuko's home, or some nightmare version of it at any rate. For a while she followed, nodding along solemnly at the mention of atrocities being committed. No country was innocent, she knew—including her own, which still enslaved its own people. For just a moment, she wondered how her proposed legislation to address the issue was being received, nearly missing Mitsuko's remarks about a magic spell that could level an entire city—and hadn't she said there were 20 million people on that island? Two cities, in such an unfathomably populous place—gone, just like that. Cynthia's countenance fell as she imagined how many people must have perished. She could only hope their deaths were painless.

Amaterasu and her champion continued to speak. They would be required to fight an evil Amaterasu? She couldn't even process the idea of an entire world being devoid of life. Even hers, wrought with war as it had been for all its history, wasn't dead just yet. How much more terrible was this evil Amaterasu, that even Dominus was put to shame? Finally, the ultimate revelation, that the gods themselves would not be participating in the battle. Champions were resistant to the corruption? Cynthia's face seemed dissatisfied as she crossed her arms, a kind of quiet outrage brewing beneath the surface of her icy features. She was unconvinced. "Dominuss, what iss thiss? We fight alone againsst the godss?" she hissed, not caring if her voice offended anyone's ears at this moment.

"Hmph. I am also displeased," Dominus agreed. "but it cannot be denied. Any god we send to investigate the anomaly turns against all of creation, dissolving all the laws of nature which they have established, and destroying all living things without direction or purpose. A throne of ashes, indeed. All the champions sent alongside them are driven mad, as well. Only champions whose gods remain behind keep hold of their senses, and they all report the same thing: the corruption of their minds happens in an instant, with no resistance to its influence. It doesn't seem to do anything to mortals, directly. It sends the corrupted gods to do its bidding."

"But what, 'it?' What do we know?" Cynthia replied, taking Dominus's explanation only slightly better.

"Mortals cannot comprehend its nature, and the gods cannot observe it without being corrupted. We don't know what it is," Dominus explained.

"Wonderful," Cynthia scoffed, with a dismissive hand gesture to match.
Help, can't stop
Do you have a pet?

Raffaella Struna, 1st Year Student of Harold's Academy for the Magically Inclined

Omigosh, yes! This adorable little flowery puff ball is called a Gupoo! Make sure you hold her tight so she doesn't float away! Isn't she so~ fluffy and cute? Her name is Pooka, and I love her so~ much! I can't believe some of the other students think Gupoo are boring! They love to be cuddled, and that's just the best! I love Caits and Owlettes too, but sometimes they scratch when you hold them. Blue Spotted Winks are naughty too, they love to bite! Having a Tree Monkey climb on you and play with your hair is fun! All the pets at the Academy are so much fun to play with, I love them all! Uhm... D-Don't tell anyone I'm in the Pet Bonding class, though! Being in an easy A class is s-super embarrassing!

How do you make friends in a new place? Everyone here is so much more amazingly skilled than me. I'm getting all nervous!
The lore of Ysten is wild. I love it. I also love characters with dark powers who aren't super broody, so I can't wait to meet him.
Ti inspired me to add flaws to the personality section, so I went ahead and added those, along with an obvious musical choice. Nothing else was changed.
Competition is fierce, but I think Igbliss and I have the Kiss on lock. >:) It's pretty neat how we both ended up making "powerful non-combatants" with the concept.

Also aw, everyone is so lonely. Don't worry, Raffaella sees you! Even if nobody sees her. She'll be everyone's imaginary friend.
Already I'm imagining fun interactions happening between these characters.

Also, I totally forgot to add musical vibes to my sheet. Oh well.
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