Imagine having the willpower to retire from RP and actually mean it (I will never escape)
2 mos ago
Showing kindness is like loaning out emotional currency. If you never receive any in return, it's like having sleep debt. It's exhausting.
2 mos ago
Every 2-5 years or so I will look back and think everything I wrote in the "before times" was cringe. I used to change my username when that happened, now I just wear my shamelessness like a badge.
2 mos ago
God bless the old guy who said "hey good lookin' can you help me out?" at work today. Yessir, I'd be happy to help you find frames for your new glasses.
3 mos ago
I should write science fiction, so I can get paid to blackpill about how technology can be misused instead of doing it for free.
A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for.
Personality: A notoriously mild-mannered and kindly woman with the patience of a saint. Widely regarded as a pillar of strength and stability for not just the students, but the teachers as well. That's while on the job, though—outside of work, she can be a bit more than a little eccentric. When your heart becomes a bottling plant for the emotions and worries of all your clients and coworkers, you have to learn to let loose once in a while. At the school, she's a voice of reason, but as soon as she's off school property, she's the type to say "sure, why the hell not" when presented with a hare-brained idea. She'll do almost anything besides hard drugs or going home with random guys, and gets along with pretty much everyone. Don't call her work persona a "split personality" though. You'll trigger her inner psychology teacher.
Bio: Shinobu grew up in a broken home, living with her overworked mother and many younger sisters in Osaka while the father whom she hardly knew worked a dead end job in Kyoto. Shinobu herself had to contend not only with her own studies, but with being an older sister and effectively mothering her younger sisters while their own mother was absent from the home most of the time. Her studies were going well but not as excellently as they could have due to her familial duties, until one day the "dead end" nature of her father's job proved too cruelly prophetic, and the only reprieve she regularly received from her elder sister role suddenly passed away, leaving nothing behind but broken hearts and additional stress. Her studies would suffer until her graduation, at which point she found herself staying at home taking care of her younger sisters until they all came of age. By this time, she was in her late twenties, with no marriage or job prospects to speak of.
Desperate for a change, she moved in with her grandparents in Tokyo, and began looking for work. Nothing that she really wanted to do was actually available, so she ended up looking for a job as a psychology teacher, and ended up at Ayame High. It wasn't the best job or the one she wanted, but it was at least not boring. However, her past came back to haunt her, as she simply couldn't stop offering her help to the students. Self-sacrifice had become who she was. After two measly years as a teacher, she quit—not because she'd come to hate the job but because she needed some time to become her own person. She spent two months blowing through her savings, experiencing the night life of Tokyo's youth, until her grandparents smacked some sense into her and she resumed working at Ayame High, this time as a school counselor. A new work-life balance was exactly what she needed to get back to the grind. For the last three years she's spent in this job, she hasn't had a single emotional breakdown or depressive episode that a bit of alcohol couldn't smooth over! Everyone is counting on her, so that's good!
Doesn't really want to get married or start another family she might get trapped in. Bisexual, but keeps it low key.
Still substitutes as the psychology teacher from time to time. The students don't really respect her easygoing nature, though.
Will drink any of the other girls under the table. Slays in the arcades on the dance floor from time to time.
The Magical
Fresh Air: A chic handheld folding fan that soothes the nerves and raises the spirits of whoever is fanned by it.
Psychological Projection: Translucent hands will grab, manipulate, apply pressure, throw, or attack objects or enemies according to her will. They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they? Up to four of them can be used at once, but two of them will replace the use of her own hands. She doesn't have the cognitive resources to manipulate six hands. Doing delicate work with four hands at once is also taxing.
Granfalloon: A shared hypnotic suggestion permeates the group, giving her allies a non-stacking boost to one stat—and delusions of grandeur. This magic is voice-activated, and has an appropriate range of effect and limitations to go with that. She's got one killer voice that can carry quite the distance, though. Turns out, Shinobu used to be a cheerleader. Fair warning, though? Don't invite her to karaoke.
Hypnotic Gaze: Prolonged eye contact will allow her to mold the minds of her enemies, causing hypnotic suggestions which result in a debuff or status affliction to go along with it. It has a somewhat unpredictable effect, as the hypnotic suggestions may not result in the target acting in exactly the way you'd hoped. The target's mindset changes, but they still have free will. It's not "mind control" as such.
Inkblot: Randomly pulls something—an object, a weapon, a creature, or even an idea—from the group's imagination, and summons it. This seems like a really bad idea, but honestly, she's here for it. Only one Inkblot can be active at a time, and its manifestations are a truly random selection of whatever happens to be on the mind of a random person nearby. Brings "picking your brain" a whole new meaning.
Other: Her magical girl transformation has a slightly different appearance depending on if she's in "counselor mode" or "party animal mode."
@Emeth Looks good! Two things though, the pictures aren't showing, and the weapon is meant to be a conventional weapon (or item that can be used as one) alongside the powerset, rather than the powerset itself.
Edit: Huh, the pictures didn't show on my phone for some reason, but they're showing on my laptop.
I saw your character had 3 spells, so I just gave her a 4th one that could be used as a physical attack instead.
But others have more than 4, soooo...
I'm not sure what kind of physical weapon would suit her! I have a funny mental image of her forcing her enemy to sit on a therapist's couch in some kind of Bayonetta-style move that causes massive emotional damage, which would be funny if this was a fighting game, but. Currently no serious ideas for a physical weapon as of now. So I've edited in something of a tool that fits her transformation's classy lady vibe.
Let me know if you like it, and I'll move her to the character tab.
Personality: A notoriously mild-mannered and kindly woman with the patience of a saint. Widely regarded as a pillar of strength and stability for not just the students, but the teachers as well. That's while on the job, though—outside of work, she can be a bit more than a little eccentric. When your heart becomes a bottling plant for the emotions and worries of all your clients and coworkers, you have to learn to let loose once in a while. At the school, she's a voice of reason, but as soon as she's off school property, she's the type to say "sure, why the hell not" when presented with a hare-brained idea. She'll do almost anything besides hard drugs or going home with random guys, and gets along with pretty much everyone. Don't call her work persona a "split personality" though. You'll trigger her inner psychology teacher.
Bio: Shinobu grew up in a broken home, living with her overworked mother and many younger sisters in Osaka while the father whom she hardly knew worked a dead end job in Kyoto. Shinobu herself had to contend not only with her own studies, but with being an older sister and effectively mothering her younger sisters while their own mother was absent from the home most of the time. Her studies were going well but not as excellently as they could have due to her familial duties, until one day the "dead end" nature of her father's job proved too cruelly prophetic, and the only reprieve she regularly received from her elder sister role suddenly passed away, leaving nothing behind but broken hearts and additional stress. Her studies would suffer until her graduation, at which point she found herself staying at home taking care of her younger sisters until they all came of age. By this time, she was in her late twenties, with no marriage or job prospects to speak of.
Desperate for a change, she moved in with her grandparents in Tokyo, and began looking for work. Nothing that she really wanted to do was actually available, so she ended up looking for a job as a psychology teacher, and ended up at Ayame High. It wasn't the best job or the one she wanted, but it was at least not boring. However, her past came back to haunt her, as she simply couldn't stop offering her help to the students. Self-sacrifice had become who she was. After two measly years as a teacher, she quit—not because she'd come to hate the job but because she needed some time to become her own person. She spent two months blowing through her savings, experiencing the night life of Tokyo's youth, until her grandparents smacked some sense into her and she resumed working at Ayame High, this time as a school counselor. A new work-life balance was exactly what she needed to get back to the grind. For the last three years she's spent in this job, she hasn't had a single emotional breakdown or depressive episode that a bit of alcohol couldn't smooth over! Everyone is counting on her, so that's good!
Doesn't really want to get married or start another family she might get trapped in. Bisexual, but keeps it low key.
Still substitutes as the psychology teacher from time to time. The students don't really respect her easygoing nature, though.
Will drink any of the other girls under the table. Slays in the arcades on the dance floor from time to time.
The Magical
Fresh Air: A chic handheld folding fan that soothes the nerves and raises the spirits of whoever is fanned by it.
Psychological Projection: Translucent hands will grab, manipulate, apply pressure, throw, or attack objects or enemies according to her will. They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they? Up to four of them can be used at once, but two of them will replace the use of her own hands. She doesn't have the cognitive resources to manipulate six hands. Doing delicate work with four hands at once is also taxing.
Granfalloon: A shared hypnotic suggestion permeates the group, giving her allies a non-stacking boost to one stat—and delusions of grandeur. This magic is voice-activated, and has an appropriate range of effect and limitations to go with that. She's got one killer voice that can carry quite the distance, though. Turns out, Shinobu used to be a cheerleader. Fair warning, though? Don't invite her to karaoke.
Hypnotic Gaze: Prolonged eye contact will allow her to mold the minds of her enemies, causing hypnotic suggestions which result in a debuff or status affliction to go along with it. It has a somewhat unpredictable effect, as the hypnotic suggestions may not result in the target acting in exactly the way you'd hoped. The target's mindset changes, but they still have free will. It's not "mind control" as such.
Inkblot: Randomly pulls something—an object, a weapon, a creature, or even an idea—from the group's imagination, and summons it. This seems like a really bad idea, but honestly, she's here for it. Only one Inkblot can be active at a time, and its manifestations are a truly random selection of whatever happens to be on the mind of a random person nearby. Brings "picking your brain" a whole new meaning.
Other: Her magical girl transformation has a slightly different appearance depending on if she's in "counselor mode" or "party animal mode."
Cynthia's eyes widened as she bared her fangs, enraged. She charged at Hachiman, intent on saving the girl. As she called out for the shot from Shin'Za, Cynthia quickly called forth a hexagonal pillar of earth to rise up swiftly and throw Mitsuko directly at Cynthia and away from the incoming blast. All the while, she never stopped charging at the self-proclaimed warrior god. Cynthia did a small leap into the air, caught Mitsuko, and with a quick spin, placed her down on the ground behind her while giving the moon elf an urgent look, and kept on running without missing a beat, arriving at her summoned pillar just in time for Hachiman's neck to be exposed. With another small leap, she landed on her summoned pillar and slashed downwards at his neck, severing his head from his body in one stroke.
"One down..." and one to go, she finished the declaration in her mind, flicking the blood from her katana with a swipe in the air, then cleaning the rest off on her sleeve, in the pit of her elbow, imitating a move she'd seen performed before by that shifty Tengu princess that clung to her like a sticky barbed plant. Once she'd sheathed her blade, she turned her back on Hachiman's dissolving corpse and ran back to Mitsuko to check on her. She paid no attention to Hachiman's remains as they broke apart into a kind of salt-and-pepper colored dust, then seemingly coalesced into a crystal shape. Like the one Sybil had picked up before, it was similarly out of place and unnatural-looking—but this one was a pure white, and offered no reaction to anyone who approached to retrieve it.
Rika tousled her hair awkwardly. Usually, that joke would get at least a reluctant smile. Tough crowd, she thought as she followed Natsumi into the office, not sure what else to do. She separated from the group, finding an empty cubicle, which wasn't hard given how understaffed the department was. Then, she carefully retrieved a cell phone from her pocket, placed it on the desk, bit the fingers of her glove to remove it, and opened an audio recording app. Of course she wasn't going to type up a report; that'd just be stupid. Instead, she spoke quietly into the receiver of her cell phone about the events of the day: how she'd skipped orientation in favor of joining the mission voluntarily, used her dolls to scout the premises for civilians who may have failed to evacuate, distracted the small fry dogs in order to protect Akira, carefully watched the situation with the monster-class demon while her shadow arm did the fighting, used her dolls again to block the exits of the building to prevent any demons from escaping, and finally evacuated with Akira in tow. Aside from unnecessary embellishments, such as calling the monster-class "very chuuni," her report was mostly professional, and revealed several of her contributions to the mission that would otherwise have gone completely unnoticed by her teammates. Notably omitted was any mention of her presenting her body as a literal chew toy for the beasts, however. No, she had simply... "distracted" them.
Once the report was as done as it could be without access to one of the employee computers, she closed the audio recording and put her cell phone away. Following the sound of her new friends' excited voices, she rejoined the group. "Oh, I already did the report, so I'm free," she responded to Kaeru as she arrived. She considered answering the fun question, but quickly decided against it. "—for whatever," she added evasively, scratching her chin. She'd forgotten to put her glove back on, revealing a rather nasty-looking scar. It was as if her hand had been torn in half and sewn back together. Catching herself, she put her hand back in her pocket, trying to be quick but also look casual. It didn't exactly work out, though.
H A R B I N G E R ❖ 前触れ C R O W ' S F O O T ❖ カラスの足跡
"From stillness, discipline. From discipline, power. From power, freedom. Discipline does not strangle freedom. It creates it."
4 3 | S H I M A D A | S A M U R A I | 4 0 (7 2) R E D B L O O D | I C E V E I N
A P P E A R A N C E ___ __ __ _ _ 外観
Standing at a relatively tall 5'10" / 178 cm, Yasu cuts an imposing figure, and usually bears a suitably grim countenance to match. Her frigid, battle-hardened gaze is the result of a cumulative four decades of childhood neglect, desperation, survival, and endless combat—yet, as an honorable warrior, she conducts herself with a disciplined grace and poise. Only the bravest and most reckless of men rise to the challenge of attempting to coax a smile out of her, and often pay a tax of stern disciplinary measures for the privilege. The tailored garments that she wears serve to highlight the unique role that she played in the imperial army, and the honor that such a role entails. However, both her honor, and Yasu herself have seen better days. While very few dare to insult Yasu to her face, it's generally agreed that she is "past her prime" as both a warrior and a woman, leading to an increased use of the old nickname "Crow's Foot" in place of her honorary title, "Harbinger."
B A C K G R O U N D ___ __ __ _ _ 履歴
Roughly 45 years ago in Yukishima, one humble nameless village among many was sacked by ReTanese pirates who had wandered further inland than the locals were prepared for. Husbands and fathers were murdered—mothers and wives were plundered. It was in this context that Yasu was conceived. Mercifully, the greedy and overconfident pirates who'd lingered too long in the village and challenged too many neighbors for resources were summarily dispatched by a tribe of local Yasoi. Ruthlessly, the remaining human villagers were largely left to their own devices afterwards, neglected by their own Nikanese government. An unwanted child who served as a reminder of the horrors that had taken place there, Yasu was used for sympathy from strangers on the road, abused at home, and eventually abandoned by the woman who claimed to be her mother—though nobody else ever assured her that was the case. She only knew that both her father and the man who should have raised her were dead. Trusting no one, she was alone in the world, and would have to steal or kill to survive the harsh, cold climate.
She initially chose the former, intent on making it work. Using what little she knew of the Gift to fade away into the still darkness, she studied the streets, the people, and their routines. For hours, or days if necessary, she would sit in the same dark corner, watching, studying and planning, until she could craft her perfect crime. No one ever noticed her. As she grew in confidence, she stealthily migrated into bigger villages, and out of the slums. Instead of dark alleys, she stood in busy market streets. For days, or weeks if necessary, she would stand in the same place, watching, studying and planning. Still, no one noticed her, and as she grew in confidence, she stealthily infiltrated major cities and wealthy districts. For weeks, or months if necessary, she would walk the same routes—for loitering was forbidden there—but in trying to pick the pockets of the Daimyo's men, she had at last found a match for her hubris. While she initially appeared to get away scot-free—for her targets themselves had not seen her—Shimada himself had noticed the crime while having tea upon a nearby balcony, and quietly made arrangements such that she would find herself cornered. Unable to evade capture, her mark became her warden.
Initially suspected of being a spy, Shimada interrogated the youth patiently. She refused to speak, but she was young and, though skilled, her demeanor lacked the characteristics of military training. The bitterness in her eyes also spoke volumes, as it was something Shimada had seen often. Eventually, he managed to make it clear to Yasu that she would not be released unless she said something in her defense. Finally, she tried to speak, and it became obvious that the girl was not educated whatsoever. She understood nothing of written word, and could only speak and understand at a basic level. What she did understand was that her life was on the line, yet she remained calm and dignified. Sensing an opportunity, Shimada offered her the chance to pursue an education and undergo training in the Gift. At first, she would act as a mercenary in the service of the imperial army, but if she improved, she would become part of it. Even though he knew it was her best option, he also knew it was a tough sell, asking her to fight on behalf of a government that had let her down time and time again, and he couldn't be sure if she even understood what was on offer. Surprisingly, she accepted—or at least, she took his hand, whatever that might have meant to her at the time.
Teaching Yasu discipline was not difficult; in fact, she clung to it like her life depended on it, until her routines, studies and training became her obsessions. Before she was even allowed to touch a sword, she could be relied upon for any task, as much as any soldier—even a few tasks which would seem to any new recruit to be impossible. Quickly, snatching up the young talent began to pay dividends. Eventually, however, she would have to learn to fight, and to kill. She became good at it—to a degree that at first disturbed even her. Not only would she improve, but it turned out her bastard father had left her a parting gift in the form of the Icevein mana type. This knowledge at first enraged her, and she became known among her fellow trainees for a perpetual trademark scowl. Both men and women teased her, saying that it would give her wrinkles early in life, leading to the nickname "Crow's Foot." Her anger grew until it could no longer be contained, and had to be addressed.
Once again, Shimada was her anchor, helping her to make peace with her past. Like her father, she too was a killer, but it wasn't because of some innate violence she'd inherited from him. There was a reason she was good at what she did, and she could turn it into something honorable. At least, that was what they both thought. Her baseborn origins would prove a major obstacle to her advancement—something which would become one of many sticking points for Shimada's relationship with the Shogun. Seeing the talented youth held back by blood rubbed him the wrong way. Political theatrics ensued, excuses were made, and Yasu was given a title and some worthless stretch of wetlands to call her very own. Truthfully, Shimada cared more than she did. To this day, she still hasn't been to the location.
Her battles continued, and she would begin to win some real favor in the public eye, liberating slaves and vast wealth from the ReTanese, giving the Nikanese hope in areas where they previously had none. In one particularly gruesome battle, she would appear to meet her end, with one soldier reporting that he'd seen Yasu's body being picked apart by crows—only to see her return to camp the next morning. Stories spread of the baseborn mercenary killer who defied death itself to continue her noble fight against the accursed ReTanese pirates. After one especially bloody campaign that followed, no ReTanese ships were seen for several weeks after; it was as if the woman's brush with death had only increased her vigor. The mysterious mercenary's favor and fame continued to grow, and they began to call her "Harbinger," for any wretched pit of criminal scum upon which her feather-light feet stealthily alighted, the deplorable scourge were already as good as dead.
More political theatrics ensued. The Nikanese government acted like they'd always supported Yasu and attempted to gradually move her away from Shimada, sensing his impending disillusionment. Yasu saw through it all, and made it clear to Shimada that she would stand with him. Somehow, this pledge of loyalty reached the ears of their enemies, and Yasu would be attacked by an assassin. The assassin would fail to kill her, but would leave her with a lasting Blood Mark curse that would prevent her injured shoulder from ever fully healing, to stop Yasu from reaching her full potential as a warrior—whatever it might've been. Unfortunately, Yasu was also unable to kill the would-be assassin, and was punished for this "failure" by being stripped of her noble title. In an act of open defiance against whatever parties might be responsible for this attempt on her life, Shimada gifted Yasu a prized pair of ōdachi with some special enchantments. Her role in the upcoming war was decided—her fate sealed—and despite her injured shoulder and tarnished image she continues, astonishingly, to find success on the battlefield.
P E R S O N A L I T Y ___ __ __ _ _ 人格
❖ Terse ❖ Cold ❖ Strict ❖ Loyal ❖ Zealous ❖
Yasu's true nature is difficult to discern. She is a woman of few words and even fewer visible emotions. Never showing weakness to her men, she strives to be an exemplar of warrior's discipline and wisdom. She keeps others at arm's length both figuratively and physically, and enjoys spending her free time in stillness, basking in the beauty of nature. All her subordinates really know about her is that, while she is quiet, poised and soft-spoken, she is also a harsh disciplinarian, honorable to a fault, duty-bound and loyal to the Daimyo above all else. What precious little she may be able to open up to others is something only her superiors and those who have otherwise earned her respect are privileged to experience. It is known by all, however, that she viciously hates pirates of all stripes, the ReTanese most of all. Some joke in hushed tones that if her zeal fueled her magic, she'd be unstoppable. However, her passion cuts both ways. She carries the burden of "no man left behind" on her perpetually wounded shoulder. Her loyalty to her soldiers is as unyielding as her fierce mien. If it is possible to assign the youngest to any duty other than the front lines, she will find an excuse to keep them away from it. The only thing she expects in return is a soldier's respect.
M O T I V A T I O N ___ __ __ _ _ 動機
For the longest time, Yasu's sole motivation was base survival. Now, she finds herself in the privileged position to be allowed the space and time to contemplate the meaning of her life, and it's in these times of introspection that she realizes that she has no real idea what she's doing with her life or why. Her base instincts led her to this point rather efficiently, but they can no longer be relied upon for setting tomorrow's goals. All she needs to do to maintain her current level of prosperity is to keep killing, and the hollow nature of such an existence fills her with a strange sense of dread that she can't quite put a name to. She is mostly uneducated, ignorant of the nature of her own emotions, and lacks the proper vocabulary to even put them into words and express them in a way that others might be able to help her cope. So instead, she latches on to what little satisfaction she can glean from continuing to kill the ReTanese pirates, who are guilty by association with the men responsible for both her life's beginnings and her current state of understated misery. Aside from the unachievable goal of killing every last man who ever dared sail under a black flag, only Shimada remains. Only he ever gave her good reason to kill. If anyone should be in charge of the imperial army, it's Shimada—who knows what it is to fight and to take lives. The other candidates are softened by their wealth, conniving and cowardly, or corrupted by foreign influences. In this, she is resolute. Compared to that, she cares nothing for her "lost" honor. Those who took it from her would have done so even if she'd killed the assassin; it was just an excuse. Those men do not decide her self-worth.
Yasu's primary schools of magic are Magnetic and Kinetic, supplemented by a subkit of the cryomantic and illusory Arcane spells and the "Gaze" line of internal Chemical spells (sans Dominion). She also prefers supplementary use of a handful of utility spells she knows such as Blessing of Expulsion over the use of Binding, which is by far her weakest school. Overall, Yasu prefers to control her opponents' range, locking them down with a brutal blend of Chemical and Kinetic and bombarding them with Magnetic, or charging in with Kinetic enhanced with Arcane, in a manner that's quite reminiscent of the ReTanese art of Vai-to her enemies have made her so very familiar with. It is her Icevein manas that provide the cherry on top, giving her defense and speed advantages in most scenarios. True to her derivative style, she has no original spells to call her very own. Shimada and the army taught her all she knows. Yasu's respect for authority is represented in her complete lack of knowledge or interest in the forbidden schools—and her magic power, which would be about 6.25 (7.13) when expressed in RAS, is too low to support Atomic or Temporal. In fact, it's generally accepted that Yasu is too weak in the Gift when considering her accomplishments, which only further fuels the controversy still being pushed by unknown forces in the imperial army: that she is somehow taking credit and robbing undeserved glory from another—maybe the Daimyo, or perhaps another unknown, uniquely talented assassin of nobler birth who wishes to remain anonymous. Surely, the public-facing Yasu, 40 years old and counting with an injured shoulder, is a fraud—or perhaps a body double?
Yasu does one thing very well, and that is killing her and her Daimyo's enemies. With Kinetic sound nullification and flight, no target is beyond her reach. She struggles with light-bending illusions while in motion, but hiding in the shadows and striking from the treetops and rooftops is a strong option for her. She can also excel in open combat when the time is right, particularly when supported by a small tactical unit, where her defensive options can really shine. One understated option for her is to simply take her targets without a fight. The Harbinger's reputation speaks for itself; her silent, menacing presence elicits a swift surrender from cowards. In this, her curt and ineloquent manners play to her strength rather than her weakness. When it comes to her allies, they too will have little reason to doubt the blunt honesty of her few and infrequent words, whether the nature of them is positive or negative. While her face is perpetually sour, it too is honest. Lying is not a skill she possesses to any useful degree, which her allies may see as a positive point. Yasu is also quite observant, listening in to the gossip around camp and finding ways to be useful when she "has nothing better to do." Anyone with sense can see that she's trying to help, though she denies this positive aspect of her nature. Perhaps she truly does see herself as simply killing time, unable to understand why she so readily offers her assistance, or perhaps she merely understands that dead weight will be dropped at the first sign of trouble. Never mind that, at this point, such a thing would never happen to her—old habits die hard. She retains the strong survival instincts that got her this far in life, including an uncanny intuition for the ill intentions of others. She may not be able to put into words for the rest of the group why someone gives her a bad vibe, but she'll certainly make it known. She may not be smart enough to understand the detailed workings of a con, but she'll spot the artist a mile away.
Yasu is not very approachable, tending to scowl at others for seemingly no reason at all. Sometimes she actually is in a bad mood, but in many cases, it's simply because of her shoulder pain—but she doesn't want to say anything about it, lest others see her as weak and delicate. Her emotions are at times a mystery even to her; she's had to be so strong for so long that being vulnerable is a challenge, and the vocabulary to express herself just isn't something she possesses. For most of her life, she's been uneducated, only learning basic literacy and arithmetic in her 20s and beyond, which gives her a rather myopic view of the world. Enemies are enemies, and Yasu doesn't care about their sob stories or complex ethical or moral dilemmas that she doesn't understand. While it makes her an effective and reliable soldier, those with softer dispositions might think Yasu a bit callous or even unstable. She tends to judge others based on surface-level observations—a habit which served her well on the streets—but in the noble courts, it's a double-edged sword that, while it can cut through political posturing, it can also sever useful ties. She's not winning over any allies through negotiations, even if she wanted to. Chances are good that where another may see a powerful potential ally, Yasu only sees a threat. It can make her quite short-sighted. She can also be pretty reckless, as the longer she lives and the more lives she takes, the less she tends to value her own life, preferring to protect the Daimyo and innocents over herself.
I N V E N T O R Y ___ __ __ _ _ 所有物
The collection of rings that Yasu wears are all wedding bands scavenged from the corpses of ReTanese pirates, for whom she has a downright venomous distaste. These are the only non-functional items on her person. Aside from the rings, Yasu travels light, carrying only a modest amount of bandages, a self-refilling water gourd, her survival knife, a flint and steel, a map/star chart, and compass/pocket watch. Some mages may scoff that she even carries this much, but Yasu remembers how helpless she would feel without them, having spent the first third of her life without magic. Knowing that magic can be disrupted by various means, she can't bring herself to part with them.
Taiyō-ītā and Tsuki-burēka
Description: A pair of Nikanese ōdachi enchanted with Blackrot and Limitbreaker manas, respectively. Given as a gift by Shimada Masaharu as an act of open defiance against whatever party might be responsible for the attempt on Yasu's life. Their staggering power is to be used sparingly, on account of Yasu's perpetual shoulder pain.
Draw The World: Unsheathing Taiyō-ītā—even partially—draws a substantial amount of energy from the user's own manas, as well as their immediate surroundings. Tsuki-burēka is then drawn to unleash a devastating counter.
When defending, roll 3 sets of dice. Combine the value of the 2 best rolls and set the 3rd aside. The value of the 2 best rolls combined is used to defend against every incoming attack this round, aimed at Yasu or any ally she's joint-defending. If she meets the threshold for a counter attack, use the highest value roll to attack. For every time Yasu uses this ability (up to 3 rounds per battle) the lowest roll resulting from the above will be the maximum value she can roll while attacking, an effect that lasts 3 rounds for every 1 round Taiyō-ītā was used to defend. The effect compounds when used consecutively, with the 2 best rolls overall being used as a defense value, the best roll being used as the attack/counter attack value, and the worst roll used as the maximum value for attacking for the full duration of the debuff. As an example, let's say she uses all 3 of her allowed Taiyō-ītā uses in a row. While her values for attacking and defending can only climb for those first 3 rounds, for the next 9 rounds the lowest roll she got out of the 9 total rolls will be her maximum value when attacking (she can still roll lower than that, if after 9 rolls she still hasn't had truly horrible luck yet).
Taiyō-ītā's Curse: If Taiyō-ītā is fully drawn, its hunger will not be sated until it has taken a life. If a killing blow is not performed within 3 rounds, the user will be sucked into its scabbard along with the blade, and they will die effectively of spaghettification.
Fully unsheathing Taiyō-ītā is a decision that can only be made if it has never been used in the current battle. If Yasu has drawn it at all in the current battle, she will not have enough strength left to fully release it from its scabbard. If she does fully draw it, all 3 dice sets are combined to reduce incoming damage, with the highest 2 sets being used for counter attacking—but unlike with Draw the World, the debuff will last for the entire battle, with the lowest of 9 sets of dice rolls serving as her maximum attack power for the remainder of the fight after sheathing the blade. If she does not score a kill within those 3 rounds of combat, she will be physically unable to sheathe the blade, and suffer an unavoidable and unresistible flat 2,000 damage.
Mori no Sasayaki
Description: A pair of earrings enchanted with Sensemaster and Skinspeaker manas, respectively.
Sharpen: Enhances the wearer's sense of hearing according to their will, allowing them to pick up distant or quiet sounds, such as the movement of nearby water sources, wildlife, or enemy troops. They can also be used for eavesdropping, though this application is notably useless if the wearer doesn't understand what's being said. Another underrated feature is sound nullification, when you just want to mute any dull conversation, or meditate.
Orienting Reflex: Subtly tugs the user's earlobe towards nearby troop movement sounds. Considerably more effective when used during solo or small-unit stealth missions, notably less so when marching alongside an army. In general, the earrings prefer to detect the larger numbers. If the enemy is outnumbered, or if a single enemy is stalking a small group, the earrings will simply tug in the direction of allies—which does have its own uses.
Maebure no Manto
Description: The Harbinger's Mantle: a unique uniform for Yasu, courtesy of the Nikanese government.
Sonic Negation: Mutes the typical "flapping" noises of clothing, making the wearer deathly silent even at high speeds.
Reaper's Flight: Removes the need for the wearer to cast Kinetic Levitation. Grants passive levitation.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ___ __ __ _ _ その他
❖ Colour Code: #5F9EA0 "CadetBlue" ❖ Has become an impressively "picky eater" over the years. Servants catering her meals tend to eat suspiciously well. ❖ Often seen "meditating," but she doesn't do a lot of thinking. She passes the time staring off into space, appreciating nature. ❖ Surprisingly, has hobbies. Known to leave the Daimyo notes in the form of origami or weighted down by small wooden carvings. ❖ Musically inclined. Often whistles when alone, and will quietly join a campfire song or sea shanty when no one is paying attention. ❖ Yasu has never fully opened up to anyone about her past, prior to joining the army. Only Shimada even suspects she is half-ReTanese. ❖ Often accompanied by a fledgling historian, acting as Yasu's assistant. Yasu finds the idea of having someone make a record of her life frivolous, and occasionally amuses herself by coming up with nonsense quotations for future generations to ponder fruitlessly.
"Eh, well, not sure what else to call it. I protected the neighborhood..." since the DDF wouldn't, she thought, but didn't say. "—and people gave me money, or food, or whatever they felt like." She shuffled a bit, uncomfortable. It wasn't obvious what her situation was, but it was obvious that she had mixed feelings about discussing it. "Ah, Simonova Federica-san. Tha's me," she introduced, giving a slightly limp-wristed salute. "At least it's easy to say in Japanese, innit? Got too many syllables, though. Thus, Rika-san," she explained with a grin. It didn't last long, though. "Right, paperwork. Suppose I should start on it, huh? Don't suppose the DDF is keen to pay overtime, 'specially not to miss 'eight words per minute' here," she said as she moved her one hand, pretending to type with one finger very slowly.
Decided it'd probably be useful to keep a thread with everyone in one place for my own personal convenience, but while I'm at it, may as well have some fun with it. So here are all of my characters, taken out of context and made fun of for your amusement, with brief "in a nutshell" descriptions of each. Also, they'll be organized into tiers, based entirely on top-of-my-head evaluations of their power levels, because why not? Making fun of overpowered bullshit is just good fun. Lastly, each tier will have characters organized by their creation, with the newest characters at the top. A small handful of these characters are fossils from my cringeposting days. The pictures and names of these characters have been changed, because I could write entire "let's not meet" stories about some players and communities I've left in the dust on my way to greatness where I am now. So, if you're one of the few people on the entire internet who might recognize some of these; no, I didn't steal them—also, I have to kill you now. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
With that out of the way, here's my forbidden book of horrors. My confluence of creative sewage, congealed for your convenience.
Characters in D tier are non-combatants, plain and simple. They need to be protected to be useful.
OoC Notes: A desperately shy, physically underdeveloped and frail young girl with a saccharine and girly personality, a uniquely fantastical underlying heart condition, and a terrible hidden power. She can see the spiritual connections between people, visually represented as lines of thread, indicating the nature of their relationship with various colors, textures and thickness. Like the Greek Fates, she can manipulate these threads, up to and including creating and severing the connections. She also has a second ability that allows her very existence to be removed from the conscious perception of others. With these powers, she would be one hell of a tool in the hands of any would-be ruler of a shadow government, and despite what her sweet exterior may lead one to believe, she's smart enough to know it. The knowledge terrifies her. There is a way to be rid of these powers, but the operation is dangerous and can result in being socially ostracized, so for now she tries to keep her secret. Unfortunately, she shares a class with mind readers, which isn't good for her stress, because having two powers is also something that can result in being a pariah. Why, you ask? Well, having two powers makes you a beacon that attracts the world's major evil bad guys, of course! The poor girl just wants to be normal, but no matter what she decides to do, she'll probably lose some friends...
Character Sheet: None yet
OoC Notes: With a name like that in D tier, you already know where this is going. A duke's daughter frustrated with her idiot father and his incessant attempts to arrange an undesired marriage result in her running away from home to become... what exactly? She'll figure that out later, it's fiiine. Despite being in D tier, she actually can defend herself. The problem is that she's a one-trick pony. She doesn't have much in the way of magic resistance, but that does mean that she gains insanely high benefit from buff spells compared to most people. She, for her part, knows exactly one, which increases her physical strength. With a little warmup, she can become strong enough to bat a turtloid into the air and send it flying miles away. Just, y'know, gotta get that blood pumping first. ...If only bandits were so considerate.
Character Sheet: None yet
OoC Notes: Fun fact, this character's image is blank because my partner for this RP is blind! Crafting her appearance from scratch was a new exercise for me. She's an FBI agent, so you can imagine that her manner of dress is very boring. She's got one neat little accessory though, an earring with a mini razor blade on it. Conversation starters are useful in her profession, you see. Yes, she's a consummate professional. Outside of work, though, she's very bubbly, and nerdy cute, despite her goth appearance. That'll be a trend with my characters, you'll see. Girls in suits, sneaky stealth agents, and nerdy cute witches. Edgy-looking characters who are secretly awkward dorks. They're my favorite. Rebecca, for her part, is a bit of all of the above. She's secretly very interested in supernatural high strangeness, and sincerely believes that she had an encounter with a werewolf as a child. As to why she's in D tier; well, ultimately, she's just a girl with a gun, and escape and evasion techniques only help so much when dealing with the supernatural. She's nerfed by the setting, basically. I like her though.
Characters in C tier are simply good at what they do. No more, no less.
Character Sheet: N/A
OoC Notes: This character does not officially exist. Neither does their RP, for that matter. Information on them is something to be earned by fulfilling some specific conditions. They have a very particular set of skills, and demonstrating some of those skills might help you get somewhere. That's all you'll have from me.
OoC Notes: What if a real-life Karen used her powers for good instead of evil? That's Felicia. A former Wall Street baby, Felicia turned her back on the rich girl lifestyle to become a quiet landlord in Tennessee and make the lives of the elderly living there just a bit easier. It was an unlucky turn of events, then, when suddenly a bunch of people got a variety of plant-based superpowers for some reason, and Felicia happened to be one of them. So much for her quiet life. I'm noticing that "secretly kind bitches" is a running theme of mine. You could be forgiven for thinking that it's a self-insert trait from me, but nope. Maybe it's a trait I wish I had, being cunning like that.
OoC Notes: Formerly a nun, and the daughter of a marquess and high-ranking member of the church, her childhood would end in tragedy when she learned about her family's illicit activities, and foolishly gave the knights captain incriminating information. Believing that God would look after her and her family for doing the right thing, she unwittingly condemned them all to death with her decision and now has to live with the survivor's guilt and crisis of faith that ensued. During the raid on Wycliffe manor, all of the men were killed while the women had escaped into the night—only for Ashley to emerge as the only survivor years later, having become a dark mage herself, leading to rumors that she'd killed the others to save herself. Nowadays, she uses the art of cursemaking to reverse curses, turning what would be a forbidden art meant to promote suffering into a healing practice. She believes she can use the dark arts to help others, but must be careful to hold on to what's left of her stunted emotions and loosened sense of humanity, lest she lose her sanity along with it and become something she'd fought to destroy in the past. Cursemaking itself is a lot like magical hacking—not the exciting, hokey Hollywood hacking, though. Boring, tedious, real-life hacking. Accordingly, she's a major coffee addict with caustic wit—but secretly nerdy cute, and a bit of a hopeless romantic.
Characters in B tier are best described as super-soldiers. They'll dominate a more realistic setting, but might come off a bit weak in something more anime-inspired. The difference in A and B tier could perhaps be illustrated by the difference between Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 2, and Raiden in Metal Gear Rising.
OoC Notes: A mysterious young lady with a unique blood-mana virus that lets her perform a magic called Facemimicry, which does exactly what it sounds like. A savvy businesswoman with a silver tongue, she projects the personality of a slimy used car salesman with a sardonic sense of humor, but she's actually a big softie with strong moral fiber who got tired of being played, and decided to become the player. She's got plenty of secrets to hide, though, and does so mainly by spreading so many rumors about herself that nobody really knows what her deal is. In battle, she's a sneaky combat medic with the fighting style of a shinobi, complete with optical and aural illusions to draw her enemies' attention and waste their time and energy while saving her own, as her biggest weakness is very slow drawing of magical energy. She fancies herself a big bad bitch who's always one step ahead, but is being moved by outside forces that she's only dimly aware of. Gotta say, girl, ending up in the pockets of the Chinese Vampire Mafia in your second-ever post is pretty high-key embarrassing. Granted, that was a massive collab post that nearly hit 1/3rd the maximum length that a post can be, but still. The girl definitely needs a drink after that.
Character Sheet: None yet
OoC Notes: A homunculus—a magically animated doll of clay that follows a predetermined list of magically programmed instructions. At least, that's how a homunculus is supposed to work. They're not supposed to be able to kill humans, but regardless, she seems to be living a life of crime just fine. Homunculi are usually made-to-order by magicians to serve the nobility, and are easily identifiable by the silver hair, so generally, nobody questions their actions too much—best to stay out of the official business of the rich and powerful. This serves Claire's purposes quite well. Nobody really knows how Claire broke free of her programming, and she generally isn't keen on letting anyone who finds out live for very long. She's definitely not a human in disguise, however. She's got some very strange ways of thinking that are definitely reminiscent of an AI, and some unique mental processes at her disposal. Though, they can make her a bit stiff and short-sighted. Imagine living your real life with an Ubisoft HUD, complete with minimap and objective reminders and markers in your field of view at all hours of the day. Sure, your general routine would become braindead easy, but you might just forget how to "live" after a while.
OoC Notes: A girl from an amphibious alien race called Sapishte who use their epidermal mucus to shapeshift. Formerly a medical technician or researcher of some kind, though nobody knows what she was working on, and nobody really cares after the incident. Her epidermal mucus got contaminated with experimental nanomachines that have enhanced her shapeshifting abilities to include non-humanoid races through real-time, adaptive gene editing. She's being held in quarantine and studied by a shady intergalactic government, obviously attempting to weaponize her and the experimental nanomachines, SS-GEN. The linguistic center of her brain has been suppressed with an implanted chip so that she can't go telling her secrets to everyone if she were to ever escape containment. Despite her dire situation, she's warm, friendly and playful.
OoC Notes: Yes, her theme is roses, and her name is literally "Axel the Red" in French. Very on-the-nose. The character application process for this one was a bit unique. It was a magical girl RP with limited roles available, and each one had a prompt. The GM admitted they would be picky about the "Rose" role whose prompt was "denim jackets, cassette tapes, polaroids, pretty handwriting, freshly baked cinnamon rolls, candid photos, warm laughter, ethereal, outwardly shallow hiding a deeper character." Honestly, I think I knocked it out of the park with this one. Unfortunately, real life stuff got in the way and the RP ended before she could really shine. She definitely needs some love.
Character Sheet: Lost to the cringevoid
OoC Notes: An AI-driven technological archive of a person long since deceased. Her body is mostly a projection, with the device being a tiny floating spherical object. Essentially, she had a Touhou hitbox for a long time. She appeared alongside other more relevant characters who simply couldn't be allowed to die. She served a kind of "anti-cheat" role for a while, her digital archive possessing a massive database of magic to draw upon, including some extremely "unique" spells to say the least. She was treated as useless in most fights, but any bad actors in the playerbase would find that Yoo-Roh always had an extremely specific counter to their unfair godmodding antics. As the players either improved or dropped out, her design changed such that her body was made of non-newtonian fluid held in place by electromagnetism instead, giving her a physical body that could actually take damage so she could participate in fights "properly." Her magic also became more water and ice focused, limiting her capabilities. This version of her is B tier. The "anti-cheat" version isn't really worth ranking.
Characters in A tier are borderline superheroes. In terms of power level and theatrics, imagine Devil May Cry's cutscenes. They won't win any wars by themselves, but they can probably solo carry a minor boss fight or side mission. A comfy spot for combat-focused anime protagonists.
Character Sheet: None yet
OoC Notes: An heir to a mafia boss, and a skilled assassin. Has a Yakuza-inspired, superpowered "fighting style" called Smoking Gun. Wields dual pistols and disappears like a shinobi when firing. Her human fragility ultimately keeps her in A tier, though. As you can imagine, she has a tragic backstory, and complex emotions about it that she buries along with the bodies. There was some kind of incident, and the result is that she's stuck training the newbies. Gross. Ultimately, she betrays her father's organization when they get a bit too involved in her love life. That is, she discovers that her lover has ties to their enemies, by way of them ordering her to kidnap them. She's sick and tired of her father taking away everything she loves, though, so she "kidnaps" them for their own safety. A girl's gotta do what she's gotta do.
OoC Notes: No relation to Frederica Simonova, I'm just creatively bankrupt when it comes to naming characters. Rika is a one-armed Russian girl living in Tokyo, so she's pretty out of place in-character as well. She has something called a "Shadow Contract" with Azazel, scapegoat and fallen angel of Book of Enoch infamy. As for why someone would voluntarily enter into such a thing, she's on the hunt for a high-level demon that massacred most of her friends and neighbors and disabled both her mom and herself. Despite the dramatic backstory and goth vibe, she's only creepy when she's in battle, tanking the enemies like a chew toy and transferring the damage back to them with curses. Outside of battle, she's downright chipper and friendly to a fault. She's a "Tonka tough" girl who's kinda awkward and dorky, with low self-confidence.
OoC Notes: Yup, I tried my hand at being an anime protagonist with this one. Unfortunately, I was simply way too ambitious with my concept for the RP. I made an attempt to devise my own combat system and it became pretty obvious during the very first fight that it was broken on a fundamental level, and I simply didn't have the time at that stage of my life to actually sit down and fix it. My process of doing a boss fight with dice rolls on Discord and then later writing posts about them on the RPG forum was also unwieldy and redundant. Nobody opted to actually do the latter part, and for that matter, nobody ever asked me if the RP was still going. It instantly and quietly died as soon as the first boss was defeated, with everyone collectively assuming that nobody else was interested in continuing. The server's still up today, as there's still important lore stored there and I do hope to someday revive the concept when I have the time. Unfortunately, I still don't. ...Oh yeah, the character. She sure exists. I actually do like her, though she clings tightly to shounen anime tropes. Unabashedly good, big on food, goofy and loud, feels like she has to be the strongest to be a good leader. Characters like that are, to me, like water—tasteless but necessary. I had fun playing her, despite generally preferring more complex characters with less straightforward motivations. If I ever revive the RP, it'll be my third attempt at using "corrupt-a-wish" as a character ability prompt, so you know it'll work, right?
Characters in S tier are highly coveted warriors who can easily dominate battlefields by themselves. Think Dynasty Warriors.
Character Sheet: None yet
OoC Notes: A spiritual medium with the rare ability to see spirits with the naked eye—the first to appear with the gift in 200 years. This power can't be allowed to fall into the "wrong" hands, so her marriage is arranged accordingly, but it doesn't quite go as planned. The girl has an unassuming appearance, but don't be fooled: the spirits love her, and mischievously conspire to help her in ways that require comical levels of foresight. Basically, she's the "lucky" character in a slapstick comedy. That's not an exaggeration. It's... it's literally true. Her RP is a slapstick romcom. Honestly, it was one of my weirder ideas. As for personality, the girl is an unmitigated disaster. Airheaded, clumsy and forgetful—at least when it comes to "things." When it comes to people, she's thoughtful, sweet, and kind. She's the "unreliable older sister" trope turned up to 11. Not amazingly original, I'll admit, but tropes are fun to play with sometimes.
OoC Notes: What do you get when your reptilian overlords merge their DNA with those of apex human specimens? You get hybrids who are strong enough to kill off the former and emotionally manipulable enough to be convinced by the latter to betray their parent species and run them into extinction. Then, the humans start calling you reptilian, as though you were the same thing. How rude. The history of Cynthia's race may be mired in conflict and tragedy, but you won't hear her complain about it. It's made her strong. She occupies an unofficial but nonetheless respected title of "War Queen." The only authority it offers her is to press prisoners into service in the Great War, but it also drew the attention of the god of war, who chose her as his champion to save the multiverse from a mysterious new threat. It's given her no small amount of infamy, and many think she holds a secret ambition to become Queen. No. She'll settle for nothing less than to be Emperor of her home world, and if she can manage it, she'll claim the throne and title of goddess of war for herself. That's much cooler than being Queen and having to listen to political prattle. She'd rather not have to debate. She has an... embarrassing speech impediment.
Characters in X tier are extremely overpowered monstrosities who could single-handedly wage war against an entire solar system of united military might. Outside of multiverse RPs, this tier is reserved for major NPCs, boss fights, and non-serious characters only.
Character Sheet: None, yet
OoC Notes: An immortal witch who has lived some 21,000 years or something. The weird hat with eye holes is called the Stargazer, and looking through it gives her infinite remote viewing of anywhere across space and time, provided it's a place that exists sometime between the creation of magic and the heat death of the magisphere. At that point, does the limitation even matter? Sure, she could conquer the kingdom if she wanted to, but why bother with that when there's research to be done? Immortality can always be sweeter. Like eternal beauty that doesn't rely on a constant supply of magic, for example. That's pretty high on her list. Those damn humans are a pain though, so she hides away in the Impenetrable Bog, surrounded by magical creatures who will do her bidding. She's also the only human to ever perform a hero's summoning by herself, which also makes her the only character I've made whose sideshow antics created an entire RP.
Character Sheet: Lost to the cringevoid
OoC Notes: A being known as a dream demon, her entire existence is composed entirely of electrical signals. Because of this, she can easily transport herself just about anywhere in any technologically advanced world instantaneously. She can also travel along the thoughts that any two people have about each other, warping from one sentient being to another, because why not? Mind control is also not outside her grasp. Her body cannot be harmed by physical means; she's vulnerable only to magic that affects electrical signals, which she's also a master of. It'd be a real shame if any characters more skilled than her in those arts ever existed. Fortunately, a goddess of life and love basically blackmailed her into joining the good guys, so at least she's tentatively benevolent. Really though, she already has goddess-level power. She also puppeteers a small army of giant mechas that were built specifically to destroy demons. Irony's a bitch, huh?
Character Sheet: Lost to the cringevoid
OoC Notes: A being called a quasi-demon, their body is made entirely of metals. Even their blood is silver and runs like mercury, and destroys organic matter anywhere it is spilled, turning battlefields into wastelands. Their signature ability also drains life force and converts it into mana for use with their magic, most of which is oddly defensive. Organic beings simply don't stand a chance against them unless they can nullify this drain in some way. Even then, their barrier abilities are overpowered. You might think some of this may be excusable; it's clearly just a boss fight, right? Nope, they were a protagonist. In my defense, being overpowered was basically required for self-defense back then. Moderators on the forum I played them on were like parental figures in most JRPGs. They were simply nowhere to be found.
Multiverse-ending threats, these were used as main villains in stories with protagonists in S or X Tier, or to nuke players who were bad actors during my moderator days on various forums (different usernames, so don't go looking). These were comically overpowered, but taken seriously in-universe.
Character Sheet: Lost to the cringevoid
OoC Notes: The gods who wrote the laws of nature exist on a plane beyond that of mere mortals. Residing outside the bounds of linear time, they are not limited by 3 dimensions. They appear all-powerful, but are they? What if something existed beyond the sight of the gods? While other gods sought to secure their immortality by binding themselves to their own laws and concepts they deemed irrevocable, such as love, war, or time itself, Unbound sought instead to peer behind the veil of the gods' own simulated reality. Would she find an all-powerful "One God" who created the rest? Would she discover absolute power, or infinite wisdom? No. She found nothing but an endless abyss, and remained trapped there for millennia until another foolish god also sought to peer into the abyss and sate their lust for more. Upon being released, she waged a brutal war against the gods, who had forgotten her name and history, with a primordial magic lost to time that drove them mad and caused them to destroy their own creations. She turned mortals and the gods against one another and aided the mortals from behind the scenes, aiming to destroy all gods and abolish immortality itself, believing it to be an affront upon the face of creation. Her own path to immortality had driven her mad... Whoops, I think I took this entry too seriously for a moment there. All of this backstory is new and exciting stuff, but truthfully, the character has existed for far longer and in far cringier iterations. Basically, she was a goddess of chaos and entropy who could do anything. Her posts abused bbcode and were very "meta" about the whole "outside of our simulated reality" thing. Entire attacks were noped out of existence by quoting them and putting them in a spoiler tag with strike-through. It could have been a cool idea if I'd had the storytelling chops back then. Maybe someday she'll be given the justice she deserves.
A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">	A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for.</div>