Avatar of Emeth


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2 mos ago
Current Imagine having the willpower to retire from RP and actually mean it (I will never escape)
2 mos ago
Showing kindness is like loaning out emotional currency. If you never receive any in return, it's like having sleep debt. It's exhausting.
2 mos ago
Every 2-5 years or so I will look back and think everything I wrote in the "before times" was cringe. I used to change my username when that happened, now I just wear my shamelessness like a badge.
2 mos ago
God bless the old guy who said "hey good lookin' can you help me out?" at work today. Yessir, I'd be happy to help you find frames for your new glasses.
3 mos ago
I should write science fiction, so I can get paid to blackpill about how technology can be misused instead of doing it for free.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for.

Most Recent Posts

Frenzied Waters


Raffaella had taken the plunge, confident that she and her erstwhile allies would be given a dignified entrance. Whether it was on the beach, or the deck of a ship, or some nearby outpost, they would most certainly not be cast away into the water like some common criminals.

Ah. The boat must have moved, she thought, as she hit the water. Cannon fire became more and more muffled, her tiny body offering little resistance as she sank like a rock. The cold was a shock, and by the time she was able to control her movements in the water well, she had already hit bottom. There was precious little to draw energy from down here, except the tide and some curious and hungry crustaceans. Unconcerned at first, she bounded up toward the surface, but as the need to breathe became more dire, she realized that the math wasn't working out in her favor. She was going to drown, unless...

Raffaella's heroic torpedo thresher dived to her aid, and pushed her the rest of the way to the surface, toward the Virangish flagship. She coughed and struggled as she recovered her senses, and she launched herself out of the water and landed on the deck. It would be a moment before she could speak properly, a moment in which the captain and crew would not know if she was a stowaway, an intruder, or what. A storm of questions was surely headed her way, but as soon as she could speak, she would shout the only thing she could think of to get them to stop firing at the students. "Ren Baykara is in the water! We came from Ersand'Enise!" she rattled off in quick Virangish. She may not look like one, but she could speak like one of their own countrymen.

The Six-Tailed Fox

The Doridax Family's Plight

Abdel peered into the contents of the boxes, relatively unfazed by the grizzly display. Still, he put up a look of concern to not appear too callous in what he saw as a trying moment for the family's patriarch. The tethered beastmaster rubbed his chin. “I'm sorry this is blighted situation has befallen your family, Mister Doridax.” he looked into the man's eyes with sincerity. “I have no doubt we'll be able to track these people. In fact,” he hovered his hand over the box that held the finger. “for what they've done, I think letting them stay ahead of us wouldn't be prudent and a signal for them that you can be bullied at any time.” he shot an expectant look at the father as the hovering hand approached the finger.

“You must know about Skuggvars from where you're from, Mr. Doridax. Then you would understand why I'd need this finger.” only with the authorization for the fatherly Yasoi would he seize the severed part, of course. “We should be able to track down the owner. With some luck, it's actually a decoy and thus a lead for us to get a jump on the kidnappers.”

Oksana examined the details of the case. Such complicated affairs were not her strong suit; she was a simple girl who spent most of her time in the wilderness. If a huntress wanted to catch an animal, then the first task was to find its location, and the second task was to lure it out. In retrospect, this case was far easier to resolve because they knew where the 'animal' was; they just needed bait for the trap.

"We don't know them, but we have the location, and we have what they want." She indicated towards the letter, pointing out the writing warehouse on Owl Street and the demand for five thousand Magus. "We bait the trap, they come out. We capture them for lord. Job done." She spoke positively and authoritatively on the matter as she looked at the others.

Ashon listened to the ideas presented, raising his own finger, though not too close to Abdel. "Yes, yes, there are some great ideas here. A touch of refinement needed, but they will definitely work to bring home your wayward son." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "There's a good chance that Jaxan wouldn't be there at the meet, and our little springing of their trap could backfire on its own." He flicked Oksana's nose playfully. "What we need is what's called a multi-faceted approach in yanii speak, or in less fancy words, a plan with a couple of moves going on at once."

He gestured toward Abdel with an enclosed hand. "One group tracks down Jaxan specifically, rescuing him from the foes." He held up another hand. "Another acts as the distraction; we'll need to create a very juicy target to draw away support." He opened his hand to reveal a benny. "With attention focused elsewhere, you can grab him safely, then we apprehend those involved." He flicked the coin up and caught it.

"As for the distraction, it's best if you don't attend yourself. So we'll need to borrow some clothes for myself and my friend here." He put his arm around Seviin, pulling her close. "We'll dress up enough to resemble yourselves so they think we're the bigger mark." He grinned widely at Seviin. "What do you say? Will you be my wife for the evening?"

Seviin was not sure if she should've been here. She knew nobody, aside from Ashon in the most cursory manner, and felt like an outsider. Still, there was a need and she was a healer and protector. If she would not sully the name of Lady Oirase by employing her talents on behalf of the Grey Fleet, then neither could she sit idle while her people suffered outside the gates of Ersand'Enise. The 'pass' she'd been given a couple days ago - the one that she'd been told to wear at all times - was a reminder of the challenges they faced and she burned with resentment over the entire affair. Still, it was not enough to drive her back into the arms of her Tarlonese brethren. She'd made her break and there was no going back.

Mostly, out of sorts as she was, the young priestess listened in lieu of speaking. There seemed very many speakers and few listeners here. She listened and observed. Abdel was one of those proactive principled secretly-angry sorts. Lunara was a soft, weak noble girl who let others lead her. Oksana knew killing, though Seviin could scarcely understand her.

Then, Ashon spoke and Seviin's face lost much of its paleness for a moment. "I... I shall endeavour to serve... well," she stammered, trying to fight back the aggressive blush. "I should speak little, however. I sound ever so much like a Tarlonese." When Niallus opened his mouth she took some solace. Jaxon. He was perhaps even more hopeless than her. beyond that, she got little sense of him. He was kind, perhaps, especially to ladies, set on his own ideas. Dorothea was the mocking type, but with a bit of grace and subtlety. Seviin found herself torn. She often harboured similar impulses, though she never entertained them.

There were, as far as she could discern, four different plans being floated about and nine people to carry them out. Track the finger with the skuggvars, bring the money and ambush the kidnappers, create a decoy target - including myself, and nab Jaxan. It was a lot to juggle and they had no idea of their enemy's strength. Seviin did not like killing; she abhorred it, in fact, but she knew it almost like Oksana did, so immersed had she been in the brutal world of Tarlonese expansion. You did your recon. Leaping in without doing any was a recipe for disaster. Dory was right.

She was about to separate herself from Ashon and say as much when Johann, another listener, spoke up. "I might be called overcautious," he admitted, "but I can't help help but wonder if my lady is right." He gestured in the Feskan girl's direction. "We know nothing about our quarry except that they have put forward a ransom note for Baron Doridax's son and seen fit to include a finger that may be his as evidence of their seriousness. I am very much for a multifaceted approach and I see no reason not to employ the... talents of those skuggvars, but surely we must learn something before just charging in."

"We also should not split into groups of less than three people," Seviin suggested, finally finding her voice again, "except, perhaps, in the case of myself and Ashon somewhat later."

Oksana rubbed her nose as the Yasoi flicked the tip of it, earning him a disapproving glare from her. As he and the others spoke, she tilted her head, trying to follow along with the conversation. A part of her wondered if they were just making up words at this point. From what she gathered, they thought her plan was a good one, and that worked for her.

Peeling an apple with her sword, she noticed Seviin looking over at her a couple of times. Perhaps she's hungry, Oksana thought. She cut the fruit in half and offered a portion to the girl with a big smile on her face. "It's sweet," she said, then proceeded to cut the remaining half into quarters, taking a bite of one of them herself. Secretly, she slipped another piece under her cloak, feeding some kind of animal tucked in there.

The discussion seemed to shift towards dividing people into groups for further talks. In hindsight, she should have considered a task involving hunting and tracking animals, or something related to the wilderness where her skill set would be more relevant. But beggars can't be choosers, and she was certainly begging when it came to income right now.

Lunara on seeing the Yasoi's severed finger, started to feel quinsy. She instinctively put her left hand over her mouth and she also started to feel unsteady, as she had never seen a severed limb before. On noticing that Niallus was next to her she grabbed his are with her right hand to steady herself. "Sorry Niallus, I suddenly felt ill on seeing the finger, never seen that before." Lunara's Goma cat Miray on seeing that Lunara wasn't feeling well started to rub her face on her leg and stand on her hind legs to get her attention. Lunara on noticing this crouched down and petted her. "It's ok Miray, I'm fine."

Lunara after pulling herself around, stood and attentively listened to the conversations. To make sure she heard every idea, and information. She wanted to make sure she knew exactly what had happened and what was going to happen.

Feeling something grip on his sleeve, From his first glance, he originally thought it was Mahal. But seeing the Goma Cat by her side turns out it was the other one, Lunara. Hearing her apologise for gripping him to help keep her steady. "No, no it's alright." listening to the ideas that was mentioned by the his fellow biros. When Jamboi mentioned about the diversion. Niallus agreed. "A Diversion would be good." cupping his chin, pondering on what more input could be added to help.

"If we have a small group looking for Jaxon while the the others cause a distraction. I can take part im looking Like Jamboi said, Most of their priorities will be on this meeting, more likely be one high goons and a few lackys at best." Thinking more about it, his gaze turned to Daxon. "Would you be able to provide a description of your son? Or Hair colour, length, height that sort of thing. Or even how he talks. It can help the group who are searching for him have an easier time."

"A finger, huh? Now that's a classic." Dory looked with a wide smirk on her expression. Her look turned to the girl that fell ill from just a finger. "There were corpses and mangled bodies all around Ersand'Enise when some students attacked for their little 'revolution'. A little finger can't be too much to look at, right?"

The girl just leaned around. "These plans could work if the kidnappers don't account for it, I guess. But than again we don't even know how strong they are given a fight could break out."

But among the many who spoke, there was one who listened, and listened intently: the one who simply introduced herself with the yasoi word for "fox." Her skeletal smile was at times impossibly friendly and, only when appropriate, menacing.

"It is hard for the young to understand the love of a parent, but, as someone who was kidnapped and rescued once, I know your feelings well." She narrowed her eyes at the flippant attitudes of some of her allies. Then, her gloved hands reached for the ransom money, as she produced a bag of rice from her own cloak and mixed the two together. Anticipating the strange looks from her wealthy patrons and classmates, she explained. "When carrying large sums of money through a seedy place like Mudville, one should take care that her purse does not jingle with the telltale sound of gold." Ensuring a top layer of rice, and tying the mundane-looking sack tightly, she jostled it a few times, satisfied with her handiwork.

"I can vouch for the talents of Abdel and his skuggvars. But regardless of what other plans we decide to set into motion, to give us the best chance of returning the boy unharmed, someone must take the money to the location and negotiate if necessary. Surely no one objects to letting me perform this role?" She looked around at each of them reassuringly. "If I were accompanied, even by a distance, by the pair of you, disguised as the parents, this might go smoothly," she said as she regarded Ashon's contribution.

Seviin blinked at Oksana's offer. She swallowed and accepted the slice of apple. "I thank you for your generosity, suunei." If there was more to notice, she did not comment upon it. Then, the Rettanese girl spoke and she nodded. "I agree that we should try, but it is best if we go as agents of their Lord and Ladyships, however. I am not a skilled enough illusionist to pass myself off as Jaxan's Lady mother." She twisted to regard Ashon briefly. "And I may be mistaken, but I don't believe he is either." She winked. Xiuyang gave Ashon an exasperated side-eye, as if to suggest that this was his problem to solve.

Ashon smirked widely, and shook his head at the pair of them. “We don’t have to look like her. We simply have to look like we could be her," as he placed emphasis on the points “After all, this beautiful and regal lady has never stepped foot in the slums known as Mudsville.”

He clasped his hands together, “Now, we have a plan idea, let’s go and gather some information so we can put it into practice.”

The masked Rettanese pinched his sleeve as if expecting him to run off. "True, they could be idiots who wouldn't know one well-dressed yasoi from another. But we shouldn't just assume that. I don't think they could have kidnapped Jaxan without a plan. This was probably a targeted abduction, which means they might know who they're dealing with. And yet they did what they did. Which is why Seviin is right. Smaller groups are a bad idea."

Seviin narrowed her eyes for a moment. Then, she shrugged. "I suppose we should try to look distinguished, then." The mysterious Rettanese spoke in a way that was quite familiar with Ashon and this only added a layer to the mystery. "All three of us together, then. Ideally, as Belleville is not geographically large, we should each try to keep within sensing range of at least one other group."

Having separated themselves from the wealthy family for this brief discussion, Seviin pivoted on her heel and made to return. "Perhaps we might borrow some clothing?"

"Then, as the kids say, I shall 'case the joint' while you two prepare," she replied to Seviin. "You know, you may not need to worry so much about getting your physical appearance exactly right. Dress well, maintain good posture, walk with dignity, age yourselves up with some makeup-wrinkles if you can. Throw on a cloak and cover as much as possible; any sensible person would do that in this situation. I can change the color of your hair, at least, if need be. And if we're found out, so be it. Our enemies shouldn't be shocked to be confronted with body doubles at the end of the day."

Johann, meanwhile, simply played an easygoing part. "I admit to being in quite over my head," he remarked. "Like my Feskan neighbour here -" He gestured at Dory "I am merely looking to set things right immediately outside our city's gates and help some people in need." He paused and furrowed his brow. "Perhaps, given the... regrettable recent history between our people and the yasoi, I should focus on the human side of matters and, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of matters, I might act as muscle if needed." He seemed less than enthusiastic about the last part of his proposal but, perhaps , accepting of its necessity. "Now, I do think time is somewhat of the essence. We should get moving if we are to recover Master Jaxan in a reasonable state."

With that, the Fox took her leave and, expecting to go alone, was surprised to find Dory following her outside. "Is this really a task for a lady of noble bearing such as yourself? The types we are dealing with may decide that a woman of your beauty would fetch a high price. Not to be crass, but I'd prefer to be thought of as rude rather than incompetent. Can you handle yourself if things go south?" She didn't look at Dory while she spoke; her head was always on a swivel. "Their delivery point is a warehouse. Relatively isolated and, if bystanders happened to hear loud noises, it would likely be overlooked. Not that many in that part of Mudville would likely investigate a potential danger in any case."

A surprised look appeared on Dory’s expression, only to be followed by a chuckle. ”I feel blessed that you worry about me that much, but please be more worried about your own safety than my own.” She decided to take the words of the other as a compliment. ”If things go south, as they say. I will make sure it will be them that will have things go south, you can count on that.” A warm smile was the look she accompanied those words by.

She elected to lead the duo of Ashon and Seviin as the "obvious bodyguard" while Dory and Lunara followed at a discreet distance, effectively to tail anyone who was tailing them. Usually, she would have her own hired help for this, but there was only time to prepare enough tricks to be confident—not certain. Both her eyes and her mind wandered as she considered the next steps, but "being followed" was almost a distinct sense to Xiuyang. She knew the feeling of being stalked uncomfortably well, especially after her recent experiences: the subtle change in brain chemistry and the ever-so-slight increase in pace that could be felt nearby whenever she and her escorts would turn a sudden corner. With each corner, she eliminated suspects, and eventually, she was down to four. She was no Tethered, but if she kept them just barely in range, and with enough trials and errors—

She saw herself, ten seconds ahead, and saw Ashon lean in to whisper something she couldn't hear. That was enough for her. She started drawing, and not a moment too soon for the Devourer, for the enemy was upon them. Seviin was on the ground, and Xiuyang deleted an arcane lance with perhaps a bit more force than was necessary. She saw herself try and fail to recover the box, caught in a struggle of kinetic magic that she couldn't win, and instead opted to just use binding to cause the earth to swallow it up as it landed with a distinctly un-money-like "clunk."

As the attackers lunged forward, Ashon smoothly stepped back, his tailored suit rippling with his movements. With a flick of his wrist, he launched a small purse of coins at the nearest assailant, the bag bursting open upon impact, showering the thief with a cascade of copper.

He spun around gracefully, the large money bag held firmly in his hand like a seasoned duellist wielding a rapier. Ka-ching! The sound of the clunk of coins made as the bag connected with the head of another thug, sending him stumbling backward. The sound of clinking coins filled the air as the bag swung through the melee, each strike precise as he bludgeoned their foe.

Ashon straightened his jacket with a flourish, as he surveyed the surrounding chaos with a critical eye. "Manners maketh a Moila," he declared loudly, the condescending smirk played on his lips as his voice carried above the commotion. With a swift movement, he used the bag to uppercut one of the thugs before bringing it down on the back of his head. "Stay down, Tem’broa," he chided, his tone dripping with disdain. He kicked the thug as he rolled into a puddle, using him as a makeshift bridge to keep his feet dry as he approached his dear wife.

Turning to Seviin with an elegant bow, Ashon extended his hand to hers, his eyes sparkled as he drew her close. "Please, don't cry, my Eluulan," he murmured, pressing a delicate kiss to her fingertips.

Ashon threw money at them—actually, he threw it everywhere, and in no time at all, the box was buried not just in dirt, but beneath the feet of a scurrying crowd, eagerly scooping up whatever they could. There was no time to be impressed with their accidental teamwork, however. It was time for the finisher. "Eshiran condemn you, defilers!" she shouted, her words thick with disdain and a not-so-subtle implication that the fancy-looking box the thieves had just tried to steal contained the ashes or remains of the deceased. "Shall I kill them, milady?" she asked Seviin as Ashon helped her to her feet. Of course, she already knew her answer would be "no," and this was the point: to paint a halo on her allies, and devil horns on the four criminals, before they could try to do the reverse. The general public held little love for the wealthy, after all.

Seviin had drawn a bonecrush away before it could cause anything more than discomfort and dropped a wall in front of the second brigand coming at her, but it did not prove necessary. Bags of money flew out, the masked woman who she did not know dropped the chest into a hole, and she could sense Dory and Lunara catching up from behind, hopefully under the cover of wanting to dive for the cash. Indeed, Ashon was having too much fun throwing his money around, quite literally, and the pause following the masked woman's question was about to tip over into awkward.

Seviin was not supposed to have spoken, but she couldn't just... She cleared her throat and focused on sounding like a Consoi. "No." she pleaded beatifically, "Please just secure -" It couldn't be a 'family member'. She remembered very well from her schooling that consoi did not cremate their dead, so she adjusted on the fly. "Mister Zahrawi's ashes. He was very dear to us."

It was more words than she'd have liked. She hadn't rolled her 'r' quite well enough. She'd made sure to use a name from a population who were buried with money. Hopefully nobody would notice the first in the scramble and all would notice the second. Most were still diving for pocket change, at least. It was a little bit pathetic how caught up in worldly things they were, to be honest. Seviin needed only her faith.

The robbers had switched targets, of course, going after Ashon, and Lunara and Dory were reaching the thick of things presently. It occurred to her that these were likely not the Colas. They'd have known there was a ransom and they'd have recognized that the bags of bennies and owls were not it. "Please let him rest!" Seviin wailed, and a couple of people drew back from the area of the semi-buried chest. Might someone else add to the ruse? Her accent had slipped there and she knew she was treading too far on a narrow branch. They merely needed to extract themselves from a situation that was nothing more than unneeded peril and a waste of their collective time.

Fuck I'm so stupid that should not have worked holy shit, Xiuyang managed to hurl at herself quickly. She was on a tight schedule, after all. "S-Say no more, milady," she stammered back quietly, the statement of double meaning delivered with a look of panic and apology in equal measure.

Managing to somehow not break character too much, she turned her attention back to the crowd in front of them. "Oi, oi. Make way already," she said as she kinetically scattered the coins away from the small mound in the center of the street, then stuck her staff in the dirt as if she were staking a claim. "You there. Take this money and leave, and I'll only have to bury one person today. Understood? Capito? Habla Torragonese?" She gestured somewhat flippantly, as if they posed no threat to her whatsoever.

Dory was close enough to intervene if need be. She had enough on her for any scenario she might be in, her rifle, her sword and a certain book. The Feskan did not expect for things to get this lively so soon, but the closer she got to the conflict the bigger the grin on her face became.

She stumbled upon her oh so favorite yasoi boy and one of the troublemakers. As soon as she got a good inspection on the situation, a small disturbance within reality would appear over the girl’s torso and soon the butt of a rifle would poke out of it. With one quick pull the rifle revealed its beauty. The rifle was black instead of the normal wood brown that most magusjaegers were used to. The etchings were deep crimson and almost seemed to glow with a flicker pattern similar to fire.

She could so easily switch targets to take revenge on that smug asshole blaming the death of her beloved on her. . . But she won’t, not this time. Her breathing was steady, her eyes sharpened and within what felt like a second after she pulled the rifle, her arm straightened and took the shot. Hitting the robber’s neck, although missing the spine. ”Oh, dear. . . I was aiming for the shoulder.” She looked shocked at the shot she took, and it seemed she wasn’t as good of a shot as she thought she was. The robber was alive, but for how long would they be able to hold onto life?

"Man servant," Ashon called out as he addressed Xiuyang with a regal air, "Once you have dealt with these ruffians, please ensure the ashes are secure. If you make my dearest raise her voice again, I'll dock your pay." He clicked his fingers imperiously, the sound cracked in the air. "You may leave the coin; I will find a new levy to enact."

Having a little too much fun committing to the bit, there. "Man-servant..." Xiuyang thought irritably. Well, she certainly was in the process of "dealing with" the ruffians, but seeing as one of her allies had deemed it fit to nearly behead one of them with a bullet, she began drawing to enhance her threat... and prepare for an unnecessarily drawn-out battle that was likely about to happen.

Buried Hopes, Seeping Like Darkness

The Interview

The office was large and cluttered with crates, artifacts, and stacks of books and notes, organized with a sort of idiosyncratic chaos that smacked of academia. The windows were large and dusty, arched at the top, and golden light streamed in through them. At the far end of the room, silhouetted within the open balcony doors, behind a great mahogany desk, stood the head of the Archaeology department: Giancarlo Silvestri. On the desk was laid out a luxuriant antipasto platter. Upon seeing Xiuyang enter, he turned and smiled, hands clasped behind his back. "Please, come in, seat yourself and help yourself." He gestured. "I do apologize in advance for just how tough I'm going to be on you, but let's do it on a full stomach, no?" He smiled and the laugh lines around his eyes crinkled warmly.

Xiuyang wore a dark blue Rettanese dress with red floral patterns, sharp and form fitting. A blood red pendant adorned her neck, and for once, she was covering her scars with makeup and arcane magic. "I would never hold it against you to take your work seriously, Messer Silvestri," she remarked, taking her seat with a businesslike smile. At his prompting, she eyed the food, but considering who came before, she would politely abstain, with an apologetic smile.

The High Zeno reached out with a tiny fork and took a roll of prosciutto from the plank. "Your decision, Signorina Solari." He smiled, and the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes crinkled. "Now, as we are all business here, shall we get down to it?" He took a bite, chewed, and swallowed, smiling again. "Simple question, a rote one you've likely prepared for: Why this job? Why this job really? Help me understand you."

Xiuyang chuckled good-naturedly, checking over her shoulder to the door Zast had just left from. "My apologies. I know it's irrational. Someone of my blood shouldn't worry about where food has or hasn't been—but despite everything, I'm still a lady, so here we are," she japed.

She nodded at the suggestion that she was prepared for his question. "My favorite part of any job has always been to find the talent among those under my purview, and allocate my time and resources accordingly, teaching included. I could do that anywhere, but I find my interest in the Gift renewed and expanded beyond the scope of medicine lately." After a pause of consideration, she continued. "A good way to continue to learn is to teach. If both teacher and student are motivated, both stand to benefit. I don't waste my limited resources on the unmotivated, who refuse to learn."

"Oh, truly? Why this sudden awakening, Miss Solari?" Giancarlo still appeared to be waiting: waiting to be convinced.

Xiuyang smiled tightly in mild annoyance. She could truthfully only come up with one answer to that, and she had convinced herself that everyone else was thinking it too: she was weak. Those who can't, teach.

"Can you think back to a time when you were young and naive enough to think that only selfish or evil people made enemies?" She knitted her fingers anxiously, some small part of her wondering if only she could ever be that blind and stupid. "I used to think of the Gift as just this funny bag of tricks the nobles had, a learnable skill like any other. Now I've seen how much bigger than all of us it truly is. I've seen the Gift do things that ought not be done, in the hands of those who ought not have it. But they do, and when a nine-point-five decides to exercise their will, it's no wonder people say the gods are on their side, or that they themselves are the gods." Xiuyang frowned. She was so close yet so far from that level. Her RAS level was considered "prodigious," but the more they called her "prodigy," the more it began to sound like a taunt, a joke at her expense.

"Nothing could be more important than teaching those with the Gift to use it responsibly. Without that, there would be no order, either within society or to life itself. No one could ever live in peace. Some nights, I can barely sleep. I always wake up wondering if my nightmares are real." There was obvious frustration on her face and in her voice. Frustration that it had taken her this long to come to an obvious conclusion, perhaps, or maybe frustration that she had desired a more convincing answer herself, but had not found one. A more convincing answer to what, though? Not just Silvestri's question, but a much deeper one.

Silvestri clasped his hands at the small of his back and stood in profile, silhouetted by the archway. "So," he concluded, "in a nutshell: fear." He nodded slowly, as if to digest the statement. "You work to prevent something terrible. This, I... understand," he allowed. "Is there anything you work towards, however? A mage should know fear, but not without wonder."

Xiuyang raised her head slightly, curious and bemused. A mage should know fear? she pondered. It wasn't a reaction she expected. Just what had she expected, though? For him to laugh at her for being weak? "My initial goals in attending Ersand'Enise haven't been set aside. There are maladies yet to be understood or made curable... dare I even suggest they might be made preventable in their entirety instead. If such research exists, that's what I want to work on. If it doesn't, then I'll make it so." Her face turned sheepish as the boldness of her own words caught her by surprise.

As if to apologize, she averted her gaze. "I've always been healthy. Illness is not something I can understand from experience, but I've seen how it ruins lives. Even royal heirs are not exempt from the risk of a short, bedridden life. Even when I was young, I pitied them. I'm still passionate about it. I just... also think that I need to be a more well-rounded student. I can mend broken bones, but not the hearts filled with the desire for murder and war. I have to be prepared to protect what's dear to me."

"A fair assertion," the Zeno allowed, "and a hopeful one." He nodded, sipping some of his lemon water. "But also not a whole truth. You've not always been healthy. The scars you're trying to hide with makeup say otherwise." For a moment, his face became sympathetic. "I don't mean to pick at scabs or reopen old wounds, and I do apologize, but I must perform my due diligence." He shook his head and waited for an answer.

There was nothing in Xiuyang's stomach. Yet it turned, as though it might just manifest something to spite her. Scars weren't "unhealthy." They certainly weren't contagious. The High Zeno that stood before her knew this. He wasn't an idiot. All of her father's advice about not drawing attention to herself repeated itself in her rattled mind. She wanted to oversell her offense at his nosiness and just leave. Instead, she swallowed and continued speaking, her face as pale as a ghost.

"What do you think would have happened if I had returned from Yarsoc completely unscathed?" She replied, gathering her composure. She didn't name her assailant. She couldn't. She had no "proof." "This way, their pride is sated, and I remain safe from further attacks, for now." She took a deep breath. She wasn't lying. She was not lying. "Their message is not meant for you, High Zeno. It would be rude of me to insist on showing them to you."

For a moment, his eyes narrowed, but then he shrugged easily enough. "Fair enough," he replied with nonchalance, "but there is something from earlier that interests me, however: a question that I have found myself grappling with before." He took a piece of cheese and tossed it into his mouth, sitting and folding his arms upon the desktop. "You spoke of not caring for the unmotivated, but the reality of both teaching and learning is that you will encounter these people, like it or not, and you are being paid to work with them. How do you reconcile your strident statement to that effect with the harsh reality?"

Xiuyang tried not to look too relieved to be rid of the previous question. The next, though not a soft pitch by any means, was one she was prepared for. "It's true. You can't fire a student. They're more like bad customers than employees." She nodded. "It's not that I'd be refusing to do my job out of frustration—only that I'd be seeking to ensure the school's resources are not going to waste," she explained.

"Perhaps this sounds harsh for a merchant to say, but my only duty is to provide the goods and services that were paid for. It's not my job to ensure that the parents' money is well spent. To not be so brazen as to use myself as an example, you have limited time in your day. Not every student can have your full attention at all times. Students who put in the bare minimum should expect the same in return. The students who show the most promise and who put in the most effort should be the ones receiving 'extra service.' The same here: only the most promising candidates received an interview with you. The rest had their forms thrown in the bin—politely, of course." She put on her best customer service smile to emphasize the point.

He let out a bark of laughter - genuine laughter - or at least it appeared so, and nodded thoughtfully. "That was your best answer yet, and perhaps your most honest." He stood and a hand reached for hers. It was gentle, but rough and calloused. "You are impressive, Xiuyang." He pursed his lips in approval. "So, one last question: do you really want this, and who do you want it for?"

The faux customer service smile gave way to a genuine one as the High Zeno laughed and commended her. She was unaccustomed to praise, and couldn't help herself. Tension left her body as she stood up and shook his hand. He didn't ask about her position at the company. He didn't ask about her choice of friends or question her religious beliefs or point to her alcoholism or seek out other moral failings to criticize. If her own father had been half this supportive—but that didn't matter anymore.

At his final question, her smile mellowed somewhat. She'd spent much of her words both in the written form and the interview trying to sell him on how she'd be an asset to the academy, and he had spent much of his asking about what she wanted out of this. In reply, she nodded in understanding. "I'm sure you've seen your fair share of students being pressured by their parents into doing this, for the prestige. It would be nice if they bragged about me once in a while, but that's not why I'm here. They can 'have' the title of Tan-Zeno, figuratively speaking. The job is for me and my own future."

He shook her hand. "Well, I imagine you'll have it one way or another. The question remains: will that be now or at some time in the future." His smile was businesslike now. "You'll be notified if you've made the test stage. Good luck."

It was Xiuyang's turn to laugh now, but she stifled it. "Hmhm. Just how many times do you think I've written to an applicant that they are 'not accepted at this time,' when the reality is, 'not in a million years?'" She smiled impishly. "Thank you for your time, High Zeno Silvestri, and your well wishes are much appreciated." With a nod of respect and a curtsy, she turned and left.


It was the first gloomy day in a long line of fair weather days; perhaps the Zenos had meddled with the skies again to raise morale, whispered some. The sky was grey, and the distant rumble of thunder punctuated the relative quiet of an Ersand'Enise that saw most of its students enjoying their free time indoors.

It was on these kinds of days that only the most dedicated would train outdoors. It was also on these kinds of days that those students who hated crowds would go to the Proving Grounds to do just that. Among them was the familiar student with the unfamiliar face.

Faster. Xiuyang ran another lap around the inside of the arena; not her second, third or fourth lap—simply "another one." She would run until her lungs burned, and then she would walk until she caught her breath. Then, she would run some more. Faster! Sweat poured past her brow, stinging her eyes and running down the scars she bore. Here, in the Proving Grounds, scars were welcome things. On the face of a warrior, they were celebrated.

Xiuyang did not want to be a warrior. She wanted to be so many other things: a world-renowned doctor and pharmacist, supportive wife of the savviest businessman and philanthropist in all of Revidia, and loving mother of at least four children, who would be accepted and appreciated the way her own mother tried to convince her that she was, but she simply was not.

The faces of the few women lucky enough to be remembered by history did not bear scars. Neither did scars belong on the faces of wives who were loved by their husbands—and they were certainly unbecoming of mothers. Scars belonged on the faces of warriors. Xiuyang did not want to fight. She simply wanted to live—to see the day these dreams would come to fruition—but if history forced her hand, she would become a warrior first, and the rest would have to wait.

Xiuyang continued to run, pursued in her mind's eye by a one-legged phantom. Faster!! she told herself, remembering that time—for it would come again, and the next time she would have to be faster, stronger, and... "S-Shit." Xiuyang stumbled to her knees, willing herself not to throw up. Her training regimen was not very smart, nor—she told herself—did it need to be. For neither the first, second, or third time, she healed the damage in her legs as she retrieved a food jar from her medicine box. It was time for a break—just a short one.

Then, she would run some more—

"You seem determined!" boomed a voice that had become familiar lately. It was Zeno Sectoxomactex. "But you'll run faster if you maintain proper form! You run like you're desperate to escape something—like a woman possessed. Your body will feel less heavy if you lighten the load on your mind." Xiuyang looked up at the tower of a man and regarded him with a smile. "Thank you, Z—Messer Secto." She swiftly corrected herself, but declined the implied offer to lay her troubles before him by way of a silence that would not go unnoticed.

"The strong, silent type, are we? That attitude won't last long under my tutelage," he promised with a grin. "I meant no disrespect." "No, no, I'm sure you didn't—but you'll get my advice whether you like it or not. You've lost weight since the last time I saw you, and for someone as small as you, that's not good. Enough running for you—you should lift weights!" He flexed his biceps to emphasize the point. "And don't neglect your sleep. If all you do is train, you'll never get stronger. No matter how skilled a binder you may be," he added meaningfully. Xiuyang looked down at her gourd and pondered. Muscle repair was something she could do herself. If her energy, focus or willpower wavered, she could give herself more with chemical magic. Daily sleep was a necessity for most people, but a luxury for a talented mage, wasn't it? If this method was good enough for Trypano, it should be good enough for her—but, perhaps she ought to consider his experience. Maybe she was overlooking something important.

Her thoughtful expression seemed satisfactory for the time being. "Believe it or not, I didn't come here to give you a lecture. The archaeologist was looking for you. He has a job for you—not your test, but something that may interest you—a delicate situation befitting an experienced negotiator." An unasked question formed on Xiuyang's face: I passed the interview? Secto grinned from ear to ear. "That ought to put your mind on other things! Go see him," he encouraged. Xiuyang took a victory chug from her gourd. "Thank you. I will."

Ransom Demand

This isn't where I'm supposed to be. That was all Xiuyang could think about as she listened to the hooded figure and read the notice being passed around. While she hadn't exactly given her word that she would accept the mission from High Zeno Silvestri, expressing her interest in receiving a mission from him personally and then getting distracted by Yasoi affairs could be construed as "unprofessional" by those who wished to look for such things. This was, ostensibly, also a matter which the academy would want resolved, and one she couldn't ignore. She would just have to hope that an understanding could be reached after the fact. This was effectively a hostage situation, and she couldn't waste time apologizing ironically for taking the initiative on this.

Jaxan'suul'doridax. When the notice finally reached her hand, she had to disguise her scoff as a dramatic loss of breath. Charitable work. Right... At least this explains his disappearance. Having finished reading, she passed it along, then stood pondering a while. The notice had some concerning undertones about the parents' intentions. Understandably, their way of handling this could be charitably described as "unrefined." As she considered their intentions, and the intentions of some of her allies, and the possible motives of the kidnappers, various pieces fell into place in her mind. "I agree with you, Seviin—but this situation requires more finesse than our wealthy friends are expecting. Frankly, it's beyond me. I'm going to call in a favor from an old friend of mine. Don't worry, you can trust them—more than you can trust me, really. Unlike me, they have a reputation to uphold," she japed playfully, winking at Ashon as she turned to leave.

Rather than Xiuyang, someone else arrived at 74A Crossview Terrace. Another, entirely different black-haired, distinctly Rettanese woman wearing a red hood, not to be confused with Xiuyang, carrying a historically significant staff that certainly didn't belong to their friend, Xiuyang, and wearing a skull masque that was definitely not acquired by Ciro during the Trials prize selection.

"Good day to you all," she greeted as though meeting for the first time, with a thick Rettanese accent. She leaned on her staff as she bowed her head. "Since before Belleville got its name, I have been called the 'Six-Tailed Fox,' and been a benefactor of its residents. Now that I am no longer needed there, I've turned my attention to the refugees," She raised her head and pointed her staff in the direction of the Seagate. "I'm here to find and rescue the boy." She planted her staff back on the ground, and casually leaned on it as she spoke with a kind of authority from experience. To her credit, the skull masque did much to give her an aura of a mysterious local guru and plant a seed of doubt even in those who knew her well. It couldn't possibly be anyone else but Xiuyang, but was she? To her friends, she was Xiuyang, but to anyone else, she was... passably incognito, which, given recent events, was probably for the best.

Appetites, Like Sponges, Expand When Whet


Raffie listened to Giancarlo Silvestri explain this complex situation, her eyes lighting up with wonder at all the proper times. A historically significant find! Treasure! Adventure! Pirates! "Well, we can't let the pirates win! They don't care about history, only money!" she chimed in vapidly. This is gonna be, like, a major shitshow. Maybe if I do the bleeding heart thing, I can get some info out of the locals, she pondered. "Aw, shucks! The best and brightest! I just got lucky☆" she squealed. "I'll be there, for sure!" she said with a big smile.

So it was that she arrived at the portal, wearing a shorter summer dress, sandals rather than her usual high heels, and a straw hat. She bounced back and forth on the balls of her feet and her heels, as if she were excitedly daydreaming about going to the beach, not giving any consideration to the political and diplomatic nature of the mission at all. Unlikely doesn't mean it won't happen, though, she wondered in secret, eyeing up all of her allies, trying to decide which among them could actually make a decision and take a side. Hmm~ At least a few of these gentlemen look like they got their priorities straight... She smiled and waved at each of them in turn, not a scrap of evidence as to her inner thoughts apparent on her face—until she laid eyes on Mahal. "O-Oh, uh, fancy meeting you here," she greeted awkwardly, averting her gaze. She's a rash one, but that's better than analysis paralysis. I'll take her over a moralizing gasbag any day.

The Price of Memories, a Renewal of the Soul

The Death Merchant

For a Friend of a Friend

Clarity, and a Turning Point

Xiuyang sat at her desk, faced with two big decisions—first, the school faculty was asking the students if they wished to keep their memories of everything that had happened in the past two weeks, or if they wanted to return to blissful ignorance. Xiuyang found the whole thing unconscionable—if forcing the Trials and Mano e Mano upon the students was being inhumanely cruel to children, erasing their memories of the riots was an equal but opposite offense of infantilizing them. Of course, Xiuyang would choose to keep hers. She couldn't imagine how she'd react to the knowledge that something so monumentally important had happened, and that she had chosen to forget about it and now had to rely on secondhand information.

Was a Xiuyang who had forgotten the past two weeks—or even just the most traumatic events that had taken place then—even the same person? There was surely no guarantee that she would be happier. If anything, her resentment and self-loathing would only deepen for making such a weak decision. That was to say nothing of the possibility of having other memories conveniently tampered with, or rifled through like so much private correspondence. What if they discovered that she was a Facemimic? What if they learned of her plans? Her actions had surely made her new enemies, and she couldn't afford to be at such an insurmountable disadvantage as to have them know of her schemes, and for her to forget that they even existed. The only real question was whether or not it was a genuine choice. Was there an unstated threat that, should she choose to retain her memories, she could become a target?

Bah. If there was a political target on her back, it was only a slightly larger one than she was born with. She would take her chances—which just left the matter of the piece of paper she was currently poring over carefully. Even as the school sent out inquiries regarding the mammoth in the room that was the revolution and change in management, they also sent out inquiries regarding Tan-Zeno positions. Xiuyang was faced with a kind of dilemma; did she really want to dabble in a teaching career? Not really—but the need to impress her family and Ciro, who she hoped would become family sometime next year, continued to hover over her and weigh on her mind from time to time. Additionally, there were the benefits it could bring—potential access to forbidden magics which could cure her defects and allow her to become a match for Juulet. Everything she could want was being dangled before her like a carrot on a stick; the only issue was whether or not the school at large saw her as a liability, which she would only know if she sent in an application. A rejection, in itself, would present potentially valuable information.

She found herself filling out the form, slowly and thoughtfully, a process that took all the hours of Oraff and continued well into the hours of Eshiran. As she did, she found herself deciding upon reasons why she might actually be good at teaching, and find some enjoyment in it. Of course, she had lied about her mana type, and made no indication that she'd received any instruction in blood magic. Technically, it wasn't a lie—as she hadn't had her level of skill in the school officially evaluated in any capacity. Overall, though, she was surprised at how truthful her statements felt when they were finally finished, and had found reasons to be optimistic about the prospect by the end. Maybe... I really need this. Something to call my very own—an important role to play, where others can rely on me. She carefully folded up the form and waxed the envelope shut. For a moment, she simply held it in her hand, letting time pass her by while her third cup of undrunken tea grew cold, and simply breathed in and out.

Accepting a job offer from Ciro would be yet another easy decision, in a long line of easy decisions. She enjoyed working with him, but that was what she wanted to do—work with him, and not for him. Already, she caught herself relying on him too much. No matter how long the past few weeks had felt—(if only their time together would always feel so long!)—it was still such a short amount of time. A little voice in her head told her to slow down, told her that things were moving too fast. Whether it was a voice of reason or a voice of cowardice, she couldn't yet be sure. Another voice told her other things: that she was a worthless girl, growing more and more dependent on her boyfriend by the day, already irresponsibly deep in his debt, and that someday he would surely collect, just as any sensible businessman would. She needed to do more—be more than she was: ruthless, brave, strong, smart, beautiful.

The envelope she held in her hand represented a difficult decision, and challenges ahead.

Unlike before, she would make this decision, and face these challenges of her own will.

Lost and Found, the Voice of an Unyielding Will

Dami's Judgment, Vyshta's Mercy

The Face of Triumph is a Warm Smile

Mano e Mano

Two Girls and a Scheme

A Party is Never Just a Party

Cal {Placeholder}

A Pale Imitation

An Open Window, and a Draft

For once, Raffaella slept soundly in her bed, through the night of her arrival at Ersand'Enise. The funny-tasting "medicine" her maid had given her probably had something to do with that—but! Then again, she was so very exhausted from the traveling, and this bed was just so soft. All these and other frivolous thoughts floated through her mind as she snuggled her pillow, trying to drift away one more time for a few extra minutes of peaceful slumber. Yet, it was not to be. Her last few minutes of sleep were fraught with struggle as she found herself paralyzed in bed. The sensation of a hand pressing into her back made it difficult to breathe as it put its imaginary weight on her frail body, causing her to feel as though she were being crushed. Then came the incomprehensible whispers.

م̸̱̍ن̷̦̎̏̐͠ ̵̨͔̳͎̄̃̈̀͜ا̷̫͗ل̷͙̮̗͋ذ̸̣̱̭̼͈̼͚͎̲͊̂̈̍̍̇ي̸̪̀̊͛̔́ ̷̗̦̣͒ت̶̦̞͍̪̿̓͊ه̵̧̼̐͊́̾̌̐͛̕ر̴̭̜̣̹͊͗̀̈́͑̃̍͜͝ب̶̧̢͇͖̥̈́̍̃̎ ̷̱͚̞̺̼̈̓̊̀͒̍͘م̵̼̱̫̓̽͗̿̊̔ن̵̠̓͆͋̀́͒͘̚ه̸̱̰̯͈̐̃؟̴̙̍̋͐͐̐͠ م̸͉̉ن̷͙͋ ̶̪͌ا̴͈͌ل̶͈̃ذ̴̱̐ي̴̦͌ ̵̗͠ت̵̮͌ه̸̯͝ر̵͎̚ب̷̛͎ ̸̛͔م̵̜̏ن̷̗̓ه̸̻̍؟̵̰͘ م̷͇́̽ن̵̗͐́͊̚ ̶̡̡͚̦̗̌̏͛̓͂ا̷͍̣̙͔̀̒̍͋͊ل̵̧̠͍̰̼̣͒̂̍̈́̂̂̕ذ̷̯̰̘͎͕͘͜͜ي̴̱̙͊ ̸̡͚̖̬̠̭̂̀̓̋̑͑̚ت̸̢̪̅͛͑͐̓͑͌ه̵̧͈͓͕̲̝̍̏͂̈ر̵̢̘̗̀́ب̸̛͎̱̬͒͆̄̎̋̚ ̶̛̫̉͘م̷̧̛̬̥̣̖̼̌͗̐̏ͅن̴͖̃̃̿͜ه̶̡̰͇̮̏̈́̒̂̀̆͜؟̵̲̯͚͒̈ م̶̫̏ن̷͍͗ ̶̠͝ا̷͚̌ل̸̝͑ذ̷̗͒ي̸̤͛ ̴̤̎ت̸̲̊ه̵͈͊ر̶̦͝ب̶̰̓ ̶̤͐م̷͍́ن̷͙̉ه̴̺̔؟̴̏͜ م̸̛̛̼̲̭̹̜̿̀̽͛̌̓͆̔̅̚ن̴̦͈͚͓̻͍̪̥́̆̔̿̀̚̚ ̶̯̞̆̿͗̈́̎̈́͆̈́̀̎ا̷͙̫̖͔̻̖̦͙̀̐̉̐͂̂̏ͅل̸̛̛̹͂̎͛̊̃̎͑͘͝͠ذ̴̨̨̯̠̤̼͍͓̺̥̖́̾̽͊̃̔̈́̑͑͛̊̕ͅي̸̤͙̮̹̻̟̤̓̿̈́͝ ̷̛̟͎̭͚͐ت̶̛̘̰̳͕̟͈̙͗͒͑ه̵̢̙͉̰̱͖͓̖̋͋͂̍ر̶̢͙͎͙̮̫̑̄̄̽̊̈́̃́̃̋̕͜͠ب̷̡̙̦̘̗̼̫͌͆̋͌̀͠͠ ̶̯̱̘̻̠̬̬̰͕͍͕͖̓̋̈͛͗̍͑̄م̵̛̱̮̳̪̭͇̝̯̟̭͍̆̈́̉̈́̃ن̶̜͔̲̙̤͉̞͔͆͊͒͊͛ه̷͎̗͔̺̩͐̅̂̀̀؟̶̢̠̙̗͚̝͕̀

Eventually, the girl's eyes snapped open. The imaginary pressure on her body vanished, but the very real pain lingered. So, it was gonna be one of those days... nah. To heck with that! She threw the sheets of her bed off, sprang to her feet, and opened a window. "Hello, Sipenta! Hello, Ersand'Enise!" she cheered, beaming at nothing and nobody in particular. "Hello, you weirdo," replied one of many new classmates whose face she wouldn't recognize. Raffaella puffed her cheek out. "What was that sound I heard just now~? Gosh, there must be a draft today~" she sassed back, shutting the window. Then, she blinked, and gasped. "The draft for the Trials! It's today!" she realized, rushing to get ready. She didn't know why the Trials were all that important—heck, she didn't even know why she was being transferred to this school. It wasn't her mother's idea. It certainly wasn't her idea. At her old school, everyone knew who she was. Here, well... people could be so darn rude!

It wouldn't stop with the rude interruption of her morning routine, either. When the time came for the team captains to choose students from her pool, she was picked second last. Sure, she hadn't exactly left a big impression during last year's Trials, but! Surely being cute had to count for something, right?! So she thought, anyway. Yet, no sooner had the draft ended than the team captain who chose her, Marz, was already looking to trade her away—for a girl with no legs. Perhaps, the students of Ersand'Enise didn't appreciate cuteness, she feared. But! Just as she was about to cry, she overheard a boy named Tommy say something.

"What do you say? Personally, she's cuter. In a... obtuse sorta way?"

Ohb-toose? What did that word mean? Well, whatever! She'd take it! Some shy introductions were made, along with some other trades, but Raffaella didn't pay much attention to that. She kinda just let Tommy do what he wanted; he appreciated cuteness, and for that, he was deserving of the role of team captain. He even named the team "Raffscallions" in her honor! So she supposed, anyway. She would certainly hope that it wasn't all just a big joke.

Melons! Melons Everywhere!

The Melon Derby—no, the Great Melon Derby! The classic, the original! The fun one. While she dangled her legs over the edge of her chair, swinging them back and forth, her teammates discussed strategy. While Tommy wondered why his team hadn't received a box to defend for Thieving Cherune, Raffie tilted her head from side to side innocently, hugging her slightly heavier book bag. When all the boring negotiations were done, it was decided that she would serve as a distraction. Raffaella would blaze through the air every which way but wherever the other members of the team were, carrying an illusory Melon Supreme. Sister Dominica would follow her around to create the illusion and back her up if needed. Ah. So, put a tracer on the tiny child and let her run around, while I babysit. Fun, Dominica thought. Absolutely no one is falling for this.

As soon as the event started, she was off—and boy, was she off. For some reason, her flying felt extra "flyey" today. Like, wow! Boing~! She rocketed straight for the cathedral district and the main church building: a landmark suitable and worthy of the Melon Supreme. Seconds later, she was speeding back out, carrying the Melon Supreme—though, it was not; it was a pale imitation of the real thing.

Suddenly, she saw her—the one-legged yasoi, heading north toward the King's Ear base. The sight of her rattled Raffaella to her core. As if her body had suddenly given up the ghost, her eyes went dark, the arcane sparkles vanishing. Yet, her body continued to move.

In the end, Raffscallions placed 3rd in the Great Melon Derby, with a final score of 4108.

The Undesirables

Next was the Dragon—a notoriously difficult and unabashedly dangerous relay race. Once again, Raffaella let her teammates decide on the actual strategy. Apparently, she was to join the absurdly-named "Giggling Calamari" in reducing the numbers of an invasive species in... wherever they were going. Raffie didn't really pay attention to that part.

At least, no one thought she did.

As she stood on the shores of Kiluaho, she contemplated something. Making pizzas, collecting eggs, digging up treasures, catching invasive creatures—and yesterday too, gathering melons. Weren't all of these competitions just excuses for the biros of Ersand'Enise to go around... running errands? Only the mushroom maze portion really felt like a pure and simple race. It was almost as if the Zenos threw it in there for the sake of keeping up the Dragon's fearsome reputation—having a leg of the race knock out a majority of teams, in this case literally, with its psychedelic fog. Wouldn't they have been able to help the locals of Kiluaho more if they just skipped that part, though? What was the point of this? Why not just be honest and upfront, and do this in the spirit of cooperation? Such were the thoughts that idly fluttered through her mind as she furiously fanned herself, before remembering that cryogenic arcane spells were a thing. Oops.

Giggling Calamari stood leaning against a tree, engrossed in a lollipop. She'd been eyeing Raffaella suspiciously ever since she used her chemical magic to keep the pestilence that was the massive swarms of mosquitoes away from the two of them. Now, she was fanning herself with arcane magic, and despite her reputation as a fragile little marshmallow who would probably melt in just a tiny bit of rain, she had managed to do both of these things without complaining about the conditions of the environment a single time. Was her reputation not a deserved one? She certainly looked like a tiny little crybaby.

All Calamari had to do was wait, however.

Raffie had a brilliant plan, and even came up with it all by herself! She would use her chemical magic to signal to the threshers, basically making herself smell like "mom" to coax them out, and it was working! Reaching out with her little arms, she beckoned the "kids" to come to her, her warm eyes sparkling with wonder. Soon after their arrival, however, Taleja set about making as much noise as possible, causing the creatures they were supposed to be catching to scatter. They fled, and much to Raffaella's dismay—decidedly not into her arms. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the chaos unfold around her. "Why?!" she demanded. "Can't you see we're supposed to be helping these people?! Who cares about the race?! You're all so SELFISH!!"

The locals could tell that she was upset, but as long as she wasn't hurt, they didn't seem to have time for her. Taleja was either ignoring her or couldn't hear her over the sound of her own racket. The only one who acknowledged her was Calamari. "Girl, you are reading into this way too much. It ain't that deep. There's plenty more o' these girls, and more beach for us to use. Come on," she grumbled, dragging Raffie by the arm. If she was easily upset, she was surely easy to please. The girls took their time exploring, with Raffaella being rewarded with a Golden Emperor Conch for her efforts.

That wasn't all, either. While she was gathering up the rosy threshers, she came across an abandoned nest of five torpedo thresher pups—and they, too, were irresistibly drawn to her. One, with a pearlescent coloring, caught the girl's eye immediately. Scooping her up in her hand, she brought her in for a closer look, her eyes gleaming. "Wow~ Arnshu jusha cutest?!" she cooed to the little critter, which then proceeded to pinch her right on the cheek. "Awh~ Shtawp! Legwo!" she cried, trying to pry the girl's claw open, but it was to no avail. The girl had staked her claim on a new mom and would not let go.

Calamari shuddered as she watched the threshers crawl all over her partner. She thinks they're cute? Just what kind of creature is she?!


The night after The Dragon, Raffaella was wandering around the school grounds like usual, when suddenly a massive figure appeared. It was... that one-legged yasoi, again?! "HIIIEEEEEEEE!! Don't come near meeeee~!" she screamed, taking off and flying as fast as she could—but the yasoi lady was faster! "C'mere, you!" she growled, tackling Raffaella and squeezing her tightly. "You really are tiny, huh?" she teased as Raffie struggled. "Gimme the box, you! I know you have it!" "No! You can't have Mr. Box!" She said as she clung tightly to her book bag. "Oh yeah? Take this!" Tyrel replied as she tickled the small yanii trapped in her arms. "N-No! Ahahaha! Anything but that! No, nono, AHAHAHAHA!! Uncle! UNCLE!!" she cried, relinquishing the box. "Thank you much~" Tyrel grinned and ruffled Raffie's hair before flying off.

Only Up!

The next day, another fellow student came to relieve Raffaella of a Cherune box. This time, it was Mahal, predictably offering her some sweets. Raffie gave her a token little "humph," and informed her that she was (in fact!) something of a connoisseur of sweets, and she'd need quite the selection to impress her—and... wow, that was quite the selection of exotic sweets. Raffie could do without the chocolate-covered bugs, but the vast majority of it looked very good and made her quiet curious. After a battle of will that didn't last terribly long, she handed the box over to Mahal. "Sorry, Mr. Box," she murmured as she relinquished the second Cherune box in as many days. She was a creature of habit, not self-discipline.


The day of the next Trial came, and it was met with more Taleja shenanigans. This time, she was harassing the Soul Sisters. Raffie furrowed her brow in disapproval as she watched her "negotiate" with the Soul Sisters, and then Jocasta—an exchange that ended with her being flung into the water some distance away. "Woop woop~! Get dunked, Tally-girl~" She cheered for Jocasta as she burst out laughing. Several other students watched her and snickered as she recoiled in embarrassment at her public outburst.

As the time of preparation neared, Raffaella began leaving strange tins that Desmond had prepared inside every aircraft she could find, as stealthily as possible as he had instructed. As she stood outside the basket of one hot air balloon, she turned one of the tins over in her hand, curious about its contents. There seemed to be some kind of thicker-than-water liquid inside—and, it was cold! "What's that?" one student asked suspiciously as he caught her standing next to his team's craft. "Um." She blinked, realizing that she didn't actually know. "Ice cream, I think. Desmond told me I'd get some if I passed these out to everyone, all sneaky-like. It's a surprise!" She smiled impishly. "Desmond, huh?" The kid narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, no thanks." "Huuh? You got a problem with my teammate?" she drawled. "Or, does your whole team hate the second best dessert in the world?" she accused. "Second best?!" he replied. "Uh, yeah? The best is cake, obviously." "What?! No, it's—" He caught himself and facepalmed. "Anyway, beat it, pipsqueak!" Raffaella puffed out her cheek. "Humph! More for me, then!" she pouted as she stormed off.

Her task complete, it was time for the second part of her role in the plan: to hitch a ride with another team. After all, who was going to say no to the cutie? I love the way you think, Tommy! This is why you're the best! Giggling to herself, she looked around as the other teams took off, and her eyes landed on a massive beanstalk. "Oh, wow..." Her eyes glittered with glee. Then, they glazed over as she gave in to her desire for sleep. This was a critical step: by relying on her sleepwalking, she would be harder to detect! However, the plan failed as Raffie met with someone who will say no to a cutie: Edyta Laska. She held out a hand to stop Raffie, and ruffled her hair vigorously, enough to wake her. "No. You've been swept up in enough of your friends' schemes for one day," she scolded gently. "I'm not gonna do anything mean... I really can't come?" she replied with pleading eyes. "No. You may not." The nun refused more firmly the second time. "Be a good girl." She fixed Raffie's hair for her, gave her a tiny strawberry muffin, and shooed her away.

"I really wash jush gonna go to shleep and let it carry me up," she sulked with a mouthful of muffin as she slowly walked back to her team's meeting place. There was nothing for it; she'd just have to ride up with the others. It wasn't all that bad, but it was considerably less cool than riding a magnificent and beautiful giant beanstalk straight out of a fairytale.

Then, Raffaella dropped to her knees.

If it were possible, her face grew even paler than usual. "What... is this..?" she asked no one in particular, trembling. "My manas are... gone? I can't... move..?" Her eyes widened, and her heart pounded as she shook violently. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she started hyperventilating. Already, she was a pale imitation of the real thing. If she stopped being capable of magic altogether... Who would I be? she realized.

Then, a familiar face snatched her up. "Zazzy!" Raffie breathed. She grabbed Raffie and fled, far out of range of whatever was affecting her—it was Command magic, but that was a conversation for another day. Right now, they needed to win, and win big! The Raffscallions took 7th place, which, in some circles, would be considered winning big.

...Someone Gets Hurt

The Goddess's Blood Runs Red

“The woes of the hax'doiyap,”

That pitch, that voice. Xiuyang had let her guard down on that evening, and the lurking spider wasted no time in seizing its chance. “and the stomach churning cope they spew. Fuck-” she was sitting on a rooftop, appropriately above the Yanii, with a single leg dangling over the edge and her palm supporting her chin. Juulet grinned once her eyes met Xiuyang’s. “never gets old.”

She was chewing something, and by the smell of it some could deduce it was jamb’syp. The glob of brown saliva she spat out after a brief moment of heavy silence confirmed it. “You know what? I don’t buy that shit one bit. I don’t buy that there aren’t good enough dicks here for your scrawny, mudblood Yanii ass.” she leaned forward, and in an instant, she was standing a few metres before Salomé, balanced on one bare foot.

“I bet it’s something else. That something is totally, and utterly fucked with you. And,” she bit her lip. “you’re hoping we would be more understanding. Is that it? Acceptance, little Yanii with a hideous secret, hmmm?” she hopped half a metre closer.

Xiuyang's eyes snapped open, and she sobered herself in an instant. Several emotions flickered in her eyes: first surprise, then fear, then what was probably a businesslike smile. Then, a shrug, and a smile of rueful acceptance. "The truth is always the most effective punchline, isn't it?" she replied, with a level of maturity that she probably couldn't have managed without borrowing her mother's voice.

She sat up, and opened a hole in the roof of her dorm room with Binding magic. Out came two wine glasses and a bar cloth, and she set to work cleaning the lip of her gourd for her esteemed "guest." "It's true. I found acceptance with a select few of the Yasoi'riimel, and I clung desperately to it. I'd partly realized it myself, but when you put it so bluntly... I've done nothing of any tangible benefit to them. Your underlying, unspoken assumption that I am 'settling' for the yasoi is wrong; I prefer their company over most yanii. I won't deny the rest." She poured drinks for herself and Juulet.

"...but I'm delaying the inevitable." She shrugged. "Might we speak candidly of my transgressions? I'd rather atone, and be a chip in your pile, than a stain on your boot; but the lever is yours to turn. To which side would you lean: are the yanii inferior but useful creatures, or would Sipenta be better off without them?"

She took a long, long drink from her glass. Her drink tasted like sour grapes. Juulet's was much better, if she deigned to grace a drink poured by a yanii with her lips. There was sincerity in Xiuyang's voice; it didn't seem to be a trick question, but a genuine one.

Mid-way through Xiuyang's answer, an obnoxiously loud yawn was ripped out with exaggerated arm stretches. “Leave it to a fucking Yanii to tell you their whole life story on a rhetorical question.” she exhaled loudly from her nostrils, almost as if steam was erupting from her nose. “Truth is I don't care why you tree ride. I just wanna know what makes you so repulsive to your own kind that you gotta cope the way you do.” another hop was taken, and the gap between the two closed even more.

"Right. If I get the chance to write an autobiography, I'll keep it short," she japed with as much good nature as she could, given the circumstances—and took another nice, long drink from her gourd, as though she understood that it was likely her last.

“There are no politics here, girl. No hate for the sake for hatin'. Nah, as fun as it is, it's a waste of my divine time.” she clicked her tongue a couple of times, eyes wide in increasingly crazed. “My only problem right now is you. You took something I wanted. Something real nice, and continued to be a cunt about it too.” she shook her head. “I'm going to do something bad to you, Salami. Pretty damn nasty. Absolutely revolting.” a third hop. She clasped her hands together and took a moment to admire any emotion that was coursing through Xiuyang's being and inevitable manifested deep in her eyes.

“But first, that mask ...” she raised a hand and wiggled her fingers, telegraphing a clear desire to touch, and given her past inclinations, likely seize too. “What's under there?”

As she listened to Juulet, her eyes could have been described by some as slightly hopeful at first. Then, slightly confused: continued to be a cunt about it? When? Every muscle in her body tensed. As Juulet drew closer, the night air started to feel colder. Her skin crawled as she repeated herself for emphasis. It wasn't the night air—it was those mad eyes.

Xiuyang's body shook, her voice only coming out smooth and even on account of her mask. "Nothing worth your divine time. Just another forgettable face."


Another object flew up from the fresh hole in the roof: the Staff of the Burning Monkey King. It crashed into the drink Xiuyang had offered Juulet, which went ignored. Both were showered in booze and broken glass.

By the time the dust settled, Xiuyang was already running across the rooftops, staff in hand. "I should be flattered that you're curious about it, but it's the one thing I won't show to anyone!"

The shattered glass and spreading fluids froze mid-air when they got within Juulet's bubble. And they then converged into a single point, until they reformed the glass with only slight entropy to its overall form. She tossed the actual drink once the glass landed on her palm and took a sip of the non-existing drink. “Good, I was scared this would become some boring ass attempt at a debate.” she rocketed after the fleeing girl with monkey-like agility.

It was clear Juulet was the fastest of the two, and if it weren't for her inclination to play with her food, she would already be breathing onto Xiuyang's nape. Instead, she 'detonated' air mines in Xiuyang's path, most missing but the debris wasn't so easily avoided. “You're nimble for a Yanii! Did Ashy teach ya'?! Wow!” she wasn't flying and instead hopped from roof to roof with uttered 'boing's in each jump. “Tell you what! Give me that mask, and I won't make you eat your hat!” she laughed maniacally.

And after the final mine detonated right before the Revidian prey, appeared Juulet half a metre before her. Hard as a wall and immovable by any collision.

Xiuyang staggered and almost tripped; perhaps she didn't sober herself up as well as she thought. Several expletives were uttered as she defended against the debris, twirling her staff and dodging two more mines. She knew Juulet was toying with her, but she wouldn't let it break her. She'd take every chance she was given, even from the hands of someone who hated her.

She did manage to stop in time to not run straight into Juulet. Truthfully, she might have given in to any other demand she could have thrown at her, but she would rather die than show her face—not that she'd tempt her by saying it out loud. She pivots, using her staff and what little kinetic she could muster to fling herself onto another series of rooftops. She wasn't making good time.

Juulet rolled her eyes. “So defiant. It's that bad, huh?” she didn't sprint just yet and watched Xiuyang go. “Depriving me of what I want ...” and suddenly, she was up above, right ontop of the fleeing Revidian girl. “Makes me crave it all the more.” her grin matched her mad eyes.

The Yasoi then dived into her prey, still abusing temporal magic as much as she could, to make it as seamless as possible for herself. “MINE!”

As Juulet bore down on her, Xiuyang drew. She drew as much as she could—perhaps more than she ever did, including during last year's trials. She was stronger than she let on under most circumstances, and perhaps even more than she herself realized.

With madness briefly flashing in her own eyes as well, she twirled her staff, and managed to actually repel Juulet's strike. By the look in her eyes, she didn't expect to do that—might not have even wanted to do that. For the first time that night, her eyes showed true, life and death terror. She inhaled, and screamed, with the benefit of her mask's audio projections. The ear-piercing sound traveled far and rattled nearby windows. She knew she could never outrun Juulet, and her greatest attack only managed to deflect her bare hand. She had no good options. She needed someone to save her.

Missed. Her right hand pierced right into the roof after being deflected by the unusually sturdy stick. The burning rage in Juulet's eyes were contrasted with the adrenaline-filled glee she was experiencing from the anticipation of getting her reward. An absolutely destructive combo worthy of the moniker of Mad Avatar.

“Screaming for help?!” she shouted back as the plea reverberated through her and the whole neighborhood. Many lamps turned on, people stepped out of their homes and lamplighters were surely nearby. “I'll make you regret that.” she venomously spat out right as a temporal tear formed behind Xiuyang. A portal, one leading into a dark and cold place.

She then charged, rocketed forward with her Arcane mastery over simple kinetic.

Xiuyang tried to mount a defense, anchoring herself in place with kinetic and binding, also using binding to form a shield enhanced with explosive chemicals. However, it was not enough. She was easily thrown into the portal and sent flying, tumbling through the grass. Her heart raced incomprehensibly fast. She almost hoped she would just have a heart attack and die right now, but then the whole school would see her corpse. Or, perhaps, just Juulet would. She couldn't be sure if her body would last, or if she'd even be discovered.

Only when her body stopped tumbling did her life stop flashing before her eyes, rapid and morbid thoughts swirling as time slowed to a crawl. She forced herself to her feet, enduring fireworks of agony from her broken ribs with every breath—but still, she could stand. She could not, however, run. Run where?

Her only option now was to fight. She drew again, but her reduced drawing speed was catching up to her. With binding and kinetic, she created a small sandstorm around her, then used arcane pyromancy to turn it into a storm of glass. She hurled it at Juulet with a silent prayer to Eshiran for deliverance.

Eshiran heard her call.

Juulet zipped through the portal as it closed right behind her with Xiuyang ragdolled into the lake's beach. They were seemingly nowhere, although to those familiar with the area, they would know they weren't too far from the city. “Yes, squirm little worm.” she straightened herself, bemused by the attempts at survival by the Revidian. However, little did the Avatar know ...

Eshiran answered her call.

“Child's play.” she extended an arm out and aggressively drew the heat Xiuyang was conjuring. But then came the sands, and then the glass. What was supposed to be a show of strength to bring complete and utter despair backfired. In an instant, her hand was pierced in multiple areas by the sharp glass. And then her whole arm. “Something like this ...” her eyes widened, but she did not panic just yet. Both her arms were extended, and this time she used blood magic mixed with a burning aura to surround her being. “Can't do shit to a Goddess!”

But the storm didn't stop. Something much bigger than some Yanii could naturally make. “Something as low as this ... Will Not-!” she had to dig her foot into the earth just to not completely falter and be taken by the storm.

“Something. Such as. THIS!” the storm pierced through, and her maddened grimace twisted into pain and unrefined fury. She vanished into the storm after letting a final, furious screech that echoed through the surrounding forest.

Xiuyang stood frozen, eyes partially shut, expecting her unfocused and desperate spell to fail. It was experimental and hadn't even been perfected yet; she only threw it out for lack of any other ideas. She was sure she had messed it up in at least one stage. It shouldn't have done anything to Juulet.

She glanced around, her whole body shaking like a leaf. She looked for Juulet in wide-eyed panic. In a rare moment of clarity, she looked for a savior, who surely empowered her attack or weakened Juulet's in some fashion to make this happen.

It got quiet. Calm waters climbed to the short and withdrew with the softest of sounds. There was nothing after that scream and the subsiding of the storm. Just Xiuyang, alone and cold. For a moment it almost felt like it was over.

But she and the Gods knew this wasn't the end. What was a simple combination of spells to an avid time abuser?

Juulet manifested right in front of Xiuyang, bloodied with her left eye kept shut while the other remained partially concealed behind her dark and dirty locks. Her whole attire was ripped to shreds and her skin did not fare much better.

Immediately she went for the throat, squeezed and lifted the smaller girl only to slam her down to the ground, flat on her back. A few bones were going to go there.

“You've caused a Goddess to bleed.” she spoke in what was perhaps the most collected manner Salomé had seen yet. In her deep rage, she had found some sort of clarity. “I should kill you. I want to kill you. Sacrifice you. Tarnish you. Wear your skin and decorate my hall with your skull. Not before doing so many bad things.” the more she spoke, the more her panting because audible. She almost drooled in her long-winded hateful speech. “But in my infinite generosity, I found a better idea.”

She let go the throat and instead went for the Revidian's hair. As she stood, the badly wounded Xiuyang was made to rise with her until she was off her feet and hanging a centimetre above the dirt. “First, though, what I came here to do.” She readied her idle hand, formed a fist, and bashed it into the human's face. Over and over, with only half of them fully stifled by a last ditch effort to use magic. “C'mon. Take it off and I'll stop. I won't even make you say uncle. Promise. Do it. Now.”

Despite having her throat crushed by Juulet, the ever-present mask dutifully projected the would-be sounds of her desperate attempts to breathe. Only with the totality of her magic was she able to barely cling to life. As Juulet slammed her to the ground, a light seemed to go out in her eyes. This was a woman who knew she was dead. She didn't even bother to scream a second time. Instead, she focused all of her energy on preserving the integrity of her mask. She wasn't even thinking about why she was doing it—out of spite, perhaps?

Though she saw no beauty in herself, she saw it in the yasoi, and had tried to support them. Though she was a fool, she tried to learn from her transgressions. Though she felt herself of little worth—just another rich brat leeching off the lower class—she tried to find the value in it. Though she'd been a coward, she tried to make a stand. Though the scales of her heart were weighted with bias, she tried to give Juulet a chance. Though she believed the rumors about Xiuyang at face value, she'd tried to be better.

The gods would not reward her efforts.

Not in this life.

In the end, she'd made Juulet bleed. Perhaps that was the greatest achievement of her life, though she wouldn't dare say it. She couldn't do anything to stop her now. She couldn't even lift her arms up to remove the mask with her own hands. With a touch of kinetic, it gave a final, weak hiss, and dropped to the ground.

Juulet saw it: the true face of Xiuyang Solari.

There was a glow in Juulet's one open eye. A glint you'd see on a child when they tore open a gift to find out what it was. Finally, this inconsequential enigma was going to be answered. And once she found it ...

She stared blankly. The corner of her eye twitched.

“Is this a joke?” she slapped Xiuyang's temple like she was some sort of broken contraption. “A trick? What the fuck? I leave that pit only to find more of this?!”

Then, she snorted like a young porcine cub. “Fuck.” she sat upon Xiuyang's ribs, certainly damaged after the previous impact, and slapped her own bloodied forehead. “Yanii. Yasoi. Hegelan. Hells, even the slithering fucks could never love something like this. Holy fucking fuck balls.” she laughed, viciously. The intent was to hurt, and the revulsion was hardly hidden. She barely held back some stomach acids from rising. “Killing you would be a pity.” she said softly, but the venom never left her voice. “And as a generous Goddess, I'll grant you your one, true wish.”

Right below them, another portal opened. They were now suspended above it, with Juulet holding Xiuyang with her one good leg. “I'll give you a chance at acceptance. Among those that best suit you. Oh yes.” a wicked grin took form.

Below her, Xiuyang could feel a slightly warmer air - a tad drier than the shore they were at. It smelled like bark and distant smoke. What she could sense were vague humanoid forms huddled up together with wildly unusual energy signatures.

“Fare you well, pathetic little Salami.” Juulet scoffed before letting go. Xiuyang fell into the unknown - far, far away from the familiar. “Fare you well.”

Xiuyang's eyes met Juulet's, and for perhaps a fraction of a second, there was pity for the remains of her twisted mind, buried under the distorted facsimile of childlike innocence. But then, she looked at her like she was a thing—a dangerous thing the Zenos of Ersand'Enise had allowed to exist, to walk and talk and pretend to be something resembling a human being. No; she was a feral beast, put on a pedestal and worshipped by misguided fools—given a taste for yanii suffering and death, and in the end, she, the victim of this unreasonable creature, would be the one blamed for the events of this night, by those that had created this monster.

Another portal opened, but Xiuyang's eyes offered no further terror or despair for Juulet to feed on. A profoundly cosmic acceptance washed over her, as if her soul had already left her body. Juulet had promised something "absolutely revolting," and the implications of those words were not lost on Xiuyang. From the moment those words exited her mouth, perhaps, she had expected this kind of fate.

Juulet closed the portal, extinguishing the light cast by the moon of Ipte and the stars above.

Xiuyang hoped the impact would finish her off.

Instead, the canopy of treetops battered her already-broken body even further. Branches tangled with clothes, and her body settled somewhere halfway up into the trees, cradled by her own robe as if it were a hammock. Her neck hung at an odd angle, but it wasn't yet broken. For a moment, the spot felt strangely comfortable, and sleep tempted her.

However, now that she had some measure of control over the situation once more, her will to live came back from the depths and roused her, demanding immediate action. There were humanoid shapes down below, whispering amongst one another. Six yasoi, alerted to the sound of her fall, but none of them seemingly convinced that it was worth checking out.

Hours passed as Xiuyang slowly healed only the most critical injuries, using only the most subtle binding magic she could manage—the kind of magic even wild creatures could use. Right now, all she needed was to be able to move away from this group. Once she was capable, she pushed through the agony and forced herself to climb through the treetops.

One of the yasoi was slowly stalking her.

Once they were out of earshot of the other five yasoi, hunter and prey simultaneously decided to run. Xiuyang was as slow as ever, and he was fast—fast, but weak. He threw out an attack that should have been child's play for Xiuyang. She barely managed a defense; he struck her face, and she bled. A rage not dissimilar to Juulet's own overtook her. Not because of that pathetic exchange—but because of what she saw.

The beanie's temporal effect showed it to her.

What he would do if he caught her.

Her fists clenched and trembled with rage. "I made your goddess bleed," she snarled. "You are dust."

She drew, and he flinched in fear. Though the two could not understand each other's words, murderous intent was a universal language. "D-Demon..!" he whimpered. "DEMON!!" he shouted, turning to run—but Xiuyang would not let him run. She gave chase, intent on slaughtering him, like the animal he was.

Once more, he was too fast. Xiuyang only sobered from her murderous rage once she realized his allies were coming to back him up. She turned tail and ran, ran from the fate that awaited her if she could not outrun them. She saw it again—she'd trip on a root, and they'd be upon her. Using her temporal precognition, she avoided every obstacle that came her way, while the beasts behind her stumbled over each other to be the first to reach their quarry.

Having lost them for now, she collapsed into a muddy crevice, and covered her favorite robe in dirt to wash out the colors and blend in. Exhausted, cold, alone, and frightened beyond measure, she wondered if she would survive, or if the Zenos would even bother starting an investigation...

All Fun and Games, Until...

The Cappening

The time came quickly for Xiuyang to choose whether or not to fully trust Ciro Volta. Her original plan for her middling haul of faire tokens was to secure free access to the Silk Gate. Though the Solaris could afford it, it would save no small amount of money. It was at the very least what her family would expect her to spend them on. Now, however, she stood among the crowd of eager students, gleefully parting with their hard-won tokens in exchange for... hats. To be fair, they were magically imbued hats, and their enchantments were not to be scoffed at. It just felt a little silly, on the surface—no, perhaps it was. Students lined up in droves to throw away free tuition, and the empty space between them and the students lining up for other prizes held a palpable negative energy. The gap between the privileged and those scraping by, Xiuyang noted as she stood between the droves of students, looking to either side of her. Never had the student body been more clearly and visibly divided.

After eyeing the prize pool with some scrutiny, Xiuyang threw her hat in the ring, so to speak, and entered the raffle. She came out one of the lucky ones, and managed to snag one of the hats she had her eye on. The Belcher was a suitable prize indeed. She could feel its power, and was just imagining how she might have used it in her battle with Seki and Hitoshi when a familiar face approached her. It was Taleja. She was also wearing what, in some circles, might be considered a hat: the Beanie of Weggosi Relaxation. It was another one of the prizes Xiuyang had her eye on, and Taleja wished to propose a trade. She even boasted—in a manner befitting her, and insultingly accurate besides—that she already knew Xiuyang would agree to it. "Yes, something like this does suit me much better," she remarked as the two exchanged hats, each placing their hat upon the other's head.

As the fabric of the beanie slid over her eyes, Xiuyang found herself disoriented. From her perspective, Taleja had already taken her leave of Xiuyang, and was more than a few feet away. She saw herself take a few steps forward in confusion, adjust her beanie, look around, snicker, then turn to face Taleja in a panic. I'm seeing the future? She moved forward, following the footsteps of her phantom self. It was a bit too much to get acclimated to, right now. Could she turn it off? She adjusted her beanie, then looked around to see... well. With an effect like this, she could probably deliver an inaugural speech as Queen of Torragon. The ladies of Ersand'Enise will be relieved to know that a boy didn't get this, she thought, snickering. Then, she realized. Had Taleja seen her?! She whipped around to face her, but she was already long gone.

Xiuyang would stick around to see what her friends managed to snag, before they could, and tease them with her reactions. Living ten seconds in the future was harder to comprehend than she thought it'd be, but as long as she stood mostly still and ignored as many of her other senses as possible, she could account for the ten second delay in what she was hearing. Fittingly, it was possible with a few meditative techniques to grow accustomed to it for short periods of time. Already, her mind was swimming with the possibilities of how she could use this to her benefit. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Juulet shoving Niallus's head up his own ass with that strange kind of magic Kaureerah had. Everyone's eyes were drawn to Xiuyang as she burst out laughing for seemingly no reason, at what was about to happen. "So that's what she did to Lady Matsuhara! That's hilarious!" she wheezed. Something she wouldn't normally dare say came out so easily, knowing in advance that Niallus would take it like a good sport, and Juulet wouldn't target her next.

What a useful item indeed...

Fait Accompli

The dreaded and anticipated day came—the time to choose her teammates for the Trials. In the first round, her choice came third last, giving her a choice between Ingrid, Talkhan, and Roslyn. Xiuyang was surprised to see Ingrid and Talkhan left to her as options. If her sole objective in the Trials was to win, Talkhan was almost objectively the correct choice. Ingrid was also strong, but a potential wildcard. While she couldn't be completely sure, she had reasonable suspicion that both Valerian and Ingrid were now sanguinaires. Though she could easily imagine how a long life as a sanguinaire could corrupt a soul, she had a much harder time picturing how a brand new one would think and act. Would she be essentially the same person for the time being?

Then, there was Roslyn. An unknown factor in terms of strength, but a friendly one who had been useful during the faire, and her primary concern right now was befriending someone. In the end, Xiuyang chose her, but as she approached, she could immediately tell that something was off. Roslyn wasn't her usual chipper self. Was it a hangover? Her thoughts were interrupted as the time came to choose once more. Xiuyang chose Trypano without a second thought, hardly even considering the other options. She attempted to administer chemical magic to dull the pain in Roslyn's head, but it was to little to no avail. Was it aberration sickness, then? The time to choose again came annoyingly fast. She almost wanted to point at a random face, but then she saw Ciro Volta. The frustration in her eyes immediately vanished, and she waved him over with an invisible but evident smile. On the second attempt, she managed to give Roslyn some reprieve, but it wasn't as effective as she would have liked.

Then came the final choice.

All eyes were on Xiuyang as she was enviably given her first pick. She could have anyone she wanted.

With a deep breath and a trembling hand, she lowered the fabric of her beanie over her eyes, and saw it.

Juulet's face. She was glaring right at her.

It was already decided. It was Fait Accompli.

As she had done in all the previous rounds, Juulet loudly and arrogantly staked her claim on...

"Tyrel," Xiuyang interrupted.

Juulet glared at Xiuyang. Then, however, her face unexpectedly softened as an announcement came; it was time for the various teams to negotiate trades. She traipsed up to Xiuyang. "Oira, suunei!" She smiled sweetly. "For um... obvious reasons, I feel a sense of kinship with Tyrel." She glanced down at her missing leg, beneath her odd pant-skirt-like garment. "Might we trade our picks for the round?" She made a face that looked anxious and a bit sad. "Please....!"

Xiuyang almost cringed at the level of faux desperation. Perhaps, if she had even once earned the right to be called "Suunei" by Juulet, or any yasoi for that matter, she might have relented. She glanced at Tyrel, Juulet's would-be victim—perhaps to strengthen her resolve—then shook her head apologetically, for what little the gesture would be worth. "No offense to Chad, of course," she said, as if that were her worst offense in refusing. Her heart was still pounding in her chest after her bold and very public choice, and it only grew even faster as her perceived offenses against Juulet piled up.

Juulet's right eye twitched for a second. She bit the inside of her cheek hard enough to momentarily draw blood. Tyrel and Chad exchanged looks with each other and then the other two. "I will see you on the other side, luush'elar." The former reached for the latter's hands. "I'll kick your ass, luush'elar," teased the latter. Their fingers met, but then Juulet stood in between them. "I'll see you in the games, hax'doiyap," she hissed at Xiuyang, coming inches from her face as her teeth clicked shut with the insult. "You're fucking dead," she snarled, turning on the spot to stalk away. Then, she paused and twisted around. "Well, figuratively, of course," she added with cloying sweetness. She rolled her eyes and continued. "Wouldn't be allowed to actually kill you..." It was barely more than a murmur.

Xiuyang stood her ground while being threatened by Juulet. It was an insult she was used to hearing, and a reaction she expected. Still, it stung. What if most, or even all yasoi reacted to her like this? She shoved the thought aside forcibly. She'd made her choice. In choosing Tyrel, she was sending a message: she was done hiding her support for the yasoi behind a veneer of childish curiosity. Tyrel reached out and squeezed her shoulder, glaring at Juulet's back. "Fucking cunt," she mumbled. Xiuyang snorted, releasing some of the tension. "Thanks for that. They say fortune favors the brave. I'm not very brave, but your support would mean the world to me."

Dubious Dealings

Xiuyang watched as the scene unfolded in front of her: Niallus had chosen Ingrid—and Ingrid wanted nothing to do with him after their breakup. Xiuyang's heartrate had barely settled from the Juulet affair, and the constant state of fight-or-flight had begun to get exhausting. Could the two of them just stop? Close to her other ear, as well, Ciro was questioning why Xiuyang didn't choose Ingrid herself, instead of Roslyn. She was beginning to feel regret, herself, after seeing the state of her. Her regret at being unable to help Roslyn outweighed her regret in choosing her while she was in this state, but the latter was undeniably there, all the same.

She was in a difficult position. On the one hand, she wanted to befriend Tyrel, and showing Tyrel her loyalty to a friend would help in this regard. However, she also wanted to impress Ciro with her quick wits—and she had just thought of something juicy she could do in this moment. Borderline terrible, yes—opportunistic, absolutely—but smart. Again, she consulted her beanie, but this time the results were inconclusive. She'd have to be a bit assertive, and it might not even work. Success or failure, either way she would feel awful about it later, but she had to try.

Xiuyang sighed, and approached Niallus. "Roslyn for Ingrid, if you're having regrets." Roslyn looked down, swallowing her irritation. She knew why Xuiyang was trading her and she couldn't blame her. She felt useless due to the sickness and she was surprise she was picked at all instead just tossed to the last team. "Ciro for her," Niallus countered, pointing at Ingrid. "Denied," she replied flatly. "I'm doing you a favor," she added, buying time. As she watched Niallus's expression change, it was nearly in view... "I mean you no offense," Xiuyang assured Roslyn quietly. "You get along with Niallus too, don't you?" she asked, acting as if she were second guessing her judgment.

"If you wish you may also trade me for Ingrid," Trypano offered to Xiuyang. "No offense to yourself but Roslyn and Ingrid are more likely to operate more effectively than I and Ingrid currently, as you understand." "Yeah..." Roslyn said, but her tone sounded more hurt than she intended. "Honestly, you shouldn't have picked me at all. We both know I'm just going to drag the team down." Xiuyang's heart sunk. While she watched Niallus, Ciro and Tyrel for their reactions, she'd neglected the opinions of the rest of her team. This was quickly turning into a mess. She started to feel glad that, while wearing the beanie, no one could see her eyes.

"I'm willing to put things aside if I don't have to deal with him," Ingrid said as sincerely as she could, "I promise that Trypano." Trypano nodded back, expression unchanged. "Good t'hear. It's all business after all." She seemed to have a bit of a different accent, possibly owing to her new hat.

"I wouldn't trust her," Niallus spat back.

Ingrid held her voice at what he said. She just couldn't with him anymore.

"Guy I'll trade Sven for Ingrid," Niallus tried, turning to him. Guy considered it, but keeping Ingrid on Niallus's team was a guaranteed loss for him, which meant one less team to worry about. "You chose a scorned lover Niallus, and I have no reason to trade," he said politely. "I thought she'd be willing to move past it, but clearly not," Niallus replied. "Offer's still valid," Xiuyang added, pretending to inspect her nails. She knew that her stubbornness was surely being grating by this point, but victory in these hastily and ill-conceived negotiations was finally within sight. Soon, it would finally be over. True to her visions within the beanie, Niallus reluctantly agreed to receive Roslyn for "the bitch."

With negotiations finalized, it was time for damage control. Though, Xiuyang kicked herself mentally for thinking in such cynical terms, when her new friend was clearly hurt by her decision. "You're only a liability if you imagine yourself to be one," Xiuyang whispered to Roslyn, stopping her as she turned to go to Niallus's team. "I don't think of you that way—and if you think I do? Prove me wrong," she said with a fake smile, giving the girl a supportive pat on the back, and a ceremonial "push" towards her new team, The Invisibles.

Roslyn paused when Xuiyang whispered to her, half the wisdom lost due to her hearing issue. But somehow she got the idea of what the masked woman said. Her fingers still clenched her arm as she inhaled, trying to keep her irritation down.

She sighed, "I'll try."

Roslyn hoped the day would end without them being dead last.

Ingrid offered her thanks to Xiuyang. "I promise I will perform the best I can."

"I'm counting on it," Xiuyang replied with a hidden smile. "I know I said I was doing him a favor, but you seemed uncomfortable, and I know you're talented. I'm happy to have you." As she turned away, she winked at Ciro. She'd certainly scored the deal of the day.

"Truly, thank you," Ingrid gave a small smile. It was overly vulnerable to be put in that position. Stuck under your ex who has been turning a private matter into the gossip of the day. She looked at Trypano and contemplated how things turned. "I know I said I won't cause issues but I would like to also get better with how things have been if that's alright."

The Floatmelon Heist

Within the hour, Fait Accompli's plans for the Melon Derby were decided. While the looming terror of Juulet was still fresh in the minds of all, Xiuyang would pretend to cower within the perceived safety of their base. She would join Trypano in digging a tunnel to Dami's Cross, the entrance to which the Sea People would deliver any giant floatmelons they found within the canals of Ersand'Enise. Tyrel and Ingrid would set off on their own misadventures, serving as distractions and grabbing any high-value melons they could find to place inside the floatmelons. If they were lucky, other teams would simply assume that Ciro and Trypano were kept at base to protect Xiuyang from Juulet.

For the most part, the plan went off without a hitch. Ingrid went unopposed and came back with a floatmelon, a grenade melon, many other melons of smaller value, and an interesting message in a bottle. Tyrel acquired a dark melon and attempted to steal some even more valuable melons from Penny, but the one-legged girl somehow managed to fend her off and escape into the safety of Balthazar Hall. Juulet, meanwhile, was obsessed with acquiring the Fat Bastard, leaving Fait Accompli to their own, dubious devices. Once the tunnel was fully constructed, Trypano began dumping the team's rather large number of skunk durians directly into the bases of any unfortunate teams that left their bases fully unattended. Unfortunately, it would be of little effect, due to the unfolding chaos and the resulting sudden termination of the event.

Xiuyang returned to base and set to work producing counterfeit melons, with Ciro as a lookout. In the end, he never left her side during the Melon Derby, not even once. Xiuyang could never guess what exactly gave him so much confidence—in her estimation, she was just slightly stronger than him, as a mage—but his confidence was slowly but surely rubbing off on her. By the end of the Melon Derby, she was starting to think that maybe Juulet wasn't that angry after all. Perhaps the fun of the Melon Derby would take her mind off of things. Could it even be that Juulet had thought it over and understood what Xiuyang was trying to do?

Suddenly, all of the main cathedral's windows glowed an incredibly bright white, as if a lineup of muzzle flashes from the cannons of the Grey Fleet itself had just pierced through the fog of night. Xiuyang couldn't resist the urge to open the curtains and take a look outside. "What the fuck?" she remarked. "I've never seen a student move that fast. Holy shit... Well, that's where Juulet is going to be," she supposed, not knowing that the true Melon Supreme had already been discovered, and this one was a decoy. That was for Ingrid and Tyrel to deal with, at any rate. She returned to her business, continuing to craft melons until... suddenly, there was a massive draw of energy from the King's Ear base, and Xiuyang fainted.

When she came to, Ciro was there to help her to her feet. Thanking him, she tried to stand, but there was another massive draw from nearly the same location. "Gods damn it... What in all the hells is happening outside..?" she groaned, trying to struggle to her feet but failing. Fuck! She had the work of Oraff to do! "No shit the Derby is over! What the hell happened?!" she barked impotently at no one in particular as the announcement came.

Just then, a pair of Eeaiko emerged from the secret entrance of their underground tunnel. Only a pair of them, along with a total of 9 giant floatmelons—a substantial haul that had, by and large, only been brought into the base and collected so that the unconscious bodies of the remaining three Sea People could be rescued from the sewer-adjacent tunnels. At the end of the day, though, a score was a score. With the Zenos allowing all of the students to collect any melons currently in their possession, Tyrel was able to return with the dark melon she had obtained. In total, Fait Accompli was able to achieve a 5th place standing with a final score of 3264. Just one sacred elemelon would have taken them all the way up to 2nd place, with its point value doubled inside a giant floatmelon, of which they had a whopping ten. An unfortunate end to what was, in Xiuyang's less-than-humble opinion, a 1st place winner of a strategy.

At the end of the day, though, they had placed above Vyshta's More Favored, who took 7th place after multiple penalties for use of violence.

Xiuyang would hear that story at a later date, however. Immediately, her focus was on the second event: The Dragon.

Venomous Smiles

After a selection process, it was determined that Fait Accompli would be allied with the Dark Protectors for the Dragon. As soon as this was decided, a Rettanese girl with a rebellious attitude approached Xiuyang. "You and me. Doesn't matter what event, I'll leave you in the fucking dust," Hill's Pond declared, asserting herself immediately. Xiuyang blinked. "I'm sorry, have we met?" she replied in Rettanese. "Nah. Name's Hill's Pond, and what you've got there," she pointed at Xiuyang's hip. "—is Mountain Spring's gourd. It looks ordinary, but I'd know it anywhere. So you're the one who took it!" Xiuyang raised her hands up defensively. "No, he gave it to me. We met during the battle with... Anyway, he gave up alcohol. That's what he told me," she replied. "No way that would ever happen," Hill's Pond retorted, unconvinced. The Dark Protectors' leader, Vigorous Salmon shot her a look, and she stormed off, leaving Xiuyang to ponder their future partnership in the Dragon. It had, apparently, already been decided.

Despite much reflection on the matter, Xiuyang couldn't think of a better alternative. After debating with Ingrid for a while on who should do the thresher-riding leg of the race, they decided that Xiuyang's advantage in the Mushroom Maze was too great to ignore. She gave Ingrid a few pointers on how to handle the animals, and sent her on her way. Now, she stood at the entrance of the maze alongside Hill's Pond, waiting for her turn. "I still don't believe jack shit of what you said," she suddenly piped up. "I heard about what you did in the Melon Derby. Holed up in your base, shakin' in your boots like a coward. You're afraid of a fight, and no doubt. Ain't no fuckin' way you earned Mountain Spring's respect like that," she spat, both figuratively and literally.

"Of course I'm afraid of a fight. Only a fool isn't," Xiuyang replied, earning herself a scoff. "But, when lives are at stake, your body moves on its own. ...I barely remember what I did in ReTan, now. I only know that I killed a man, when I've sworn to avoid doing so as much as I can. I can't tell you what Mountain Spring may or may not have found admirable about me. He was my superior in every way—but, perhaps, we were similar. Maybe he saw himself—a foolish, younger self who has learned much but practiced little, until the day I met him," she finished wistfully. Hill's Pond eyed her suspiciously, but let her speak. "You talk like you know the man," she replied skeptically. "I'd like to think that I do. Who knows? With everything that happened during the fall of the Jiang Dynasty... Maybe this is a family heirloom, and he's the only one in on the joke," she japed. "Only if your ancestor is as much of a big-headed bitch as you!" Hill's Pond screeched back as Xiuyang laughed her ass off.

Finally, it was time. Tyrel and Vigorous Salmon arrived, sending Xiuyang and Hill's Pond on their way. "Go easy on her, Xiuyang!" Salmon called out teasingly. Hill's Pond flipped him off as she ran, determined to beat Xiuyang to the end of the maze. With redundant layers of protection from her mask and Devourer mana type, and additional perception from her beanie, navigating the maze—purportedly the most difficult part of this challenge—was easy for her. The difficult part for her was dealing with other challengers and the local fauna, which she made a point to avoid with her Arcane illusions whenever necessary. She was nearly caught a couple of times but managed to steer clear, and in the end, both girls made it to the finish line, with some time-wasting hassle from Desmond. "You're actually... pretty good..." Hill's Pond panted. "But I'll drink you under the table after this! You'll never win!" As if to emphasize the point, she took a drink from her gourd. Xiuyang did the same. Reaching out to gauge how strong of a drink Hill's Pond had using Binding magic, she smirked as she realized it was non-alcoholic. "Sure, we'll have a drinking contest—and if I win, you'll stop trying to steal my gourd!" she declared. Hill's Pond flinched, unaware that Xiuyang knew she was trying. "It's not yours! If I win, I'm taking it!" she retorted.

The two shook hands on it, exchanging venomous smiles. Then, Xiuyang turned her attention to Desmond. The Raffscallions reportedly had a box that Fait Accompli needed to steal. Sure enough, Desmond had a box on him, and without much thought, she stole it, using Blood magic to deconstruct and rebuild it in her hands. It was a simple action that could have been brushed off as a branch of Binding magic, but she still felt a cold chill—guilt, perhaps, at her underhanded tactic? She decided to rebuild the box using Binding magic, with the unsettling feeling that there were eyes on her. In the end, though, nothing came of it. However... she did make a mistake when rebuilding the box. She'd reconstructed the hinges the wrong way, such that the box couldn't be opened. "Not exactly my best work as a carpenter, eh?" she mused, earning a genuine chuckle from Hill's Pond. "Nice job, dumbass." Xiuyang couldn't inspect its contents now, but when she did, she'd be in for a nasty prize from the fake Cherune box.

The Hills Have Eyes

As promised, Xiuyang took Hill's Pond out to drink, at a Mudville tavern both agreed was the place to be. There, they would exchange stories: all of Xiuyang's were, of course, about Mountain Spring, the Black Guard, and the Twin Emperors—anything Hill's Pond was interested in asking about. However, she would never dare say that she was close enough to Cold Soup's demise to feel the shockwaves from Seki's attack. Hill's Pond started with stories about herself and her upbringing, but they were becoming less and less coherent as time went on. It wasn't long before it became obvious who was going to win their drinking contest—though, amazingly, even Xiuyang was just a little bit drunk. She was just about to launch into the story of how she met the Soul Sisters backstage when she felt it: a cold chill.

Eyes. There were eyes on her—angry eyes. She looked around, but didn't see them through the alcoholic haze.

Her instincts told her to run, and her instincts didn't lie. So, she ran, and sure enough, footsteps followed her—familiar footsteps—and they didn't belong to Hill's Pond. Soon, an equally, dreadfully familiar hand grabbed her by the collar.

"Would you spare a moment of your precious time for me?" the man asked impatiently.

"Fuck! No!" Xiuyang spat as she struggled.

"Don't raise your mother's voice to me, you rebellious girl!" he rattled off, pinning her against a wall.

"Uh, 'scuse me..." a very, very drunk Hill's Pond interrupted, staggering along. "Izzat man, (hup!) ...botherin' you, Xiu?" she asked, drawing heat from the air threateningly. Though in this state she was almost entirely inept, it seemed to intimidate the man just slightly. "...He's my father," Xiuyang confessed, after a pause. "...Oh," Pond replied, blankly. "...OHH!" she repeated, as if it were suddenly making sense. "So it's like that, is it?! Well, come, (hup!) ...get some, abusive dad-guy!" she cried, throwing herself at the ground. Well, she tried to throw herself at Mr. Solari. He clicked his tongue. "Look at you, hanging about with this filth—and that one-legged yasoi girl! You should know better, Salome! You should know what that looks like!"

"I know perfectly well what it looks like!" Xiuyang fought back, raising her hand against an incoming slap. "I've never once let you down, have I?! You've never demanded to know what I'm up to, until recently! You used to just trust me, let me do things! What happened?! Why the sudden change of heart, giving the company to Maria?!" she demanded. Her father's eyes widened; he looked like he was going to ask who told her that. Then, he narrowed them, ignoring that concern for the moment. He looked into the eyes of his smug daughter, confident that she knew more than he thought she did, and that somehow meant she knew better. "This school has changed you—much for the worse," he judged. "What do you know?! I've accomplished so much here!" she countered. "Accomplished what, Salome?! Tell me, if you're so clever, why you never write to us of matters concerning anything but the present?!"

"Stop calling me that," Xiuyang growled. "I know you only care about passing your legacy on. You're only interested in my marriage prospects." Tears welled up in her eyes. "It's your future at stake, Salome. Dark and difficult times are ahead. Hard times are survived only by hard men. I know you know this. Your brothers-in-law—they are wealthy, but weak. I had hoped you could find better, here. Clearly, I was mistaken. ...Come home, Xiuyang," he pleaded. "We both know what's about to happen. If no man here will have you, let your mother and I protect you instead."

"...I have a boyfriend, though," Xiuyang replied, feigning confusion. "If you mean that redheaded—" he began angrily, but Xiuyang cut him off. "Not him. We're close, but... he's just a friend," she forced. "...Then who?" he prompted, his tone confused but encouraging. Xiuyang drew a breath.

"...Ciro Volta," she replied.

In the end, Cosimo and Salome Solari talked, for the first time since ReTan. She shared a hollow laugh with her father about how Maria's husband was a doormat, and Desi's husband let her spend their money lavishly on frivolous things. Xiuyang, he assured her, knew what a good man was. She agreed, reassuring him that Ciro was strong but kind, and very market savvy. In fact, the two of them together could one day be the wealthiest merchants in all of Constantia! She tickled his ears with whatever he wanted to hear and sent him away with a hug, presumably to try and dig up some more information on Ciro. Truthfully, she was glad that he would. Where Le Volpi failed, perhaps the head of the Solari family might succeed. Sadly, she wasn't confident that it would result in what she wanted, more than anything: to stay at Ersand'Enise. With her mind swimming with new things to think about, and her heart still semi-racing in that unsettled way it always did after awkward and unwanted conversation, she laid on a rooftop under the stars.

"...Now I've really done it," she sighed. "Suppose I'll have to apologize to Ciro for lying about that, after my dad inevitably gives him some long-winded, excruciatingly boring lecture about how he's not good enough," she muttered to herself, taking a cynical drink from her gourd. She snickered a little, imagining a very confused Ciro patiently listening and taking it all in stride with his winsome smile. "What a... m-mess..." she yawned.

Evil Eye untransformed as she landed, dropping Shuuko on her feet and playfully snatching the bucket of fried chicken out of her arms. "They're at Suki's place—but, Ember?" she said, recalling the name of the schemer. "I'm tired. Give a girl a break? Lemme crash." She sighed with a note of finality. Rei had arranged a place for Kiyo to stay, but she stayed over at Shuuko's about as often as she went to her own home. It was also very common for Kiyo to claim that she was tired, only to stay up giggling late into the night watching who knows what through her Mogalls. This was another such night; and Ember would join her, the two laughing together as they watched the other girls scatter about and do battle with Suki's food. In Kiyo's case, fun usually came at someone else's expense.

Kuroki Kiyo was a girl who, by all rights, shouldn't still be in high school. Yet, here she was. Make no mistake: She never failed a class—the education system failed her. Still, she must have been held back a year. Wasn't she a little over a year older than the graduates? Hardly. She was still the legal dependent of her parents, who live in Tokyo. That is, unless she needed to contact her parents to get their permission for something. Why don't you look her in the eyes and say that?

Kuroki Kiyo was a girl who, by any means, got her way in the end. At least, that's how it was supposed to be.

"Fuck," she remarked as she stepped outside to get on her motorcycle and drive her ass to school, fashionably late as always—only, it wasn't there. "that bitch," she added. Well, if she was going to be this late, she might as well skip class. With that decided, she made her way over to her favorite shop to do some window shopping. With those prices, she wasn't going to be affording a down payment for a new bike anytime soon. Irritated, she left the scene, amusing herself by breathing clouds of vapor into the cold air. Guess I'll do the usual, she decided.

On the way to school, there was a Red Cross place, where you could give blood plasma and get cash. They'd only let you do it so often, for your own safety—but Kiyo just so happened to be able to generate blood from her magic. Was it an ethical concern, giving magical blood of dubious origin to be used by the Red Cross? Maybe, maybe not. In the end, it didn't really matter. "No, this is my first time," she'd say in that sickeningly sweet, cutesy voice. "I'm a bit nervous... I hate needles," she rehearsed, over and over again. Gets them every time, she thought cynically.

Drop the resting bitch face for just a second and the coldest hearts melt. The sharpest minds become dull as rocks. In just over an hour, she'd made enough money to buy food for two weeks, thanks to her reliable "first time donator bonus." Of course, free meals were easy to come by for a girl like her, so all of that went straight into her pocket for the bike fund. Were there other ways she could get money, using Detention Club connections? Absolutely—but owe someone too many favors, and they start to think that they own you. And if that happens, betrayal is inevitable.

As she entered school grounds and began making her way to the Detention Club, she caught sight of a scene most schoolgirls hope to only see in manga: one of the shy, nerdier girls of Hibusa High was being held up against a brick wall by a couple of familiar-looking delinquents. Ironically, Kiyo herself was also dressed for the part. If anyone had seen her approach, they might have assumed that she was about to join the fun.


The noise from Kiyo's bubblegum caused the bigger girls to turn and face her. "This is my turf, slugs. Beat it, or the next thing I'll pop will be your elbows," she threatened, before starting to blow another bubble. The message was clear enough. As the next bubble popped, the younger girl—now alone—flinched, retreating against the wall, sitting on the ground and tucking her knees in as she whimpered. "Welcome to highschool, kiddo," she said as she tossed a piece of hard candy into the girl's lap. Kiyo hated the blue raspberry ones. "Next time, stick to your group. Don't take a shortcut," she advised. She was keenly aware of her hypocrisy—she just didn't give a shit. Nor did she care what the girl mumbled in reply.

Her day was certainly shaping up to be very eventful already, she mused as she entered the club room. Suki and Tsubomi were there, along with the new blood. For once, she wasn't the last one to arrive. How had that happened? "Really? I happen to think Suki is quite talented," she replied to Nyxia. "I had fun watching your little cooking show. The kids enjoyed it, too," she added with a giggle. "The kids," of course, were eyeball monsters, but that was neither here nor there.

Xiuyang Solari
Good for the Soul

The Faire

Despite having what many would consider a disadvantage in height, Xiuyang had managed to do well in the three-legged race with Roslyn and the Reshta race by herself. While this might surprise others, it didn't surprise Xiuyang. Nothing about her appearance was particularly suggestive of athleticism, but she spent plenty of time running, swimming and surfing. She nearly met her match with the shooting game—while it would be a slight exaggeration to call them "rigged," there was certainly a trick to handling these toy guns. Other students figured it out, and Xiuyang followed suit, scoring just enough points to qualify for a token. While she had an increasing interest in potential tools of self-defense in light of everything that happened in ReTan, there was no point practicing here, so she moved on from it.

The tug-of-war was an unmitigated disaster. Admiring the team that Juulet was building from afar—a team that included non-yasoi, and even Trypano—she thought, rather foolishly, that this could be a chance to not only win, but potentially make the acquaintance of another Avatar of Vyshta. She knew the alleged risks of getting involved with that girl, but favored her chances as a friend of Ashon. It was not to be, however; an unexpected Ciro Volta greeted Xiuyang, wanting her for his team. She was so surprised by this that Juulet's preferred candidate for a final teammate, Ashon, got snatched up in the confusion. An angered Juulet shoved Ciro aside, snatching up Xiuyang, perhaps out of spite. At the end of it all, the team Xiuyang had chosen lost, and she fled the scene—soaking wet and burning with curiosity about the boy who showed an interest in her, when other teams considered her a liability.

The drinking game was close. If only they'd let her drink through her mask, as she was often seen doing around the school and in Mudville, she thought she could have easily taken it. In the end, it didn't matter, as Maura acknowledged her with a toast. She'd attempt to go again, to help Roslyn and Trypano get tokens, but the hosts of the event wouldn't let a "winner" play again. So, she spectated from the sidelines, drinking her heart out from her bottomless gourd alongside the contestants. Mountain Spring had truly given her a gift to end all gifts—no. It was truly a treasure, just like the man currently stood on a twelve-foot-tall stool, downing beers. As she watched her best friend chug like a champion, another student—one whose face and name would largely be considered irrelevant in the grander scheme of campus life, and secretly a member of Le Volpi—approached Xiuyang. He informed her that, despite their best efforts, they simply could not dig up that much information on Ciro Volta. Xiuyang herself barely registered the information as Ashon and Penny had an argument about baby names, of all things. It seemed to be a serious one. Was Penny..? No. She couldn't violate her friend's privacy like that. She refused to reach out and try to sense it. She felt sick—not from alcohol—and quickly excused herself.

Soul Sisters Live!

"GANBATTE MIO-CHAN!!" Xiuyang shouted above the crowd with her mask's audio projection powers. It felt good to shout, after everything that had happened today. Juulet and Ashon would have been enough, but to top it off, her luck with the faire's events had turned for the worse, as well. Having momentarily given up on getting enough tokens for a decent prize, she resigned herself to enjoying the Soul Sisters' performance and going home. That was the only way to guarantee the day ended on a high note.

Or so she foolishly thought, she berated herself. The political nature of the performance did not escape her, and while she could handwave it as the idols being told to spread a message they might not necessarily agree with themselves, Xiuyang wasn't holding out much hope that that would be the case. Tasked with finding the beauty in such a performance, Xiuyang was surprised when, with a graceful flick of her wrist, Mio sent a token soaring out into the crowd. It sparkled in the bright stage lights as it arced through the air, the crowd's cheers growing even louder as they watched it approach. The short Rettanese girl, against all odds, caught not only the idol's attention, but her token as well. "Nice catch!" Roslyn congratulated. Stunned, Xiuyang decided to also "do her best" in the remaining games. Though she was exhausted by the games before, a new surge of energy filled her with determination to win!

Only... Who would be her "plus one" to invite backstage..? Ashon and Penny seemed to be having a moment, and even she, in all her deviousness, wasn't that tactless. Curiously, she found herself searching the crowd for Ciro, armed with an excuse to interact with him again, but he was nowhere to be seen. Finally, her eyes landed on Kaureerah, whose eyes were sparkling with barely-concealed envy. She, like Xiuyang, seemed to be a fan. "I seem to be lacking someone to invite backstage. It would mean more to you than some random guy, I think," she offered with a smile. Kaureerah smiled and jumped up and down. "Eye woold bee delaighted." She took Xiuyang by the arm. Xiuyang couldn't help but grin stupidly at the Eeaiko's enthusiasm, though none could see it. For someone who had to stay low key, she always did have a weakness for that endless well of infectious positivity some had. "Well then, let's not waste another second!" she replied in kind, leading her along by the arm. Others may have looked on in confusion, but she paid them no mind. Since when has she shied away from rumors, anyway?


As the tokens were presented to the doormen, the guests were welcomed into the backroom. It was a vibrant and lively space, adorned with paintings and memorabilia of the Soul Sisters' previous performances and achievements. The walls were painted in shades of pastel colors and silver, creating a glamorous yet welcoming atmosphere. The lighting was soft and flattering, casting a warm and inviting glow, with lanterns along the edges of the room, creating a magical aura.

In the center of the room, a long table was set up and covered with a delicate pink lace tablecloth. An array of snacks and refreshments like Jian Dui and Mooncakes awaited them, along with cups of green tea. The aroma of the freshly made delicious treats wafted through the air.

The Soul Sisters entered one by one, each taking their seats spread around the table. Their warm smiles and friendly demeanor immediately put the students at ease, encouraging them to relax, sit down, and indulge in the tempting snacks and treats thoughtfully laid out for them. As the room filled with a sense of camaraderie, the Soul Sisters initiated engaging conversations, urging the students to share their thoughts and stories during the light-hearted small talk.

Mio, with her signature charm, distributed Nikanese Spratz-coated Mooncakes, her smile as sweet as the treats she offered. Xiulan and Ai, seated side by side, were engrossed in an animated discussion about recent events in ReTan. Nia, with her melodic voice and infectious enthusiasm, casually delved into the topic of the Ten Masterworks of Kagemitsu Kenshin, a legendary collection that had inspired countless tales. Ji-woo, the epitome of grace, moved gracefully around the room, ensuring that everyone's tea cups were filled. Her attentive presence mirrored the way she cared for her fans, ensuring they felt cherished and appreciated throughout.

Xiuyang entered the backstage area, swept along at Kaureerah's enthusiastic pace. It wasn't clear who was leading who by the arm at this point. "Go on, talk to them!" she whispered excitedly, sounding a bit like an encouraging parent, perhaps because she was borrowing her own mother's voice.

She paused as Mio offered her a Mooncake. She didn't bat an eye at the idea of binding her food into her mouth in front of the fearsome Twin Emperors, but now a cute face seemed to be begging for her feedback. She looked around, a bit anxious. She really wanted to taste Mio's homemade sweets. The flavor just wouldn't be the same if she dissected it on a molecular level. She wasn't that good.

Her hesitation only lasted for about half a second. Screw it. It was a secure area. She was surrounded by friends and a couple of guileless young lads. Maura wouldn't be her rival for much longer, either. Reaching underneath her veil, her mask hissed as it was removed, and she hung it at her hip next to her medicine box. With a grateful nod and a smile in her eyes, she took the Mooncake and bit into it. "It's wonderful," a weak and raspy voice, like that of a lifetime smoker whispered. Her mask, still hanging at her side, suddenly piped up. "Sorry that I can't show you my face. I'm wanted in 36 countries... just kidding. The brewery club put a bounty on me though!" she japed while enjoying the snacks.

Kaureerah's eyes widened. "Hee hee! Yoor mesk hes eets auwn sense auf hoomaur!" She was dancing her heart out, finding all the pretty boys that she could. She shot a look back at Xiuyang and winked, gesturing.

The Sisters continued to play host with practiced precision. Even in their so-called downtime, things could end up being rather scripted for the benefit of the fans. Each of them was very welcoming and considerate to those taking part in the event. Mio offered a warm smile to Xiuyang as she indulged in one of the Mooncakes. She tilted her head to the side as the girl appeared to take her mask off to eat, then placed it back on over her face. She listened carefully, then nodded, standing up to move away, only to return with a wide-brimmed hat with a veil, presenting the weimao to Xiuyang to wear. "It is a privacy veil, please use it." She nodded encouragingly toward her to take it up, so she could enjoy eating without being on guard.

Xiuyang was taken aback by how prepared Mio was, either to go to such lengths for a fan or just in general. If only Mio could see the smile on her face, this could be an even more unforgettable moment. She put on the weimao and thanked her, very politely, in Nikanese.

For the rest, though, she'd have to rely on her Rettanese. "Sorry, I only know a few phrases," she admitted. "You're so thoughtful. Actually... my face is a bit... disfigured," she whispered. "I've never told anyone. I'm trying to learn how to fix it before anyone finds out. It's not the sort of thing any old healer can deal with."

It all spilled out before she could stop it. She felt so secure in this little place, surrounded by so few people, even fewer of them knowing Rettanese. Mio's smile, however, was probably what cracked her open. "You remind me of myself when I was younger, always smiling like the sun... Heh. Sorry. Imagine being only 19 years old and saying something like that." She said it like it was a joke, trying to smile, but there was a tear in her eye. She hadn't realized how dearly she missed showing her face, or how desperately she tried not to think about it, until the faire. She'd joined in the revelry to chase away such thoughts, not find more of them. "Sorry," she apologized again. "I'll do my best to stay positive like you." Maskless, she couldn't stop her voice from shaking a bit.

Mio was moved by Xiuyang’s heartfelt confession and touched by the vulnerability of the moment. With a compassionate smile, she responded with warm sincerity. "Thank you for sharing. I'm truly honoured that you felt comfortable enough to open up. Remember, our challenges don't define our worth; our actions do. So continue to be the person you want to be, let your true self be unveiled."

Catching Xuiyang's mention of disfigurement, Mahal stiffened briefly. Her thoughts shifted back to her own scars splayed out on her back. It was now covered with something more elegant, its history hidden. A sense of familiarity from the woman washed over Mahal, but she couldn't place why.

"Flaws are natural and they can encourage people to make their own beauty. I personally find those expressions more meaningful and interesting. They reflect a person's creativity and their soul." Mahal struggled with the right words, but she let them out regardless. She knew it was a bit odd for airing it in a conversation she wasn't invited into. However, the words were honest.

Xiuyang's gut reaction to Mahal's words was one of anger, but she quickly buried it. Her Rettanese was serviceable, but there was a distinct possibility that she didn't understand what she meant by "disfigured." The fact that she felt compelled to find comforting words was enough for the moment.

Mio drew her attention away quickly. Wiping her tears, she nodded. "Took the words right from my heart. That's what I've decided, too." Smiling, she took a half-step toward her, then took it back, clearly having resisted the urge to hug the kindhearted Nikanese idol.

In the background, Ji-woo's political commentary brought her back to her present worries. Would the Twin Emperors really follow through on their deal? Would she be able to secure the Tarlonese land for the Yasoi? Would doing so even result in the best outcome? Her face darkened as she considered her future role in this matter, and the price the Twin Emperors would require in exchange. Again, she felt powerless, useless. She hated this feeling. Something needed to be done.

Leon's Concert

"Something" would have to wait a while longer. With a rush of newfound energy, Xiuyang returned to three of the games she'd passed over due to bad luck in her earlier attempts. There were games requiring heavy use of magnetic and kinetic magics—two of her weakest—and a fireball game that by all rights she should have won on the first attempt, but the judges seemed to have a lapse in attention. Now, she'd returned with a vengeance, and managed to win all three games in no more than two attempts each, surprising even herself. Finally, she had enough tokens to claim the highest level of prize she still had access to—some of the tokens came in limited supply, alas. There was one more game, a type of shifting hedge maze runner, but she'd spent quite enough energy already, and had her fun.

At the end of it all, there was Leon Solaire's concert. Xiuyang wasn't one for song and dance, all things considered. While seemingly all of her friends and fellow students paired off and basked in the sensual atmosphere, Xiuyang indulged in the warmth of her one true love: alcohol.

Yet there was one left to join her.

Seeing as the token distribution was all but finished Trypano trudged her way past the couples and chatting few to someone she had been meaning to talk to for some time during this festival: Xiuyang. "Hello again. Had any luck with token collecting?"

Xiuyang rocked a hand back and forth to indicate a middling result. Technically, that was true, as she had about half of the possible maximum. Shrewdly, she kept them buried beneath the bandages around her arms, as though they were sleeves, having noticed some others being stolen from. She sighed. Was nothing sacred, not even these silly games? Perhaps it was the school's fault for putting next year's tuition on the line for those who otherwise couldn't afford it. "Yourself?" she asked. Curiously, she hadn't seen much of Trypano lately.

Trypano simply gave a shake of her head. "I was not able to make my own luck in many of these events." She crossed her arms, a mild exhale from the nostrils serving as a modest sigh. She hated the idea of depending on luck or the will of beings more powerful than her in forging her own fate but many of these games favored skills that she either didn't possess or were simply matters of luck. She has grown a great amount of disdain towards matters of uncertainty. "I've not collected enough tokens to be of worth in even the mildest sense. Quite frankly if I were able to part with any of the tokens in my possession I'd be happy to offer them to you so that they'd do some good rather than none." She glanced at the tokens she currently possessed, assessing which ones she could part with.

Remembering her mercantile instincts, Xiuyang perked up. "You got two that I don't, actually. That would put me up a prize tier..." She left out the part that it was the difference between silver and gold tier, which was staggering. "What are you hoping to get for them?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Nothing, really," Trypano answered back, her tone ever still flat and inexpressive, like reading a stone tablet. "It is simply that in the possibility that you were able to reach the top prize tier you could, in theory, receive access to the Forked Tower. Seeing as I'm restricted from speaking of it's contents as per the non-disclosure agreement I had signed I ordinarily wouldn't be able to discuss matters pertaining to my time within. Should you receive access however I fail to see how I would be barred from discussing it's contents with someone who already has access to it's interior. It would be easier to discuss the full scope of my work should you receive certain 'insights' that I have already obtained."

It was risky to put more trust than necessary in someone, especially after the last time, but she was quickly finding that what she could accomplish by her own hard work and sacrifice was still ever so limited. Any means of expanding what she was able to achieve was quickly becoming needed, especially given what forces were beginning to shift in the background of globe-spanning events. "Even if you don't receive access to the tower the other rewards will provide benefits both in magical potential and financial. The better off you are, the easier it will be for you to find me a lab to work out of after all." Indeed, while not wholly selfless a gift it was a gift all the same. She didn't need recompense for there to be value in seeing Xiuyang prosper. On some deep down level perhaps it was simply nice to see someone she's able to talk to in some capacity achieve more, even buried under layers of pragmatism as it were.

Xiuyang scoffed. "They'd never let a Solari roam around that place unattended. I'd consider it an insult to my family if they did. Besides, I'm nowhere near the grand prize... but I do know someone who is."

Taking the Leon concert token, she approached Abdel. "Hey, Abdel. I'm Xiuyang; heard about me from Maura?" She smiled. "I saw what happened. Some people are just terrible, aren't they?" She gave the responsible parties who had stolen his token the side eye. "This is the last one you need, right? Here. You can have it, if you wouldn't mind helping a girl out. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with my friendly little competition with Maura."

Abdel and Rikard had just caught eye of Maura and Ayla conversing, but before they could push through the milling masses that searched for the now missing star of the concert, they were intercepted! By a familiar face, no less. "Oh, hey!" replied a surprised Abdel. "Yeah, I remember you from ReTan. And school." he smiled faintly. "Not many people hide their mouths most of the time." "I know, right? More people should try it—covering their mouths in public. Especially politicians and lawyers," she japed back good-naturedly.

Then, he heard her proposition. The teen pursed his lips and crossed his arms. "Hmm, well the thing is, I've got-" he shifted his eyes to both sides and then leaned in to whisper. "Sixteen tokens." then, he retreated back with an impish grin. "Maybe we can switch it around, and I can get you a couple. How many did you manage to get?"

"I'm jealous just how multi-talented you are to get all those. Your performance at the talent show was especially good. Me, I might as well have got last place. I'm still wet behind the ears," she joked again. "But, uh..." she started, awkwardly. "You do need one of each to get the grand prize, right? I was sure you did; would be way too easy if you didn't." She shrugged. "I'm nowhere near a full set. I only got 8; it's a hopeless case."

Abdel chuckled as they exchanged. This one talked well. Definitely a merchant-type. The fanning of his ego was what made him slightly cautious, especially as the whale of the event. What could she possibly want? "Don't sell yourself short." he canted his head, eyes searching onto Xiuyang's. "I, uhm, think I got each, actually." he scratched the back of his head, feeling as though he was shooting her down each time. "But I think you only need fourteen for the prizes, right?" he nodded. "...If you need help with something it doesn't have to involve tokens, you know."

Xiuyang blinked. Did she... miss it in the fine print? It really didn't seem like Abdel was lying. She sighed, defeated. "It's not like me to miss details like that. Ever since ReTan... I feel like I can't focus at all." She was the one scratching the back of her head, now. "Well, um. I guess you don't need anything from me, then," she said awkwardly. "I'm not exactly comfortable, asking for favors. Doesn't feel right, getting something for nothing. Merchants, am I right?" she jokingly scoffed, shrugging.

"Yeah," replied Abdel, regressing into a deep muse as ReTan came up. "I don't think many of us came out the same, at all." He looked to Rikard, and further away his own girlfriend. They seemed 'fine,' but even they weren't totally unaffected by what they had seen. He, like Xiuyang, took that experience quite hard, however. "It's also late, we've all had drinks and got our minds warped by the beautiful songs," he commented with a more chipper demeanor. He then shrugged. "You can always just say if there's something you need. We're friends, right?" he tilted his head, smiling. "I mean, if not friends, we're at least something after coming out of that crazy trip a few weeks ago. Promise, no debt or favors."

"Yeah... had a bit much to drink," she lied half-heartedly, looking a bit lost. She never was good at trusting people that she couldn't bribe or blackmail. That was yet another talent she lacked that Abdel seemed to have. "Of course, we're friends. All the more reason I should make sure you get something out of helping me, right? That's my take on it, anyway."

"It's not the sort of thing I should involve you in, otherwise,"
she whispered directly into his ear with audio projection. "Nothing nefarious. It's just not something I want spread around." Whatever it was, it seemed to be serious, and she seemed unwilling to talk about it unless she had something to offer—and she thought she was offering access to the Forked Tower.

Abdel nodded. "I get it." and then, he smiled bright. "Need help getting home or...?" Head tilted, he worried that maybe she had more than what she was saying. "I think Maura is going with Ayla anyway."

Xiuyang blinked. The offer seemed to surprise her. "Sure." She flicked the Leon concert token back to Trypano. "Looks like that plan was a bust. It's getting late, but maybe you should keep trying. The night is still young, after all!" Carefree, she took a drink from her gourd, seemingly unaware of her contradictory words. Xiuyang's face couldn't be seen, but she definitely made one. She was drinking the good stuff.

An Unexpected Invitation

When Xiuyang returned to her dorm, she found something waiting for her: poised just as immaculately as everything else on her desk, the letter drew her eye with an attached rose. What?! Who—?! and then she remembered Ciro Volta, who had tried to approach her more than once during the faire—to which she had responded in kind, but always seemed to just miss him. She'd thought that perhaps he'd given up—but he didn't, and here was the proof, with an unexpected, undeniable subtext attached that sent her heart aflutter. Inexorable curiosity about the handsome yet mysterious boy clashed with ingrained, stubborn cynicism; only two types of men showed interest in her, Xiuyang told herself: those who were desperate for love, and those who thought her desperate for much of the same—an easy mark. Which one was he? Should she even read it? The Trials were just around the corner, and anything that impeded her sleep or her better judgment tomorrow would be a setback, she determined. There were more important letters she needed to open first, she told herself—and letters that were less important but had arrived days ago, besides.


It was a moot point. The sight of the rose lingered tantalizingly in her mind. She was like a kid, trying to go to sleep knowing that there was something exciting going on—fun times to be had, gifts to be received in good cheer—but not quite knowing what to expect. Beneath the surface, too, she had put her heart on ice this night—lest it burn with envy toward Penny—and the sight of it warmed her, in spite of her stubborn attempts not to let it shake her. The walls of her determination to not care were slowly crumbling to dust. What was the point of waiting any longer, if it was going to be like this? The letter was intended to be a gift, and she was letting it become a nuisance—why? Because she "knew better?" Was it an act of spite against Ipte who had yet to bless her?

She mentally berated herself for taking it so seriously. In the grand scheme of her life, heavens help her if this was the most eventful thing going on in it. At the end of the day, it was probably just an average love letter. She could open it now and, in the worst case, maybe regret it for a little while after, or she could leave it unopened and let it occupy space in her mind, possibly forever. Confused, anxious and—beneath the mire of mixed emotions, eager, she carefully opened and read it, her cynical eyes only partially cutting through the prose and gentlemanly banter to the core of its message. He wanted to meet her at... The Groove?!

"That little shit," Xiuyang remarked with a grin. He was definitely flaunting his connections, mentioning The Groove, and the simple assumption that she'd know how to find it on her own was bold, yet also subtle. "I know what you get up to in secret," his words seemed to suggest teasingly. He was sharp, and his letter seemed to suggest that he thought she was sharp, too, which gave her hope that maybe he didn't take her for a fool, after all. If that was the case... was there a chance he was actually interested in her? Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that she didn't know how to react to this news. For once, she knew she was on the back foot. She didn't have a single ounce of makeup to her name, and no pretty dresses to wear.

No, she did! The Twin Emperors had given her one! Though it had been intended to be used as a weapon against her, she would now make it her own. Only, wearing bandages on her arms and legs with such a nice dress would definitely look tacky. She didn't need to be an expert in fashion to know that much... but then again, in some cultures, women covered as much skin as they could. What if he found it... exotically charming? Screw it, she'd hedge her bets and wear a shawl. That would make the bandages less noticeable. Or... a thought occurred to her. What if she borrowed Desi's body? Could she do that? They looked similar enough, and it was unlikely that Ciro had ever met her. Surely it would suffice for a first date, and if he noticed a difference, she would blame it on the makeup she didn't have.

Her mind reeled and returned to the words: "first date," implying that she was already entertaining more than one. AAAAAGH!

Hopeless! She was a hopeless girl! But she was armed with a plan, and as long as she was using facemimicry, she may as well...

She grinned. He'd never see it coming. She knew she was playing with fire, but she couldn't resist the temptation.
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