"Why must you hurt yourself? Can't you see I'm in pain, too?"
"I've made progress, haven't I? So, why does my heart still hurt?"

Shatterscape thought she had left behind an orderly house. She had talked it through properly with Rei, explaining why she wanted to investigate the city near the coast and had everything figured out, cover story included. She had said her good byes with a heavy heart, but she thought she had the lead on something that could improve her body-shaping abilities. It seemed to have been worth it when she started out. Now, as she marched through the hospital, barely restraining herself from ripping doors off their hinges, it proved a worse than useless endeavour.
She should have gotten injured in Evil Eye’s stead!
Teeth grit, she leapt from door to door, hallway to hallway, leaving a whirlwind of people and objects in her wake. The sheer force of her approach turned the hospital upside-down, but she refused to care as she menaced everything in her way. Her gauntlets slammed nurses into walls. Her legs kicked doctors aside. She bent hospital beds that dared to interrupt her. She almost ripped doors off their hinges.
When Kiyo awoke to another hospital, it was in a cold sweat. The buzzing of the incandescent bulbs was as unsettling as ever, and caused her to remember her encounter on the train. Her injuries were the same, the beeping of the heart monitor was the same, and it was roughly the same time of day, the light from the window being just as unbearably bright.
She had to call a nurse. She had to know that waking up in the City of Light wasn't going to be a Groundhog Day hell she'd have to relive over and over until she'd lost her mind. When the nurse arrived, her first question was where she was, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she learned that she was, in fact, in Hibusa Town, and a girl named Rei had dropped her off. Once Kiyo had calmed down and had some water, she turned her attention to her phone. It had been turned off—maybe to save the battery? Or to keep the nurses from answering to a frantic Shatterscape, she thought.
As if on cue, Kiyo could hear something tearing through the hospital. Something powerful. A magical girl? She was about to transform and flee the scene when, suddenly, she heard a familiar voice echoing, calling out her name. “Evil Eye!” she shouted. “Evil Eye!” Another door. It creaked. The wood cracked. People were running. Shouting something. Trying to run away. Madness beget madness. And then... Shuuko's phone vibrated.
save me
room 404
Kiyo listened as the havoc in the hospital quieted down, then suddenly moved right above her.
304* she corrected, snickering.
A room’s floor ceased to be at the gentle insistence of Shatterscape’s gauntlets as she pierced through. Bricks and mortar pelted her like rain from the sheer force of the blow, but it was nothing because her friend needed help she was injured she was right here she was—eating bad hospital food. Kiyo had sent her a picture of it. Yes, this was the "emergency."
Shatterscape blanched. She paused mid-strike as she had been about to obliterate a wall to get to her goal quicker, then grit her teeth. She was going to have words with that damned girl; it was one thing to play harmless pranks, but quite another to threaten everyone with her life. Resolute as such, the self-titled high priestess marched through the hospital at a much more sedate pace before tearing off the door of Kiyo’s room for real, ready to give her a lecture.
Even Kiyo had to be a bit startled when the ceiling outside her room collapsed. Oh, fuck. Maybe I went a bit too far. Did Rei not even call Shuuko? Seriously?! Then, the door wasn't so much opened as removed. What Kiyo saw would have been more frightening than anything in the City of Light if she weren't so certain Shatterscape would never harm her. Even so, she lost the fight against her instinct to transform immediately upon seeing that furious face. She felt her broken bones snap into place. It wasn't painful, but it was certainly strange.
Hotaru stepped forward, instead. Shatterscape reeled as their relative unity broke for a moment, just enough for the girl to claim the body as her own and pilot it across the room in a blitz then into a hug as her Herculean Gauntlets disappeared into motes of gold light just before Hotaru could have vaporised Evil Eye. Instead, the other girl “merely” ended up on the receiving end of a bone-crushing hug. “You’re all right!”
Evil Eye felt her ribs get pushed right back out of place again. "Aitatatatai! Sh'ko!" she managed as air was forced out of her lungs. She returned the hug for just a moment before starting to tap out. When she could breathe again, she reached up and patted Shuuko on the head. "I'm alright, Shuuko. I thought you already knew," she lied. "So please, don't cry. You were right, I shouldn't have traveled alone. I fucked up. Me. It's not your fault, okay?"
Even the self-styled scientist Evil Eye would be lying if she said that she fully understood the nature of Shuuko. It seemed to her that the girl with the mirror, Shuuko, fittingly enough had two sides to her: the self-proclaimed "high priestess," a good-hearted girl who was a model student, would do anything to protect the people she cared about, and got easily infuriated by obstacles she couldn't overcome easily as a result of her own high self-standards. Then, there was the "bad Shuuko," who when coaxed out of whatever shell she resided in, eagerly joined Evil Eye in her schemes, and might have appreciated her joke from earlier. It wasn't a perfect theory. There were times like this when Evil Eye made a bad call and ended up hurting Shuuko's feelings. She wouldn't bother to apologize to the Shuuko who was hurt by her text; she would simply adapt to whichever Shuuko happened to take over at this moment. This was the Shuuko that needed to know that Kiyo was going to be fine, and she wasn't a failure just because a bad thing happened.
Hotaru looked at Kiyo with a wide, beaming smile despite whatever damage she may or may not have inflicted upon her companion, not to mention her surroundings. Even now, there were panicked shouts from people evacuating the building as the staff tried their best to organise way too may people. However, Hotaru cared not for such things—she only wished to talk with Kiyo after such a long time. The others were in disagreement for once, though.
As such, after a second or two of the hug, Evil Eye could feel Shatterscape shift again as she leaned away, now possessing the very same set of cold, calculating eyes that lay upon Evil Eye when the demonic-looking dark girl entered the room. ”Has the observer of the heavens,” spoke Shatterscape as she lifted her left hand to trace Evil Eye’s jaw towards the middle of her neck, ”Thought about what it means to defraud a humble high priestess with false astrology?”
Evil Eye smiled wickedly as Shatterscape's finger found its way under her chin. "These eyes see only what is true—but these lips? Well, they speak from the heart, and the heart is, as they say, deceitful above all things, and desperately sick." When Evil Eye was transformed, it was nearly impossible to trace even a hint of what she was feeling by looking at her eyes. Were they wide open because she was fearful? Delighted? Amused? Enraptured? "And I am so desperately sick, my dear high priestess, and knowing you still care is the only cure for what ails my troubled soul."
She turned her back to Shatterscape, still smiling. "Though perhaps, in this case, prevention was the best medicine after all? So I will make it up to you..." She tucked her hair away and lowered the back of her kimono, exposing her dark magical emblem. "Touch it, and you will know all that I have seen... or I suppose you may finally smite this evil doer, if it pleases you."
“It matters not what you show this priestess!” Shatterscape responded, reaching out for Evil Eye’s shoulders to turn the Dark Girl back towards herself, and at this, even Evil Eye's notoriously invincible smile faded. Shatterscape's voice broke its usual cadence, almost snapping at her companion. “It matters that you were injured beyond the pale and yet you play it as though it were a fool’s game. Astrology and the divine are interlinked as one—how can you treat one callously while you care for the other like a precious offering bowl?”
”Is… is the concern this humble high priestess shows… so callously disregarded? Is the way she longs for the prediction of the heavens too obscure for one’s observant eyes? This humble high priestess wishes to know, for to invite harm on her well-known observer of the heavens is to invite her wrath. But said observer of heavens seems, to this humble priestess, to fail to observe such motions – for they are of the terrestrial sphere instead of the celestial one the observer longs for.”
The two girls locked eyes once more as chaos unfolded around them. The fire department had been called and were looking for a gas leak that might have explained the "explosion." Evil Eye's ears ignored their shouts, focused intently on every word of the high priestess, though it might not have appeared so. Her speech was esoteric, and would likely be dismissed as nonsense by about half of the Detention Club, but Evil Eye deciphered their meaning after only a few seconds. "Ah. That's why you're mad," she observed, with a tone that would have come across as insincere from anyone but Evil Eye. "It's not, 'even without the observer, the heavens remain,' but rather, 'without her interpreter, the high priestess will feel lost.' I see."
In simpler terms, Shatterscape was lonely, and also hurt that Kiyo didn't take better care of herself. "I have seen your heart, Shuuko, but it appears I have been away from the mirror for so long, I've lost sight of myself. Forgive me." Her smile returned, and she reached out to touch the girl's cheek.
”It is a fault as old as time.” Shatterscape nodded, her expression softening slightly, though her eyes were still as constants in the sky. ”Please make no mistake. This is the only thing this humble high priestess will ask of you: to not forsake the hand she extends towards the observer of the heavens.” She let out a long breath as she closed her eyes, the motion contrasting against her appearance. An Oni should not show trepidation as she speaks or contemplates the future. Making no move to remove the hand on her cheek, Shatterscape let the touch linger for several seconds, even as the fire brigade tried their damnedest to figure out what the hell happened here. They were searching the hospital room by room, much like her earlier, just less violently.
“You know, Evil Eye,” spoke Hotaru as Sylvia’s and Ember’s cooled heads let her retake the reins, ”You… Forget it. This won’t happen again, will it? Will you be more careful?” It sounded like a legitimate question even as from Evil Eye’s perspective, Shatterscape's speech and cadence changed at the drop of a hat.
"I wonder," Evil Eye replied enigmatically as she stroked Shuuko's face. "If I only had a mirror, Shuuko," she sighed sweetly. "Mirror, mirror... no longer on the wall, but accompanying this evil witch on the grandest journey of all. Ever vigilant, watching the all-watcher." Her smile widened. "You will keep those bright, sweet eyes on me, won't you? If you do, I'll be so very, very careful."
”And here I’d hoped you’d take the fool’s promise," replied Hotaru with an impish smile of her own as she leaned into Evil Eye’s hand, taking solace in the other magical girl’s presence. The only thing she refused to do was to close her eyes and more because of the commotion still going on in the background rather than the fact she was alone with her friend; caution always served well.
Finally, Evil Eye let go of her partner's face, and allowed a moment to pass in silence. "Well, I was going to beg you sweetly for something fried in oil and dyed in red number forty, but if it pleases you, I'll settle for something a little less exciting. A little more 'careful' —but I'm not eating that." Evil Eye picked up a cane that looked like it might've belonged to someone from Rei's inner circle, and gestured to a plate of gross hospital food that she had banished to the corner of the room to contemplate the weight of its creator's sins. Some yellowish objects cut into perfect squares appeared as if they could, at some point, have been considered something approximating a plate of macaroni and cheese. Rather than eating it, Kiyo had cut them up and assembled them into a pyramid shape as a monument to her displeasure. "Now you see, Shuuko, why I was so in dire need of rescue. It almost makes me miss Oros's cooking. Almost." She grinned. "I have no ride, so we're going wherever you want today. My treat. ...Ah, but I'm broke too. ...Shit." She clicked her tongue.
”I can’t see how hospital food’s something I have to save you from,” Hotaru continued as she walked towards what was left of the door. ”And if I’m choosing and paying tonight… it’s ramen time. Yours’ll be from hell, mine will be from heaven.” a light laugh escaped Hotaru’s lips as she reached a hand for Evil Eye to take. "Ramen?! I know I've been bad, but you could still spoil me just a little..." she pouted sarcastically as she floated up and out of her hospital bed. ”C’mon, it isn’t that far. And until then, please tell me what happened? You sounded...” A pause. Hotaru swallowed a fact she didn’t want to hear. ”… really bad. Are you sure you’re all right? I hope I didn’t squeeze you too hard.”
Flight wasn't something all magical girls had, but Evil Eye wasn't most magical girls. She wasn't particularly strong, and even her flying was more like that of a blimp than an airplane—faster than ground-based traffic speed limits in most places, but not by much. She didn't intend to fly, though; she just took Shuuko's hand and let the girl pull her along like a kite. "The crash happened while I was untransformed, so my real body is just fine. The cane makes me look like I have a little class, though, don't you think?" She lifted it up next to her head as if to tip an imaginary hat. Then, she looked up at the ceiling soberly. "...Several broken ribs and an ankle. Walking sucks, and it hurts when I breathe too deep, which happens when I walk. Got painkillers though. I'll make a full recovery, but it may take some time. It'll only be a problem when I have to be 'Kiyo.' Which... is most of the time. I get to use the nurse's office whenever I want, though, so it can't be all bad."
Hotaru frowned as she gently pulled Evil Eye along, indeed looking out for her companion as though she were a kite, or perhaps a precious helium balloon acquired after a day of fun in the theme park. She set a sedate pace even as the hospital around her also quieted down, her rampage having ceased along with its effects and therefore, investigative teams were trying to figure out what just happened here to cause so much havoc. She even saw a member of them meticulously trying to piece together what happened to one of the stretchers, so in a fit of mischief, Hotaru knocked it over.
”I’d be more than happy to escort you, Evil Eye~” she spoke, sing-song as she watched the freaked out man trying to comprehend how the stretcher could have flipped over by itself. ”That’s what the club is for, isn’t it? We help out those in need.” One could practically see the rainbow star fly from Hotaru’s wink as she led her companion out the door and towards the ramen place she had in mind. "Is that what it's for?" Evil Eye pondered idly, tapping her chin. Then she shrugged, as if she'd lost interest.
”But seriously, what happened? Your last fight wasn’t this bad.” Looking up at Evil Eye as she floated beside and slightly behind her, Hotaru let concern creep into her voice as well as her eyes.
"I was ambushed, or perhaps both of us were driving distracted and it was just an accident? It was a magical girl. Light or dark, I'm not sure. She grabbed me, and we both crashed. I blacked out and woke up in the hospital. Maybe she did, too, or maybe she took me there. I didn't stick around to find out the details."
There was a pause. Something seemed... missing, somehow. Evil Eye grinned conspiratorially. "Oh, I didn't wake up at this hospital. A different one, in the one place dark magical girls should never go to," she employed with dramatic flair. Then she paused, her smile vanishing. "You know, it was a disappointingly mundane hospital. They didn't even perform an exorcism or anything. Just gave me drugs and shooed me out the door, like gentlemen. If it were me, I'd have brought that girl to my secret laboratory and... that's if I had one, mind you. Project for another day—when I'm not broke." She smiled and continued the story, never getting back to the point about what she had in mind for her secret lab experiment.
That was how Evil Eye told stories: like a distracted driver, pointing out every other shop on the way to their destination. She'd build drama, only to go off on a rabbit trail about something mundane, like something funny she'd said to a girl on an elevator, but then casually drop a bombshell as if she were talking about the weather. It was as if she relished keeping a captive audience on their toes, and getting reactions. It was ineffective storytelling by any objective metric, especially when Evil Eye could just show Shuuko what happened—but the girls were having fun, so it didn't matter. By the end, she'd told Shuuko about everything, including a close encounter with a girl on a train who called herself badass something-or-other. Of course, in Evil Eye's version of events, she'd correctly deduced that the other girl was also up to no good, and so they'd formed an informal truce—a monstrously powerful opponent, thoroughly outfoxed by the brilliant Evil Eye, with nothing but the simple magic of words.
Hotaru grinned back at Evil Eye with a glint of mischief before she shut up and listened to her story. At first, she merely blinked in surprise while her companion regaled her with the tale of what happened in the City of Light, but the more she heard, the more she had to purse her lips to prevent herself from commenting on the story. Of course, Evil Eye likely embellished it to her, but more than the embellishment, Hotaru knew she was leaving things out. Important things. Ember also confirmed it, so it was as good as truth.
Something squeezed Hotatu's chest even as they walked side by side. A certain, slow kind of pain blossomed like a vine from deep inside, every exaggeration and dismissal of what happened a thorn on the all-encompassing plant. Even though it only advanced at the speed of molasses, it nevertheless advanced, ensnaring Hotaru’s form muscle by muscle while the tale weaved, so much that she almost reached for her heart at one point.
Near the end of the story, Evil Eye spoke as if she were tired, as though she were remembering how exhausted her escape had left her by the time Rei picked her up. Evil Eye had a complicated relationship with Rei, but the rest of the Detention Club—with the one possible exception of Earthshaker—didn't know much beyond that, and she wouldn't talk about it.
”You… You’re lucky to have escaped alive,” she spoke, but it did nothing to alleviate the pressure of the vines, nor the strange feeling in her chest. ”It’s… I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you. I’d have kicked the asses of those light girls!” No. Those were still not the words she needed to say to lift this feeling. What were they then? They did not come easy for certain.
"I'm aware of my good fortune, Shuuko. I'm aware." In a rare moment, Evil Eye closed her eyes. It was like a ritual of some kind, which meant she was about to cut the nonsense and say something serious. "Why do you think I suddenly hung up the phone without telling you where I was? Rei could have sent the whole Detention Club, but we would have all been defeated easily. Even a blind girl leading the blind like her could see that. No, I needed to escape on my own strength, vanishingly small though it may be—but make no mistake, I had no intention of sacrificing myself for anyone. I planned from the start to get out of there alive. The fact that I did is proof of my superior genius."
By the time Evil Eye was done telling her story, they'd arrived at Shuuko's destination. "I know I said I was broke, but we don't really have to pay, you know? We could just snipe what we want from the kitchen and go home." ”You’re right about not paying but… I like this place! It wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t pay for my meal,” she pointed straight at the ramen stand a couple of feet away.
It looked like it had seen far better days. Located in the middle of an alley that smelled half like death and half like junk, its neon sign seemed to have shorted out a long time ago. Its once sturdy wooden frame looked as though it were about to fall apart at the slightest poke and its chairs were half rotten, an impressive feat given their metal frames. The plastic seats in front were the only relatively intact thing, but even they were worn away by the ages. ”Now c’mon! Let’s get something in you, or you’ll wither away!
Evil Eye alighted on the ground, placing her weight on her good foot and her cane. After the girls ensured there were no eyes on them, the proud Evil Eye popped a pill and untransformed into Kiyo. She looked weak and tired, like she could indeed wither away, but there was also a kind of contented smile on her face. "Let's see it then, this special place with an unassuming appearance that you like so much."
Evil Eye's argument made too much sense, as the City of Light was filled to the brim with light magical girls. No dark girl could possibly survive there. Even two of them were too few to stand against what the city represented, however, Hotaru merely huffed that inconvenient fact away, waiting for her companion to change back into civilian form before she did, too. Even so, they were still out of place in this abandoned, run-down alleyway, but the warrior cared little for it as she yelled at the top of her lungs.
”Hey old man! Your favourite customer is back and she's brought company!” A flat, hollow sound escaped the ramen stand as she called out, almost as though someone had hit their head on a low ceiling. Low, threatening mutters followed along with a couple of steps as a man stuck his head out from between the curtains. He too, looked like he had seen better days, as his eyes looked like they went scuba diving at the bottom of the Marianna trench and dirt specked his face.
“Ah! Shuuko!” he greeted her, a smile making its way on his face. “Is it going to be the usual?”
”It is for me! My friend, though...” she said, indicating that Kiyo should speak up. ”Order whatever you want. This old man’s going to make it, isn’t that right?”
“Only within reason!” the chef responded with a fond smile on his face.
"I'll have whatever she's having, but don't make it too spicy," replied her partner with the cat's tongue. "If I start coughing, I might actually die," she joked as she shambled her way over to one of the seats. Also, if she cried, it would cause untold problems, but there was no need to say that. She observed the old man with an impenetrable gaze. He definitely sounded annoyed when Shuuko appeared, but he seemed nice enough. It would be fine, right?
“Two beef ramen bowls with extra eggs coming up,” noted the man as he ducked into his partition. Hotaru acknowledged him with an upbeat and louder than usual ‘yeah’ before she turned back towards Kiyo. "Oh shit, that sounds good right now," Kiyo whispered idly.
”How long until you recover? And how’s your bike doing?” she hadn’t seen it outside the hospital, so she feared the worst – but then again, maybe it would turn out for the best. It has been a while since they schemed to scurry away with something valuable and there was no way for them to afford a motorcycle of that quality. Not properly at least. But with some extra cleverness… Sylvia scoffed at the idea, but Ember grinned as she started going through the shops she knew.
Kiyo shrugged at Shuuko's question. "Who knows? Probably no more than about four months. Could be faster, 'cause, y'know. Young and made of fairy dust and all that." She kept her response vague in case the old man was eavesdropping. "The bike is trashed though. Maybe I'll invest in a wheelchair and you can push me around," she joked. Truthfully, there was probably a little merit to the lie she'd told to the girl who stopped her from falling down into the subway. The more she allowed her injuries to cause her to stagnate, the longer it would take to heal. Put another way, would remaining transformed as much as possible cause her healing to accelerate? Or was it the opposite? "This calls for an experiment," she declared suddenly. "On the fastest method to recovery." She steepled her fingers gleefully. Whenever she had opportunity to learn something new about magical girls, she'd suddenly get motivated like this.
”No.” Hotaru looked at Kiyo as though the latter had suggested growing seven heads between the two of them. ”You’re still trying to play that stupid game, aren’t you? Well, it isn’t working. I won’t see you hurt again, and I’m not going to see you do… whatever you want to. I’ll tie you up if I have to.” Her tone remained even, serious and tinged with just a little bit of anger.
”Your body isn't a game! I’d rather we do anything else.” Such as figuring out how to get another motorbike with the least amount of dark magical girl stuff they could get away with. That sounded much more acceptable than whatever Kiyo planned her experiment to be.
"Tie me up? Sure sounds like a game involving my body. What kind of game? Is it fun?" Kiyo inquired mischievously.
The old man announced his presence with a cough. "Beef ramen for two, extra eggs. Enjoy your, ah, evening, girls," he said uncertainly as he hobbled off.
"PFFFT." Kiyo covered her mouth as she broke into a snicker. "Puhaha, ha... ouu. Fuck, it hurts." She suppressed her laughter, eyes watering. She sniffed—but, she didn't cry. "Relax, alright? This one is elementary, and the whole De... science club benefits. We'll find out which is the fastest way for me to heal, and stick to doing that. I... thought you'd like that." She turned her attention to her food, slowly picking at it. Eating was probably not painless, either—or maybe she didn't actually have much of an appetite? "Unless this high priestess wants to nurse me back to health for as long as she can?" she accused playfully.
"You’re incorrigible.” Despite her exasperation, Hotaru could not help the smile pulling at her face, nor the slight, melodic lilt in her voice. "But it ain’t going to work. I know what you’re saying, but Kiyo, you’re…" and here, Hotaru went quiet as she shut her mouth. She did not even reach for her bowl of ramen as she looked her companion up and down. Teeth sunk into lips as the proper words failed to bubble to the surface for several seconds, which resulted in Ember embracing her inside the confines of their shared thoughts.
”You don’t have to rush, Hotaru. I’m sure you’ll be able to find the words you are looking for eventually. Even if you don’t, I will be here to help you all the way.
”It’s so frustrating!” Hotaru almost punched the ramen stand, only a hair’s restraint standing between her and ill-considered violence. ”I don’t even know what it is…!” On the outside, the silence dragged on.
Kiyo sighed. "You're not the only one who can't find the right words, Shuuko." She laid her chopsticks into the side of the bowl. "Scientific progress demands sacrifice. A grievous injury to my body and the loss of my bike may seem an unacceptable price, but it's less than what I paid to meet you and the other club girls. That's why, I won't weep over the sins that brought me this far. You shouldn't either. There may or may not be light at the end of the tunnel, but standing still or turning back halfway is a death sentence when there's a train coming." The train was, of course, Ashbringer, but Hotaru wouldn't realize that until much later that night, after giving it some deeper thought.
”Scientific progress my left buttcheek! We’re talking about you here, Kiyo!” The sentence burst out of Hotaru without warning, the words uncontrolled and free. ”You aren’t some… experiment or something! What the hell gave you that idea?” Squeeze. Something started to gather inside Hotaru’s body, feeling as if someone had put her in a vice, then started to apply pressure all over her skin. She did not like it. Neither did Sylvia or Ember.
”She shouldn’t put herself in danger!" Sylvia all but shouted at the top of her lungs inside their skull. ”It’s bad enough I couldn’t protect her properly, but now…"
”Yeah. She shouldn’t be thinking like that, girls. ‘Ru, could you please find out why she is trying to do… whatever she’s trying to do?
”And what the hell do you even want to do? Why do you think it’s so important to find this out? I can’t keep breaking your bones or something to see what happens.” Hotaru continued her outburst seamlessly despite the small pause, reaching out to Kiyo. She lay a hand on the other girl’s uninjured shoulder, resting it there as concern wavered in her eyes.
Kiyo winced. She looked like she was in pain, and a little annoyed. "Why? Should I tell you my ambitions when you seem so keen on getting in my way?" she asked pointedly. "Besides, my burdens are not some practical problem that can be solved by just telling someone. On the contrary, it's more like Roko's Basilisk." She seemed like she had more on her mind, but chose not to pursue the thought any further. "Forget it. In the short term, my goal was to find a way to solve our current problem, and I've succeeded. All that remains is to put proven theory into practice—and, next club meeting, I'll divulge my plans on how we can accomplish that. We will commence Operation Granfalloon together."
A long pause followed that declaration. Hotaru stared at her companion without touching her meal, drawing the moment out before she lifted her left hand to lay it on Kiyo’s shoulder. Considerable weight hid behind the touch: a lesson imparted or perhaps an experience won through sheer grit. Perseverance. The act of passing on knowledge between mother and daughter, a sacred ritual that could not be used for any other purpose.
She moved with the speed of lightning to apply one of her fabled Nuclear Forehead Flicks, pulling on some of her magical strength to convey her feelings on whatever Kiyo just said, then withdrew the arm before the other girl could exact any form of revenge. Kiyo's head flew back, but she just managed to stay in her chair. She closed her eyes, something she hardly ever did, while she reeled. "AHH!! What the hell, Shuuko?! If I wasn't all juiced up on pills, that would've really hurt!"
”I don’t understand a single word you’re saying. Roko’s Basilisk, problems you’ve already solved, Operation Granfalloon… What’s that supposed to mean? I know you aren’t one for directness, but come on!” Hotaru narrowed her eyes, neither her gaze, nor her face smiling at all. ”Give me something to work with or I’ll just get you a motorbike and call it a day.”
”She is not making sense to me either.” Ember shrugged in their shared mental space. ”And there’s no way I’m letting children get hurt again. Not if I can help it.” Sylvia nodded in support of the notion, her teeth grit.
”I swear, if she’s thinking of something stupid again…”
Kiyo sat quiet for a moment, waiting until she stopped seeing stars. Soon enough, though, she was giggling again, like nothing had happened. "Heh. 'Give me what I want, or I'll give you something you want and be done with it.' You're so demanding~" She smiled, but Shuuko was not. Seeing her so stubborn seemed to annoy her, but she also seemed to come to her senses and relent a little.
"Look, it's like this... While this high priestess is so focused on protecting my body, the observer of the heavens wishes to protect something... a bit more ethereal." She turned her attention back to her food. "You'll have to figure out what that is on your own. If I told you, you'd either tell me I'm stupid for worrying about it, or get dragged into my delusions. Hence, Roko's Basilisk. Once its eye hits you, your fate is sealed. It's an info hazard. You're better off not knowing. You knowing about it doesn't make my burden easier to carry; it just burdens you too." She hid her pouting face behind the excuse of having egg in her mouth. "No spoilers on Operation Granfalloon. We get stronger by making others do the work for us. That's the gist. Wittew Kwiyo-chwan won't even break a sweat. Happy now?" She averted her eyes toward the direction they'd come from, her voice a little sassy.
”This ‘high priestess’”, the thick mockery along with the quotation marks in Hotaru’s voice could only be missed by the deaf or the willingly ignorant, “can’t help unless you talk.” A sigh. Hotaru shook her shoulders as though she were trying to get the rain off herself. Like Kiyo, she turned towards her steaming ramen, reaching for the chopsticks and snapping them in half. She asked for another pair that she stabbed into her dish with the viciousness of a crocodile ripping her prey apart.
”Hotaru…” warned Sylvia with a gentle voice, but the other girl just ignored her, bulling through the problem.
”I get it if you can’t say it, but this isn’t funny. First you want me to start breaking your bones, and now you’re not even hinting at what you’re planning? And how do you plan on getting stronger without any effort on your part anyways? My strength doesn’t come from sitting at a ramen stand and not lifting my pretty ass, you know!” She slapped her butt for emphasis with a loud smack, leaving behind a red mark.
”You'll scare Kiyo, Hotaru. I'm sure she has her reasons for not explaining...”
”Then she can damn well explain those.”
Kiyo covered her mouth, trying to hold back a snicker that was sure to cause absolute agony. She wasn't looking at Shuuko, but she could hear the slap, and the mental image she conjured was even funnier than the real thing. "Shuuko, how the fuck did you get the idea that I want you to break my bones? My bones are already broken, I'm not breaking any more," she assured her softly, wheezing. ”You’re… not? Eyes wide, mouth opening, Hotaru looked as though she had just been told something revolutionary, idiotic, completely out of the left field or all three. "Did you miss something I said? Am I boring you?" Kiyo smiled as though it didn't matter. Again, though, she paused, her smile vanishing when Shuuko didn't return it.
She made that expression like she was in pain, again. "Do you think me so cruel, Shuuko? That I would have fun breaking myself just to see your reaction? Have I... wounded you so deeply that you don't trust me?" Tears of darkness welled up in Kiyo's eyes, but still, she did not allow herself to cry. "Ah... The price of my scientific progress just... went up. It was too high. It's completely unacceptable." She sniffed. "Shuuko, what I want to protect... feels far away, when you won't smile at me. Of course my well-being isn't a joke. I just wanted something that hurt you to be something you could laugh at, instead. I just want you to smile. Your worrying... hurts."
'If we can't even pretend to be happy, then what was it all for? Why put everything on the line?' That's what my heart is saying. Such a simple feeling, even a child could understand it. So, not having the right words is all a sham, I guess...
”But, Kiyo… argh! I’ve been such an asshole then!” This time, she let her chopsticks drop into her ramen before she clenched her fist. Then she gave herself a Nuclear Forehead Flick, leaving behind an angry red mark just about where she had given Kiyo one. ”Sorry… Really. It’s just… how else do you test for healing? That’s why I thought you were going to hurt yourself.” Meeting Kiyo’s eyes head on, Hotaru laid her hand on her fellow magical girl’s forehead, then tried to wipe away the hurt she had dealt just a moment prior. She let it linger as though it would undo what could not be undone, hoping that her palm was cool enough to give at least a bit of relief.
While Shuuko rubbed Kiyo's forehead, Kiyo looked around, ensuring there were no eavesdroppers. She did this with her Mogall as much as with her own eyes. "Transformation. I wondered if it had any positive effect on how quickly we could heal, or if our human bodies are essentially frozen in time while not in use. Since healing will take months, I can try spending most of my time in one body for a bit, then switch out until I figure out what's faster, or if it makes any difference. If there's no clear winner, then the best thing to do would just be to use my transformation as much as possible, since I won't be in pain. I'd hope for that result. I've got two-to-one odds, after all." She smiled a little.
”Uhh… well… err… This high priestess… also considers her observer of the heavens to be important. I wouldn’t get mad at you for getting hurt if I didn’t.” Stating the obvious, Hotaru turned back to her ramen with blitzing speed, as though she wanted to hide something. And come to think of it, just what had been the look in her eyes when she looked at Kiyo? There had been a soft quality to it, the normally inquisitive gaze of the high priestess far too kind.
Kiyo stood up. "No, I'm the asshole, Shuuko. For you to think I would treat myself as less than a guinea pig, I must have done something to erode your faith in me. If not all at once, then in a hundred little ways, each one by itself not worth fighting over, but piling up all the same. ...I'm sorry." She leaned on Shuuko, a hand on her left shoulder and Kiyo's chin on her right. In her current state, it was probably the closest she could comfortably get to giving Shuuko a hug.
'Sorry?' When was the last time Kiyo apologized properly? She was always telling people "don't be mad" or "forgive me." "Thanks for the meal, Shuuko. It was good. But now, I want to rest. Would you please take me home?" So now, there was a 'please and thank you,' too? It was unlike her, but if it meant she was reflecting on her actions properly, maybe it didn't matter. After all, Kiyo was coming home, and their shared apartment hadn't felt like home in a while, not without Evil Eye's nefarious giggling coming from the other room late into the night.
”...Yeah. Still. Sorry again.” Hotaru carefully reached around Kiyo, pulling her closer with great care. Neither her grip, nor her pull were strong and if the other magical girl resisted just a little bit, she would stop. It was just that it felt nice to embrace Kiyo like this, the warmth slowly spreading through Hotaru’s body along with her faster-than-usual heartbeat. Maybe it was also stronger? She could hardly tell with the two of their bodies pressed so close together.
”I will take you home, sure.” A gentle squeeze. ”Did that hurt? I’m sorry, I’m not sure how… well… you know.” She shook her head before a grin took over it. Kiyo winced, but Shuuko was so close to her that there was no way for her to see it. "It doesn't hurt," she lied. The truth was that it didn't hurt enough for her to forsake the hand extended to her by the high priestess. The hug certainly didn't hurt as much as it did when Shuuko looked at her coldly and refused to smile. ”Anyways. It’s all water under the bridge, yes? I jumped to conclusions and you’re being a mad scientist like usual. Too bad you’re way too adorable.” Hotaru averted her eyes from Kiyo as she spoke, using her free hand to destroy whatever was left of her meal between two words, then slapping some cash onto the counter.
Ai-chan, are you unaware of how adorable you are? That's kinda dicey, y'know?
Adorable... Kiyo's free hand idly reached up to the bridge of her nose, to adjust a pair of glasses that hadn't been there since the day she became a magical girl—an ingrained nervous habit she still engaged in when she wasn't sure what to say or do. It barely concealed a light blush, until it subsided. Shuuko loosened their embrace a little, just so she could turn towards her companion and look her in the eyes with a shit-eating grin on her face. ”Princess carry?”
"I'm incorrigible?" she replied, her eyes absent as she checked their surroundings with Mogall. Confirming that the coast was clear, she transformed—not to make herself lighter or easier to carry, or because Shuuko might accidentally hurt her—but because Evil Eye was almost always smiling, so that stupid look on her face was just a bit more permissible. "Oh, fine," she consented, putting up just a little fuss with her words, but moving into position to be carried all the same. She looked up, but the night sky wasn't there. It was still the afternoon, but still, she wanted to sleep.
”I guess it’s good night, my princess.” One would think that a dark magical girl used to getting her way by the sweep of her gauntlets or the sheer, mauling power of the massive claws attached to it, would have trouble carrying an oh-so-fragile maiden without menacing her. They would be wrong, as Hotaru transformed—knowing that Evil Eye had already looked around—and immediately dismissed her Devil Arms before she gingerly took Kiyo into a princess carry. Her passenger felt only a slight jolt as she was lifted with great care, arms positioning themselves into a most comfortable place. Then Hotaru placed a kiss onto Kiyo’s forehead with the same, wide grin on her face. Evil Eye blinked.
And then, Shatterscape blasted off into the skies with a tremendous explosion beneath her feet. The ground shattered into thousands of pieces, all of which miraculously missed the ramen stand all the while presenting a mystery for the repair crews or investigators to solve later. She did not care. She merely propelled herself, channeling magic into her body as she leapt from rooftop to rooftop, cutting through Hibusa Town. ”Much better than the taxi, right?” Riotous laughter followed that, more because of the feeling of pseudo-flight than the non-joke Hotaru made. ”You look like you're still thinking hard though...” She followed up as she glanced down at Evil Eye in her arms.
"I'm always thinking hard," Evil Eye replied dismissively as their eyes met.
If I used my magic right now, I could make you understand. Would that be immoral? Or is refusing to do so the cowardly choice?
I know that, as a source of warmth and comfort, I'm inadequate. I'm a pretty poor older sister.
But I can at least refrain from burdening you with life's tough questions, so you're not tempted by the abyss.
So, why do I still feel like I've lost something important..?