Melanie was trapped in the void of her own mind, she barely noticed the cold air around her or the heavier, more oxygen-filled air that was usually so alien to most Runners - and while her mind was absent from the real world around her, her hands was not. They absentmindedly played with one of the many knifes that was hidden throughout Melanie’s clothing, turning it around in her hands, feeling the cold handle and the sharp blade that was meant for cutting, however, in the hands of its current owner it was more likely to be utilized as the tool for severing the thread that so fragilely connects individuals to the world of the living.
Melanie had placed herself just outside of the otherwise tightly closed circle that the rest of Sector V had placed themselves in, her legs cross and her back and her head rested firmly against the cool concrete wall behind her. She had her eyes closed - something you rarely saw Melanie do as it limited her observational abilities severely, but her mind was wide open as she played back what had happened since Eva and herself had met with the rest of the sector shortly before they headed out.
As they began to head towards the gate a mixture of excitement and anxiety took root inside Melanie. They could finally leave the ‘safety’ of Sundown, however they were also going to descent down into the lower parts of New London - a place that most Runners feared and a place that Melanie only had bad memories of. This wasn't the birth of her current fixation, no, instead it was what happened shortly after. As they walked out of the giant gates of Sundown someone was waiting for them. This someone was none other than the leader of Sector X, the most respected and praised sector in the Runner society - also the only sector that was allowed to kill, something that was rather controversial within their small society.
Perhaps I would fit in better there…? Melanie suddenly thought; after all she did have a certain record within Sundown. Of course this would never happen for one single reason: their leader - and the root of her current thoughts. Maggie Blair.
For some reason, and one that Melanie still hadn’t figured out - and frankly it both annoyed her and scared her - Maggie had always been suspicious of her, like she understood more of ‘Melanie’ than anyone else in Sundown.
The stare that she had given Melanie as she passed by her with the rest of Sector V had felt like being stabbed with ice cold knives, Melanie could still feel how it had penetrated her as she passed by Sector X’s leader - it gave her shivers just thinking back at the episode. Do I fear her…? Melanie suddenly asked herself, of course not, you idiot she told herself, rubbing her eyes, suddenly feeling much more exhausted. She still felt a sense of uneasiness whenever Maggie appeared - both physically and psychologically, even after the last six months as a Runner. Maggie Blair had always left her with a sense of unease…
I really have to be on guard around her Melanie decided, not only was Maggie well respected within the Runner society, but for a very good reason: she was the best, the leader of the sector even Spectres feared - a sector that consisted of killers. Melanie was certain that if it came to fighting, even she would have a tough fight against the leader of Sector X - not that it would come to that, or at least Melanie would try to avoid such a confrontation at all cost.
A sudden loud noise brought her abruptly back to the small fire encircled by the rest of Sector V, for a moment she thought it might have been a small earthquake or the loud echoing from thunder - however Melanie quickly realised what it had actually been, that had woken her up from her mental sleep, and with the realisation came a huge smile.
“Woooooah” Melanie said, prolonging the sound to add a sense of fake wonder, “someone must be ready to eat us all whole - guys we better watch out!”
The smile had turned into a huge grin that brought with it a light hearted laughter. Melanie winked at Kenna just to make sure that she knew it was for fun before she gratefully accepted the food Church handed out to them.
“Watch out, the Spectres might hear that and rushing to kill the best that let out that epic sound” Melanie added lighthearted after her first mouthful of what tasted like a mixture of dust and cardboard. The second bite she actually had to force her mouth to swallow - and it didn’t progress much better over the course of the next portions…
“Are, um, are you al- alright, uh, Church?” Kenna suddenly asked out of the blue, but before Melanie could open her mouth to chirp in Klaus joined Kenna in her concern.
“Ja, I second that. You seem sehr beat, Church. Are you OK?”
Melanie frowned, Church - the leader of Sector V and a well respected Runner - appeared beat? Yea right, that would be a sight for sore eyes! However, as Melanie looked up her eyes focused on their leader her frown deepened. Was he really not his usual calm self?
Melanie quickly retaliated, she wasn’t one to concern herself about that kind of thing - or rather: she shouldn’t.
Melanie sighed, what is it with these guys? she thought annoyed, I thought they were the best Sundown could offer, then how come they are breaking down like a bunch of b- she stopped herself. Her eyes had scanned over the small circle of Runners around her, but she stopped when her eyes landed on Henry. It appeared that Church wasn’t the only one feeling a bit unnerved up right now. Another sigh escaped her lips, but before she could continue her inner rambling a realization hit her.
If it continues like this, the chances of a successful mission tomorrow will fall dramatically she thought. After all, if the others wasn’t at their best, Melanie’s own chances of survival would see a negative impact as well. As she closed her eyes in annoyance she lifted her right hand to massage her neck underneath her hood, once again getting reminded of her loss of hair. Why do I have to do this? she wondered - after all she wasn't really the person to comfort the others.
Opening her eyes before she scooted over next to Henry, her eyes looked intensely into the fire in front of her as she opened her mouth to speak to Henry,
“You uhh…” she coughed, a bit to clear her throat. Why was she suddenly unnerved as well?
Because you’re not used to talking about this, you idiot she reminded herself.
“You okay there?” she finally forced out of her mouth, this time actually looking at Henry as she spoke, a small comforting smile had formed on her face. “You seem a bit out of it” she said, nodding her head at his hand that clearly grasped the piece of metal like he was strangling the person he hated most in the world. “Or,” she added after a short pause, her patented crooked grin had once again appeared on her face “are you perhaps in the midst of a brutal fight with your crowbar?”