Name: Kanna Nikkou.
Nicknames: (I suck at this, so please do feel free to create any).
Gender: Female.
Age: 22.
Kanna stands at roughly 5.8 feet tall, her skin is painted in the dark colors akin to her water-tribe brethren, however her hair is not the usual dark colored strands. Instead her hair is colored in a stark white color that stands in an incredible contrast to her dark skin. She tends to keep her hair in check by cutting it in a neck short length.
Her body isn’t exactly what you would determine as ‘curvaceous’, instead she is quite the opposite. Instead her body is athletically built, obviously honed through physical training and hardship in order to create a tool made for physical proves. This, however, does not mean that she is muscular: rather her body has been molded to excel at speed, agility, acrobatics, precision and being hidden.
Bending skills or fighting style:
Kanna is a skilled martial artist, to such an extent that she is able to use a variety of different styles which includes the use of various weapons weapons and hand to hand combat - she has even studied the different bending-styles and acrobatic movements in order to further enhance his fighting skills. Furthermore she has gained an extensive knowledge of the human body, focusing on chi-blocking and disarming an opponent’s body through quick precise attacks on their pressure points (she is, among other skills, able to cause pain by hitting different areas of the opponent’s body). Furthermore she uses her physical abilities to outmatch most foes through accurate and fast motions.
Kanna is by no means a genius, she is however a quick thinker and an excellent observer. These skills aids her in combat and she utilizes them to gain an upper hand - even when she hadn’t thought things through beforehand.
Khanna, being born without the ability to bend, has instead focused on martial arts in order to defend herself. Because of this she always carries with her four semi long wakizashi, each about an arms length overall, with no apparent hilt for protection between the blade and the handle. Instead the wooden handle seems to blend seamlessly into the dark blade. Other than these swords, two of which are kept behind her shoulders and the other two at her hip, she has a bunch of knives for various purposes.
For Armour Kanna doesn't really wear any. Instead she relies on her superior agility and speed to avoid hits and utilize the lack of heavy armour to gain further speed and agility. What armour she usually are made from tight black clothing with leather boots and gloves. Over all of this she tends to hide herself with a cloak as well as cover her lover face with a piece of cloth.
Kanna Nikkou is an interesting case-study of the idea of ‘personas’. Through her childhood and most of her teenage years she grew up in an environment in where she learned to be calm and respectful, always able to see the world through the many veils that covered it and stay focused on the task at hand.
However as she entered her teenage years her inner adventurer grew as well. It became harder and harder for her to hide the more energetic and carefree side of her, often resulting in her getting into troubles with her superiors.
As such it can seem as if Kanna almost possesses dual personalities. At times she can seem calm and collected - almost to the edge of being cold and uncaring, while at other times she can almost seem like a teenager once more: carefree, energetic and a genuine airhead. However, if you peel away the layers of her different personas you will find a young woman who desperately seeks to prove herself to the world. Having been born without the ability to bend nature at her will she has felt a constant need to show that she isn’t helpless and unneeded because of this ‘handicap’. This is the very root of her different personalities: she has become a master of acting as is needed from her in each situation, whether that means acting carefree to lighten the mood (or trick someone) or stay calm and collected in order to stay alive.
Kanna grew up in the northern water tribe in a family of six: her father, mother, two sisters and a brother. Her parents were an interesting couple: her father was a fire-bender, and a member of the White Lotus, while her mother was a water-bender. They met her father came to the northern water tribe in order to work as a link between the White Lotus and their chief. It wasn’t a fairy-tale love connection, in where they couldn’t live without each other, but rather a slow burning flame. Over the course of many years they slowly grew together and after five years they had their first child: Kanna’s older sister.
Kanna was born only four years later as their third child - and the only non-bender in their family. Her older sister and brother were both born with the natural ability to bend and control water, while her younger sister was a skilled fire-bender from a young age.
What this meant for Kanna was that she was the deviant in her family. While her sisters and brother could connect with her parents and each other through their mutual affinity for the two elements, Kanna could not. Because of this her parents seemed to take more care of her, give her more of their time and keep an eye on her so that she wouldn’t feel left out as a child so easily can.
However Kanna wasn’t completely born without any form of skill. Instead of bending she seemed to have a natural physical energy: she was always running around, climbing and going on adventures around their village - often getting into problems because she got lost or snuck into forbidden areas around the Northern water tribe. Finally, when she had just turned ten her father decided that the Northern water tribe no longer could satisfy Kanna’s hunger for adventure, and as such he decided to take her with him on one of his usual travels as a member of the White Lotus. On this journey Kanna finally got the chance to experience the wider world and its many different cultures - all of which seemed as one big playground to her young eyes. However what really changed her life was when she together with her father attended a ceremony within the Order of the White Lotus. Here she saw the different masters perform their arts through friendly duels - and while the bending was breathtaking, it was the realization that people like her, non-benders, could stand on even ground (and at times even ascent) with benders. It didn’t take her long to beg her father into submission and promise her that he would try to get her the best masters of different martial arts. A little over a year later she started her journey that would ultimately lead her to become a skilled artist in many different martial areas.
Kanna’s past doesn’t end here though; at the age of seventeen she had studied under various skilled masters in many different martial arts, gained a physical and intellectual prowess that made her an exceptionally skilled fighter - and because she studied under the masters of the White Lotus, she also gained quite the skill in Pai Sho) and had become a member of the Order of the White Lotus. The problem was, that while she showed great skill in the martial arts, she did not seem to grasp the importance of the core principles of the order: philosophy, beauty, and truth. She was young and as many youngsters tend to do, she grew tired and annoyed of the boundaries of her current life. This mean that she departed from the Order of the White Lotus, instead wanting to see the world and prove to herself - and her family, that she could take care of herself.
Because of her skills in martial arts it didn’t take her long to get enrolled in the United Forces, that like the Order of the White Lotus embodied the idea of transcending the national borders, and as such felt very comforting for Kanna. It only took her a year to become recognized within the United Forces: her skills meant that she could quite easily handle most missions either by herself, or with little help from other members. She did not, however, show any skill in commanding those around her, and as such she never became more than a normal soldier and spy within the ranks - she carried out many assassination and infiltration missions and was an important asset for the United Forces because she was able to infiltrate the ranks of the Equalists.
This era of Kanna’s life lasted a roughly three years, however after three years she felt tied down once again. Feeling the cravings she knew oh so well for adventurers and traveling she decided to leave the United Forces and the relations she had forged over the period of her enrollment.
Now, once again free from the chains of an organization and nowhere to go, Kanna quickly saw herself transcend deeper and deeper into the darker parts of the world. She became a mercenary, taking on all sorts of odd jobs and because of the discipline she had gotten in her time with the ‘Forces’ she was able to create a distance from herself and her actions, even stealing and killing had become a more natural act of her life.
While this might create an image of Kanna as being a cold blooded criminal, she does still hold up her standards. Her name has garnered her various aliases and a lot of respect for a 22 year old non-bender. This means is that her abilities are quite expensive and as such can decline jobs that seems too extreme for the moral compass she had developed through her time with her family, the Order of the White Lotus and the United Forces.
Kanna is quite the skilled Pai Sho player and her skills with tea brewing isn’t bad either, however she is extremely bad at cooking.
She is fundamentally quite secretive, preferring to hide away details of herself in order to steal any advantages other people might get from having intel about her.
Because of her background she seems to have a lot of connections to various parts of society.
I hope there aren't too many problematic faults with it...