This winter, things are wrong. The animals left too early- the winds too cold. The shaman has talked to the ancestors. They talk of a winter, many lives ago, a winter that seemed to never end. No summer, just the cold and the wind. The moons passed as normal, but the weather never changed. Last time, it almost spelled the end of the tribe, and it was the time when they migrated to their current lands.
Now, it seems, the great winter has come again. But, there is some measure of hope. There are legends, heard from other tribes and the ancestors. A path, treacherous and dangerous, but a path across the great sun sea, one that takes those who cross it to a new land. The sun land. Normally, such legends wouldn’t be considered, but the circumstances…
And so, it has come. The tribe has packed up, what little food gathered over the meagre summer has been gathered up. Everyone is coming- not one member wants to be left behind to face the unending winter. The shaman has divined a path, the huntsmaster ranged wide to find alternatives. There are none left. It is time to take the Walk of Ice, for a chance of life is better than certain death.
The Walk of Ice is a prehistoric RP set as the last great ice age encroaches. The tribe we are part of are no strangers to harsh winters- they live in the part of what we now call Russia just above the steppes of Mongolia. They have ranged here for generations, but a trying winter, then a poor summer and unseasonably small number of animals have forced them to begin the Walk of Ice- a mythical passage to the land where the sun rises.
This passage will take them north, through the freezing tundra of Siberia, then across the Bering Land Bridge to what we now Alaska, and then back down south once more, where hopefully the RP can have a timely conclusion in the Great Plains.
Since I am no expert in prehistoric culture, flora, fauna, or really anything that I can’t find from a google search and maybe going to the second page. Because of this, I do
not expect anyone else to hold to an absolute sense of (pre)historic accuracy. The technology level is stone age, with no metals having been forged yet, and the ‘religion’ of the time is ancestor worship, meaning that burial is extremely important, not only culturally, but also religiously.
Whilst they are a stone age people, they are not primitive. Crude leathers, proper winter clothes, including snow goggles, and effective hunting tools are all well within their capabilities. There will also be touches of Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane in what the shaman does, and the taming (but not domestication) of small animals will be capable. (Or even normal sized animals- I’m not opposed to having someone raise a grey wolf from birth as a sort of precursor to a dog.)
The environment will be
freezing. Obviously it’s the start of an Ice Age, but we’ll also be very north for a lot of the time, and crossing glaciers and frozen rivers will almost certainly be a part of this journey. All reasonable megafauna will also be in the area- so whilst you won’t find an Australian megafauna marsupial, you’re likely to find a Great Stag or Dire Wolf, regardless of if they were extinct at the time.
If there’s anything you desperately need to know, pop a question down and mention me, and I’ll try to answer it as best I can. I’ll probably even end up assembling an FAQ.
Finally, I desperately need you to be
dedicated to this. I don’t expect you to be posting every day, especially as this is an advanced RP, but please, please,
please don’t drop out of it after posting once, or in the middle of a conversation. If you need to drop out, tell me, try to finish any interactions, and then leave. Thanks.