Welcome to the Lions and Wolves. Discord server here. This is a low-fantasy RP, taking place in a low-fantasy setting where two mighty factions war with one another for survival. On one side stands the Legion Imperii- remnants of the once-great Empire. On the other stands the Warborn- Who claim to be the true natives of the land, those whos Gods have reigned over the forests and mountains of Garion for millennia. An uneasy peace has reigned- maintained only by times of plenty. Now, however, hardship has arrived, and with hardship comes war. The Lions of the Legion are sharpening their claws against the infidels of the Warborn, whose axes are polished like the fangs of Wolves.
Players will take control of either a Legion Nobleman, or a Warborn Jarl. These aren't your normal curs who hide in castles however- leaders are expected to do so on the battle. Let the trebuchets fly, and the berserkers slip. There's a lot of leeway for warmaking, and even more to be gained.
I hope you fine folk will be with me.
@Lady Selune