Avatar of Enigmatik


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Repping a brand new NRP that might seem familiar to the regulars: That's right folks, Gateways is back! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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9 mos ago
As someone who lost a parent before their time... It's never a bad time to give your folks a call and see how they're doing. One day you're going to say goodbye for the last time.
10 mos ago
NRPs are also usually advanced level with tons of writing per post. I co-GM'd one that ended up being the length of one and a half LotR books. That not only takes time, but also makes them fragile.
1 yr ago
Bought Helldivers 2 because of the online hype, didn't expect that much. Ended up putting 5 hours into it on my first session. For Super-Earth and Managed Democracy! Oorah!
1 yr ago
*Inexplicable Weezer - Buddy Holly riff.*


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After a bit of consideration, I’ve decided to play a medical huey team- focusing on the pilot with the medics and co-pilot as lesser seen NPCs, would that be allowed?
Hmm... Would a naval armsman-turned marine be permitted? I do have an idea as to how they would have ended up fighting as a guards regiment down on the planet, but if that’s a no, I’m thinking of a 40K flavoured sikh/ghurka style soldier.
Excellent. Would large, asbestos filled smoking, dirty, soot-spewing power armour suits be allowed?
Hello folks. Would a chopper pilot be possible? If not, clanker.

Holtism was a plague. At least, that was what officer Oak Williamson thought. It seemed that every damn day there was another one standing up and waving about a red flag, and every time it happened it just lead to more suffering and misery. The guild system worked, it had been tried and tested, and look how well it provided for the average man and woman on the street. He carried a guild-made revolver at his hip, wore a guild-made uniform and walked about with guild-made boots. Holtism wished to throw all of that to the wind, and that was why Holtists had no place in Vyissland. Well, that, and their insistence in overthrowing the monarchy. Just expressing Holtist beliefs wasn’t a crime in and of itself, but speaking of overthrowing the monarchy? Now, that was conspiracy to commit treason, and there was only one way that traitors ended up in Vyissland.

Snap. The noose behind the officer went taut, and by turning back to the hooded figure, he could tell that it hadn’t been the rope that had just made that snap. The executioner turned down to the officer, before offering a small shrug. The broad-shouldered figure would stomp across the gallows and loosen it, the body falling through the trapdoor and hitting the ground with a muffled thump. Not many had turned out to see this execution, which was to be expected, it wasn’t a very ‘juicy’ one. The crowds didn’t get riled up unless there was someone seriously heinous up on the gallows. Like that woman, what had her name been? Mary Barrow? Something like that. Murdered her husband and her three kids, then had taken an axe to the head of the police officer who had investigated the noise. Nasty piece of work she had been, and the crowds had been baying for her blood. No quick snap for her either- that had been long, drawn out and nasty.

He may have seen a lot of executions in his time, but that didn’t make them particularly easy when the poor sod on the other end squirmed and kicked, ragged breaths upon ragged breaths until finally they stilled. Sometimes he wanted to just pull the silly bugger’s legs himself, end it, but the crowd always got riled up when that happened, and he normally had his hands full.
Bah, what had the world come to. Anarchists and traitors, the Zengrav up in arms and shooting each other like they hadn’t done before, Belzarov was up in arms… It was far too crazy for a normal man to live his life, and here these fellows were that wanted to ruin the prosperity that they had in Vyissland just so the workers didn’t have to work. Madness.

One of the many duties that Crown Prince Marshal had was to periodically make a showing at the Bridge Cities- which one wasn’t entirely important as long as he went to one of them. Here, he was to spend a day walking about, inspecting the soldiers and machines that guarded the bridge between Vyiss and Bravsaara, shake the hands of a few generals and officers and have his picture taken so that the newspapers could have their daily dose of gossip about the royal family. Although normally he would have taken his wife with him, she had decided quite suddenly that she was feeling unwell, and that the rocking and bouncing of the train as it made its way towards the western coast was quite unbefitting of her and would only exacerbate her maladies.

In a way, it was a blessing, as it meant that he could have a proper meeting with a new guild leader… And if what he had heard was right, one of the youngest as well. Quite a figure too- where Marshal was broad-shouldered and had a respectably-grown beard, this new guild leader was slimmer, shorter and only had a set of still-growing sideburns. Nonetheless, it was not the appearance that made the man, and already Marshal had realised that Leon’s intelligence was quite beyond what his appearance would suggest.
“I must admit, when I learned that the guild of mechanised engineers had gotten themselves a new leader, I had expected almost everything but you.” The prince kept one hand on the table between them to keep himself grounded as the train rattled across a sweeping field. “But, I cannot say that I disagree, now that I have had the chance to talk with you. I believe that you’ll bring us great things, Mr Leon. Great things indeed.”
@Loo Tenant

We are indeed still open.
Bravsaara is no longer, so Vyissland must rise instead.

This is going to work a little different to it did last time. As soon as your CS is accepted, you can post in the IC.

Aega is a world set culturally in the interwar period of the 20th century. It has had an unusually long period of international peace, although local revolutions and breakaway states have occurred in recent years. The discovery of crude oil, and the refining techniques needed to turn it into diesel have sparked a revolution of the technological sort. This increase in technology, particularly with its uses for war has understandably made many nervous, and it seems that far from ushering in a new age of prosperity in this era of peace, nothing but all-out war shall break out. Philosophically, Aega is a blend between both of the wars. Totalitarian fascist and communists regimes sit side by side with old empire and kingdoms. Milder nationalists, democratic republicans, socialists and theocratic dictatorships all hold sway in this world, causing a unique mixture the likes of which will be totally destroyed by the war. After all, only one side can come out standing.


We are currently OPEN! You may join us if you want to! Feel free to join the discord and give us a shout!


  • What I say is final. I am the GM. If I say something, that is what happens. I wish to be a harsh, yet benevolent dictator, don't worry.
  • Follow Guild rules. Be Fonzie cool, no harassment or any of that. If you must have drama, keep it to PMs, or bring in mods.
  • Don't Godmod. Nothing sucks more than someone pulling out a superweapon in the middle of a battle and wiping half an army out without letting the other person respond. If they've agreed to that, that's different, but then that ain't godmodding.
  • KEEP THINGS GOING. I've been burned out with rapidly dead games before. I refuse to let that happen here. I will be poking people on Discord to post, and I will try my best to post in a reasonable space of time. Thank you.

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