|Geographical Location of Country:| Vyissland occupies the Eastern Islands, and it's border with Belzarov is only interrupted with the fact that it has a puppet state on the mainland- Bravsaara.
|Country Size:| |Cities:| Tarrenam: Vyissland's Capital. Located in the northernmost island, it's the centre of everything in the country. The church and the government both hold their homes there, as well as almost all of the guilds. It's filled with architecture dating back hundreds or even thousands of years, and it also features a revolutionary concept- underground mass transit systems.
Berrin: The capital of the southernmost island, and generally considered the most orthodox of all the main cities. It has excellent rail links to the rest of the country, and also features a natural deepwater port and drydocks.
Intium and Antium: Known as the 'bridge bastions,' these are barely cities at all, only recognised as such thanks to a century-old-dictate by King Lawely's grandfather. The main military bases of the country, they are located on each of the two great bridges linking Vyissland to Bravsaara, and Antium is the home of the recently founded Royal Air Force.
|Natural Resources:| Vyissland is a relatively blessed countries. The essentials for industry- lumber, coal, iron and oil are relatively common in Vyissland, and its position means that it has very little to fear about these resources being taken away. Its sweeping, hilly terrain is home to plenty of sheep and horses, and although it has few truly rare resources, bar a smattering of semi-precious gemstones that can be found in some of the more southern mines.
|People & Culture:|
The Vyiss are an old people. Their roots have been set in the islands which they live in for thousands of years, and really very little has changed for many of those years. The Vyiss are conservative- old fashioned and with old fashioned ways, and this shows not only in their system of government, but even in the very places that they live.
Vyiss society is neo-feudalistic. Although serfs are not forced to stay at one place, the cost of moving is prohibitively expensive and jobs can be hard to find for migrant workers. This leads to a system whereby unskilled rural labour rarely if ever changes, although industrialisation has had the side effect of causing some rural areas to experience plummeting numbers of workers as they flock to cities.
As well as this class of serfs, Vyissland's econonic systems are tied up in old guilds. Often hundreds of years old, entering guilds is a tricky process... Unless one already has relatives and friends willing to speak up for you. Thus, guilded families tend to have sons and daughters who also join the guilds, who in turn have their sons and daughters join the guilds, wheras outsiders, even skilled workers, struggle to penetrate these ranks. Once inside a guild however, quality of life
rapidly improves, and guilded workers have the highest level of social and economic mobility in the entirety of Vyissland.
|Population:| Slightly under twenty-eight million people inhabit the two Vyiss islands.
|Demographics:| Ethnically, the Vyiss have links to the Nordmen, and a sizable minority are Gaelican and Belzarovian. Overall, there's a healthy mix of ethnicities and nationalities within the kingdom, although migrant workers often find that penetrating the thick mire that is the Vyiss job market can be a nightmare beyond any other.
|Government:| Vyissland is a neo-feudal monarchy. The country is lead by a king (and to a lesser extent the crown prince.) The monarchs are answered to by a collection of nobles underneath them, who in turn delegate power to guilds and elected mayors.
|Ruler:| King Lawley Falsevor and Crown Prince Marshal Falsevor. Should both die, Queen-Consort Ameline Falsevor and Princess-Consort Katarina Falsevor could also take power.
|Volksgeist:| The inherent spirit of your nation. What do the people stand for and want? What is the national identity, and how strong is it? This is where you give us several paragraphs about the culture of your people.
|Religion:| Vyissland's religious system is split in two- between the Orthodoxy, focused in the south, and the more liberal branches of the faith located in the north. Regardless of the branch however, the faith is fairly clear in a number of aspects. There are two gods- one male, one female. They have many aspects, each one of which may influence the life of the Vyiss in a myriad of different ways, and both of them are
very, very happy that there is a king on the throne.
Give me something meaty to work with here.
|Armed Forces:|
The Vyiss army is not the most modern in the world, but they make up for it with a very high quality of troop and equipment, as well as its fairly large comparative size. Almost all equipment is produced by one of three guilds, and becasue of the extremely exacting regulations and standards the guilds hold equipment to, Vyiss weaponry and vehicles has a pedigree of being
extremley reliable, even after sustained usage in mud, sand and water.
Perhaps the most intruiging element of the Vyiss army is their unusually high reliance on mechs- oftentimes those that have been converted from civillian models, although there are also two military-designed mechs in service, those being the Edmonton and Valentine light mechs. The Edmonton is perhaps the more cumbersome of the two and the one that is more specialised, mounting a smaller cannon and four Silders machineguns, whilst the Valentine is far more generalist, with seven offically guild-authorised designs and several more unofficial ones.
Although these two vehicles are often seen on the frontline, the average soldier won't be in one. The The discerning Vyiss soldier will normally carry with him the IR-19, a bolt action rifle containing ten shots, reloaded individually or with a stripper clip. The IR-19 is extremley functional, coming with it a built-in 'pigsticker' bayonet lug, and the solid wooden constructon means that in a pinch, they can be used as clubs. Almost every single soldier will be equipped with this rifle, however there are some more situational weapons that can be used as well.
Firstly is the Silders heavy machine gun. Normally crewed by a two-man team, the Silders is a heavy gunmetal lump of a weapon.
|People of Interest:|
POV characters. A short description as well. Feel free to update this as you want to.
|Starting Tech:|
Armour: Tier 3.
Electronics: Tier 2.
Material: Tier 2.